Titles and Designations at Anglia Ruskin University February 2015 Contents Sections Page Professors and Readers (including Visiting Professors and Readers) 1-4 1-4 Emeritus Professors or Readers 5 4-5 Visiting Academic Staff 6-7 5-8 ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY TITLES AND DESIGNATIONS 1 REGULATIONS 1.1 The conferment of the title Professor or Reader at Anglia Ruskin University shall be subject to regulations and procedures approved by the Senate. 1.2 The regulations and procedures apply to the conferment of the title Professor or Reader on existing members of staff, members of staff appointed to advertised posts of Professor or Reader, and Professors or Readers joining Anglia Ruskin University from other universities. They also apply to certain distinguished visitors. 1.3 The title Professor or Reader will be personal to the individual upon whom it is conferred rather than associated with a particular post. 1.4 When an existing Professor or Reader ceases to be an employee of Anglia Ruskin University (other than retirement, for which separate arrangements may apply, see section 5) he or she will no longer be authorised to use the title Professor or Reader by Anglia Ruskin University. A Visiting Professorship or Readership will terminate at the end of the individual’s period as a visitor to Anglia Ruskin University. 1.5 Any member of the staff (or any distinguished visitor in the case of Visiting Professor or Reader) shall be eligible for the conferment of the title Professor or Reader. 1.6 The Professorship and Readership Panel does not set salaries and terms and conditions for professorships and readerships. This is actioned by HR Services working with the relevant CMT member. 1.7 The title shall not confer any additional rights of membership of the Senate or its Standing Committees other than those conferred by the substantive status of an advertised post. 2 THE CONSTITUTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF PROFESSORSHIP OR READERSHIP PANELS 2.1 The Senate of Anglia Ruskin University shall determine the Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Professorship and Readership Panel which will act on behalf of Senate in all matters concerning the conferment of the titles of Professor or Reader and Visiting Professor or Reader. 2.2 Except in the case of new appointments (see paragraphs 4.6 to 4.10) the Constitution of the Professorship and Readership Panel shall be as follows: Standing Members The Vice Chancellor and three Professors of Anglia Ruskin University, two of whom are drawn from all Professors across Anglia Ruskin. 1 One standing member shall be elected from the membership of Senate and serve a two year term of office. Ad hoc Members Two external Professors nominated by the Vice Chancellor For the purpose of conferring a title, a quorum shall consist of one external Professor, the Vice Chancellor and two other members. The Vice Chancellor shall be the convenor of the meeting of the Professorship and Readership Panel. 2.3 2.4 3 The Terms of Reference of the Professorship and Readership Panel shall be: - To receive and consider, in the light of all information and advice, applications for the conferment of the titles Professor or Reader and Visiting Professor or Reader in Anglia Ruskin University. - To approve on behalf of Senate the conferment of such titles. The Standing Members of the Professorship and Readership Panel shall act as follows: 2.4.1 for the appointment of Visiting Professors or Readers the Vice Chancellor, having taken any advice that he/she sees fit, will decide whether a prima facie case exists; where a case exists the Vice Chancellor shall convene a meeting of the Standing Members to decide on such appointments; 2.4.2 where applications from existing staff are concerned, the Standing Members shall consider all applications and determine whether a prima facie case exists for further consideration by the full Professorship and Readership Panel; 2.4.3 a decision to confer the title Professor or Reader or Visiting Professor or Reader must be unanimous; 2.4.4 a decision against conferring the title Professor or Reader or Visiting Professor or Reader shall be without prejudice to the eligibility of the individual to reapply in the future, when a fresh application should be made. Normally a period of at least two years should elapse before a re-application is made; 2.4.5 the decision of the Professorship and Readership Panel shall be final. GUIDANCE For the Title of Professor or Reader 3.1 The Professorship and Readership Panel will normally have regard to the following aspects of an individual’s case, recognising that candidates will have a different balance of the three aspects listed below: academic leadership, demonstrated by significant educational development initiatives; contributions to the advancement of learning through substantial scholarship or 2 research; the professional standing of the individual nationally and