HS Pre-Algebra Mrs. Breach shawnna.breach@csd300.com (509) 397-4368 Colfax Jr./Sr. High School 2015-2016 Dear Students and Parents: Please read the syllabus, complete the student/parent information sheet, and leave me any notes that you feel are important for me to know. Students, please remember to ask for assistance during class as well as before and after school. I am available starting at 7:50 AM in the morning and until 4:00 PM in the afternoon. Please discuss with me another time if these times will not work for you. Parents, the best way to contact me is through email (above) if you have any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to a great year with you! Sincerely, Shawnna Breach Units: Unit 1: The Number System Chapter 1: Real Numbers Unit 2: Expressions and Equations Chapter 2: Equations in One Variable Chapter 3: Equations in Two Variable Unit 3: Functions Chapter 4: Functions Unit 4: Geometry Chapter 5: Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem Chapter 6: Transformations Chapter 7: Congruence and Similarity Chapter 8: Volume and Surface Area Unit 5: Statistics and Probability Chapter 9: Scatter Plots and Data Analysis Expectations: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Be Ready. Be in your seat with required materials, ready to start class when the bell rings. Be Respectful. Treat the teacher(s), yourself, and others respectfully. Be Responsible. Complete homework assignments and turn in on time. Be an active learner. Listen to understand, take notes, and ask questions when you don’t understand. Because we are CHAMPS! Conversation – What kind of conversation is acceptable? What’s my volume level? ◦ ◦ ◦ Volume depends on the activity we are doing. Talk about the task beforehand, not what you’re doing for the weekend, or afterschool. During tests everyone is quiet. ◦ ◦ ◦ When you need help during individual work time – ask a classmate before asking me. Raise your hand when you need help or have a question. If you have a question during a test, raise your hand and wait for me to assist you. ◦ Respect is important when we do activities in this class. We need to encourage each other and add to the great ideas each person contributes. Teasing and name calling is unacceptable and grounds for removal from the activity and possibly the classroom. Listen carefully to instructions and follow them the first time they are given. Ask questions to clarify. Help – How should I ask for help? Activity – What is my objective today? ◦ Movement – Am I allowed out of my seat? ◦ ◦ ◦ We will move from pairs to groups and individuals. The movement needs to be quick and quiet. If you need to move or stretch because you’re tired, you may get up and throw something away, sharpen a pencil (not during instruction please), or seated stretches. Participation – What can I do to show I’m learning? ◦ ◦ ◦ Actively participate in class discussions and activities. While someone is talking, all others are quiet and listening. Raise your hand and wait to be called on to voice your opinion or ideas. Success - Items that will need to bring to class everyday for success: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Pencils Colored Pens 1-Subject Spiral – Interactive Notebook Compass 2” 3-ring binder or 3-subject spiral Glue stick or double-sided tape ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Calculator (TI-89 graphing calculator ~ $100 or TI-30X for $15 at Wal-Mart) Graph and Lined Paper Ruler (optional) Scissors (optional) Classroom Routine/Procedures: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Enter the room quietly, get your materials (interactive notebook, HW, pencil, etc.) Backpacks need to be under your desk or hang on your chair; they should not be in the walkway. Sharpen pencils at the beginning of class, borrow a pencil from a friend, and lastly – ask me. BUT be ready to hand over your phone, wallet or hat. Complete the Warm-up in your 3-subject notebook or binder. Show me what you are thinking, whether in numbers, pictures or words. We will discuss the warm-up after you have finished, which should take about 2-3 minutes. Then we will correct the assignment from the day before. Then we will do the lesson/activity for the day. Remember – I release you, not the bell. Before you can leave, the room needs to be neat and you need to be in your seat. o Homework is assigned daily. Homework needs to be 75% completed/attempted at the beginning of the next class period. You will receive a stamp if this is completed. We will correct the assignment daily. Homework is graded on completion. Homework packets will be collected on test day. You will receive a cover sheet that will be stapled on the front of your packet. It is necessary you have all the work completed to perform well on the exams. o Every Friday there will be a quiz. These are to let me know what you still struggle with in the section the quiz is about. You are allowed one quiz retake for each quiz; however, this must be done on your own time (before/after school) and done before the unit test is taken. o At the end of the unit there will be a test. The test will receive an overall score that will reflect 30% of the chapter’s materials. Tests do not have the option of a retake. If you fail a unit test, you can earn points back based on your performance on the semester final. If you pass the section of the final that relates to the unit you failed, I will go back in the gradebook and bump your unit test to passing. Grading Policy: ◦ ◦ ◦ Homework Weekly Quizzes Tests 25% 25% 30% ◦ ◦ INB/Participation Semester Final 10% 10% Hall Pass Policy: ◦ ◦ I will only let out one person at a time - depending on classroom activity and urgency. The 10/10 rule will be used – You cannot use the hall pass the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class. Absent/Make-Up Work: ◦ ◦ ◦ It is your responsibility to make up all work missed as a result of being absent AND to see Mrs. Breach to get the work you missed. o The appropriate time for this is before class starts, before/after school, or at the end of class during work time. Test/quizzes must be made up before or after school, not during class time. You will have the numbers of days you were absent plus one to do any make up work. Cheating and Plagiarism: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Under no circumstances will cheating be tolerated. Cheating on an assessment (exam, test, quiz, project, etc.) will result in an automatic zero in the grade book. If two (or more) identically assignments or assessments are turned in, both students will receive a zero. Any student talking or being disruptive while there is a test in front of them or other tests out will automatically receive a ZERO on the test and a REFERRAL. Please show respect. Any student found using an electronic device other than a calculator will also receive a ZERO on the test and a REFERRAL. Behavior Policy: ◦ ◦ ◦ Every situation is different. Therefore consequences and rewards will vary. Consequences will follow this general guideline: o 1st offense: Verbal Warning o 2nd offense: Separate student from the activity or situation. Collaborative problem solving will take place with student and teacher. o 3rd offense: Parent contact. o 4th offense: Referral to administration. In some cases, the student will be removed immediately. Tardy Policy: ◦ Students are expected to be on time to class and prepared for class. If you are tardy, it will be marked in the attendance. Three tardies is equivalent to one absence. If you reach 11 absences, you will not receive credit for the class and will have to retake the class. School sponsored activities are excused from this policy (sports, FFA, FBLA, FCCLA, Band, Choir, etc.) Gum, Food, Drinks: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Gum: I do not want to see or hear it. Keep it in mouth and quiet; share in the hall – not in class. Food: Must not be a distraction and must be a healthy snack. Drinks: You can have water in a clear bottle. Bottom Line: If you make a mess, you clean it up. Student/Parent Information Sheet 2015-2016 Mrs. Breach Room 120 Student Name: __________________________________________ Birthday: ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________ Student Email:____________________________________ ** If you do not currently have an email address, are you willing to create one for communication with your teacher this school year? Y/N Parent/Guardian Contact Information (Please contact the teacher or main office if this information changes) Best time(s) to contact: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Method of Communication (Please Circle): Telephone Email Home or Cell Phone: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If a translator is needed or requested, please specify language:_________________________________________________ Please write anything specific that you would like Mrs. Breach to know about your student: I have read and understand the curriculum plan for your classroom and understand the classroom expectations and procedures. Parent Signature:__________________________________________ Date:___________________ Student Signature:_________________________________________ Date: ___________________