DOCUMENT NO. Checklist STATUS EFFECTIVE DATE EFFECTIVE GDO-173 VERSION NO. 01-OCT-2012 PAGE NO. V 1.0 Page 1 of 5 TITLE Clinical Site Electronic Medical Records Checklist This checklist is to be used to determine the appropriateness of an Electronic Medical Records system at clinical sites for Amgen clinical studies. This checklist supports MAN-000211. A separate checklist is to be used for each individual system in the same institution. The clinical site is to complete this checklist with the help of the Clinical Monitor. The site is ultimately responsible for providing accurate and updated information for this checklist. If necessary, some items in the checklist may need to be answered by Information Technology (IT). 1. General Information Date Checklist was completed (DD-MMM-YYYY): Institution Name: 3/14/13 Institution Address: 2315 Stockton Blvd. |Sacramento, CA 95817 System Evaluated (system description; include a thorough description of the system to distinguish it from other systems at the site): System Version Number: EPIC EMR UC Davis Medical Center Epic 2010 IU5, 4/14/13 we’re upgrading to Epic 2012 IU3 System Evaluated by (enter name of Clinical Monitor): Department(s) Using the System: EMR System Administrator (cannot be the Principal Investigator): Name: Phone: Email: System Administator contact information available upon request. 2. General Assessment Criteria Is the EMR system built in-house at the site or a Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) packages? Include name of COTS in Comments Section. Comments In-House Commercial Off The Shelf Packages (including customizations) Amgen Confidential EPIC software DOCUMENT NO. Checklist STATUS EFFECTIVE DATE EFFECTIVE GDO-173 VERSION NO. 01-OCT-2012 PAGE NO. V 1.0 Page 2 of 5 TITLE Clinical Site Electronic Medical Records Checklist * Is documentation of the system validation available? Please include the expiration date of the system validation in the Comments Section. Are the medical records recorded on paper, in an electronic system or a combination of both? Is the data entered directly into a computer system or is there a paper record created first from which they are transcribed/scanned? Yes No Electronic Paper Both (explain in comments field) Computer system Paper record first Both (explain in comments field) In case of system failure, what back-up procedures are available and how are they accessible? Please provide more information in the comments field (eg, backup medium, frequency of the backup, storage of the backup, site of the backup location). Have the site personnel been trained in the use of the computer system? If yes, please confirm training documentation is available upon request. Does the EMR system have a User Manual? HIMMS Level 7 Backup procedures are maintained by our Business Continuity staff and they’re accessible in each Pharmacy. Yes No Yes No How are modifications / system enhancements handled? Modifications and Enhancements are documented in a ticket tracking system. Each ticket is triaged by the IT application team, then reviewed by a clinical committee for approval. Changes are then put in a test environment, tested and processed through a change management board for migration to production. 3. Access Amgen Confidential DOCUMENT NO. Checklist STATUS EFFECTIVE DATE EFFECTIVE GDO-173 VERSION NO. 01-OCT-2012 PAGE NO. V 1.0 Page 3 of 5 TITLE Clinical Site Electronic Medical Records Checklist Is the computer hardware kept in a secure location? Are the following controls in place to limit access to the system? Unique user account (user ID and password) Automatically log off user after idle periods Locks user account after several failed log in attempts Is access to the electronic medical record system restricted for staff by unique, identifiable login? Is there a process for issuing and revoking user access? If satellite sites are used, how do satellite sites access the system? Provide response in comments field. Do all satellite sites have direct access to the EMR system? If not, please explain further in comments. Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Data Center They connect to over a secure internet connection or secure extended network. In each case Citrix is used as the portal. Yes No Yes No In the audit trail, are members of staff identified in the system either by their names or a unique ID? *Is the audit trail switched on from the point of data entry? Yes No Yes No Can the audit trail be edited? Yes No 4. Audit Trail Is there an audit trail of all changes made to electronic medical record system (ie, does the EMR retain a copy of the original entry [or entries] as well as the name of the person, date and time stamp of any changes)? Auditing is turned on all the time in Epic. (If YES is marked, continue to the question below) 5. Data Security Amgen Confidential Auditing is turned on all the time in Epic. DOCUMENT NO. Checklist STATUS EFFECTIVE DATE EFFECTIVE GDO-173 VERSION NO. 01-OCT-2012 PAGE NO. V 1.0 Page 4 of 5 TITLE Clinical Site Electronic Medical Records Checklist Does the site have a written data storage/archival policy for the electronic medical record system? (If No is marked, explain in the comments field where and how the medical records in the electronic record system are to be stored) (If Yes is marked, provide a brief summary of the policy in the Comments section) *Is the electronic data routinely archived as per legal record retention requirements? Can archived electronic medical records be retrieved for a regulatory inspection after the study is closed? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Access granted through Citrix to the Read only EMR environment once all appropriate access and HIPAA paperwork has been completed Yes No yes we can give access to any user "read/view only" security level mentors are trained by the respective department's subject matter experts SME, they may also take advantage of our "just in time" training available online on our intranet Yes No Yes No Yes No 6. Clinical Monitor Access *Are sponsor staff (ie, Clinical Monitor, Compliance Auditor) allowed to have read-only access to the EMR system as described in the MAN-000211 Section 5.3? Document the process to gain access in the Comments section. Is access read-only and limited to subjects on Amgen studies? How will the site train the Clinical Monitor in the use of the EMR system? Explain in comments field. If using Limited Supervised Access / Printouts: Do the paper printouts display the full user ID or name, date and time? Are printouts signed / dated by the site staff to confirm that they are a complete and true representation of the data in the system? Is site prepared to resource over the shoulder Amgen Confidential DOCUMENT NO. Checklist STATUS EFFECTIVE DATE EFFECTIVE 01-OCT-2012 GDO-173 VERSION NO. PAGE NO. V 1.0 Page 5 of 5 TITLE Clinical Site Electronic Medical Records Checklist access? The asterisks (*) are for internal use only Note: Clinical Monitor to send this completed checklist to the CTA. CTA to store the final version in EPIC and a copy in EDM Teams. Amgen Confidential