View snow response plan

Table of Contents
Page: 3
 Mission Statement
Page: 3
 Objective
Page: 3
 Overview
Page: 3
 Included in Response Plan
Page: 3
Pre-Season Preparation
Page: 4
Training and Safety
Page: 4
Snow Response Team and Personnel
Page: 4
Equipment, Parts and Supplies
Page: 5
Staff and Campus Procedures
Page: 5
 Director of Facilities Responsibility___
Page: 5
 Grounds Supervisor Responsibility __ ______
Page: 6
 Custodial Manager Responsibility
Page: 7
 Snow Removal Team (SRT) Responsibility
Page: 7
 Campus Safety Responsibility
Page: 7
 Snow Emergency Parking
Page: 8
Notification and Snow Response Procedures
Page: 8
 Mobilization
Page: 8
 Mobilizing Snow Response Team under a Weather Related Emergency
Page: 9
 Snow Removal Priorities
Page: 9
 Snow Removal Procedures
Page: 9
 Snow Removal Priorities
Page: 10
 Safety Precautions and Safety Measures to be taken
Page: 11
General Information
Page: 12
Snow Removal Priority Sequence
Page: 12
24 Hour Pre-Storm Preparation
Page: 12
Extreme Weather Conditions
Page: 13
Record Keeping and Documentation
Page: 13
Spring Clean Up
Page: 13
Appendices A-F_____________________________________________________Pages:14-20
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1. Mission Statement – The Houghton College Facilities Department will provide a safe winter
environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors on Campus in an efficient and effective
2. Objective - The Facilities Department Staff is responsible and performs the snow removal
on Campus. The objective of this policy is to make certain that the access roadways, parking
lots and sidewalks are ready for incoming traffic.
3. Overview - Snow removal is most likely to take place prior to 8:00 AM for overnight snow
fall. The Facilities Department Staff performs this activity during their normal weekday
working hours (5:30 am-2:30 pm). Conditions will be monitored by the Director of Facilities
when snowfall occurs outside of the normal weekday working hours, including weekends
and holidays. If conditions dictate, the Facilities Department Staff would be dispatched to
the Campus to perform snow removal. In the event of continued snowfall, the walks and
access roadways will be cleared as needed.
The goal of the Facilities Department is as follows: to provide walkways, parking lots
and roadways that are passable and reasonably safe for vehicular traffic as much of
the time as possible within the limitations imposed by weather conditions and the
availability of equipment, material and personnel. It is recognized that due to
resource limitations and weather conditions, pavement surfaces will be snow
covered and/or slippery some of the time. The traveling public must exercise caution
and drive appropriately in those situations.”
Many of the situations faced by the Facilities Crew are influenced by the time of day that
the storm hits, the day of the week and the time of the year. We are also mindful of the fact
that residence hall occupancy, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), class sessions,
Campus events, and general campus business will dictate a varying degree of response. A
period of high level of activity, with classes in session and full residence hall occupancy,
dictates a higher level of response than would be required during periods of time when
there are no classes scheduled and residence halls are lightly occupied.
Depending on the amount of snowfall, the Facilities Department may ask that cars be
moved from certain locations in the parking lots in order to remove accumulated snow
between parking spaces. When the need arises your cooperation is appreciated.
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4. The Response Plan Includes:
 Pre-season preparation checklist.
 Training and safety information.
 Snow response team and support personnel notification list.
 Equipment, parts, and supplies inventory.
 Priorities and procedures list, snow removal routes, and winter checklist.
 24 Hour pre-storm preparation.
 Up-to-date weather resources and storm reports.
Pre-Season Preparation
Well in advance of the first winter storm, meetings will be held with manager, supervisor,
employees, campus safety, and other involved representatives to explain and review the Snow
Response Plan and determine levels of responsibilities. During this pre-season preparation,
special requests, expectations, contact information, current policy and procedures, as well as
changes or modifications to the plan should be addressed.
