File Ref: F26981 The University of Western Australia MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COURSEWORK STUDIES HELD ON THURSDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 2012 FROM 10AM TO 11.30AM IN THE PRESCOTT ROOM MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COURSEWORK STUDIES Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor as Chair (Winthrop Professor Bill Louden) Executive Director (Academic Services) and Registrar (Mr Peter Curtis) Chair of the Board of Studies (Bachelor of Arts) (Winthrop Professor Alan Dench) Chair of the Board of Studies (Bachelor of Commerce) (Winthrop Professor H. Y. Izan) Chair of the Board of Studies (Bachelor of Design) (Associate Professor Kate Hislop) Chair of the Board of Studies (Bachelor of Science) (Winthrop Professor Grady Venville) Academic Secretary (Ms Sylvia Lang) Faculty of Business (Winthrop Professor David Plowman) Executive Officer (Dr Kabilan Krishnasamy) STANDING INVITEE Winthrop Professor Ian Reid, Senior Academic Reviewer APOLOGIES Chair of the Academic Board (Winthrop Professor Karen Simmer) Deputy Chair of the Academic Board (Winthrop Professor John Cordery) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) (Winthrop Professor Jane Long) President of the Guild of Undergraduates (Mr Matthew Mackenzie) WELCOME The Chair welcomed members to the meeting of the Board of Coursework Studies. DECLARATIONS OF POTENTIAL FOR CONFLICT OR PERCEIVED CONFLICTS OF INTEREST No conflict of interest was declared. 1. MINUTES – Ref F26981 RESOLVED – 81/12 to confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Coursework Studies held on 23rd August 2012. 2. UWA BUSINESS SCHOOL: NEW UNATTACHED UNIT PROPOSAL – ACCT1XXX DEMYSTIFYING ACCOUNTING – FOR OFFERING FROM 2014 – Ref: F44092 The Board of Studies for the Bachelor of Commerce by R10/12 resolved to recommend to the Board of Coursework Studies that ACCT1XXX De-mystifying Accounting be approved for offering as a Level 1 unattached elective from 2014. The Business School had clarified that ACCT1101 Financial Accounting be recorded as an incompatible unit for the proposed unit “De-mystifying Accounting”. Since ACCT1101 is offered either as a core or a complementary unit in the majors offered within the Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting; Business Law, Economics (double major); Economics (single major); Finance; Human Resource Management; Management and Marketing), it was pointed out that no student in the Bachelor of Commerce would be permitted to credit the proposed unattached elective ACCT1XXX De-mystifying Accounting to their degree. The Chair, Board of Studies for the Bachelor of Commerce confirmed that ACCT1XXX De-mystifying Accounting has been proposed for offering as Level 1 unattached Category B broadening unit for students enrolled in degrees other than the Bachelor of Commerce. 55 File Ref: F26981 RESOLVED – 82/12 to recommend to the Academic Council that ACCT1XXX De-mystifying Accounting: be approved as a Level 1 unattached category B broadening units for offering to students enrolled in degrees other than the Bachelor of Commerce from 2014; and be recorded as an incompatible unit for ACCT1101 Financial Accounting. 3. FACULTY OF SCIENCE: ALIGNMENT OF POSTGRADUATE COURSEWORK COURSES – Ref F32806, F35183, F45772, F38251, F5194, F5199 The Board considered course rules which had been revised with a view to aligning the following postgraduate coursework course with the requirements of New Courses: Master of Medical Physics by thesis and coursework (51630) – Ref F32806 Master of Exercise Science by coursework (52510) – Ref F35183 Master of Exercise Science by thesis and coursework (51610) – F45772 Graduate Diploma in Exercise Rehabilitation (50380) – Ref F38251 Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (50320) – Ref F5194 Master of Forensic Science by coursework and dissertation (51520) – Ref F5199 Members noted the following in regard to: (1) the course rules for the Master of Medical Physics by thesis and coursework (51630) That the justification for retaining a 96-point structure and Honours admission as an interim proposal be accepted. That the 96-point structure for the Master of Medical Physics by thesis and coursework be approved until the end of 2013 academic year. (2) Satisfactory Progress rule for the Master of Medical Physics (51630) and the Master of Forensic Science (51520) The satisfactory progress rule (rule 6 for the Master of Medical Physics and rule 7.(1) for the Master of Forensic Science) states the following: “A student who does not pass units to a value of at least half the total points value of units for which they are enrolled, or who fails the same unit twice, will not have made satisfactory progress”. It was pointed out that there are likely to be semesters when students would be only enrolled in thesis / dissertation units which would be typically graded as assessment Continuing (AC) which were neither a pass nor a fail. In light of this the current rule 6 and rule 7.(1) would imply that students would have failed to make satisfactory progress. RESOLVED – 83/12 to recommend to the Academic Council: (i) that the revisions to the course rules, as attached to the agenda, for the above postgraduate coursework courses be approved, subject to addressing (2) as minuted above by way of final legislative drafting; and (ii) that the 96-point structure, based on the admission requirements of a 4 year bachelor honours degree, for the Master of Medical Physics by thesis and coursework be approved as a transitional arrangement until the end of 2013 academic year. 4. FACULTY OF ARTS: ALIGNMENT OF GRADUATE COURSES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – Ref F27500, F27499, F27498 Members noted that the graduate certificate, graduate diploma and master’s courses in International Relations were currently based on 12 point units, which would need to be replaced by 6 point units. In June 2011, the Faculty had requested that transition to 6 point units be delayed in light of an internal curriculum review to determine the financially viability of these courses. The Faculty had suggested that that this would be the appropriate point at which to make the change to 6 point units. 