Y6-B7-Aug-23 - St. Bernard Catholic Church

St. Bernard
In the Heart of Akron, Ohio
Parish Office
44 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44308
330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax)
info@stbernardstmary.org (Email)
www.stbernardakron.com (Website)
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri.
9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays
Baptism–On Saturday mornings, call the Parish
Office to attend a Pre-baptismal class and to
schedule a baptism date.
RCIA–Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend an
Inquiry Session or call our Parish Office.
Confirmation or Eucharist – Call the Parish
Office to register your child for instructions.
Penance–Confessions are on Saturday afternoons
from 3:00-4:00pm or by appointment.
Marriage–Limited to residents of the parish or longstanding volunteers of the parish.
Holy Orders –Please contact the pastor or deacon.
Anointing of the Sick–Any time upon request;
Callthe Parish Office or the hospital chaplain.
Newman Center Campus Ministry
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil
4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. (en Español)
8:00 p.m.
Daily and Holyday Masses
See Mass Intentions inside for times
Pastoral Staff
(Se habla español *)
Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor *
Fr. Frank Basa, ParochiaVicar
Deacon Ray DiMascio
Mrs. Cheri Colianni, Business Manager
Mrs. Nancy Cabrera, Secretary (M-W)*
Mr. Paul Hood, Secretary (Th-F)
Mr. Jim Kintz, Music Ministry
Mr. Ralph Reese, Custodian
Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister
Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585
Heart-to-Heart Communications
Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence
Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant
Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278
Questions about being Catholic?
A Question/Answer Session is held every 4th
Tuesday at 7:00pm for anyone interested in
knowing more about faith in Jesus Christ.
Hunger Ministries
Call the Parish Office to volunteer or donate.
Pregnant? Need help?
Call the Parish Office and we will connect you,
or call confidentially 1-800-712-(HELP) 4357.
Please have your Funeral Director contact
the Parish Office to finalize arrangements.
St. Bernard Mass Intentions
Sunday, August 23 - The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
+ Pro Populo
+ Anthony Fanizzi
+ George Kozarevic
+ Patricia Lundstrom
Monday, August 24 – St. Bartholomew
+ Maria Gomes
Tuesday, August 25 – St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz
+ Nick Colianni
Wednesday, August 26
+ Eitel Banks
Thursday, August 27 – ST. Monica
+ Cecelia & Charles Gradisher
Friday, August 28 – St. Augustine
+ David Panella
Saturday, August 29-The Passion of St. John the Baptist
+ Tony Dangel
Sunday, August 30 - The 22ndSunday in Ordinary Time
+ Int. James & Deanna Hurley
+ Pro Populo
+ Int. de la Comunidad Hispana
+ Maria Gomes
Scripture Readings for the Week
Rv 21:9b-14 Jn 1:45-51
1 Thes 2:1-8 Mt 23:23-26
1 Thes 2:9-13 Mt 23:27-32
1 Thes 3:7-13 Mt 24:42-51
1 Thes 4:1-8 Mt 25:1-13
1 Thes 4:9-11 Mk 6:17-29
Dt 4:1-2 Jas 1:17-18 Mk 7:1-8
May God bless you doubly for every sacrifice (monetary
or time-wise) that you offered to God here this week.
Monetary Offerings for August 16 - $9,814.
Faith & Values Tuition Assistance - $1050.
Thank you - for your help to children attending
Catholic Schools in need of tuition aid. We are also
helping our parish Home Schoolers as well.
8:00am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday
9:00 - 11:30am - Sundays
 Email St.Bernard.praychain@gmail.com
with their prayer request
 Calling prayer team at 234-738-2473
for our infirmed: Bill
Williams, Florentino Martinez, Rose
Stohovitch, Mike Jenkins, Tom/Marilyn
Maximovich, Rosalia Duran, Marilu
Morales (listed for four weeks unless
requested to be renewed)
Welcome UA STUDENtsWe extend a warm welcome to all new and
returning University Students. We are happy to
provide a place of worship here at St. Bernard
Parish. Weekend Masses are listed on the cover. If
there is something more we can do, contact the
Newman Center, named after the University
Professor, Bl. John Cardinal Newman, is located on
the 3rd Floor of the Parish Office
Building. You are invited to join other
Catholic UA Students on Sunday,
August 31 from Bl. John Newman
5:30- 7:30pm for a cookout in
the parish lower
parking lot.
Learn about
the services the Center provides, including the
Wednesday Night Suppers, and meet the leadership
team. St. Bernard Parishioners are encouraged to
attend and meet some of our new and returning UA
ST. MARY GRADE SCHOOL - Begins a new
academic year this week with 206 children. You
can help buy school supplies by saving your ACME
Receipts and putting them in our collection basket
at Mass by Jan. 6, 2016. Last year raised $236.
HUNGER PROGRAM- For over 30 years
volunteers have served coffee and a bagged lunch
(bologna sandwich) to the working poor and
homeless here at St. Bernard. We continue to do so
St. Bernard Organ Fund
Current Amount - $132,544
Reach the Top - $167,456
August 5, 2013 - Mt. Elbert, CO - 14,433 ft.
St. Bernard Climb
for our Church Organ Fund
September 1, 2015
August 15, 2014 - Mt. Whitney, CA - 14,508 ft.
Once again our parishioner, Clarence
Bechter, will climb to the top of Mt.
Whitney (14,508 ft) for our Organ Fund.
You can support his climb with a prayer for
clear weather and a one-time pledge in any
amount. Fill out the Sponsor Form below and
drop it in the Collection Basket. Every dollar
will move us closer to the top of our goal:
$300,000 to restore our church pipe organ.
Yes! Let's make it to the top! I can pray
for Clarence on September 1st as he makes
this effort to the Glory of God.