internationally. Further details can be found in Section 3 of the Guidelines for Conferment of Titles of Professor and Reader. Visiting Professors or Readers 3.2 The provisions of paragraph 3.1 apply except that, in the case of Professors or Readers in these categories whose normal place of work is not an academic institution, the standing of such Visiting Professors or Readers may be judged against professional criteria that are comparable to (but different from) academic criteria. If the individual is employed in industry (interpreted in its widest sense) the Panel will normally have regard to the following aspects of an individual’s case: 3.2.1 the position held in industry and its comparability in standing with positions held by academic leaders in Anglia Ruskin University; 3.2.2 contributions made to the standing of the individual’s profession; 3.2.3 evidence of ability to make contributions to the academic work of Anglia Ruskin University broadly comparable with those of University Professors or Readers. 3.3 In assessing academic achievement it will be important to determine the professional standing of the individual nationally and internationally and the individual’s specific contribution where there has been collaboration with others. 3.4 The Professorship and Readership Panel will need to be satisfied of the standing of an individual both in terms of past academic record and of current activities. 4 PROCEDURES Existing Staff 4.1 Consideration of candidates for Professorships or Readerships from within the existing academic staff of Anglia Ruskin University will normally take place on an annual basis. The procedures for appointing new members of academic staff as Professors or Readers are given in paragraphs 4.6 to 4.10. Visiting Professorships and Readerships are dealt with in paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3. 4.2 The closing date for receipt of applications each session will normally be in the summer each year. 4.3 Applications will be made to the Vice Chancellor. Each individual who applies will provide a detailed curriculum vitae (including a detailed list of publications), the names and addresses of four academic or professional referees who are familiar with the candidate’s work, from whom we will normally obtain two written references, and such information or other evidence as the individual determines to support his or her case. Candidates should state the nature of their relationship, in any, to the referees listed. 3 4.4 The Standing Members will consider all applications and where a prima facie case is established for further consideration the Vice Chancellor will form the full Professorship and Readership Panel, including standing and ad hoc members. The Panel will receive all papers, call for any further information it requires from the applicant or others (including a view from the relevant CMT member) and then meet to consider the application. The Panel will also seek the written opinions of three additional external assessors who are subject/discipline specialists from a list of names provided by the candidate’s Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of Faculty or Director of Service. The applicant will not be called for interview by the Panel. 4.5 Exceptionally the Panel may wish to seek further advice, guidance or information and in these circumstances the notification of the final decision to the candidate maybe delayed for a short period. New Appointments 4.6 Subject to the approval of the appropriate University authority an academic post may be advertised as a Professorship or Readership, the substantive status of the post being made clear to candidates. In this context the appropriate University authority means those persons who would normally approve the advertising and filling of the associated substantive post. 4.7 Candidates will be asked to provide the information specified in paragraph 4.3 with their application. 4.8 For a new appointment to be considered for Professor or Reader the appointment panel must include four Professors or Readers of Anglia Ruskin University (respectively), one of whom should be the Vice Chancellor or a Deputy Vice Chancellor, and an external Professor or Reader in the discipline under consideration or a cognate discipline. If an appointment is being made jointly with an external body, the Panel may contain such representatives of that external body as agreed by the Vice Chancellor. The Panel must accord with the constitution outlined in the ‘Constitutions of Appointment Panels’ document produced by HR Services. 4.9 Where the appointment Panel has been convened in accordance with the requirements set out in paragraph 4.8 and applicants have provided the information detailed in paragraph 4.3, it is not necessary to take up additional references. 4.10 The criteria applicable to the appointment of a Professor or Reader directly to a post in Anglia Ruskin University shall be the same as those applied to existing staff. 