 Pre-Season Checklist – (See Appendix A)
Training and Safety
Training of all Facilities Department employees involved in snow and ice removal operations on
Campus is mandatory and will occur prior to any winter storm activity. Depending upon
experience and levels of responsibility, employees should be trained on the safe operation of
the equipment type they will be operating and on tasks to be performed. Equipment may
include; tractors, tractor implements, utility vehicles, rented skid-steer loaders, trucks with
snow removal and salt spreading implements, salt spreaders, brushes, sprayers, blowers, and
walk behind hand held equipment. Employees should be trained in how to properly clear snow
and ice using shovels and ice choppers, and how to handle and apply ice snow melting
materials. Winter equipment operations and tasks to be performed should be evaluated to
determine the personal protective equipment (PPE) that is needed to ensure safety. Once the
PPE is identified and purchased, employees should be trained on how to us the PPE while
operating equipment or performing tasks. All training should be conducted in accordance with
the Houghton College Facilities Department Personal Protective Equipment Program and
applicable OSHA requirements and guidelines.
Snow Response Team and Personnel
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The Snow Response Team (SRT) consists of all Facilities personnel and Custodial Staff and
Management (See Appendix B). All Facilities Department Personnel on the SRT will sign a letter
of understanding indicating there understanding and willingness to be available on weekend
and off-duty hours for snow removal (See Appendix C).
The need for additional supervision is paramount during extended snowstorms. All other
Managers and Supervisors will be utilized as deemed necessary by the Facilities Director to
facilitate snow removal operations.
Equipment, Parts and Supplies
The Facilities Department is responsible for inventorying all related snow equipment, parts and
materials by October 15th, each year. All equipment should be started, tested, tuned up, and
checked for faulty parts and needed repairs. All equipment should be routinely tested prior to
the first storm and throughout the entire snow season. Any essential backup and replacement
inventory needed for snow equipment should be ordered by October 15 th. These materials
should be received and accounted for within the Facilities Department by the end of October.
All blanket purchase orders for snow-related equipment, materials, and supplies should be in
place by October 15th, and should be closed at the end of the snow season. Items for blanket
purchase orders may include:
 Equipment parts and supplies (chains, gearboxes, hydraulic fluid, batteries, etc.).
 Supplies (anti-icing, deicing, and snow melting supplies)
 Personal Protective Equipment (shovels, ice-choppers, hand spreaders).
Staff and Campus Procedures
The following provides an outline of snow removal responsibilities. This may need to be refined
on a yearly basis to address any needs and requirements of the Houghton College Facilities
1. Director of Facilities Responsibility
 Functions as snow removal operations leader during winter storm conditions.
 Prepares the Snow Removal Plan and the establishment of priorities.
 Inspects Campus at intervals during snow storms to assess conditions.
 Communicates weather conditions directly to the Vice President of Finance and
Operations and makes recommendations regarding snow clearing.
 Approves the use of additional in-house labor and overtime.
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 Provides estimates to the College for third-party support during storms that exceed the
scope of the staff and equipment on-site. Directs the effort of any third-party snow
removal teams.
 Maintains communications with Campus Safety Office and Facilities Department
Managers to stay informed on current conditions.
 Supplies e-mail report with weather snapshot to the Vice President of Finance and
Operations when the Snow Removal Team is mobilized.
 Maintains telephone listing of local hospital and emergency response services if needed
for emergencies.
 Serves as a member of the Snow Response Team as required.
 Prepare weekly Snow Removal Team Weekly Billing Sheet (See Appendix D).
 Maintain Snow Removal Binder.
2. Grounds Supervisor
 Participates in the preparation of the Campus Snow Response Plan.
 Manages the Snow Response Team. Schedule and supervises snow removal operations.
 Maintains the Snow Response Team Binder.
 Ensure regular roof inspections are conducted to determine the need for snow removal
to prevent collapse.
 Ensures that inventories of equipment, tools, and materials are adequate.
 Trains personnel in equipment operation and other storm-related activities.
 Inspects Campus at intervals during snow storms to assess conditions.
 Maintains telephone listing of local hospital and emergency response services if
needed for emergencies.
 Advises Campus safety of any unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions encountered
during snow removal.
 If conditions exist, make arrangements for on-Campus accommodations and meals for
Snow Removal Team who wish to remain on Campus.
 Make frequent inspections during snow removal operations to ensure timely and
effective snow removal.
 Identifies areas for priority snow clearing.
 Routinely checks roof edging to determine where potential snow slides may require
sidewalk restrictions or temporary closing.
 Responsible for ensuring completion of the Snow Removal/Ice Melt Team Daily Log
Sheets. (See Appendix D).
