Debates on Friendship f13

Ancient & Medieval Philosophy
Debate II – “The Criteria of Virtuous Friendships” - Tuesday, November 3
Aristotle gives strict criteria for the highest form of friendship, virtuous friendship. The key
section is in Book VIII, from second half of chapter 3 through chapter 6. Also consider the 2nd
half of Book VIII, chpt. 8. Among other things, in these sections Aristotle says that the ideal form
of friendship are based upon people’s similarity and equality.
Debate Question: Is Aristotle correct when he insists that similarity and equality are essential
characteristics of virtuous friendships? Or, is it possible to achieve virtuous friendships between
people with significant differences?
Parameters: Both sides are to utilize, broadly speaking, the basic ideas of virtue ethics as is
outlined in the first 6 chapters of Book 2. In other words, work within the broad conceptual
world of Aristotle, that that Aristotle would be able to understand any affirmations or critiques.
Group #1 – Against Aristotle’s criteria
Group #2 – For Aristotle’s Criteria
Preparation for the Debate: Each group should
• Base your arguments on your readings from the Nicomachean Ethics, but specifically Book 8.
• As a team, write a single 2 page positive argument for your group’s position.
• As a team, write a single 2 page critical argument against the other position.
• Completed papers due in class the day of the debate.
Ordering of the Debate
Preparation for the Debate: 10 minutes
Prepared Argument for Position #1 (Aristotle is wrong) : 4 min
Prepared Argument for Position #2 (Aristotle is right) : 4 min
Prepared Critique of Position #1: 4 min
Impromptu Rebuttal of Critique of Position #1: 4 minutes
Impromptu Response to Rebuttal: 2 minutes
Prepared Critique of Position #2: 4 min
Impromptu Rebuttal of Critique of Position #2 : 4 min
Impromptu Response to Rebuttal: 2 minutes
Pause to Prepare Final Remarks: 5 minutes
Final Remarks from Position #1: 2 minutes
Final Remarks from Position #2: 2 minutes
Criteria for Evaluation
The content will be evaluated according to how well the group: 1) Uses clear concepts of
Aristotle’s philosophy of virtue and friendship. 2) Uses credible evidence from the text,
experience and reason. 3) Knows the opposing sides argument and preempts their arguments.
4) Responds creatively in the rebuttal, using new arguments
The written content should be typed, double spaced, with 1 in margins. The argument should
demonstrate clear sentences, paragraph structure, and overall logic. The arguments should
use both examples, descriptions of experience, and explanation of key concepts.
The debate performance will be evaluated by how well the teams: 1) speak articulately, 2)
engage actively their opponents with eye contact, 3) utilize the time constraints effectively.