Placement Referral Form & Risk Assessment Name: Current Address: CareFirst Number: Legal Status: DOB/EDD: Ethnic Origin: First Language: Age: Gender: NOTE – If the request is for a parent and child placement please comment on the needs/risks of parent and child separately on this form. Please be specific about who the needs refer to. Reason for Placement Reason for placement: Please provide a brief summary of events leading to the request including reasons for previous placement breakdown if this is applicable: What is the overall care plan for this child (e.g. reunification with family, adoption, foster care until independence etc): Requirements of Placement Date Placement required: Proposed length of placement: Is the child required to move in within 48 hours? What type of placement is required? Select an Item Please select from the drop down box If you are seeking a respite placement please give specific details regarding the times and frequency that respite care will be needed: If the type of placement requested is not available by the required date please confirm what the contingency arrangements will be for this child: Geographical location required? Ideal/acceptable/impossible Can the child be placed in a placement with other children? If there are conditions relating to this please provide as much detail as possible Please detail any other essential criteria in selecting a placement for this particular child (e.g. need to meet specific cultural needs, no pets in household, two carer household, rural location etc): What arrangements will be made for the child visiting, prior to the placement commencing? Outcomes for young person SMART Outcome Timeframe to achieve/review Health Are there any significant health issues? If the child is on medication please provide details including type of medication, how often it is administered and the expectations of the carer(s) with regards to this or required specialist training (and how this will be provided): Provide details on any allergies and how these are managed: Are there any issues relating to continence that carer(s) will need to be aware of, and if so provide details? Is a smoke free environment essential? If the young person smokes how should this be managed by carers? Give details of any mental health issues and details of any CAMHS involvement: If therapeutic services are required in the placement please specify the type of therapy that is to be provided and any other details of the requirements: Disability if applicable Please provide details of the child’s disability: i.e. what is the nature of disability Please provide details on access and mobility (in particular specify if there are any manual handling issues): Does the child need an adapted environment? If yes, please give details: Will the carer(s) require specific training and how will this be provided? Offending Behaviour Please provide details of any offending history: Please detail if the child is on a curfew, tagged or on remand: Has the child any history of fire starting behaviour, please give exact details of events and dates (Failure to disclose any previous fire settings will invalidate some foster carers’ insurance policies): Emotional & Behavioural Has the child misused substances/alcohol in the past or currently? If yes, please provide details: Provide any relevant information on any absconding behaviour: If the child self-harms provide specific details of this behaviour including frequency: If the child has ever been a perpetrator of bullying provide as much detail as possible: If the child exhibits any inappropriate sexual behaviour please provide as much detail as possible: If the child has been the victim or perpetrator of sexual abuse provide as much detail as possible and including how the behaviour is best managed: If the child has been the victim or perpetrator of physical abuse provide as much detail as possible including how the behaviour is best managed: If the child exhibits aggressive/violent behaviour provide as much detail as possible and detail how the behaviour is best managed: If the child has been subjected to emotional abuse/neglect provide as much details as possible: If the child has witnessed domestic violence provide as much detail as possible: If the child presents a risk to pets or other animals provide specific details and detail how the behaviour is best managed: Individual Care Needs Child’s morning routine that will need to be followed in the placement: Child’s mealtime routine that will need to be followed in the placement: Child’s bedtime routine that will need to be followed in the placement: Child’s sleeping patterns and details of comfort aids: Additional relevant information on the child’s personal care needs: Child’s specific communication needs: Further information the carer needs to know about the way the child presents themselves: Details of possible issues if child shares a bedroom (please note that a specific risk assessment must be completed if a child is to share a bedroom even if with a sibling): Food likes, dislikes and allergies: Child’s personal care needs (if a baby please include size of nappies & brand of milk formula currently used): Child’s current hobbies, special interests and leisure activities which will need to be maintained in their placement: Does the child need to learn any independent living skills, if so please provide details? Please provide a short description of the child’s personality: Education Name & location of current/most recent school: Is it important for the child to continue to attend this school? If yes, how far could the child reasonably be expected to travel from their new placement to their school and how should this be facilitated? If the child is unable to continue at the above establishment due to geography of a new placement, please specify what arrangements for education will be required: Does the child currently attend school regularly? Has the child been excluded or are they at risk of exclusion? Does the child have a statement Special Educational Needs? Does the child have a Personal Education Plan? Description of child’s experience and attitude towards school: Cultural & Religious Needs Religion: Is it important for the child to regularly attend a place of worship? If yes, provide address, times of attendance and details of any other religious practices to be observed: If the child is unable to continue to attend their regular place of worship due to the geography of a new placement, please provide any relevant information on the implications of this change: Contact Arrangements Detail the required contact arrangements (frequency & location) and specifiy if there is anyone with whom contact is prohibited or placement details withheld from: Are there any friends that the child needs to maintain in contact with or should not maintain contact with? Please give details: Consultation What are the child’s views and understanding with regard to this plan? What are the parent’s/carers views with regard to this plan? Info for Parent & Child Placements ONLY Mother’s name / DOB Father’s name / DOB Baby’s equipment needs – who will need to provide this? Will the Local Authority be conducting a parenting assessment? If placing externally, do you require the provider to conduct a parenting assessment? What level of monitoring is required? If placing externally, are any other services required (i.e. cognitive assessment)? Confirmation & Authorisation Name, Team and telephone number of social worker Date Name and telephone number of team manager approving this form Date Name of Head of Service or EOC/Placement Panel authorising this request Date For completion by Children’s Services Buyers Date referral received In-house referral no. allocated External provider referral no. allocated (if applicable) Please complete the risk assessment below: PSIP- Type of Risk Self Harm Risk to other young people within the household. Risk to Carers Risk to or from the community Education House and Grounds Outings and activities Offending behaviour Use of technology 1. Risks and Triggers 2. Avoidance measures 3. Measures to be taken 4. Indicate level of risk Describe as fully as possible the actual or potential risks presented to or from the young person, indicate relevant details of those young persons who are or may be at risk, and what the warning signs or triggers are. Describe measures needed to reduce risk. Include details of any restrictions such as TV/electrical items, access to sharp objects, level of staff supervision required. Phrases or tone of voice to use. Location best suited to dealing with incident. Consider specific bail condition if appropriate. Describe measures needed to address risk. Include details of what action should be taken, when it should be taken and where. Include information on phrases/voice tone, appropriate touch, actions and rewards. H = High (recent and frequent occurrence of behaviour) M=Medium (recent but infrequent occurrence of behaviour) L=Low (historical, 3 months prior and infrequent occurrence of behaviour) (computers/mobile phones)