 Responsible for marking all sidewalks, handicap access, parking lots, storm drains and
roadways as applicable.
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 Maintains weather surveillance between 2:30 PM and 5:30 AM to determine need for
snow removal or de-icing after normal working hours.
 Disseminates weather forecasts and operational conditions to the Facilities Director.
 Advise Director of Facilities of any unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions
encountered during snow removal.
 Maintains telephone listing of local hospital and emergency response services if
needed for emergencies.
 Wear appropriate clothing and associated PPE for winter weather conditions.
 Ensure that Snow Removal Team is also wearing appropriate clothing and associated
PPE for winter weather conditions.
 Ensure that stairs, access roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and entryways are kept free of
snow, slush, and ice, which may cause hazardous footing conditions.
3. Custodial Manager
 Participates in the preparation of the Campus Snow Response Plan.
 Inspects Campus at intervals during snow storms to assess conditions.
 Ensures that inventories of tools and materials are adequate in all housekeeping
 Maintains telephone listing of local hospital and emergency response services if
needed for emergencies.
 Ensure that stairs and entryways are kept free of snow, slush, and ice, which may cause
hazardous footing conditions.
 Responsible for logging Housekeeping Staff’s daily snow removal and de-icing
application on the Snow Removal/Ice Melt Team Daily Log Sheet (See Appendix D).
4. Snow Removal Team (SRT)
 Wear appropriate clothing and associated PPE for winter weather conditions.
 Ensure that stairs, access roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and entryways are kept free of
snow, slush, and ice, which may cause hazardous footing conditions.
 Responsible for recording snow removal activities on the Snow Removal/Ice Melt Team
Daily Log Sheet (See Appendix E).
5. Campus Safety
 Participates in the Campus Snow Removal Response Plan.
 The Office of Campus Safety is responsible for educating the campus, no later than
the first week of November, about protocol regarding parking lot closures and
designated parking locations during snow emergencies.
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 Notifies the campus community via e-mail and posting on the University website all
timelines regarding parking locations and approximate times for car transfers.
 Contacts individuals who have not complied with the parking lot closures.
 Coordinates the towing of vehicles on an as needed basis
 Coordinates with Facilities Department on the activation of the Snow Removal
Response Plan.
6. Snow Emergency Parking – Houghton College has designated Route 19 Parking Lot and the
College Flats Parking Lot as the Snow Emergency Parking Areas. Vehicles parked overnight
or illegally on roads or in lots cause difficulties in plowing efficiency and operations. Because
of this, it may be necessary to find a way to relocate parking to dedicated snow emergency
parking lots.
Clearing parking lots on Campus requires the coordination and cooperation of the Facilities
Department, Campus Safety, Office of Residential Education, Students, Faculty,
Administration and others. Prior to winter and during winter, a snow emergency parking
notice will be issued by the Campus Safety Office that reviews regulations regarding parked
cars and snow removal.
Note: Vehicles that do not comply with Campus Safety notification regarding Snow
Emergency Parking may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Notifications and Snow Response Procedures
1. Mobilization:
 During Normal Working Hours - Mobilization of the Snow Removal Team will be
determined by the Director of Facilities.
 During Non-Working Hours – Mobilization of the Snow Removal Team will be
determined by the night shift Campus Safety Officer on duty in conjunction with the
Grounds Supervisor.
 The Director of Facilities will make the following notifications:
Chad Plymale
Director of Facilities
Dennis Erdmann
Grounds Supervisor
Snow Response Team Members
(See Appendix D)
Andrew Cahill
Custodial Manager
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 The level of call-in required - will be determined by the specific time and magnitude
of winter conditions.
i. Grounds Supervisor or Director of Facilities will then contact assigned Snow
Removal Team members.
ii. The Director of Facilities will meet with the Grounds Supervisor to assess the
current conditions and initial response by the Snow Removal Team.
iii. The Director of Facilities will continuously monitor the snow conditions, and
re-assess the response of the Snow Removal Team and make necessary
changes in the level of response.
 Campus Notifications – The Director of Facilities will make the following
notifications as soon as possible after mobilizing the Snow Removal Team.
i. Campus Safety – Will be notified via e-mail and phone.
ii. Vice President for Business and Finance – Will be notified via e-mail. Time of
dispatch along with weather report will be attached.
