Int Beh Health Syl..


PSY 6570







, P



Professor of Psychology

This course will focus on application of the integrated behavioral healthcare (IBHC) consultative model and associated interventions in the management and treatment of patients within the health care system, emphasizing the emerging role of behavioral interventions in the primary health care delivery system. The course will also include training in the unique elements of the consultative model and the specific assessment and consultation skills required in the primary medical care setting. Didactic and experiential, this course will begin by clarifying the consultative model used in the primary care setting and move toward key elements of implementation and application in that setting, with an overall emphasis on the specific knowledge and skills necessary for behavioral healthcare practice.


To train students in the core domains and practice competencies required for integrated primary behavioral healthcare.


The course will be conducted via lecture, class discussion, assignments, and experiential components. Students are expected to read all assigned materials before classes and be prepared to discuss the readings. Experiential components, including clinical demonstrations and practice role-play activities, will be integrated with lecture materials. Students are expected to participate fully in the demonstrations, role-play activities, and all group discussions. Course performance will be evaluated via class participation, timely completion of assignments, exams, and the clinical resource document (see below) . Case examples will be reviewed and discussed throughout the course.

Labs will be primarily conducted by the TAs. You will need your laptop in most labs, and I encourage you to learn to type while looking at and listening to patients, so using your laptop during lecture is recommended as well.

Clinical Resource Document Requirement: We have a large collection of BHS clinical resource documents and handouts created and collected by prior students. You will add to the collection.

This year, each student will be responsible for developing a set of 4-5 evidence-based or clinically recommended tx goals for a specific problem; and briefly describe the standard techniques/interventions associated with each goal . The goals and interventions should represent best practice and standards of care for the problem. These will be quite brief for each problem, so each of you will do two problems. I will collate all the documents and post on the course webpages for dissemination to everyone in the course. The collated documents will provide each of you with additional practice guidelines.


The CBHC section contains a listing of the handouts and readings used in the course.

Please access and read before class. Physical handouts will not usually be provided in class. I often add additional handouts as we progress through the course topics.


Robinson, Patricia J. & Reiter, Jeffrey T. (2007). Behavioral Consultation and Primary Care .

Springer (ISBN-10: 0-387-32971-4). [BCPC]

Hunter, Christopher L., Goodie, Jeffrey L., Oordt, Mark S., & Dobmeyer, Anne C. (2008).

Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care . APA (ISBN 10: 1-4338-0428-X).


This is most likely to be least expensive if ordered direct from APA, if you are a student affiliate.


Albers, L., Hahn, R., & Reist, C. (20xx). Handbook of Psychiatric Drugs . CA: Current Clinical

Strategies Publishing. This is a small pocket paperback for quick reference. It is also organized from a practitioner perspective. There is downloadable digital version.

[If still available]!!

If you are into psychopharm, you will also want Stahl’s Essential Psychopharm-The Prescriber’s


Rollnick, S., Miller, W., Butler, C. (2007). Motivational Interviewing in Health Care .

Guilford Press.


There are a substantial number of pdf documents on the course webpages, and some are quite long. Relevant documents should be read before the topics are discussed in class.

You should begin reading the practice manuals now - please complete the Brevard Health

Alliance (BHA) practice manual within the first two weeks of class. Here are the full citations for major documents you should become familiar with.

Health Service Psychology Education Collaborative. (2014). Professional psychology in health care services: A blueprint for education and training. American Psychologist , 68 ,


American Psychological Association. (2013). Guidelines for psychological practice in health care delivery systems. American Psychologist , 68 , 1-6.

Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel. (2011 ). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel . Washington, DC.

Interprofessional Education Collaborative.

American Psychological Association. (2013). Competencies for psychology practice in primary care: Report of the interorganizational work group . Washington. DC. American Psychological


There are also quite a few guidelines for doing functional assessments, primary interventions, as well as patient handouts on the course page. You are responsible for reviewing these throughout the course and downloading copies for yourself. You will be using most of these documents at our

Behavioral Health practicum sites.


I do anticipate changes as we progress through the course. Lab components may include demonstrations, role-play and skill practice, group discussion, and verbal feedback/discussion regarding specific skills. Although the syllabus is topical in structure, the material covered within topics will specifically address core competencies in IBHC.

Clinical Applications in Behavioral Healthcare Tentative Syllabus

Date Topic Readings

08/18 Introduction to Course / Defining IBH and Key Players BCPC 1, 2, 3; Practice Manuals

Understanding a Federally Qualified Health Center (BHA)

and the State/County Health System in Florida (DOH PATH Clinic)

08/25 The Consultative Model / What “Consult” & “Intervention” BCPC 5, 7; IBH Intro, 2

Mean in Behavioral Healthcare / Initial Consult Outline

The Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) & A Behavioral Health Service

Lab/Demonstration: Doing A Consult – Stages of the Patient Contact

09/01 Using the Consultative Model in the Primary Care Setting

Bring your laptop – you will write up the initial consult as it

Complete Practice Manuals; IBH 3

Is being done by the TAs – this will apply to most Lab periods

Lab: Consultation & Assessment Skills and Techniques /

Lab/Demonstration (Initial Consults) / Consult Documentation

09/08 Motivational Interviewing – Dr. Van Sickle Assigned Readings on MI

09/15 Lab: Motivational Interviewing

Lab: Evaluating & Changing Health Risk Behavior

09/22 Primary Reasons for Consults & “Presenting Problems” BCPC 6

Working with Primary Care Providers - Interpersonal Skills

Walking Consultations – Shaping PCP Behavior Over TIme BCPC 8, 13



09/29 Unhealthy America - What’s Wrong?

Medicine You Need to Know

Lab: Follow-up Consults

10/06 Suicide Assessment & intervention in Primary Care

Lab: SI/HI & Problem Patients

10/13 Fall Break - No Class

10/20 Flex Class

10/27 Health Risk Behaviors: Tobacco Use, Overeating,

Physical Inactivity, and High-Risk Behavior

Lab: Health-Risk Behavior Change II

Assigned Readings

IBH 6; BCPC 10: 249-251

BCPC 10: 296-302

11/03 Diabetes & Other Chronic Health Conditions

Alcohol, Drugs, and Prescription Medication Abuse

Depression and Anxiety

Somatization/Hypochondriasis (Readings)

11/10 Flex Date

11/17 Pediatric Behavioral Health Consultation

Lab: Pediatric Interventions

11/24 Diversity and Women’s Health Issues

IBH 7, 8,9,10; BCPC 10; 259-263

IBH 12; BCPC 10: 276-281

IBH 5; BCPC: 266-27

IBH 16; BCPC 10: 251-255

IBH 4, 15

Consultation & Special Considerations with Older Adults IBH 14; BCPC 11

12/01 Ethical Issues in the Primary Care Medical Setting BCPC 14

Using Your Interpersonal Skills with PCPs and Staff

Course Wrap Up and Evaluation

