Arbuckle Specialty Animal General Knowledge Test

Arbuckle Specialty Animal General Knowledge Test- 2009
Matching- Respiration
1. 10-30 breaths per minute
2. 20-30 breaths per minute
3. 80-150 breaths per minute
4. 35-65 breaths per minute
5. 84 breaths per minute
Matching- Gestation
6. 19-21 days
7. 58-70 days
8. 63-64 days
9. 29-35 days
10. 21-23 days
11. 62-63 days
12. 150 days or 5 months
Matching- Heart Rate
13. 130-325 beats per minute
14. 350-600 beats per minute
15. 250-350 beats per minute
16. 320-480 beats per minute
17. 80-120 beats per minute
18. 160-220 beats per minute
19. 70-95 beats per minute
Matching- Temperature
20. 101-102.5 degrees F
21. 100.9- 105.3 degrees F
22. 101.5-103 degrees F
23. 103 degrees F
24. 95-101 degrees F
25. 101-102.2 degrees F
26. Labrador Retriever
27. Basenji
28. Greyhound
29. Bedlington Terrier
30. Welsh Corgi
31. Pug
32. Great Dance
33. Boston Terrier
34. Pekingese
A. Goat/Dogs
B. Rats/Mice
C. Cavy
D. Cat
E. Rabbit
A. Goat
B. Dogs
C. Cats
D. Rabbits
E. Cavy
AB. Mice
AC. Rats
A. Goats
B. Dogs
C. Cats
D. Rabbits
E. Cavy
AB. Mice
AC. Rats
A. Goats
B. Dogs
C. Cats
D. Rabbits
E. Cavy
AB. Mice/Rats
A. Sporting
B. Hound
C. Working
D. Terrier
E. Toy
AB. Non-Sporting
AC. Herding
35. Boxer
36. Lhasa Apso
37. German Shepherd
True/False- Tool Use
38. A size 15 clipper blades bristles are smaller and spaced closer together than a size 40 clipper blade.
39. An Otoscope is an instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum,
consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light.
40. A canine urinary catheter is flimsy and a feline urinary catheter is more rigid.
41. A hoof knife is slightly curved with its tips turned laterally on itself to form a tunnel.
42. Towel Clamps’ tips are offset so they pinch the skin and towel instead of cutting the skin.
43. Using a Gouge Dehorner is a bloodless form of dehorning.
44. Tissue hemostats are used to spread open layers of tissue and muscle and lock in the open position.
45. A stomach tube is a flexible tube inserted into the stomach through which liquid food is passed.
46. Non-Traumatic needles are more triangular shaped than cutting needles.
47. Littauer scissors are tiny scissors used commonly for operations of the eye.
48. The emasculator uses a tiny rubber band to be placed over the testis when castrating.
49. A curette is a surgical instrument shaped like a scoop or spoon, used to remove tissue or growths
from a body cavity.
50. A vacutainer is a blood collection tube with a vacuum to facilitate blood collection