OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received QA Number Date Of Approval QUALITY ASSURANCE CHECKLIST AND SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION FORM Date: A. Routine Care Does the research project involve ANY of the following? (Tick all) 1. Does the proposed QA activity seek to gather information about the patient beyond that collected in routine clinical care? Note: Information may include observations, blood samples, additional investigations,etc. 2. Does the proposed QA activity pose any risk for patients beyond those of their routine care? Note: Risks include not only physical risks but also psychological, spiritual and social harm or distress. (e.g. stigmatisation or discrimination) Does the proposed QA activity impose a burden on patients beyond that experienced in their routine care? Note: Burdens may include intrusiveness, discomfort, inconvenience or embarrassment e.g. persistent phone calls, additional hospital visits or lengthy questionnaires. Does the proposed QA activity involve any clinically significant departure from the routine care provided to the patients? Note: Prospective studies comparing “standard of care” require ethical review. 3. 4. B. Privacy Does the research project involve ANY of the following? (Tick all) 1. Is the proposed quality assurance activity to be conducted by a person who does not normally have access to the patient’s records for clinical care or a directly related secondary purpose? (e.g. Practitioners or Health Information Staff) 2. Does the proposed QA activity risk breaching the confidentiality of any individual’s personal information, beyond that experienced in the provision of routine care? Note: A QA activity that requires a letter, fax or email to a patient that includes sensitive health information could lead to a breach of confidentiality, if the communication is read by someone other than the proposed recipient. 3. Does your proposed QA activity involve the collection and use of identifiable data? Note: QA projects must collected and use non-identifiable or de-identified data. 4. Does your proposed QA activity involve a waiver of consent to use patient data for a purpose other than the primary purpose for which the data was collected? Note: A QA project cannot use personal information about an individual for a purpose unrelated to the primary purpose of collection (e.g. using data without the consent of the participant for the purpose of quality assurance is a related activity however using the same data for the purpose of research is unrelated and requires ethical review). 5. Does the proposed QA activity potentially infringe the rights, privacy or professional reputations of carers, health care providers or institutions? Note: These issues should be considered by management and may have legal implications. YES NO YES NO YES NO C. Project Design Does the research project involve ANY of the following? (Tick all) 1. Does the proposed QA Activity involve a retrospective review of data extracted from medical records? 2. 3. Does the proposed QA Activity involve a review of a databank/base? Does the proposed QA Activity involve a prospective audit of routine clinical care? Only complete section D, if you answered no to all questions in Section C. D.Consent Does the research project involve ANY of the following? (Tick all) 1. 2. YES NO Does your proposed QA activity include participants who are unable to consent for themselves? Does your proposed QA activity involve collecting data prospectively from participants unable to consent? E.g. Children; Pregnant women; People with a cognitive impairment, an intellectual disability or a mental illness Please do not complete this form if you answered YES to any item in sections A, B or D above, as your project is likely to be beyond the scope of quality assurance/improvement and may require ethical review by the Western Health Low Risk Ethics Panel (WH LREP) or the Melbourne Health Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). Please refer to the Western Health Office for Research website regarding submission for research projects. If you are unsure about how to respond to any item on the checklist, contact the Office for Research. WH Quality Assurance Checklist September 2015 Page 1 of 7 SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION AND RESEARCHER DECLARATIONS This form is to be used only for projects suitable for Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Please refer to the Office for Research for guidelines, templates etc. The Office for Research may be contacted on (03) 83958073 or via email if assistance is required. Please Submit: One electronic copy to and one signed hardcopy original of all relevant project documents to the Office for Research. Note: The Western Health CV Template and The Statement of Approval template are included with this form. Section 1: Project Details and Departments Involved 1.1 Full Project title 1.2 List all Western Health sites at which this research project will be undertaken 1.3 How many patient records or participants are required? (Or tick NA if applicable) Footscray Sunshine Williamstown Sunbury Other: Number of Records to be accessed: or NA Number of Participants to be recruited: or NA 1.4 Hospital/network services required for this research project List all Western Health Departments involved or accessed with this QA Project. Please provide Signed Statements of Approval for each supporting service department. (Form attached). Note: Approval from Health Information Services is not required unless you are retrieving hard copy Medical Records for presentations prior to 24 November 2011. If you do not already have access to BOSSNET then you will need to seek approval from Health Information Services. Indicate (please tick) which hospital services will be required (including host department) to undertake this research: Emergency, Medicine and Cancer Services Acute Ambulatory Care Addiction Medicine Dermatology Endocrinology & Diabetes Emergency Medicine Gastroenterology General Medicine Geriatric Medicine Haematology Hospital In The Home Immunology Infection Disease Medical Oncology Medical Staff Nephrology Neurology Renal Dialysis Respiratory and Sleep Disorders Rheumatology Palliative Care