Supporting data for online publication SINGLE MOLECULE PCR PROTOCOL Estimation of the number of template copies DNA concentration was measured using a NanoDrop® ND-1000 spectrophotometer and was diluted to a concentration of approximately 103 mitochondria /µl. Assuming that 1 million base pairs weighs 1pg (1x10-3ng), 1 mitochondrial genome of approximately 17,000 base pairs weighs 1.7x10-3ng. Fifty microtitre aliquots (single use aliquots) at a concentration of 103 mitochondria/µl (hereafter described as stock DNA) were stored at -20oC. Stock DNA was serially diluted and dispensed in a 96-well microtitre plate in order to obtain 5 different DNA concentrations (16 wells per concentration and 16 negative controls). In order to assess which DNA concentration conforms to expectations from smPCR, DNA was subjected to the hemi nested smPCR protocol (see below) and the proportion of positive wells for each DNA concentration was estimated. According to a Poisson distribution, 36.8% of the amplifications from DNA at a concentration of a single molecule are not expected to contain a molecule of the desired template, another 36.8% are expected to contain a single molecule, and the remainder are expected to contain multiple molecules (Stephens et al. 1990). In order to decrease the number of false positives (positive amplifications resulting from multiple molecules), template with a final concentration of 0.3 amplifiable molecules should be used, meaning that approximately one third of the amplifications will yield a product derived from a single molecule template and less than 5% of positive amplifications will be derived from multiple molecules (Kraytsberg et al. 2004). Therefore, only amplifications derived from DNA dilutions that resulted in a proportion of positive amplifications conforming to a DNA concentration of 0.3 amplifiable molecules are sequenced. Selection of loci and design of PCR primers In order to increase PCR specificity a hemi nested PCR approach was used, which involves the use of two sets of primers employed in two successive PCR reactions (hereafter described as Phase I and Phase II PCR). During Phase I PCR the first set of primers, that includes the forward-external (FEXT) and the reverse primer (REXT), are used to generate a DNA product that is longer than the final target sequence (Fig. 1.). The product from Phase I PCR is then used to start a second PCR (Phase II) using a set of primers that involves the same reverse primer used in Phase I and a new forward primer (forward-internal, FINT). The forward-internal primer binding site is located within the first amplified sequence, in a region nearby the forwardexternal primer binding site. To assure that the low numbers of positive amplifications (which are expected in a smPCR approach) are the result of single molecule amplifications and not due to PCR inefficiency, two fragments (amplimers) from different regions of the mitochondrial genome were amplified. Cosegregation of the two markers would re-assure PCR effectiveness; therefore if an aliquot gives a positive amplification for one of the markers, then the same aliquot should give a positive amplification for the other marker. If the two markers segregate independently then low number of amplifications might be due to PCR inefficiency. The markers chosen were a fragment of the cytochrome b gene (CYTB amplimer) and a fragment that spans part of the 12S and 16S ribosomal genes (12S amplimer) (Fig. 2). To design specific Lacerta lepida primers to amplify the CYTB amplimer the entire cytb gene was first amplified with modified versions of primer L14919 (TRNAGLU, 5’- AAC CAC CGT TGT ATT TCA ACT - 3’) and L16064 (TRNATHR, 5’- CTT TGG TTT ACA AGA ACA ATG CTT TA - 3’) (Burbrink et al. 2000) using the conditions described in the manuscript.. After aligning the entire cytb sequences, specific primers for Lacerta lepida were designed (CYTBFEXT, 5’-TTA CAA AAT TAT TAA CTC CTC CT - 3’; CYTB-FINT, 5’ - GCC TAT GTC TTA TTA TTC AAG - 3’ and CYTB-REXT, 5’ - GGT TTA CAA GAA CAA TGC TTT A 3’). The final CYTB amplimer is 1143 bp long. For the 12S amplimer, published (Paulo et al. 2008) partial sequences of 12S and 16S genes from Lacerta lepida were aligned and specific primers were designed in order to amplify a fragment of similar size to that of the CYTB amplimer. As there are no published sequences for the entire 12S and 16S genes from Lacerta lepida the published mitochondrial genome of Lacerta viridis (Böhme et al. 2007) was used to estimate the approximate final size of the amplimer. The primers designed for the amplification of the 12S amplimer were: 12S-FEXT (5’ - GCA AAT GTT AGG GAA GAG AT - 3’), 12SFINT (5’ - CTA TTT TAA CAA CGC TCT GGG - 3’) and 16S-REXT (5’ - GAG TCA CTG GGC AGG CAA GA - 3’). The final 12S amplimer is 933 bp long. PCR amplifications, scoring and sequencing Phase I PCR consisted of the amplification of both markers using a multiplex approach in a mix containing 1x PCR Gold buffer (Perkin-Elmer), 4 mM MgCl2, 200 mM each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP (Applied Biosystems), 0.2 mM of forward-external and reverse external primers (Operon Technologies) for both markers (see above primer selection for each loci) and 0.5U Taq Gold DNA polymerase (Perkin-Elmer). Five microlitres of this mix were added to 5µl of template DNA which was previously prepared by performing serial dilutions from stock DNA and dispensed in a 96 well plate under 1 drop of oil. Negative controls (no DNA) were included for all amplifications. In order to avoid contamination, Phase I PCR was prepared in a room separated from any PCR products and DNA solutions at high concentration. Amplifications were conducted in the normal lab as follows: 93oC for 9min, then 28 cycles of 94oC for 20s, 50oC for 30s, 72oC for 90s. Phase I PCR products were diluted to 1000µl with bi-distilled water (ddH20) and 5µl aliquots of it were used to perform the Phase II PCR. Phase II PCR consists of amplifying the two markers independently in two monoplex PCRs. The 5µl aliquots of diluted Phase I PCR products are supplemented to give a 10µl final volume containing 1 mM each of the relevant forward-internal and reverse primers, 1x PCR Gold buffer, 4 mM MgCl2, 200 mM each dNTP and 0.2U Taq Gold DNA polymerase. Amplifications were conducted as follows: 93oC for 9min, then 33 cycles of 94oC for 20 s, 54oC for 30 s, 72oC for 90 s. PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis (2%), scoring presence and absence of the expected PCR product. Positive products that could be identified as obtained from a single molecule were purified by filtration through QIAquick® columns (Qiagen) following manufacturer’s recommendations and the CYTB amplimer was sequenced in both directions using Phase II PCR primers. Sequencing reaction mixes consisted of 6.35l of ddH2O, 1.5l of primer at 3.5M, 1l of BigDye Terminator v3.1TM (Applied Biosystems) and 1l of PCR product. Sequence reactions were performed as follows: initial incubation at 96ºC for 1min; 25 cycles of incubation at 90ºC for 10s, 50ºC for 5s and 60ºC for 4min. Fig. 1 Schematic representation of smPCR nested design. Bp 2540 12S 943bp Fext_12S (starts at bp702) 65bp tRNA-val Bp 0 16S 1532bp Fint_12S (starts at bp811) Rext_16S (starts at bp1873) 1062 bp Bp 1143 Bp 0 CytB 1143 bp Fint_CytB (starts at bp116) Rext_CytB (starts at bp1049) Fext_CytB (starts at bp33) 933 bp Lacerta lepida sequences available at Genebank Fragment to be amplified by smPCR (amplimers) Fig. 2. Schematic representation of two amplimers to be amplified by smPCR and the position of the primers used in the nested PCR. Base pair numbers in the first scheme are set according to Lacerta viridis publised 12S and 16S genes, and in the second scheme are set according to Lacerta lepida cytb gene. 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