56 File Ref: F26981 By R112/11 Academic Council resolved to approve the Board of Coursework Studies’ recommendation that the transitional arrangement for the discipline of Political Science and International Relations to delay the alignment of the graduate certificate, graduate diploma and master’s courses in International Relations until the end of 2012 academic year. Members considered a request for an extension of the transitional arrangement for an additional year in light of the fact that the Faculty’s internal curriculum review would only be completed at the end 2012. RESOLVED – 84/12 to recommend to the Academic Council that the transitional arrangement for the discipline of Political Science and International Relations to delay the alignment of the graduate certificate, graduate diploma and master’s courses in International Relations be extended until the end of 2013 academic year. 5. FACULTY OF EDUCATION: ALIGNMENT OF GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL STUDIES – Ref F6550 In July 2010 the Board of Coursework Studies (BCS) considered the Faculty of Education’s case for seeking a transitional arrangement (until the end of 2012) for the inclusion of undergraduate units in the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (30330). The justification provided in the documentation presented to the Board of Coursework Studies was as follows: “The majority of students enrolled in this course are qualified teachers seeking to refresh or redirect their teaching, therefore, access to undergraduate units within the Graduate Diploma of Professional Practice in Education is essential. For example, a qualified Health and Physical Education teacher may wish to upgrade their knowledge in physics or mathematics to support their current teaching duties or to improve their employment opportunities. We argue this is an exceptional circumstance on the grounds of national and state interests and best practice by supporting the upgrading of teachers’ content knowledge and facilitating the retraining of teachers in areas of need”. At its meeting of June 2011, Academic Council resolved (by R115/11) to approve the Board’s recommendation that the inclusion of undergraduate units in the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (30330) be permitted as a transitional arrangement until the end of 2012. Members noted the Faculty’s explanation that it has been preparing to offer a two-year initial teacher education course for secondary teachers, Master of Teaching, as from 2013, in alignment with all universities in Western Australia and with the new national standards for ITE (Initial Teacher Education) accreditation. However, the Faculty has indicated that for a range of reasons this might not happen, until possibly as late as 2015. Consequently, the Faculty has suggested that in view of the continuation of the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies as the one-year secondary teacher preparation course that an extension of the transitional arrangement be granted to the end of 2013. It was queried whether the justification for an extension of the transitional arrangement for the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies was relevant to the case in point. The justification was referring to issues relating to the initial teacher preparation education course for secondary teachers. Whereas the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies has been designed for “qualified teachers seeking to refresh or redirect their teaching”. Queries were also raised about the future plans of the faculty in regard to the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies in light of the external developments relating to accreditation. RESOLVED – 85/12 to recommend to the Academic Council that the transitional arrangement for the inclusion of undergraduate units in the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (30330) be extended until the end of 2013 academic year, subject to the faculty advising by that time its future course of actions in regard to the Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies in light of the external developments relating to accreditation. 57 File Ref: F26981 6. DEFINITION OF MASTER’S DEGREE (EXTENDED) – Ref F35423 Members considered the following definition: Master’s Degree (Extended): A course consisting of additional units of between 24 points (in the case of approved 72-point master’s degrees) or 48 points (in the case of 96-point approved master’s degrees); or a course consisting of 144 points that has been approved on the basis of national or international best practice. In all cases at least 50% of any coursework must be undertaken at Level 5. Direct admission is normally on the basis of a bachelor’s degree of this University (or equivalent). Students admitted to a Master’s course after fulfilling the requirements of an articulating Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma course receive credit for all units completed at the appropriate standard in the articulating course. Award: Master of XXXX (Extended) (AQF Level 9). The proposed definition stimulated a wide-ranging discussion during which the following were among the principal points raised: It was pointed out that the proposed definition was in line with development of terminologies relating to postgraduate courses for internal use by the University. According to the Australian