S343 Midterm Exam 10/14/14 Name_____________________________________ AI or Section_______________________________ This exam contains 10 questions on 14 pages worth 100 points. 1. _______ (15pts + 2 bonus) 2. _______(15pts) 3. _______ (10pts) 4. _______(12pts) 5. _______(8pts) 6. _______(8pts) 7. _______(6pts) 8. _______(9pts) 9. _______(10pts) 10. _______(10pts) Total: 1 1. (15pts) Answer the questions on the next page based on these data. Two students conducted the following experiment, similar to the elimination reaction you studied. A team of two students carried out the following two elimination reactions which both yielded a mixture of 2-methyl-1-hexene (bp 92 oC) and 2-methyl-2-hexene (bp 95 oC.) The mix of alkene products was then collected by simple distillation. A small drop of the alkene mixture was dissolved in nonane and then analyzed by gas chromatography. It was determined that 2-methyl2-hexene has a retention time of about 3.21 minutes and 2-methyl-1-hexene has a retention time of about 2.23 minutes. GC data for Experiment A: Peak Retention time (min) A 1.89 B 2.25 C 3.20 D 3.76 GC data for Experiment B: Relative area 2000 1600 400 20000 Peak A B C D Relative area 4000 1800 200 40000 Retention time (min) 1.89 2.25 3.20 3.76 Bonus: Two of the peaks are due to the alkenes. What compounds most likely lead to the other two peaks? 2 A. What is the alkene product distribution for Experiment A? B. Propose a mechanism for Experiment A, and explain the observed selectivity in the product distribution based on the mechanism. C. Propose a mechanism for Experiment B. Is it more or less selective than A? Explain. D. Would TLC data have been useful to draw these conclusions? Explain. E. These data could have been obtained by separating the two alkene products by column chromatography and getting the mass of each alkene product. Why was GC done instead? 3 2. (15pts) Use these data to answer the questions on the next page. Fran Chemist conducted an extraction experiment just like yours, examining the best solutions to separate fluorene (target compound) from four impurities: She also looked up these melting point data: benzoic acid, 122oC; ethyl 4-aminobenzoate, 88-90 o C; fluorene,113-115 oC ; fluorenone,82-84 oC ; succinimide125-127 oC. These are the melting point data she collected for each compound after extracting each 50/50 mixture of fluorene and impurity with solution from bottles labeled “dilute aqueous HCl”, “dilute aqueous NaOH”, and “neutral water.” Ethyl aminobenzoate Benzoic acid fluorenone Succinimide Neutral 88-90 oC 78-90 oC 80-84 oC 112-114 oC Acid 110-113 oC 88-95 oC 79-82 oC 112-114 oC base 75-92 oC 83-89 oC 80-85 oC 113-115 oC 4 A. Explain how melting point data is useful in determining the success of each extraction. B. Using Fran’s data, mark the extractions which worked to purify the target compound with an “X”: A. B. C. D. flourenone: benzoic acid: Succinimide: Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate _____ Aq. HCl _____ Aq. HCl _____ Aq. HCl _____ Aq. HCl _____ Aq. NaOH _____Water _____None _____ Aq. NaOH _____Water _____None _____ Aq. NaOH _____Water _____None _____ Aq. NaOH _____Water _____None C. Would recrystallization have worked in the place of melting point to determine the effectiveness of the extraction? Explain. D. Fran Chemist recognizes that these data are not what she expected based on solubility principles. She thinks that the aqueous solutions either had switched labels or that one of the bottles was mislabeled. Which piece(s) of data caused her to think this? E. Based on these data, what was the most likely error with the aqueous extraction solutions? Explain. 5 3. (10pts) Answer the questions below based on these TLC plates. Three authentic compounds, labeled A, B, and C were developed on Plate #1. The same three compounds were developed under different conditions on plate #2. Two unknowns, labeled X and Y, were developed on plate #3. Plate #3 was developed under the same conditions as plate #1. Plate #1 Plate #2 Plate #3 B A C A B C A. Plate #1 has three lanes with three pure compounds, shown below. Indicate which compound is most likely in lane A, lane B, and lane C of plate #1. B. The same three compounds were run on plate #2. If plate #1 was developed in 1:1 hexanes:ethyl acetate, it is likely that plate #2 was run A. in 2:1 hexanes:ethyl acetate B. for a shorter time C. in 1:2 hexanes:ethyl acetate D. for a longer time. C. Label the following statements as “True’ or “False.” ________Lane X is streaky because it contains more than one compound. ________Lane Y is was spotted with a solution of at least two compound, most consistent with compounds A and B. ________If column chromatography were to be performed to separate compounds A, B, and C, one should use the solvent system used in plate #1 rather than the solvent system of plate #2. 6 4. (12pts) The questions below refer to this Mass Spectrum of 1-phenylpentan-1-one (M+ =162): A. What causes the small peak at m/z = 163? B. Provide a mechanism and fragment structure that lead to formation of the base peak at m/z = 105. C. Provide a mechanism and fragment structure that lead to formation of the significant peak at m/z = 120. 7 5. (8pts) What would you look for in the mass spectrum that would indicate each of these: A. The molecule contains a nitrogen atom B. The molecule contains a chlorine atom C. The molecule contains two bromine atoms D. The molecule contains a benzyl group 6. (8pts) For each of the indicated bonds, give the approximate IR stretch frequency and a description of the IR stretch as weak (w), medium (m), strong (s) or not observed (no). 8 7. (6pts) A. Does an amide carbonyl have a higher or lower frequency IR stretch than a ketone? Explain why using physical principles. B. Does an ester carbonyl have a higher or lower frequency IR stretch than a ketone? Explain why using physical principles. 8. (6pts) On the following page are three IR spectra. Draw the structure of the compound below that best matches each IR spectrum. 9 8A Structure: 8B Structure: 8C Structure: 10 9. (10pts) Given the following IR and MS data for this C9H10O2 compound, answer the questions on the following page. m/z abundance 27.0 3.8 28.0 1.0 29.0 3.3 39.0 1.2 45.0 1.5 50.0 5.4 51.0 16.0 52.0 1.0 74.0 1.6 75.0 1.2 76.0 2.4 77.0 40.6 78.0 4.0 105.0 100.0 106.0 9.1 122.0 30.7 123.0 2.6 135.0 1.0 149.0 1.7 150.0 (M+) 21.8 151.0 2.3 11 Problem 9. Show work for partial credit. Degrees of unsaturation: Key pieces of structure based on IR and MS: Final Structure: Structure of base peak fragment: 12 10. (10pts) Given the following IR and MS data, propose a structure and answer the questions on the following page. m/z abundance 14.0 2.1 15.0 7.1 17.0 1.6 18.0 7.0 25.0 1.3 26.0 13.0 27.0 5.2 28.0 4.9 29.0 11.2 30.0 1.5 31.0 100.0 32.0 1.1 38.0 2.6 39.0 3.0 40.0 5.9 41.0 66.0 42.0 7.9 43.0 1.7 51.0 5.5 52.0 10.4 53.0 11.7 54.0 1.3 71.0 (M+) 0.1 13 Problem 10. Show work for partial credit. Molecular formula: Key pieces of structure based on IR and MS: Final Structure: 14