Impact of Geopraphical Phenomena

Caribbean Studies Notes
Topic: The Impact of Geographical Phenomenon on Caribbean Society and Culture
A. Soil Erosion
Erosion is the displacement of soils (soil, mud, rock and other particles) usually by the
agents of currents such as, wind, water or ice by downward or down-slope movement
in response to gravity or by living organisms. The term ‘accelerated soil erosion’ is used
to describe the rapid loss of soil over a shorter period of time as a result of human
Causes of Soil Erosion
The rate of erosion depends on many factors, including the amount and intensity of
precipitation, the texture of the soil and the gradient of the slope:
 Rain
 High wind
 Lack of vegetation
 Steep slopes
Social Practices
 Removal of vegetation from slopes (deforestation)
 Overgrazing by animals
 Slash and burn (removing undergrowth)
 Bulldozing hillsides and clearing lands
 The making of charcoal
Farming Practices
 Ploughing up and down hillsides
 Planting in rows that encourage gulleying
 Shifting cultivation
Effects of Soil Erosion
Lower crop yield as soil nutrients are depleted
Loss of productive land due to gulleying, ravines etc
Flooding in lowland areas as the soil that is removed builds up in rivers and
streams thus reducing their capacity
Eroded hillsides are more prone to mudslides and landslides that can destruction
of lives and property
C. Conservation Methods
Re-afforestation of hills and slopes
Terracing hillsides
Contour Ploughing
Crop rotation to avoid exposed fallow land
Planting of shelter belts of trees to reduce impact of wind
N.B. the relationship between soil erosion and poverty: the case of Haiti
B. Coral Reefs
The geography of the Caribbean allows the importance of coral reefs in maintaining
many aspects of the region’s way of life.
Coral reefs are large strips of wave resistant coral rocks. Coral polyps are the tiny
organisms which secrete a calcium carbonate shell or tube that remains after the polyps
die. They stick together to form the massive structure of the reefs.
C. Contributions of Coral Reefs
The reefs provide habitats with shelter and food for thousands of species of
marine flora and fauna;
Reefs beak the force of waves;
Reefs are a breeding ground for many species of fish;
Reefs protect coastal harbours and beaches during storms and high waves; and
They provide ideal environment for diving and photography.
D. Threats to Coral Reefs
 Bleaching which occurs when the sea temperature rises
Human threats
 Improper sewage treatment , esp. from large hotels lead to algae growth
which choke the corals
Agricultural pesticides/herbicides run-off poison corals
Construction of hotels, marinas destroy ecosystems – wetland, mangroves
Extracting corals, sand and limestones
Tourist traffic
Coastal development
Discharge from desalination plant, distillery etc lead to bleaching
E. Drought
A drought occurs when there s not enough rain to support people or crops. Droughts
mostly occur in the summer, when hot and dry weather is normal. However, sometimes
droughts can occur for months, years or even decades.
F. Effects of Drought
Lack of water means less irrigation for crops, less drinking water, less water for
hygiene, and less hydro-electricity.
Damage to crop quality, less food production
Increase in wild fires
Migration and relocation
Increased in food prices – due to food shortages
Increase importation of food
Loss of wildlife (animals)
Wind and water erosion of soils
Damage to plant species
G. Actions to lessen the impact of drought
Plant drought resistant crops
Reduce evaporation
Building water storage facilities
Lessen water use – washing vehicles, watering lawns, change irrigation practices
Hurricanes are large tropical storms with heavy winds. By definition, they contain winds in
excess of 74 miles per hour (119 km per hour) and large areas of rainfall. In addition, they have
the potential to spawn dangerous tornadoes. The strong winds and excessive rainfall also
produce abnormal rises in sea levels and flooding and soil erosion.
Impact of hurricanes on Caribbean Society
Destruction of infrastructure
Disruption of communication
Pollution of water
Erosion of soil
Destruction of farm land and livestock
Displacement of communities
Readings: Mohammed, J. Caribbean Studies
Any Caribbean Geography text