Attend Daily Mass ____
Pray a Rosary ____
Eucharistic Adoration____
Other Devotion ____
Name: __________________________________
previous climbs - $13,253)
Yes! Let's make it to the top! I can
pledge $ __________ for the climb.
Due to weather hazards, my pledge will be honored if
Clarence crosses at least the 13,000 ft mark.
Name (print):
Phone or email:
St. Bernard Parish
Picnic and Mass
Parroquia St. Bernard
Picnik y Misa
Sunday, September 13
Firestone Metro Park
(Tuscarawas Shelter)
2620 Harrington Rd.
(South on Main, Left on E. Warner Rd., Left on Harrington)
Shelter Opens - 11:00 A.M.
Sunday Mass - 12:30 P.M.
Food and Games - 2:00 P.M.
(for children and adults)
Departure - ???
PROVIDED - Hamburgers, Hot Dogs,
Buns, Paper/Plastic Products, and Beverages
Domingo, 13 de septiembre
Firestone Metro Park
(Tuscarawas Shelter)
2620 Harrington Rd.
(al Sur en S. Main, Izq. en E. Warner, Izq. en Harrington)
El Parque está Abierto - 11:00 A.M.
Misa Bilingüe - 12:30 P.M.
Comida y Juegos - 2:00 P.M.
(para niños y adultos)
Salida - ???
BRING: A Side Dish or Dessert, Folding
Chair, Game (volleyball, cornhole, fishing)
SE PROVEERA- Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns,
bebidas, productos de papel/plástico
Game Organizers/Leaders,
Cook/Food Servers, Clean up Crew
TRAER - Un plato de comida o postre, una silla,
un juego (como futbol, caña de pescar, etc.)
CALL: Ruth Reinhart (330-928-7944) to
volunteer -or- to RSVP any child under 12
years (for game prizes)
NECESITAMOS – Líderes de juegos para niños
o adultos, cocinero-a, un equipo para la limpieza
LLAME - Ruth Reinhart (330-928-7944) para ser
voluntario - o - para registrar a susniñosmenores
de 12 (para tener suficiente premios)
M-F from 8-9:00am. Those we assist are always in
need of toiletries (travel size) and razors. Any
donated toiletries can be placed in the wooden box
at the church front entrance, at the parish office, or
stop in the Corbett "Bologna House" any morning.
ST. BERNARD HOT MEALS - Parishioners and
Volunteers are welcome to help serve the needy in
our Social Hall. TODAY at 4:30 and every Sunday
and Wednesday through the month of August. Let
us be Christ to others, and see Christ in others.
CONFIRMATION - The Bishop's Office has set
the date to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation
at St. Bernard for candidates from both parishes.
Bishop will confirm any prepared candidate in High
School or older on Saturday, February 6, 2016
during the 4:30pm Vigil Mass. Please call the
parish offices to register for the preparatory sessions
and for more details, 330-253-5161.
BI-LINGUAL PSR - Our children who recently
celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation have
begun their preparations for First Communion on
December 12, 2015. Please pray for them.
FALL PSR Registration will begin September 1st
for those seeking First Reconciliation and Eucharist.
retreat by Fr. Michael Gaitely is held on Thursdays at
6:30pm in the Parish Social Hall. Books and materials
are provided. All are welcome to attend or read along.
Participants meet through Oct. 29.
RAYS OF MERCY- The Cenacle of
Divine Mercy will meet Fridays at 3:00
pm. In the Upper Room, bilingual, also
Sunday, September 13 in St. Bernard
History Room, at 3:00pm. All are welcome.
SHARE THE WORD OF GOD - 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Upper
Room of the church. Scripture
Readings and shared reflections
on how God is active in our
lives. Concludes with shared
prayer petitions. All are welcome to attend,
participate, or to just listen. "Let the Word of
Christ, rich as it is, dwell in you". Col.3:16
ST. JOHN XXIII (Juan XXIII) - is a bilingual
prayer, study, and support group of the parish that
meets each Saturday at 10:00am in the Upper Room
of the church. All are welcome to join in prayer for
the Church and the concerns of all.
The Knights of Columbus
are an active and integral part of our St. Bernard
Parish. They meet here monthly and
are open to men who want to be part of
the Catholic charitable organization.
For more information on our Council
547, please contact the parish office.
Friday Mass will be held on September 4, at 12:10
pm, St. Bernard church. All are welcome.
hear world-renowned Wynton Marsalis performing
"Swing Symphony" with the Cleveland Orchestra.
It's August 29th; we'll be in the pavilion rear rows.
PIPE ORGAN - Donations may be made to the St.
Bernard Memorial Trust Fund or Clarence Bechter's
Climb to the Top in today's bulletin.
Comunidad Hispana
CARIDADES CATÓLICAS - invita a los papás y
a los jovencitos/as, para cuatro sesiones de Padres
Activos y Jóvenes de Hoy, que se llevaran a cabo en
812 Biruta St. Akron. Las 4 son Sept. 12 hasta Nov.
14, de 10:00am a 12 del día. Todos están
bienvenidos. Más información llamar a Isaida
Navarro 330-472-0356 o 330.253.5161
CAPACITAR–La próxima sesión es este sábado de
9:00 a 3:00 pm. El tema será: “Como hacer un
botiquín de primeros auxilios”. Se incluye tiempo
para meditar, orar y hacer ejercicios. Todas las
mujeres están invitadas. !Disfrútala!
inicia REGISTRACION AHORA! Llame la oficina
parroquial 330-253-5161 al 15 de septiembre.
JUAN XXIII - Tiempo de orar y crecer en una
relación con Jesús. Los sabados a las 10:00am en el
Upper Room de la iglesia. Invitado! Te espera!