Recording Savernake`s Second World War Heritage

Recording Savernake’s
Second World War
Project Design
Recording Savernak’es Second World War Heritage
Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group
Table of Contents
Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Historical Background .................................................................................................................... 1
Location .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Archaeological Investigations in Savernake ................................................................................... 3
Historical Research undertaken on Second World War Savernake ............................................... 3
Research Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................... 3
Methods Statement ....................................................................................................................... 4
Business Case ................................................................................................................................. 5
Project Scope.................................................................................................................................. 5
Communications ............................................................................................................................ 5
Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................... 6
Project Team Biographies .............................................................................................................. 6
Stages ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Archiving and Dissemination .......................................................................................................... 7
Risk Log ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Budget ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Recording Savernake’s Second World War Heritage
This project aims to identify and record the extant remains dating to the Second World War in
Savernake Forest. The Second World War had a significant impact on the forest as it became the site
of one of the largest ammunition depots in the country. This left extensive remains within the forest
area, the significance of which was first recorded by a National Mapping Programme (NMP) project
undertaken by English Heritage in 2007-8. This project added 324 new sites to the national record,
including a significant number of sites associated with the Second World War ammunition store,
extending over a large area of the forest. This project highlighted the potential for surviving extant
remains, however a systematic ground survey of the forest was not undertaken. Such a project
would extend the understanding of these Second World War remains, especially when undertaken in
association with the analysis of the results from the NMP project and a historical investigation. The
potential outcomes of this multi disciplinary approach are extensive, and include better heritage
protection outcomes for the remains, and the potential for public dissemination and interpretation.
Historical Background
Bordering the south eastern fringe of the Wiltshire market town of Marlborough is Savernake
Forest, a remnant of the ancient woodland that once cloaked much of Britain. It covers an area of
over 4,500 acres, is owned by the Ailesbury Estate and in 1939 was leased to the Forestry
Commission for a period of 999 years.
Before the outbreak of World War Two, Britain’s stockpiles of explosives were stored in three
Central Ammunition Depots (CAD), but as the War intensified output from the ammunition factories
increased massively and the CADs quickly reached saturation point. As a direct result temporary
outdoor sites were hurriedly established and in July 1940 Savernake Forest was taken over by the
War Department as an ammunition store. The forest’s mature, predominately broad-leaved
woodland provided excellent natural concealment from aerial observation and the trees had the
potential to absorb the effects of explosions – accidental or otherwise.
The depot was conveniently located in central southern England about 70 miles west of London
and a similar distance north of the Channel port of Southampton. The now disused Midland and
South Western Junction Railway, one of Britain’s few north - south rail routes, passed along the
western edge of the forest and the west of England mainline, linking London with the west-country,
passed within a mile of the forest’s southern boundary.
Although the site was temporary in nature a number of semi-permanent camps, stores and
other facilities were constructed and much of this work took place during the first year or so of the
depot’s existence. Five camps, used to accommodate personnel, were established at Tottenham
Recording Savernak’es Second World War Heritage
Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group
House, Warren Farm, Cadley Vicarage, Postern Hill and Iron Gates and a number of Nissen type
ammunition shelters were built at intervals along almost the entire length of the Grand Avenue. To
open up the forest for storage, and to accept the weight of heavily laden army lorries, many of its
woodland rides were strengthened and new tracks constructed.
Towards the end of 1942 the Depot was gradually passed from British to American control and
over the course of the next 18 months or so stocks of ammunition increased in anticipation of
operation ‘Overlord’, the Allied invasion of Europe. The increase in stocks was so great during this
period that ammunition had to be stored in adjacent fields and woodland, as well as alongside public
roads. After the War the depot was used to store redundant ammunition brought back from Europe
and continued in use until 1949.
The north western edge of Savernake Forest is 1 mile to the south-south-east of Marlborough.