2. Guidelines for mobilizing the Snow Response Team under a Weather Related Emergency:
 When one or more inches of wet snow have fallen or are forecasted before 8:00 am.
 Sleet or iced-over conditions exist.
3. Snow Removal Priorities – The Director of Facilities or Grounds Supervisor in conjunction
with Campus Safety will make an on-site decision regarding the assignment of personnel
and equipment for snow removal. The Grounds Supervisor will assign specific equipment to
routes and specific employees to equipment if weather conditions warrant such action.
4. Snow Removal Procedures:
 Steps, walkways and entryways shall be cleared with snow shovels, snow blowers
and sidewalk plowing equipment. Handicap areas must be fully accessible.
 Clean-up operations after a storm shall involve clearing all roadway access, walks,
entry ways, and parking lots along with the de-icing of those surfaces.
i. Snow shall be pushed back from sides of access roads, walks and parking lots.
ii. Stairs and entry ways shall have all remaining snow removed.
iii. Ice choppers and ice melt applications will then be employed on remaining
iv. Applications of ice control products will follow plowing, based on present
weather conditions, or when freezing occurs, as determined by the Director
of Facilities or Grounds Supervisor.
v. Return trips to remove melted ice and slush surfaces will complete the
cleaning of all surfaces.
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vi. Depending on conditions, de-icing materials may be applied without plowing.
 When plowing parking lots, snow should be piled so as not to block thoroughfares
and sidewalk areas. If snow has to be pushed over a curbed area, it should be piled
so that it will not fall back into the lot and still be clear of any adjacent walks or
handicap accessible areas. Note: When pushing snow over a curb, the truck operator
will stop the vehicle and lift the blade as the snow is being pushed, this will help
reduce the possibility of damaging the curb and the plow cutting edge.
 Building Housekeepers are responsible for building entrances, emergency exits and
stairs located immediately adjacent to the buildings. Manual shoveling and the
spreading of de-icing materials will be required continuously during the
Housekeeper’s assigned shift. Housekeeping Staff is on duty Monday through Friday
between the hours of 6:00 am to 10:00 pm., excluding holidays. The Snow Removal
Team is responsible for all other areas including primary and secondary walks and
parking lots.
5. Snow Removal Priorities:
 It is the responsibility of the Housekeeper, assigned to a specific building, to clear
accumulated snow from the immediate areas of each building’s entrance and fire
exits and continue to do so until rotating to the next building or the snowfall ceases.
 The snow is to be cleared from the building entrances in a manner so that the
operators of the snow removal equipment can collect and deposit the snow in a safe
manner, away from the entry, exits and adjacent walks. Snow is to be cleared within
six feet of the bottom of the landing or stairwell.
 Building Housekeepers are responsible for all stairs adjacent to their assigned
buildings. Sufficient quantities of d-icing materials shall be spread in areas where ice
and/or slippery conditions are present.
 Steps and large entrances to buildings shall be partially shoveled by housekeeping
along hand railings for initial opening. Handicap entranceways are to be fully
 It will be the responsibility of the Custodial Manager to inform the building
Housekeepers of their assigned duties to ensure that these tasks are carried out in a
timely and efficient manner. It is the responsibility of each Housekeeper to notify
their direct Housekeeping Lead or the Housekeeping Manager if additional ice melt
supplies are needed in their building. This should be checked on a weekly basis
during the winter season.
 The Snow Removal Team will be operating larger equipment used to clear walks,
drives and parking lots.
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 When the snow Removal Team is mobilized, priorities will be placed on opening all
drives and fire lanes to allow passage of emergency vehicles.
 See Snow Removal Priority Sequencing on page 12.
6. Safety Precautions and Safety Measures to be taken:
 Facilities Department Employees, while conducting their duties and responsibilities,
will observe and practice every available safety measure. It is extremely difficult for
the operators to see pedestrians and vehicles while operating large equipment.
Please allow as much distance as possible between yourself or vehicle, and the
moving equipment.
 Under ideal conditions, all concrete and paved walkways should be free of snow and
 The Facilities Department will make every reasonable effort to provide a safe
environment and improve the situation.
 Maintaining accessibility to/from handicap parking spaces, ADA curb cuts and ADA
compliant building entrances will be a high priority.