Stroke Service Women’s and Children’s Services Maternity Services Maternal Fetal Medicine Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paediatric Special Care Nursery Allied Health Aboriginal Liaison Service Audiology Language Services Nutrition and Dietetics Perioperative and Critical Care Services Anaesthetics and Pain Management Cardiology Colorectal and General Surgery General, Breast and Endocrine Surgery Intensive Care Services Neurosurgery Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Otolaryngology, Head, Neck Surgery Paediatric Surgery Plastic, Reconstructive and Facio Maxillary Surgery Thoracic Surgery Upper Gastro Intestinal and General Surgery Urology Surgery Vascular Surgery Subacute and Aged care Services Aged and Complex Care Access Service Best Care for Older People Program Geriatric Evaluation and Management Rehabilitation Palliative Care Care Coordination Aged Care Assessment Service Immediate Response Services Hospital Admission Risk Program Drug and Health Services Youth and Family Services Adult and specialist Services Community Residential Withdrawal Services Community & Ambulatory Care Services Aboriginal Health, Policy and Planning Cognition, Dementia and Memory Services Community Based Rehabilitation WH Quality Assurance Checklist and Site Specific Form August 2015 Page 2 of 7 Occupational Therapy Pastoral Care Physiotherapy Podiatry Psychology Social Work Speech Pathology Clinical Support and Specialist Clinical Services Bone Density Unit Health Information Services/Medical Records Medical Imaging* Nursing Services Pathology* Pharmacy Community Transition Care Program Continence Clinic Falls Clinic GP Integration Unit Parkinson’s Disease Unit Post Acute Care Program Other *these departments have their own forms 1.4 Anticipated start dates for commencement of data collection and the finish dates for the QA/QI project Start date (dd/mm/yyyy): Finish date (dd/mm/yyyy): Duration (Months): Section 2: Investigators Instructions: Please note at least one Western Health staff member must be listed as an Investigator and the Principal Investigator must be a senior member of staff or have the relevant research experience to take on the responsibility for ongoing data storage. Non-Western Health investigators need to submit an honorary researcher application form Investigator Details: (Click on ‘Select Position’ to use drop down list for investigator position as applicable) Select Position (Click here) Select Position (Click here) Title and First Name Title and First Name Surname Surname Address Address Email Email Phone (BH) Phone (BH) Mobile Mobile Affiliation Affiliation Role Role Select Position (Click here) Select Position (Click here) Title and First Name Title and First Name Surname Surname Address Address Email Email Phone (BH) Phone (BH) Mobile Mobile Affiliation Affiliation Role Role If more investigators are involved, please list all investigators using similar format above: Section 3: Project Information and Protocol 3.1 Name any external organisations involved in this project and explain the nature of their involvement. Will any data or results be provided to an external organisation? 3.2 Will Western Health incur any expenses in undertaking this QA project? If Yes, give details. WH Quality Assurance Checklist and Site Specific Form August 2015 Yes No Yes No Page 3 of 7 3.3 A Research Protocol must be submitted with this form. The Protocol is to include a Version Number and Date in the footer or header, and the names and roles of the personnel involved along with the following key information: 1. Relevant background information and literature review 2. Aim of the project 3. The problem, procedure, or practice being assessed 4. An outline of the likely benefits of conducting the QA project 5. The method of data attainment (study design, ascertainment, inclusion/exclusion criteria, timing and duration of study, data collection and Identification) 6. Consent 7. Permanent Database 8. Data Storage 9. Statistical Analysis 10. Dissemination of results If preferred researchers can use the Western Health Protocol Template available on our intranet or internet. Section 4: Declarations 4.1 Declaration by Principal Investigator/s and Associate Investigators 1. I declare the information in this form is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and I take full responsibility at this site. 2. I will only start this research project after obtaining approval from the Western Health Low Risk Human Research Ethics Panel (WHLREP) and authorisation from the Western Health Office for Research; 3. I accept responsibility for the conduct of this research project according to the principles of the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research and abide by the Western Health Researcher’s Code of Conduct (2012). 4. I undertake to conduct this research project in accordance with the protocols and procedures as approved by the WH LREP and the ethical and research arrangements of the organisation(s) involved. 5. I undertake to conduct this research in accordance with relevant legislation and regulations. 6. I will adhere to the conditions of approval stipulated by the WHLREP and will cooperate with WHLREP post approval monitoring requirements for reporting unexpected events and submission of annual reports. 7. I will inform the WHLREP and the research governance officer if the research project ceases before the expected date. I will discontinue the research if the WHLREP withdraws ethical approval. 8. I understand and agree that study files and documents and research records and data may be subject to inspection by the WH LREP, research governance officer, the sponsor or an independent body for audit and monitoring purposes. 