Supporting Information Table SI. Origin of samples, number of genitors, experimental breeding, temperature treatment, number of sexed offspring (of the total number of individuals that could be successfully raised), mortality from fertilization until the time of sexing, and observed sex ratio (% males) of experiments with (a) Thymallus thymallus and (b) Salmo trutta. ATU = accumulated thermal units, i.e. degreedays Population Experimental Temperature N sexed (year), design treatment (total) Mortality Sex ratio Genitors a) T. thymallus Aare Full-factorial in Constant 6°C until 60 609 (2007) vitro fertilizations ATU, constant 5°C (~4,500) 7♀, 36♂ (females x males): from 60-300 ATU, 8- 3 x 30 and 4 x 6; 15°C from then on offspring split Constant 6°C until 60 107 about equally to 4 ATU, constant 7°C (~4,500) different from 60-300 ATU, 8- temperature 15°C from then on treatments and Constant 6°C until 60 112 raised until ATU, constant 9°C (~4,500) phenotypic sex from 60-300 ATU, 8- could be 15°C from then on determined Constant 6°C until 60 318 ATU, constant 11°C (~4,500) <5% 48.0% <5% 44.9% <5% 49.1% <5% 47.5% 82.4% 47.2% from 60-300 ATU, 8°15°C from then on Rhine Full-factorial in Constant 6°C until 120 (2008) vitro fertilizations: ATU, continuously 3♀, 24♂ 3 x 24; offspring 254 (254) increasing from 6°C - split about equally 8°C between 180-300 to 2 different ATU, with a 1°C daily temperature variation simulating treatments and day and night, 14°C raised until from then on 1 phenotypic sex Constant 6°C until 120 0 could be ATU, continuously (0) determined increasing from 6°C - (starting with in 12°C between 180- total 2,880 300 ATU, with a 1°C embryos raised in daily variation 120 24-well simulating day and plates) night, 14°C from then 100% . 97.8% 63.0% 84.4% 46.0% 100% . 90.1% 52.1% 89.8% 47.0% on Rhine Full-factorial in Constant 5°C until (2009) vitro fertilizations: 1,000 ATU, constant 6♀, 20♂ 6 x 20; offspring 27 (27) 14°C from then on split about equally Constant 10°C until 187 to 2 different 1,000 ATU, constant (187) temperature 14°C from then on treatments, from Constant 5°C until 0 1000 ATU on 1,000 ATU, ca 15°C (0) raised at two from then on different locations Constant 10°C until 1 (starting with in 000 ATU, ca 15°C from (119) total 4,800 then on 119 embryos raised in 200 24-well plates) Rhine Full-factorial in Continuously (2010) vitro fertilizations: increasing from 6°C - 6♀, 20♂ 6 x 20; offspring 245 (245) 14.5°C until 1,000 split about equally ATU, 8°- 9°C from then to 2 different on 2 temperature Continuously 250 treatments increasing from 8.5°C (~1,500) (starting with in -15°C until 1,000 ATU, total 4,800 8°- 9°C from then on 39.6% 48.8% 98.3% 55.8% 20% 46.0% 85.6% 52.8% embryos raised in 200 24-well plates) Aare Full-factorial in Constant 5°C until (2011, vitro fertilizations: 1,000 ATU, 8° - 9°C early 2 x 10 (starting season) with in total 2,400 2♀, 10♂ embryos raised in 34 (34) from then on 100 24-well plates) Aare Full-factorial in Constant 10°C until (2011, vitro fertilizations: 1,000 ATU, 8° - 9°C late 2 x 10 (starting season) with in total 2,400 2♀, 10♂ embryos raised in 100 (~1,600) from then on 100 24-well plates) b) S. trutta Aare and 4 Full-factorial in Continuously 339 tributaries vitro fertilizations declining from 6.5°C (339) (2009) within to 1°C until 400 ATU, 20♀, 30♂ populations, i.e. 5 then continuously times 4 females x increasing to 7°C until 6 males; offspring 1,000 ATU, then 8°- about equally split 9°C 3 to 2 temperature Continuously 208 treatments increasing from 6.5°C (208) (starting with in to 14.5°C until 1 000 total 4,800 ATU, 8°C to 9°C from embryos raised in then on 91.8% 47.6% 200 24-well plates) 4