 Do not block fire hydrants or storm drains with snow piles.
 Do not pile snow in parking/drive areas to obstruct visibility and see that ornamental
trees and shrubs are not damaged by piling snow.
 As a reminder to Campus Staff, Students, and Faculty:
i. Wear boots or shoes with grip soles during adverse weather conditions.
ii. Smooth leather or rubber soles are unsafe on ice and hard packed snow.
iii. Don’t walk with your hands in your pockets; it reduces your balance.
iv. Take short or medium steps or shuffle your feet when these conditions are
v. Don’t step on uneven surfaces and place your full attention on walking.
vi. Don’t allow your attention to be divided while walking on ice and compacted
vii. You’re safety, and that of the entire Campus, is of the utmost importance
and of the highest priority given by the personnel of the Facilities
 In the event that snow has to be moved from a site because it could create a
dangerous situation, it will be taken to an open area designated by the College, or
moved off-site.
 Slip and Fall Reporting- Facilities would need Security’s assistance in recording of
information in associated slip/fall incidents. When a slip/fall incident occurs the
Director of Facilities (or a representative) is notified immediately and a report is
filled out by Security. Security will take pictures of the entire site from different
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views. In addition, the specifics of the type of shoe worn by the victim should be
noted and pictures taken of the footwear. This information will help prepare a fact
sheet on the specified incident for liability concerns.
General Information
1. Vehicles that block snow removal routes will be referred to Campus Safety and could be
towed at the owner’s expense.
2. The Facilities Director shall determine when snow equipment and personnel should be
halted due to extreme weather conditions.
Snow Removal Priority Sequence
PRIORITY LIST- Including Parking Lots
1. ANY AREA holding a special event.
2. Fiegl Maintenance Building
3. Kerr-Pegula Athletic Complex
4. Campus Center
5. Luckey Building
6. Fancher Building
7. Rest of Academic Buildings on campus including Nielsen Center
8. Residence Halls
9. Presidents House
10. Athletic Fields
Note: Custodial Manager will coordinate the opening of entrances with the Housekeeping Staff.
A pathway will be created by the Housekeeping Team to initially open the entrances, and the
Snow Removal Team will completely remove the snow after opening up all the sidewalks.
24 Hour Pre-Storm Preparation
In the effort to prepare for snowstorm activity prior to it beginning at Houghton College, the
following task will be performed by the Facilities Department.
 Use the internet to view and download weather information from the following sites:
a. The National Weather Service
 Weather reports will be communicated to the College.
 Equipment will be prepped for any impending storm to include, but not limited to:
a. Fueling all vehicles and equipment.
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Installing plows and salt spreaders.
Installing snow removal implements on portable tractors.
Testing all equipment to ensure in good working order.
Staging plow trucks on the Campus so they are ready to deploy.
Extreme Weather Conditions
In extreme and lengthy snow situations, to keep equipment in operation, Houghton College
may provide temporary lodging accommodations. This will only be authorized under continuous
snow conditions.
Record Keeping and Documentation
Accurate and up to date records of storm conditions and department activities are critical
elements of the Snow Response Plan. Records are useful in tracking materials used and in
planning for future storms.
Storm reports will be completed for each storm throughout the winter.
Spring Clean Up
In preparation for spring and commencement activities, the Grounds Department will complete
the following snow removal related tasks at the close of the winter season as outlined below:
 Review snow removal operations and record successes and areas that need
improvement in order to modify the Snow Response Plan and improve services for the
 Evaluate performance of equipment and materials.
 Quantify equipment, material, and labor costs to help establish future budget needs.
 Sweep and remove, and/or power wash all winter de-icing materials from access roads,
walkways and parking areas.
 Repair pot hole and curb damage.
 Check all gates, fences, and poles for damage and repair as needed.
 Check drains for any winter debris or materials.
 Check trees for winter damage and conduct maintenance as needed.
 Inspect lawns and re-plant any salt damaged areas as needed.
 Remove all snow stakes and markers.
 Clean and store all equipment not being used for remainder of season.
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Pre-Season Checklist
Snow Response Team (SRT)
Letter of Understanding
Snow Removal/Ice Melt Team Daily Log Sheet
Campus Map
Slip/Fall Recording Information
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Appendix A – Pre-season Checklist
Preparation Items. Checklist to be completed by the 15th of October.
