NBT - Number and Operations in Base Ten 5.NBT.1. In a number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left http://www.toonuniversity.com/flash.asp?err=503&engine=15 Interactive website where students identify the value of numerals in numbers http://www.studyzone.org/mtestprep/math8/d/million5p.cfm Interactive lesson about place value http://www.mathsonline.co.uk/freesite_tour/resource/whiteboard/decimals/dec_notes.html Interactive decimal number line tool http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/math/decimals-percents/place-valuedecimals.htm Tutorial with video and quiz about place value of decimals to thousandths http://www.mhschool.com/math/2009/ca/student/grade4/chapter_14.html McGraw-Hill text resources to introduce decimals, including videos, games, and practice questions http://ejad.best.vwh.net/java/b10blocks/b10blocks.html Interactive work mats to build decimals with base ten blocks http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/mathematics/im1/concepts_in_motion/inter active_labs/M1_04/M1_04_dev_100.html Video tutorial and practice problems for understanding place value of decimals http://www.math-play.com/football-math-decimals-place-value/football-math-decimalsplace-value.html In this football math game, students will solve decimals place value problems. For each correct answer, kids will earn seven points, but they will lose three points for each incorrect answer. http://www.quia.com/cb/8142.html Decimal and whole number review by playing jeopardy. Can be a one or two player game. Includes place value of whole numbers and decimals, rounding, and comparing. 5.NBT.2. Powers of 10 (Exponents) http://www.mathsframe.co.uk/resources/Balancing_Calculations.aspx Mathsframe.co.uk has mroe than 80 free games for teaching KS2 maths on interactive whiteboards http://www.khanacademy.org/math/arithmetic/decimals/e/understanding_ moving_the_decimal In this activity the students are given numbers and asked to determine the new numbers based on multiplying and dividing by the powers of ten. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/decimals.htm (Decimal Models & Decimal Place Value) 5.NBT.3. Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form); Compare two decimals to thousandths http://www.eduplace.com/kids/mw/practice/templates/rules.jsp?ID=hmm0 5_ep/gr5/0105&GRADE=5&UNIT=1&CHAPTER=1&LESSON=5&UNIT_TITLE =Place%20Value%20of%20Whole%20Numbers%20and%20Decimals&CHA PTER_TITLE=Place%20Value%20of%20Whole%20Numbers%20and%20Deci mals Practice problems to represent whole numbers and decimals in standard and word form http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-5/what-decimal-number-is-illustrated Quick practice problems for students to identify what decimal is illustrated http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/decimals/DecimalModels1 0.htm Matching game for students to match a decimal to tenths with a pictoral representation http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/decimals/DecimalModels.h tm Matching game for students to match a decimal to hundredths with a pictoral representation http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/flash/decimals.swf Interactive website where students order decimals by value - students have option of comparing decimals using the "Testing Room" http://www.decimalsquares.com/ Change two 100's grids to represent and compare two decimals. 5.NBT.4. Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place http://www.aplusmath.com/Flashcards/rounding.html Interactive rounding flashcards http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/math/decimalspercents/rounding-decimals.htm Tutorial with video and quiz about rounding decimals 5.NBT.5. Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm Multiplication Millionaire – Mental Math Multiplication http://www.quia.com/rr/10206.html Soccer Shoot Out - Play the Whole Number Multiplication Game (Levels Medium or Hard) http://www.funbrain.com/fractop/index.html Batters Up Baseball – Play the Multiplication (Home Run) Game http://www.prongo.com/math/ Math Frog Multiplication http://cemc2.math.uwaterloo.ca/mathfrog/english/kidz/mult5.shtml Math Journey – Play Multiplication with Two Digit Numbers http://www.quia.com/mathjourney.html Calculator Chaos- Go to Number and Operations in Base 10 and playhttp://www.mathplayground.com/common_core_state_standards_for_mathematics_gr ade_5.html 5.NBT.6. Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors (using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models) Snork's Long Division - Great game that shows the Algorithm!!! http://www.kidsnumbers.com/long-division.php Dividerama http://cemc2.math.uwaterloo.ca/mathfrog/english/kidz/div5.shtml Number Cruncher Challenger – Play the hard level! http://www.edbydesign.com/maths/number_cruncher_challenger.html Divider Machine – Level Three http://www.amblesideprimary.com/ambleweb/mentalmaths/dividermachine.html Take the flight – Play the game with division and 2 digit divisors http://www.quia.com/mathjourney.html OA - Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5.OA.1. Use parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate expressions Order of Operations Millionaire http://www.math-play.com/Order-of-Operations-Millionaire/order-ofoperations-millionaire.html Order of Operations - Math Playground http://www.mathplayground.com/order_of_operations.html Order of Operations http://www.dositey.com/2008/math/m/mystery2SMA34.htm Can You Solve This Problem? http://www.aplusmath.com/cgi-bin/Flashcards/Order_Of_Operations Order of Operations - Timed Game http://cemc2.math.uwaterloo.ca/mathfrog/english/kidz/order.shtml Find the Order of Operations http://www.softschools.com/math/order_of_operations/games/ Order Ops http://mrnussbaum.com/orderops/