Fact_Sheet_2014 - Professionals Resource Network

Fact Sheet
Professionals Resource Network
Penelope P. Ziegler, M.D.
Medical Director
Martha E. Brown, M.D.
Associate Medical Director
Mission Statement
To protect the health and safety of the citizens of Florida through early identification, referral
for evaluations/appropriate treatment, and accurate, state of the art monitoring of
healthcare professionals whose ability to practice may be impaired by various health
Eligibility: PRN’s services are available to all licensed practitioners (except nurses, who are
served by IPN); those in the process of applying for a license; temporary license holders;
interns, residents, and fellows; medical students; students in other healthcare professional
training; and practitioners from other states at the request of other state Physician Health
Conditions that fall under the purview of PRN:
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders - compulsive or dangerous use of any drug
including alcohol that does or may impair a healthcare practitioner’s ability to practice, not
limited to use while working but also prior to shifts, while on call and other times when the
practitioner could be required to participate in an emergency.
Boundary Violation - healthcare practitioners who have been involved in inappropriate
relationships with patients or patient family members; sexual harassment in the workplace.
Mental Health - mood disorders, depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders; stress related to
work, divorce, family or health matters.
Behavioral- healthcare practitioners who cause disruption among the health care team that
can lead to harm to patients (Joint Commission requirements), including profanity in front of
staff, patients and families; inappropriate charting; failure to respond to pages or calls; verbal
aggression and/or physical altercations; and other behaviors that preclude staff from
effectively communicating with the team members. Certain personality traits can contribute
to these problems.
Physical Health - healthcare practitioners who have a serious physical problem that could
preclude them from being able to perform their job functions with skill and safety (stroke,
Parkinson’s, impaired mobility/ coordination, fatigue, visual disturbance, chronic pain, etc.) A
special monitoring program is mandated for licensed professionals with HIV/AIDS.
Cognitive - healthcare practitioners who are having problems which seem related to impaired
memory, verbal comprehension, executive functioning, attention, problem solving.
Practitioners referred to PRN are referred for evaluations performed by DOH/PRN approved
evaluators, who have proven records of professionalism and expertise in evaluating
healthcare practitioners who may have specific potentially impairing conditions. Each
practitioner is given a choice of 3 evaluators. The evaluators are required to do forensic urine
and hair testing as necessary, review collateral information and information provided by PRN
sources; formulate a comprehensive diagnosis; make recommendations for on-going
treatment; and most importantly to express an expert opinion about the ability of the
healthcare practitioner to practice his/her profession with reasonable skill and safety.
Inpatient evaluations: 3-5 days at a facility (Cost $2,000-$5,000)
Outpatient evaluations: 2-3 hours in office (Cost when done by an MD/DO $300-1,500; for
non-doctoral level practitioners there are approved evaluators who can perform outpatient
evaluations for $100-$500)
Evaluations are reviewed by PRN staff for content, diagnosis and recommendations. If
appropriate, then contracting with the practitioner will be offered. Contract lengths can be
from 6 months to licensure long.
If a licensee becomes known to PRN and PRN has reason to believe that the licensee may be
impaired and the practitioner refuses to cooperate with PRN then PRN will refer the
practitioner to the DOH, who will investigate and possibly discipline the licensee for being
unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety.
The DOH may have the ability to compel a mental and physical exam.
Per our contract with DOH:
PRN will notify the DOH within 3 business days when sexual misconduct is alleged.
If a practitioner fails to make satisfactory progress under the program contract:
On the first incident of material non-compliance -practitioner will be required to refrain from
practice; failure to comply requires referral to the DOH.
On the second incident of material non-compliance- practitioner will have the option of being
dismissed and reported to DOH or entering into a voluntary withdraw from practice, which is
forwarded to Manager of Practitioner Reporting and Exam Requirements for posting on the
DOH website. The voluntary withdrawal remains in effect until the practitioner is approved
by PRN to return to practice.
On the third incident of material non-compliance- practitioner can be immediately dismissed
from the program, continue the voluntary withdrawal to include a report to the DOH on the
current status and prognosis “as to whether or not the DOH should refer the incident for
disciplinary action including potential emergency action or prosecution”.
PRN Staff:
Chief Operations Officer: Jean D’Aprix, BA, RN, CARN
Administrative Staff:
Chief Administrative Officer: Tish Conwell
Eight Administrative/Support Staff positions
Ext. 225
Senior Compliance Manager:
Delena Torrence, MS, CAP, ICADC
Ext. 216
Compliance Managers:
Gabriella Leightley, Registered Clinical Social Work Intern
Christina Gaudiana, LMHC
Neal Tomaszewski, BA
Natalie Kovich, LMHC
Walter McClinton, MS
Ext. 220
Ext. 226
Ext. 223
Ext. 221
Ext. 222
Family and Credentials Coordinator (part-time):
Yvonne Kennedy PhD., CCFC
Ext. 224
Compliance Staff:
For questions relating to the administration of PRN, please contact: Tish Conwell 800-8888776 x 225 or via email at tish@flprn.org.
For question relating to participants and compliance please contact: Delena Torrence 800888-8776 x 216 or via email at delena@flprn.org
Dr. Ziegler and Dr. Brown are always available as needed for clarification and consultation.