Map 1 – Location of Savernake Forest, Marlborough, Wiltshire
Recording Savernak’es Second World War Heritage
Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group
Archaeological Investigations in Savernake
Only limited archaeological investigations have been undertaken in Savernake Forest, with no
specific field work undertaken on the Second World War remains. The most significant investigation
undertaken in the forest was on the Savernake Roman pottery kilns. These were found in the late
19th century and excavated in 1957-1961 and 2005.
In 2007-8, English Heritage undertook a multi disciplinary project using aerial photographic and
LiDAR analysis with some limited field survey work (Crutchely, S., Small, F. and Bowden, M., 2009).
The aim of this project was to survey an area of, until then, relatively low density of sites in a rich
archaeological landscape and to analyse the benefits of using aerial photography and LiDAR in a
forestry landscape. The project added 324 new sites to the national record, which date from the
Neolithic to the Second World War. It mapped an extensive Second World War landscape that
included domestic camp sites and large numbers of different ammunition stores.
Various historic environment events undertaken in Savernake are recorded on the Wiltshire
HER. Though none are significant (apart from the above), they are attached to this Project Design as
an appendix.
Historical Research undertaken on Second World War Savernake
There has been one definitive historical study of the Second World War ammunition depot in
Savernake Forest. Undertaken by the local military historian, Roger Day, this resulted in the
publication “Savernake at War” (2007). This book provides a comprehensive overview of the
ammunition depot, covering its historical setting within the framework of the Second World War, as
well as a detailed record of the different units, functions and uses of the depot. The detailed plans
and illustrations also provide valuable insights into the depot’s infrastructure, organisation and
material culture. The author, Roger Day, is a member of the project team.
Research Aims and Objectives
On a regional level, this project addresses Research Aim 64: Improve our understanding of the
less-researched areas of Post-Medieval to Modern defence and warfare, in particular:
b. There is massive scope in the later period, one in which the ratio of civilian and support activity to
the front-line has developed to meet rapid technological change and “total” war in the later
twentieth century. Particular areas in urgent need of study are logistics (depots, dumps, repair and
transport facilities), command and control resources, personnel services (training, medical care,
recreation, security for service people) and “civilian” aspects, such as railways in war, temporary
housing and fire/rescue services.
Recording Savernak’es Second World War Heritage
Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group
Savernake forest comes under logistics - depots, dumps, repair and transport facilities.
Specific Project Aims:
Identify and record the extant Second World War remains in the forest.
Survey a number of type sites
Research these remains providing a historical context to them.
Provide a detailed record of sites for inclusion in the Wiltshire HER and Forestry Commission
sites register to protect them within the planning system and as part of forestry
Trial the use of mobile devices to plot the locations of the sites in the forest
Look at the potential for their interpretation and the creation of heritage walks.
Methods Statement
The project will include the following:
Documentary and aerial photographic analysis
Undertake a literature review of research undertaken on the Second World War occupation of
Savernake Forest and re-examine the aerial photography and LiDAR reports. This will provide target
areas to be surveyed – in particular the domestic camp areas.
Recording of Second World War site locations
Identify and plot the extant remains in the different areas of the forest – putting the individual
remains into context with the wider Second World War landscape. Various sites include, for
The different ammunition dump areas
The five domestic camps, including Iron Gates (SU 21111 68223) and Postern
Hill Camp (SU 19776 68033)
Associated infrastructure/facilities – eg water and electrical supplies,
drainage, repair areas, rubbish dumps etc
A spreadsheet/database of sites will be produced which will comply with national historic
environment data standards and make use of English Heritage/FISH Monument type thesauri.
Surveying – structural and earthwork survey and photographic recording of extant remains
This will be undertaken on various sites identified above. For repeated type sites, a representative
sample will be surveyed.
Recording Savernak’es Second World War Heritage
Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group
Identification and interpretation of the remains
Identification of the various areas of the camp and ammunition depot, including whenever possible
individual buildings/elements.
