Leadership Development Focus Group Questions at UofR

 Foundation for Leadership Development
Interviewees suggested that leadership development be supported by defining principles for leadership in
the institution. A sample comment: “Demonstration of leadership: solid foundation of what it (leadership)
looks like; values in action and articulation of the same.”
Research of other institutions Leadership/management programs identified that the foundation of these
programs is supported by a defined institutional philosophy, principles and values for leadership which
are aligned to the university’s strategic direction.
How would you define leading in our university community? What does it look like?
What values support your definition of leading in the institution?
 Core Capabilities:
The interviewees identified a number of core capacities that are necessary for people in leadership
positions, including; self awareness, emotional intelligence; building resilience to face numerous changes
and complex challenges; adapting and juggling multiple priorities; using multi modes of thinking to
address organizational issues; sustaining relationships amongst various parties; and humility,
demonstrating a willingness to learn from and build the capacity of others.
From your perspective, what is required to lead; what core capacities are required to lead at UofR?
 Support Mechanisms
How could these capacities be developed to support your role in leading within the institution?
For example, in the interviews, interviewees commented on a blended approach to leadership
development; one which supported experiential activities, short concentrated time periods which were
cohort based, connecting with others; leveraging current forums to focus on leading at the UofR; focus on
different groups of leaders; and online supports.
Focus Group Questions For Leadership Development at UofR
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 Targeting Our Approach for Developing Leaders:
Some interviewees suggested leadership development address the needs of a variety of leaders across
the institution, while others suggested a specific focus on the development Dean and Associate, Assistant
Dean, Department Heads and AVP positions.
Most institutions that were researched recognise that leadership is not defined by a position and is
required throughout the institution; and, development requires tailored approaches for new, current and
future leaders.
What approach (es) do you suggest would be most effective for developing leaders at the
UofR? Why?
 Fundamentals of Administrative Management
Recognition was given for the importance of supporting “management” aspects of academic leading; for
example, budgeting; financial management, decision making; risk assessment; human resource
management; planning and leading effective meetings; health and safety; and dealing with conflict, etc.
This distinction between management and leadership is also commonly recognised in leadership
development programs at other institutions.
What core management capabilities would you identify as supporting management roles?
What would you suggest be in place to develop these core management capabilities?
 Systemic Approach, not a one off
Interviewees were unanimous in expressing the importance of leadership development being sustained
and not a “one off” or “flavour of the month” initiative.
“I’d like to see a more systematic, formalised approach; foster and promote something extraordinary...”
What would you suggest is needed to ensure a culture of leadership development is initiated
and sustained at the UofR?
How would we achieve this?
How would we evaluate our progress?
 Culture of Leading
What might prevent effective leading within the institution? What undermines leadership? What would
you suggest mitigate these barriers? What’s our collective role?
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 Leaders Leading Leaders (supportive relationships)
Successful leadership development programs provide opportunities for mentoring and networking.
Mentoring is considered an important aspect of building relationships, connections and networks as well
as providing leaders with opportunities to reflect and share “lessons learned”.
 What might an effective mentoring framework look like?
 Words Create Worlds: Naming the approach to leadership development
o The following are suggested ideas for leadership development; what are your reactions to
these proposed titles? What do you like and why? What don’t you like, and why? Are there are
suggestions you‘d like to offer?
 As One Who Leads: Leading as a State of Mind
 Leading to support our complex, evolving institution
 Leading from Our Strengths
 Leading in a Complex , Changing Environment
 Successful leadership development requires community and collective commitment, would you
consider being part of this leadership community by
o Being a coach/mentor;
o Leading/convening learning events and/or
o Serving on an Advisors Forum? Operations Group?
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