Graduate Education Exit Survey – Primary Questions Revised 08/25/10 Overall Satisfaction 1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with each of the following: a. b. c. Your academic experience at this university Your student life experience at this university Your overall experience at this university Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Training Program/Program Quality 2. When you first enrolled as a doctoral student, did your program provide an orientation to explain the process of completing your doctoral degree? If yes, then 3; otherwise skip to 4. 3. How effective was this orientation in helping you to understand the process of completing your doctoral degree? 4. Did your doctoral program provide you with a written set of expectations about academic requirements and expected progress? 5. Other than course grades and results of written or oral examinations, did your doctoral program provide a formal assessment of your academic progress at least annually? Support 6. Please rate the adequacy of support you were provided during your doctoral education and dissertation research in the following areas: Excellent Very Good Good a. b. c. d. e. Financial support Information technology (IT) resources Your personal work space [e.g., desk or office] Library and electronic research resources Laboratory, clinical, studio or other physical facilities Faculty Mentoring and Advising 7. How helpful was the advice you received from your dissertation/thesis advisor in each of these areas? Very Helpful Somewhat Not Very Helpful Helpful a. Selection of a dissertation topic b. Your dissertation research c. Writing and revising your dissertation d. Academic career options e. Nonacademic career options 1 Fair Poor Not At All Helpful N/A – I did not receive advice on this N/A Graduate Education Exit Survey – Primary Questions f. Search for employment or training Revised 08/25/10 N/A – I did not receive advice on this How timely was the advice you received from your dissertation/thesis advisor in each of these areas? a. b. c. d. e. f. 8. Very Timely Somewhat Timely Not Very Timely Not At All Timely Selection of a dissertation topic Your dissertation research Writing and revising your dissertation Academic career options Nonacademic career options Search for employment or training Was there another faculty member whom you considered to be a mentor (i.e., a faculty member who gave you advice about your education career development or other matters of concern to you as a graduate student)? If no, go to question 9. (If "yes"), was the faculty member in your program/department? How helpful was the advice you received from your mentor in each of these areas? Very Helpful a. b. c. d. e. f. Selection of a dissertation topic Your dissertation research Writing and revising your dissertation Academic career options Nonacademic career options Search for employment or training Somewhat Helpful Not Very Helpful Not At All Helpful Very Timely Somewhat Timely Not Very Timely Not At All Timely N/A – I did not have another faculty mentor or did not receive advice on this How timely was the advice you received from your mentor in each of these areas? a. b. c. d. e. Selection of a dissertation topic Your dissertation research Writing and revising your dissertation Academic career options Nonacademic career options 2 N/A – I did not have another faculty mentor or did not receive advice on this Graduate Education Exit Survey – Primary Questions f. Search for employment or training Revised 08/25/10 Professional development 9. Were you a teaching assistant (TA) at any time during your graduate studies? If yes, how helpful was this experience with respect to your professional development? Did you receive training in instructional methods at any time during your graduate studies? If yes, how helpful was this training? 10. Were you a research assistant (RA) at any time during your graduate studies? If yes, how helpful was this experience with respect to your professional development? 11. How many research or scholarly presentations (including poster presentations) did you make on your campus during your graduate studies (not including presentations given in class or in regularly scheduled not-for-credit lab meetings)?______ [dropdown: None; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 or more] 12. How many research or scholarly presentations (including poster presentations) did you make at meetings away from your campus (regional, national or international)?_____ [dropdown: None; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 or more] If you made a presentation away from campus, did you receive institutional or research funds for travel? ** 13. Based on research conducted while you were a graduate student, how many scholarly works that have been published or accepted for publication (e.g., peer reviewed articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings) have you authored or co-authored?____ [dropdown: None; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 or more] How many others are currently under review?____ [dropdown: None; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10 or more] ** Another possibility: If you made a presentation away from campus, did you receive funds for travel from any of the following sources: (check all that apply) 3