Qualifications Framework the Master’s Degree (Extended) is “typically 3 – 4 years following completion of a minimum of a 3 years Level 7 qualification (that is, a Bachelor pass degree)”. A question arose as to whether ‘typically’ might be interpreted to regard a master’s course exceeding 96-points (2 years) as being ‘extended’? It was suggested that a master’s course worth 120 points (2.5 years) might be regarded as the starting point to be identified as an ‘extended’ master’s course. Although the intent of the proposal was clear, its application might be construed to be slightly problematic. It was pointed out that the proposed definition would increase the disparity between different ‘extended’ master’s courses with regard to the volume of study required. Further, the proposed definition might also lead to including some courses (such as the MBA) that probably did not belong within the ‘extended’ category. Members agreed that a rethink of the proposed terminology and the relevant policies was required. Thus, the item was withdrawn at this stage. 7. UNIVERSITY POLICY ON: CODING SYSTEM FOR COURSES, UNIT SETS AND UNITS – Ref F45704 The Board considered a new University Policy on Coding System for Courses, Unit Sets and Units, which would replace the existing University Policy on Unit Codes. The policy and particularly the Unit Specifications Table reflect Academic Council decisions and approved (Academic Council Resolution R24/11) definitions in relation to postgraduate coursework courses. The following points were raised in regard to the Unit Specifications Table: Historically, units offered in master’s degree courses were allocated at only a single Level (Level 8). However, the current University Policy on Unit Codes, as approved by Council in September 2011 (R171/11) provided for the recoding of existing units in accordance with the following translation formula: o Level 7 units (in Honours) be recoded to Level 4 o Level 8 units in Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master’s courses be recoded to Level 5. o Level 8 units taken only in Doctorates be recoded to Level 6. There was a view that unit levels should be assigned in the context of prerequisites and sequencing structure within a course. That the proposed Unit Specifications Table might be too restrictive for units offered in the Professional Practice Doctorates (such as the Juris Doctor and the Doctor of Medicine). The need to accommodate accreditation requirements of these qualifications was recognised and that further consultation with relevant faculties offering Professional Practice Doctorates was essential. 58 File Ref: F26981 It was noted that levels assigned to units within the University was different from how a UWA qualification was mapped to the levels of courses in the Australian Qualifications Framework. The Board agreed that further consultation with relevant faculties was required in regard to the allocation of unit levels for Professional Practice Doctorates. It was also agreed that the outcomes of the consultations be approved by the Senior Deputy-Vice Chancellor and the Chair of the Academic Board, followed by a consideration by the Board, by way of a circular, of a revised University Policy on Coding System for Courses, Unit Sets and Units that incorporated the approved outcomes. 8. UNIVERSITY POLICY ON: MASTER’S DEGREE BY COURSEWORK AND MASTER’S DEGREE BY COURSEWORK AND DISSERTATION – Ref F35327 In considering a revised University Policy on Master’s degree by coursework and Master’s degree by coursework and dissertation, which incorporated recommendations from Education for Tomorrow’s World and the Working Party on Postgraduate Coursework Programs, the Board noted that a range of issues and other matters relating to minor edits would need to be considered: The following minor edits (changes underlined) were proposed: Admissions – section 2 o Clause 2.1 be amended to read as follows: “The minimum requirement for direct admission to a master’s degree course is a bachelor’s degree of this university or equivalent as recognised by the faculty”. o That an additional clause be formulated to reflect that applicants might also be admitted by way of an articulation. o Clause 2.5 to be deleted as it was noted to be irrelevant for the proposed policy. Structure, content and volume of learning – section 3 o The third dot point in clause 3.4 be amended to read as: “a minimum of two years’ relevant professional experience with demonstrable learning outcomes”. Educational principles – section 4 o Delete ‘coursework’ in clause 4.1 which should be amended to read as: “The Educational Principles must be embedded in all master’s courses Award of Master’s degree with distinction – section 7 o Clause 7.2 (c) be amended to read as: “all units including dissertation units completed at this University that are credited to the master’s course. Progression from Honours – section 8 o Clause 8.1 be amended to read as: ‘Subject to any special requirements of particular courses, students who have commenced or completed an honours course may be eligible for admission to a master’s course and for advanced standing in relation to some of all of the units completed at Level 4. Credit transfer from an honours course – section 9 o First dot point in clause 9.1 be amended to read as: “the Master’s course has a value of 96 or more points; and” Examination of dissertation – section 12 o Delete the word ‘independently’ in clause 12.2 which should be amended to read as: “the dissertation must be examined by at least two examiners”. The following issues would need to be considered: Clarification was required in regard to examination of a dissertation if an honours dissertation was credited towards the dissertation component of the master’s course in full or in part (see clause 10.2). It was pointed out that a dissertation might not be treated in the same way as a thesis (for RTS compliant courses) in regard to the distribution of copies of dissertation (section 14), matters relating to intellectual property and confidentiality (section 15) and some aspects relating to responsibilities of supervisors (section 16). It was agreed that section 15 and clause 16.3 be deleted. That the master’s by coursework and dissertation course dissertation assessment criteria in disciplines with an empirical emphases, as set out in Appendix A of the policy, be reviewed. The Board agreed that the policy be reconsidered following revisions in line with the feedback, as minuted above. 