4.11 Where an individual joins Anglia Ruskin University from another UK university and already holds the title of Reader or Professor awarded by that UK university, that Readership or Professorship will be recognised by Anglia Ruskin University subject to ratification by the Vice Chancellor. Applications from individuals holding the title of Reader or Professor awarded by non-UK universities will be considered on their merits on a case by case basis. 5 EMERITUS PROFESSORS OR READERS 5.1 Regulation 1.4 requires Professors or Readers normally to relinquish the title when 4 they leave Anglia Ruskin University’s full-time employment. This requirement may be varied in the circumstances specified below for selected individuals who retire as Professors or Readers. 5.2 Up to 12 months before a Professor or Reader is due to retire or at any time thereafter the Vice Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of Faculty concerned, will consider extending the conferment of the title Professor or Reader upon the individual for his or her lifetime. The key criterion is the benefit for Anglia Ruskin University in making such a conferment. 5.3 Such consideration will be given normally to Professors or Readers of five or more years standing in UK universities. 5.4 A Professor or Reader who is about to retire whose title is extended for his or her lifetime shall have access to the general facilities of Anglia Ruskin University subject to the continuing approval of the Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty concerned and the Vice Chancellor. 5.5 The extension of the title of a Professor or Reader for life shall carry no additional financial benefits. 6 VISITING ACADEMIC STAFF 6.1 Applications can be made at any time for the award of an Honorary Visiting Title. Awards can be of any duration but with a normal maximum of 5 years with renewal as appropriate. All nomination forms must be accompanied by a full CV with named referees together with a clear indication of their continuing or proposed contribution to Anglia Ruskin University as well as an indication of any contribution from their organisation. Visiting Professors or Readers 6.2 The award of an Honorary Visiting Professor or Reader will be considered by the Vice Chancellor and, if a prima facie case is established, by the Professorship and Readership Panel. The information specified in paragraph 4.3 must be provided (although references will not normally be taken up and the applicant will not be called for interview). 6.3 Where the proposed Honorary Visiting Professor or Reader already holds a similar title conferred by this or another UK university, the Vice Chancellor may, as appropriate, take Chair’s action on behalf of the Professorship and Readership Panel to ratify the appointment. 7 OTHER HONORARY VISITING TITLES 7.1 It is an important part of our activities to engage in collaboration with individuals from other universities and institutions and it is appropriate that we will sometimes wish to enter a more formal relationship with colleagues outside of Anglia Ruskin to the benefit of both parties. This may be on an on-going basis or associated with a sabbatical or short visit. The purpose of these Guidelines is to clarify the arrangements for extending invitations to such visiting colleagues. It is clear that they can benefit 5 Anglia Ruskin in various ways e.g. joint research, joint publications, PhD supervision, guest lectures, assistance in bid preparation etc, and in strengthening our links with both national and international institutions and organisations. 7.2 Other Honorary Visiting titles will be conferred in circumstances where: a significant contribution is being made to the work of Anglia Ruskin University by a non-employee; the conferment of an Honorary Visiting Professorship or Readership is not appropriate. Honorary Visiting Lecturer: Conferred when a regular teaching and research contribution is made to Anglia Ruskin University by an individual. Honorary Visiting Senior Lecturer: Conferred when a significant regular teaching and research contribution is made to Anglia Ruskin University by an individual with standing appropriate to an Anglia Ruskin Senior Lecturer; and research contribution is being made to Anglia Ruskin by an individual with standing appropriate to an Anglia Ruskin Principal Lecturer. Honorary Visiting Fellow: Conferred for visitors who make a contribution to Anglia Ruskin University including individuals who may not be within mainstream academic life (e.g. business, industry and the public sectors). It can also be used for individuals for whom the titles lecturer, senior lecturer, reader, Professor would not be appropriate or for a retired member of staff who continues to make a useful contribution to Anglia Ruskin University. Honorary Visiting Clinical Lecturer: Conferred when a regular clinical teaching and clinical research contribution is made to Anglia Ruskin University. Honorary Visiting Clinical