What We Should Know Ch. 2- part 2 Table 1. Lesson Plans Websites Website and URL Brief Description http://teachers.egfi-k12.org/weird-science-the-mutter-museum/ A website with sample lesson plans, activities and tons of resources for science and math teachers, including info about the Mutter Museum. A very in-depth lesson plan, http://www.teacherweb.com/ME/Willard/ALBellefeuille/FeverLessonPlan.pdf which includes summaries and chapter discussions for the novel Fever 1793. http://edsitement.neh.gov/lesson-plan/tales-supernatural#section-20889 A lesson plan on Gothic Literature, with a great section on Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, and inspiration for the horror genre. Table 2. Student-to-Expert Communication Websites Website and URL Brief Description http://www.allexperts.com/cl2/229/science/Biology/ A great resource where students can have questions answered by a large variety of experts. This site is for both students and teachers to get http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech098.shtml interactive answers and telementoring. http://en.allexperts.com/q/Horror-Books-2862/ Students can find experts on particular genres of literature. In this case, the horror/gothic genre. Table 3. Real-time and Recorded Data Websites Website and URL Brief Description http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr057.shtml A website about creating virtual field trips http://vimeo.com/3216590 http://www.gothlit.com/ Students give their classmates a virtual tour, using their high school, of the epidemic of Yellow Fever. An online gothic writers’ community. Students can see what is written now, especially by unpublished writers, and can comment accordingly. Table 4. Archival and Primary Source Websites Website and URL http://museumca.org/usa/ Brief Description This website is a database of a virtual library of museums in the US. This site is an overview of the Yellow http://www.tip.sas.upenn.edu/curriculum/units/2009/02/09.02.09.pdf Fever epidemic and includes several first hand accounts. http://irishgothichorrorjournal.homestead.com/ Online journal with essays on Gothic Literature. Table 5. Skills/Practice websites Website and URL http://medmyst.rice.edu/ http://www.kenthouse.org/yf_lesson_plan1.pdf http://personal.georgiasouthern.edu/~dougt/goth.html Brief Description A website with an interactive activity to solve a medical mystery Though this site is geared towards elementary-aged kids, it can be a fun and engaging way to encourage older students to get excited about the upcoming lesson. A glossary that offers definitions of a wide array of words and phrases used in the Gothic context. Great way for students to review and even use these terms in their own “gothic” writing. Table 6. Exploration and Discovery Websites Website and URL Brief Description http://www.exploratorium.edu/imaging_station /research/zebrafish/story_zebrafish.pdf An exploratory website with a link to using zebrafish to help solve medical mysteries. http://www.goldbamboo.com/pictures-t1860.html This website gives students images to explore and better understand Yellow Fever and its effects. http://cai.ucdavis.edu/waterssites/gothicnovel/155breport.html Great information on the “Gothic novel” and pictures/essays that demonstrate inspiration.