sight word bingo

Name: Jennifer Thompson
Grade Level: 3rd Resource
Has this lesson plan been completed for a course assignment? Yes ______ No ______
Estimated number of days lesson will cover: 1
Lesson Subject/Title: Sight Word Bingo, Language Arts
Performance Standards:
ELA3R1 The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and expression. The student
a. Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode quickly and accurately.
Lesson Objectives (What students will know and/or do) :
The students will improve their fluency of sight words. Students will be able to quickly recognize key terms.
Enduring Understanding: Sight words are words that students should be able to read at first glance. They are the most common
words used in the English language. Having a strong base of sight word knowledge allows students to apply their use in context
to help them understand the surrounding text. The third-grade students increase their abilities to read aloud with fluency and
Essential Questions:
What are sight words?
How is knowing sight words useful?
Key Vocabulary:
Introduction/hook/activation of prior
 I will pass out Bingo cards and chips
 I will explain the rules of the game to
them, and announce that the student
who makes BINGO first by getting 5
sight words in a row, column, or
diagonal will win candy
Instructional activities
Demonstrate/Model (if appropriate)
 I will do an example of how to play
Sight Word Bingo by calling out a
word, and then demonstrating how
to pick up a chip and put it in the
 I will then begin to call out words
from the Dolch pre primer list
 I will keep a running sheet where I
will write down the word and
corresponding B, I, N, G, O letter to
keep track of what words I’ve used
Review and Closure
The student that wins the Bingo game, and
has identified the correct words will receive
candy as a reward.
I will write the word
that I’m calling out on
a hand-held dry erase
board for the students
to visually see, if none
of the three students
in the lesson are able
to locate the words by
oral instruction
If time runs out, the
student with the most
correctly identified
called out words will
receive the candy
 Bingo Card
 Bingo Chips
Bingo Cards
Bingo Chips
Record Sheet
I will look to each of
the three students
cards to see if they
are understanding
the concept, and are
being able to
recognize the sight
I will look over their
Bingo sheets and
count the amount of
sight words they
correctly identified
What worked well in your lesson?
Having the students practice their sight words in competition form made them think quickly and read the words off at a fast pace, just as
sight words are meant to be read.
What modifications did you make in your instruction for varying abilities of students based on your formative assessments?
Because there were many words on the Bingo game board, I made the font larger so that it was easier to read and focus on the words
What follow-up instruction related to your objectives is needed either for remediation or extension?
The students need to continue being assessed on their sight words, so that when they have mastered a certain set of words, they can then add
words to the list that they need to practice.
What would you still like to learn that might help you to better meet the diverse needs of your students?
I would like to learn various ways of reaching the same goal for the entire class while catering to different learning styles.