9. I understand that information relating to this research, and about me as a researcher, will be held by the WHLREP, research governance officer, and on the Research Ethics Database (RED). This information will be used for reporting purposes and managed according to the principles established in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and relevant laws in the States and Territories of Australia. Name of Principal Investigator: Signature: Date: ___________________ Name of Associate Investigator: Signature: Date: ___________________ Insert more names, signatures and date using similar format above for all investigators: WH Quality Assurance Checklist and Site Specific Form August 2015 Page 4 of 7 4.2 Declaration by Head of Department *(or Divisional Director or other authority) where the Principal Investigator will do the research I certify that I have read the research project application named above. I certify that I have discussed this research project and the resource implications for this Department, with the Principal Investigator. I certify that all researchers/students from my Department involved in the research project have the skills, training and experience necessary to undertake their role. I certify that there are suitable and adequate facilities and resources for the research project to be conducted at this site. My signature indicates that I support this research project being carried out using such resources. Signature: Date: ___________________ Name of Department Head (Signatory name): Name of Department: Note: The Head of Department does not need to complete a separate statement of approval form if this section is signed. *Where the investigator is also the head of department certification must be sort from the person to whom the head of department is responsible. Investigators must not approve their own research on behalf of their own department. Section 5: Pre- Submission Checklist of Documents Required All items on list must be included in the submission. Please tick boxes indicating they have been attached. 1. Study Protocol (with version and date) YES NO* YES NO* YES NO* NA YES NO* NA YES NO* NA YES NO* 7. A signed Western Health CV Form for all new Researchers YES NO* 8. The Department Head of the Principal Investigator has signed the declaration page of this form YES NO* 9. The declarations section of this form is signed by all relevant personnel YES NO* 2. Evidence of support from the Managers of any other departments that will be involved in the project. (A signed statement of approval form or an email from the Manager to the Investigator must be included in this application) 3. A copy of the Patient Information and Consent Form or Patient Information Sheet, if one is going to be used. 4. A copy of any letters, telephone scripts, surveys etc. that will be used in the project 5. A copy of the paper data collection form (with version and date) if one is to be used 6. A copy of the database with fields for data entry. (e.g. excel/access spreadsheet) including an example of a master re-identifier list if the data collected will be re-identifiable *Please explain why this item has not been attended: For more information, please refer to the following documents: Western Health Researcher’s Code of Conduct 2012 o The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2007 o The National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 WH Quality Assurance Checklist and Site Specific Form August 2015 Page 5 of 7 WESTERN HEALTH – Office for Research (Please provide a separate Statement of Approval Form for all departments involved or accessed.) STATEMENT OF APPROVAL FORM If the project is to be undertaken in the same department at more than one site, complete a separate form for relevant departments at each site. Service Department: Project No: Expected Commencement Date: Short title of project: Principal Researcher: I have discussed this study with the Principal Researcher having seen the application and protocol and I am: Able to do the investigations indicated with the present resources of the (insert name of Service Department)* and/or support the conduct of this project. Unable to do the investigations within the present resources of the Department but would be willing to undertake them with financial assistance for: Staff Equipment Maintenance Other (Please specify below) Comment (Please specify nature of assistance and estimated costs) Service Department Cost Centre to be Credited: Charges - select one option only 1. 2. Charge to Western Health cost centre Provide Billing details below Contact name: Company name: Billing address : or I am unable to undertake the investigations on the following grounds: Signature (Head of Department) Date: (Note: If the Principal Investigator is also the Head of Department, sign off should be obtained from the next line of reporting e.g. Divisional Director/ Clinical Director) I have discussed this project with (insert name of Department Head) and appropriate arrangements have been made for this service/department to assist with this project as outlined above. Signature (Principal Investigator) Date: *If applying for Cardiology, Radiology or Nuclear Medicine Services – please complete below I agree to provide the following department a list of study patients in this trial within 7 days at the end of each month: Cardiology Radiology Nuclear Medicine WH Quality Assurance Checklist and Site Specific Form August 2015 Page 6 of 7 Based on WH CV Template Aug 13 Western Health Investigator Curriculum Vitae Title, First and Family Name: Present appointment: (Job Title, Department) Address: Full work address including postcode Qualifications: Degree and other professional qualifications ( relevant qualifications, or specify) AHPRA Registration number: (or equivalent) Previous appointments/ Experience: (Include only relevant therapeutic/ practical experience after gaining qualifications) Publications: ( appropriate box) (Number of articles published) Previous research experience: Clinical Trial Research – Drug/Device Clinical Research – non-drug Health and Social Science Quality Assurance/Improvement Other – please specify: Training: (accredited courses) Please provide evidence of training i.e. certificates PhD Other: 0 MBBS 1-2 MSc 3-5 BN 6-10 BSc 11-20 ›20 Protocol design Recruitment Consent Data collection Data management Trial procedures Other - please describe below: GCP Research Ethics Research Conduct No Training Other - please describe below: List all HREC projects that you held or currently hold the role of investigator (Principal and/or Associate): I, have read and agree to comply with the Western Health Researcher’s Code of Conduct [2012]. Signature WH Quality Assurance Checklist and Site Specific Form August 2015 Date Page 7 of 7