15102014 CAMHS Launch Event – Group Work

Group Discussions - Collated
1) What are the implications of what you have heard today for your local CAMHS service?
BANES, Swindon
South Devon
Swindon, BANES
NEW Devon
North Somerset
More time to talk to colleagues in Bristol
Uniform outcomes across tiers / transferable. Monitoring /insuring pathways
are effective long term
Commissioning, values to deliver / inform commissioning. Who / what group
holds the vision of services in area
Strong need for community services
Definition between tiers of services to allow for challenge
Move towards each NHS area, being more self-sufficient – are the beds the
right ones, and in the right geographical areas? E.g. may need more eating
disorder and high dependency beds
Mismatch between money ‘taken out’ by NHS England & what is currently
being spent
Pathways and Protocols
Transition across tiers and into adults
Working together, multiagency care pathways
Other pathways of support and re-modelling current resources
OOH / Urgent care provision
Integration & co-location, what stops it happening?
Developing a new model (based on commissioning better CAMHS document)
which can feel like…. “Redesigning the jet engine whilst in flight”
The relationship between young people / service users, clinicians, managers
and commissioners
The importance of strong universal services / early help e.g parenting support
Issue of Young people not always wanting their parents involved, but parents
saying they want to be involved
Any outcomes based model leads to it being a more pessa-centred approach
Raising awareness in Schools about MH, reducing stigma
Self-referral – advertising, explanation
Films, welcome to CAMHS, what we are, need to know exactly what it is, and
where they are going
Useful resource to inform local action, highlights and re-enforces over area of
Need to map tier / 2 provision in schools / community
Review criteria / thresholds for specialist CAMHS
Increase participation / engagement
2) Can you agree on the top 3 priorities for change?
BANES, Swindon
Liaison time. Resources to ensure commissioning are adequately informed.
Local meetings between clinicians and young people, to be held on regular
basis and effectively changed
Assessment of community services, impact on T4 services
Out of hours services, can this be at a local level, or combined with this
Paediatric liaison, effectiveness of processes and needs of services, cut of hours
Meeting needs of 18-25 year olds to make transition to adult services better.
Focus on certain groups IAC, send & more holistically recognise the differences
in services on offer to adult services, perhaps through increasing upper age
Getting Parity with adult service especially over spend of funding available,
probably will result in a saving as less CYP may need access to adult services
More support and investments in pre + tier 1/2 level work – prevention /
reduction in CYP / adults in Crisis
Executive Champion
Emotional wellbeing mental health strategy has been written – the issues have
been identified
Training and information for GP’s and staff in schools
Money for Crisis care
South Devon
Swindon, BANES
Self-harm pathways
Crisis and Liaison services for Young People
Whole system pathways / outcome services
Crisis Service
Assertive Outreach (CAMHS Social Care)
NEW Devon
North Somerset
3) Can you identify 3 actions that you will take, and named leads to co-ordinate each one?
BANES, Swindon
South Devon
Swindon, BANES
NEW Devon
North Somerset
17+ requirements / transition arrangements
Day services, City v Countryside needs
Investigate Liverpool Model or single point of access to statutory + vol
services – CCG
Investigate new funding and joint bid for Swindon, Wilts + BANES RE:
Crisis Liaison – CAMHS providers / CCG
The EWMH strategy in Cornwall & IOW has identified named leads for
actions to be taken
Raising awareness in Schools, LA
Self-Referral – CAMHS
Films – Gill and Young People
Yes, already underway
Pull together one document which maps current state of play in
N.Somerset, to share with all stakeholders and agree priorities for
Develop a written protocol / Pathway for agencies to support (work
together to support) young people in crisis
Continue to dialogue with limits to transitions and suicide (self-harm)