59 File Ref: F26981 9. SATISFACTORY PROGRESS IN THE BACHELOR OF PHILOSOPHY (HONS) – Ref F34091 Members noted that current policy and rules in regard to satisfactory progress in the Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) states the following: Clause 3.6 of the University Policy on Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) reads as follows: “To remain in the BPhil(Hons), students are normally required to achieve a WAM of 80 or above.” Rule 15 (1) of the Undergraduate Degree Course Rules for the Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) reads as follows: “To make satisfactory progress in a calendar year a student must pass all units in which they remain enrolled after the final date for withdrawal without academic penalty and normally achieve a weighted average mark of 80 or above.” In approving the above, by way of a circular in December 2011, Academic Council requested the Board of Studies for the Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) to consider ways of operationalizing the satisfactory progress policy and rule as set out above. At its meeting of September 2012, the Board of Studies for the Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) considered a paper entitled Satisfactory Progress in the Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) Course, prepared by the Senior Academic Reviewer (Winthrop Professor Ian Reid), and resolved by R9/12 to recommend that the Board of Coursework Studies consider implementing option A, which suggests a revision to the BPhil (Hons) policy and rules on satisfactory progress, as set out in the revised paper. Members had before them the following: Extract from Noting of Decisions taken by the Academic Council on 20 December 2012 on items considered by way of a circular. Extract from minutes of a meeting of the Board of Studies for the Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) held on 11 September 2012 Satisfactory Progress in the Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) Course (revised discussion paper) The following were noted as key features of option A, as proposed: That the best 6 units completed per academic year be used to calculate the Weighted Average Mark (WAM) for satisfactory progress. BPhil (Hons) students must have achieved a WAM of 80 in the first two academic years and a WAM of 75 in the third academic year for satisfactory progress. Students who did not achieve a WAM of 80 after completion of 48 points of study be placed “on probation”. In an event where a student has completed more than a full-time load, the lowest scoring units that permit progression be used to calculate the WAM and the remainder be used to calculate the WAM for the next period (would apply if the student is in the first or second academic year). It was recognised that the revised rules can only be administered manually. RESOLVED – 86/12 to recommend to the Academic Council that revisions, as set out in option A in the attachment attached to the agenda, to the relevant rule and policy relating to Satisfactory Progress for the Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) be approved. 10. FACULTY OF MEDICINE, DENTISTY AND HEALTH SCIENCES: MASTER OF NURSING SCIENCE (91510) – CHANGES TO POINT LOAD - REF: F24862 By R53/11, Academic Council resolved to approve that the Master of Nursing Science by coursework (91510) be permitted to continue with its current 108 credit points (comprising 4.5 semester of study) in 2012 and beyond until 2014. 60 File Ref: F26981 The change was essentially to enable the course to continue to offer more extensive clinical placements and adhere to the 150 hours framework required of all 6 point units. Members considered a case presented by the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Science for restructuring the Master of Nursing Science from 108 credit points to 120 credit points and the following points were raised in the ensuing discussion: It was noted that the Master of Nursing Science in its current form (108-credit points) offered “a rigorous learning experience”. Further, “evaluation from industry has been overwhelmingly positive with this course now recognised as a leader in inter-professional education”. However, the rationale for restructuring the Master of Nursing Science from 108 credit points to 120 credit points was unclear. It was noted that the proposal clearly lacked evidence to demonstrate that it aligned with national or international best practice. Further, concerns were raised that the stated rationale for the increase by 12 credit points did not fit within current University policies and approved structures. It was noted that the faculty has been permitted to continue with its current 108 credit points until 2014. But it might argue a case based on national best practice (with reference to the equivalent degree offered at the University of Melbourne) to continue with a 108-credit points Master of Nursing Science beyond 2014. The Board agreed that the Faculty be asked to reconsider its options in light of the feedback, as minuted above. Confirmed: ______________________________ Chair 25th / 10 / 2012 61