Plate Tectonic Menu of Assignments

Plate Tectonic Menu of Assignments
Choose at least 40 points of work. Students who are in need of more credit
may do up to 50 points. All work is expected to be in a final form and of
very high quality. Make sure the essential questions are answered.
1. Research a scientist who contributed to the plate tectonic theory or is involved in
volcanoes or earthquakes. Write a story about them on the day they announced their
discovery or on their job. Include background information. (10 Points)
2. Interview a geologist. (10 Points)
3. Create a crossword puzzle with 10 up and 10 down. (5 Points)
4. Create a game. 20 questions and a related board (20 Points)
5. Research a major earthquake or volcano and make a diary of that experience as if you
were there. Include location, type, destruction, deaths, and use your 5 senses (10
6. Create a timeline of the development of seismology or sonar technology use pictures
and creativity. (10 Points)
7. Research and display your understanding of an instrument used to study the shifting
of the plates. (10 Points)
8. Do worksheets given (3-5 Points Each)
9. Demonstrate your understanding of plate movement with experiments and
demonstrations (10 Points)
10. Write poems and/or sing songs about the various topics (5-10 Points)
11. Create an educational movie on Plate Tectonics or one of the major concepts of
Plate Tectonics. (10 Points Post it to YouTube! (5 More Points)
12. Write a paper that would discuss what the earth would be like if we didn’t have
plate tectonics. 3 paragraphs (5-10 Points)
13. Draw cartoons that use humor to explain the theories. 6 frames, colored, neat (5-10
14. Read articles from newspapers about seismic activity. Clip out the article and
describe the boundary and answer the 5 Ws in complete sentences. (5 Points)
15. Research the tectonic history of Texas and display your information in a creative way
(10 Points)
16. Create a mural or collage of plate tectonic topics. Include a 1-2 paragraph
explanation (10 Points)
17. Write and illustrate a children’s book that creativity involves plate tectonics. Be sure
to include pictures and story line (20 Points)
18. 3D models include a one to two paragraph explanation (10 Points)
19. You have just booked a trip to visit the 5 main types of plate boundaries
(continental-continental, continental- oceanic, oceanic-oceanic, transform and
divergent) Make a post card to a friend for each of the five locations. On your postcard
you must describe the main characteristics of the plate boundary, how they form and a
specific location on earth where each boundary is found. You may use clip art or
graphics as the picture for your postcard. (10 Points)
20. Make a colored drawing of the 5 main types of plate boundaries (continentalcontinental, continental- oceanic, oceanic-oceanic, transform and divergent) You must
include, all main characteristics in the drawing. The drawing must show how they form
and a specific location on earth where each boundary is found must be listed below the
drawing. (10 Points)
21. Use a flow chart or diagram to compare and contrast the 5 main types of plate
boundaries (continental-continental, continental- oceanic, oceanic-oceanic, transform
and divergent) You must include, main characteristics, how they form and a specific
location on earth where each boundary is found. (10 Points)
22. Make a WORDLE for Wegner’s evidence of continental drift. You must include
evidence and example on your Wordle. You must have at least 5 words and 5 short
phrases. (5 Points)
23. Create a Prezi on plate tectonics to describe the unit. (10 Points)
24. Create your own assignment. Check with teacher about the rigor.
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