Art/Art Education Learning Community Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number ART 101: Basic Drawing 1 ART 125: Foundation Design HUM 101: Humanities Through the Arts Credits 4 4 3 Spring Common Classes Graphic Design Students: Course Name and Number GDES 203: Introduction to Graphic Design ENGL 101: English Composition 1 Art Students: Course Name and Number ART 102: Basic Drawing II ENGL 101: English Composition 1 Credits 4 3 Credits 4 3 Bioscience/Chemistry Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number BIO 115: Organismal Biology BIO 115: Lab BIO 100: Issues in Human Biology CHEM 150: General Chemistry 1 CHEM 150: Lab Credits 4 0 3 3 1 Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number BIO 111: Cell Biology BIO 111 Lab: Cell Biology Lab Credits 4 0 Business Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number BUS 101: Business First Year Experience PSY 113: General Psychology COMM 100: Speech Communication ENGL 282: Literature for Non-Majors Credits 1 3 3 3 Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number CSIS 104: Spreadsheet and Database Applications Credits 3 Diversity in Action Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number WS 100: Women Today: Contemporary Women's Issues COMM 100: Speech Communication Credits 3 3 Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology Credits 3 Education Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number ED 205: Introduction to Education SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology ENGL 101: English Composition 1 Credits 3 3 3 Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number ED 294: Educational Psychology Credits 3 Exploration Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number UNIV 131: Career/Life Planning PHIL 110: Practical Reasoning COMM 110: Introduction to Communication Studies Credits 1 3 3 Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology Credits 3 Film Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number FILM 100: Technical Training: Video Production FILM 172: Video Production FILM 281: Film Appreciation FILM 281 Studio HUM 101: Humanities Through the Arts Credits 1 3 3 1 3 Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number FILM 280: History of Film FILM 280 Studio Credits 3 1 Graphic Communication/Theatre/Music Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number All Students: COMM 100: Speech Communication HUM 101: Humanities Through the Arts Graphic Communication Students: Survey of Media Arts ART 125: Foundation Design Theatre Students: THTR 196: First Year Seminar THTR 230: Acting 1: Principles Music Students: MUS 107A: Music Theory 1 MUS 107B: Aural Skills 1 Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number All Students: ENG 101: English Composition 1 Graphic Communication Students: GDES 203: Introduction to Graphic Design Theatre Students: THTR 221: Drama 1 Music Students: MUS 108A: Music Theory 2 MUS 108B: Aural Skills 2 Credits 3 3 4 1 2 1 Credits 3 4 3 2 1 Global/International Connections Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number PHIL 120: World Religions COMM 100: Speech Communication Recommended Course: CHIN 132: Introduction to Chinese Culture Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology Credits 3 3 3 Credits 3 Health and Wellness Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number All Students: HLTH 110: Personal Health and Wellness COMM 100: Speech Communication ENG 101: English Composition 1 Exercise Science, Health, and Physical Education Students: HLTH 125: First Aid and CPR Athletic Training Students: BIO 115: Organismal Biology BIO 115 Lab Credits 3 3 3 2 4 Honors Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number HON 200: Honors Colloquium in the Humanities PHIL 110: Practical Reasoning FYE 101: First Year Experience Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number HON 102: Honors Encounters Credits 3 3 1 Credits 1 Leadership Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number COMM 100: Speech Communication PHIL 120: World Religions Emotional Intelligence Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number SOC 110: Introduction to Sociology Credits 3 3 1 Credits 3 Psychology Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number PSY 113: General Psychology PHIL 110: Practical Reasoning Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number PSY 202: Developmental Psychology PSY 262: Personality Credits 3 3 Credits 3 3 Speech Language and Hearing Science Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number SLHS 101: Survey of Speech-LanguageHearing Disorders SLHS 150: Observation of the Practice in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences PSY 113: General Psychology Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number SLHS 202: Anatomy and Physiology of Normal Speech and Hearing Credits 3 2 3 Credits 3 Science Technology Engineering Math Fall Common Classes Course Name and Number COMM 100: Speech Communication PHIL 110: Practical Reasoning Recommended Courses: CHEM 150: General Chemistry CHEM 150 Lab CSIS 152: Introduction to Computers and Programming I-a MATH 127: College Algebra CM 105: Introduction to Construction Management Spring Common Classes Course Name and Number PHIL 120: World Religions Credits 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 Credits 3