Recording of Second World War arborglyphs (tree carvings)
Arborglyphs dated from 1940 – 49 will be recorded as part of the project. They represent ephemeral
evidence of Second World War occupation of Savernake Forest. Images of the arborglyphs will be
8 Business Case
The Second World War Central Ammunition Depot in Savernake Forest is well known locally,
though is still relatively unknown regionally or nationally. There is therefore a need to highlight this
aspect of the forest’s heritage in terms of public understanding and heritage protection. Although a
number of the remains of the camps and ammunition depots in the forest area have been located
through the English Heritage National Mapping Programme and LiDAR project, very little work has
been undertaken on the ground. This project will aim to provide a “ground truthing” of these sites
identified, to map the extant remains and survey specific elements of them.
The main outcome of this project will be to produce an accurate register of extant Second
World War remains for the Wiltshire HER and the Forestry Commission, who manage Savernake
Forest. This will enhance the heritage protection of the site within the planning system. The project
could also lead to the interpretation of the remains, and the potential for creating interpreted walks
around some of the most significant sites.
Project Scope
The project will be undertaken within the boundaries of Savernake Forest and restricted to
Second World War heritage. Any other remains are out of the scope of the project, though any
significant finds will be reported to the County Archaeologist and the Forestry Commission
Updates of the project progress will go to the Wiltshire County Archaeologist and the Forestry
Commission archaeologist. The Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group website and Facebook page will
be used to disseminate publically the project.
Recording Savernak’es Second World War Heritage
Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group
Health and Safety
The Archaeology Field Group is covered under its own Third Party Liability insurance. A Risk log
will be prepared which will reflect any specific issues associated with the nature of the Second World
War site. The standard Field Group Health and Safety procedures will be adhered to.
Project Team Biographies
Roger Day was born in Marlborough and has been interested in the area’s recent military
history for most of his life. He is a military historian and the author of five books on the subject - one
of which is ‘Savernake at War’, a comprehensive history of the WW2 ammunition depot that was
established in Savernake Forest in 1940. He is a member of the Hungerford Historical Association
and runs his own website,, dedicated to 20th century military heritage in
north-east Wiltshire and west Berkshire.
Iain Fry grew up in Wiltshire and has an active interest in the history and legacy of the First
and Second World Wars, in the UK and mainland Europe. He has been a member of various groups
associated with historical remembrance and conservation for over 15 years, including the Western
Front Association, Battlefields Trust and Friends of Lochnagar crater.
Dan Miles works in the Heritage Protection Department of English Heritage. He is an active
member of the Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group Steering Committee and has a particular interest
in military and conflict archaeology. He has undertaken various field investigations and building
recording projects on 20th century military sites in the county.
The project is split into various stages:
Stage 1
Documentary and aerial photographic analysis
Stage 2
Recording of Second World War site locations
Stage 3
Surveying – structural and earthwork survey and photographic recording
of extant remains
Stage 4
Identification and interpretation of the remains
The stages are sequential, though some surveying of known sites may take place at the same time as
the general recording of site locations. The main time period of the field work will be December –
Recording Savernak’es Second World War Heritage
Wiltshire Archaeology Field Group
May, due to vegetation growth, and the project is estimated to last at least 2 years. This is, to
some extent, dependant on the number of volunteers who participate in the project.
Archiving and Dissemination
The project archive will be deposited with the Wiltshire Museum. A report will be made
available to the Wiltshire HER and the Forestry Commission and uploaded through OASIS to the Grey
Literature Library of the Archaeology Data Service.
It is not envisaged that any material cultural remains will be collected – as this is not the
primary objective of the project. However, if during the survey, relevant material is found then
discussions will be held between the Wiltshire Museum and the Merchants House relating to their
Risk Log
To be attached.
There is the possibility of applying for some funding, for example HLF funding. This will
be discussed by the various participants at the beginning of the project’s implementation.