Update snow removal plan to reflect the addition or deletion of Campus properties,
changes in staffing, changes in institutional programs, changes with equipment
usage, budgeting constraints, changes with contract services, and all other
information that is necessary to keep the response plan current.
Train personnel in the safe operation of snow removal equipment and in the
handling of snow and ice melting materials.
Establish Notification process for employee call-ins and issue a memorandum
indicating responsibility and guidelines for individuals involved in snow and ice
Perform inventory and inspection of equipment, parts, and materials to ensure that
they are in proper working condition and/or stocked in appropriate quantities.
Attach and test all snow removal implements to equipment.
Arrange for mechanical services to address major breakdowns beyond in-house
Issue a blanket purchase order for bulk de-icing and bagged de-icing materials.
Inventory all portable hand snow removal tools and ice melt containers for buildings.
Identify areas where snow can be disposed.
Coordinate any winter parking regulations with Campus safety, Dean of Student Life,
Students and issue a Snow Emergency Parking Notice that explains the procedures
and roles of the Campus Community while parking on Campus under winter storm
Install signage for snow emergency parking areas.
Install plow stakes designating edges and intersections of roads, paths and parking
lots to be plowed.
Coordinate marking of hydrants with Fire Department.
Make necessary repairs and eliminate any protruding obstacles in parking lots, roads
and walkways.
Update maps and listing of priorities, equipment routes, assignments and zones as
Update list of local emergency services such as hospitals, police, and gas and water
Instructions: Form must be filled out by the Facilities Department prior to the winter season. All discrepancies
must be immediately reported to the Maintenance Supervisor.
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Appendix B – Snow Response Team
Director of Facilities Grounds Supervisor -
Chad Plymale
Dennis Erdmann
John Ellis
Frank Eszes
607-356-3426 home
585-610-2490 cell
585-567-4585 home
585-386-9271 cell
Grounds Personnel 5:30 am to 2:30 pm
Mitch Liddick
Dan Wolcott
Jim Sylor
Andrew Cahill
Rene’ Stempert
Tom Finch
Jared Petranek
Custodians –
Custodial Manager
1:30 pm to 10:00 pm
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Appendix C – Letter of Understanding
Effective December 1, 2014
SUBJECT: Letter of Understanding Regarding Flexible Work Schedule
This Letter of Understanding outlines changes to your work schedule. As a member of the Snow
Removal Team (SRT), you are expected to be responsive to the snow removal needs at Houghton
College during the course of the winter season; you may be called upon to report to work early, or on off
hours, in order to facilitate snow removal.
The following should be understood:
1. As a member of the SRT you expected to provide a phone number to the Facilities General Manager.
This number will be utilized to call you in if a decision is made that snow removal services are
needed. You will be expected to answer the phone number you provide.
2. You may be required to stay late in order to facilitate or continue with snow removal operations.
3. You may be asked to alter your schedule during the day to facilitate snow removal.
4. If contacted by the Facilities General Manager, Grounds Supervisor or Designee by phone you are
required to call back and verify you have received the message.
Every effort will be made to maintain your regular work schedule. If you have any questions or concerns
regarding this letter, please contact me directly.
Chad Plymale
Facilities General Manager
I have read and understand this Letter of Understanding and its provisions by signing below. I agree to
the terms of this letter.
Employee Signature
Facilities General Manager Signature
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Appendix D– Snow Removal /Ice Melt Team Daily Log Sheet
This log is to be filled out daily by the Maintenance Supervisor when snow removal or de-icing occurs at
Houghton College
Campus Location
Amount of Product Applied
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Appendix E – Campus Map
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Appendix F – Slip/Fall Recording of Information
Slip/Fall "Recording of Information"
As discussed, Buildings and Grounds needs Security’s assistance in recording
information associated with Slip/Fall incidents.
When a Slip/Fall incident occurs, a report is filled out by Security. As discussed,
Security will take a picture of the concerned area from a couple different views. In
addition, the type of shoe worn by the incident victim should be noted on the report and
picture taken of footwear.
This information will help the Buildings and Grounds Department prepare a fact file on
specified incidents for liability concerns.
This would be a good idea in our documentation process.
Thanks for your support!
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