Senior Lecturer: Conferred when a regular clinical teaching and clinical research contribution is being made to Anglia Ruskin University (e.g. NHS Consultants). Honorary Visiting Clinical Principal Lecturer: Conferred when a significant regular clinical teaching and clinical research contribution is being made to Anglia Ruskin (e.g. NHS Consultants) where the clinician is engaged in clinical teaching and/or clinical research on a senior and continuing basis and where a Visiting Professor title would not be appropriate. Honorary Visiting Clinical Fellow: this title is similar to Honorary Visiting Fellow but will be specifically used for visitors engaged in collaborative teaching or research from the clinical health sector (e.g. medical, allied health, nursing and midwifery practitioners etc.). Honorary Visiting Senior Fellow and Senior Clinical Fellow would be used for more senior visitors who engage in teaching or research (e.g. NHS consultants who may not yet possess the requirements for appointment as a visiting professor. All Visiting Fellow titles may as appropriate have the designator of “research” or “teaching” included in the title e.g. visiting teaching fellow. 6 Nomination Process 7.3 Titles are conferred for fixed periods or until the relevant contribution to the University ceases, whichever is the earlier. The length of time would normally be a maximum of five years but where collaboration continues, may be renewed. When a title is conferred in relation to the holder of a specific post associated with Anglia Ruskin, then the duration would be for the entire period of the appointment (e.g. staff on secondment to Anglia Ruskin or in partner organisations). 7.4 It is essential that the nomination form (available from the Academic Office’s website at http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/acad_sec/index.phtml) for the conferment of a visiting title includes some detail about the purpose of the visit and duties to be undertaken (e.g. it needs to say more than ‘to collaborate in research’ or ‘to give lectures’). Nomination forms must be accompanied by a full CV. Without sufficient background information, the application will be deferred for further information. 7.5 Applications for any of the titles outlined in 7.2 must be proposed by the relevant Dean and DVC and authorised by a Deputy Vice Chancellor. 7.6 Visiting colleagues are not Anglia Ruskin employees or workers but are normally given certain privileges to facilitate their activities (e.g. a named location, access IT Services user name/identity and computing facilities, membership of the University Library etc.). They will also have a designated Anglia Ruskin Link person with whom they will liaise and collaborate. 7.7 Visiting titles will normally be honorary and only agreed travel expenses or conference expenses (if participating in Anglia Ruskin project work) will be given at the discretion of the appropriate Head of Department and Dean. Any Honoraria should be agreed at the time the invitation is extended, and will cease at the conclusion of the collaboration. Any honoraria for non-EU colleagues or invitations to stay more than one month at Anglia Ruskin must be discussed with the Director of HR Services. 7.8 There should be a formal letter of invitation signed by the appropriate Dean which encapsulates our specific expectations over the period of the conferment. All awards of Honorary Visiting titles will be recorded in the HR staff database. 7.9 Insurance: Ordinarily visiting workers are covered by our insurance however the Secretary’s Office still needs to be made aware of any visiting colleague’s activity which might remotely result in a claim against Anglia Ruskin. Certain areas of work must be notified to insurers on a case by case basis before commencement of activity whether undertaken by Anglia Ruskin staff or visiting colleagues. Such areas include activity involving body fluids, any processes involving avionics or air borne systems, work connected with firms based in the USA, work involving humans or animals whether intrusive or otherwise. Non-EU Honorary Visiting Colleagues 7.10 There is a clear distinction to be made between Honorary Visiting colleagues from overseas (non-EU nationals) and EU nationals. In the case of the former, the situation is complicated by UK Immigration Rules. 7 7.11 Colleagues from non-EU countries do not require work permits provided that: they receive no payment other than expenses from the University and are in the UK for less than a year. A work permit is required, if the total length of a non-EU Visiting colleague's stay in the UK (whether at Anglia Ruskin or elsewhere) is more than a year irrespective of their employment status or whether they are in receipt of any remuneration. 7.12 All non-EU visitors should be discussed with HR Services before any formal offer is made but early preparations for visa/entry clearance is obviously essential. Allocate at least three months for this. 8