FALL 2015 COURSES FOR WHICH THE PASS/FAIL OPTION IS NOT AVAILABLE The following categories of curricular offerings are not eligible to be taken Pass/Fail: * FIRST YEAR REQUIRED CURRICULUM, including first year and second year evening electives. * PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY COURSES, including American Legal Profession; Professional Responsibility; Professional Responsibility and Small Firm Practice: How to Start and Build a Law Firm; Professional Responsibility and the Future of the Legal Profession; Professional Responsibility for Tax Lawyers; Professional Responsibility: A Case Study Approach; Professional Responsibility: Ethics in Public Interest Practice; Professional Responsibility: How and Why Lawyers Get Into Trouble; Professional Responsibility: Lawyers’ Ethics in an Adversary System; Professional Responsibility: Problems from Practice; and The American Legal Profession in the 21st Century: Alternative Service Delivery Models, Emerging Practice Technologies, and New Regulatory Challenges. * WRITING REQUIREMENT (“WR”) SEMINARS * SUPERVISED RESEARCH PROJECTS * CLINICS * ALL COURSES THAT BEGIN WITH THE PREFIX “LAWG” CRN 13799 27342 24160 COURSE # LAWJ 025 LAWJ 025 LAWJ 046 05 07 09 24055 LAWJ 027 29346 LAWJ 032 05 05 25606 LAWJ 1089 05 24973 LAWJ 036 05 23967 LAWJ 1073 05 25055 LAWJ 1167 05 14099 LAWJ 567 05 15394 LAWJ 537 06 COURSE TITLE Administrative Law Administrative Law Advanced Constitutional Law Seminar Advanced Corporate Law Seminar Advanced Criminal Procedure and Litigation Advanced Evidence: Trial Skills Advanced Legal Writing: Legal Writing as a Discipline Advocating on behalf of People with Developmental Disabilities: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, and Legal Advocacy Opportunities Anatomy of a Federal Trial: The Prosecution and Defense Perspective Animal Protection Litigation Practicum Applied Legal Composition 1 PROFESSOR(S) Silberman, Laurence Nager, Glen Solum, Lawrence B. Bauman, Jeffrey D. Lowell, Abbe D. Blanco, Kenneth A./Dalton, David M. Butler, Charles J. Leveton, Erin Lopez, Jonathan E./Pollack, Barry J. Lovvorn, Jonathan R. DeLaurentis, Frances C. 13807 LAWJ 050 05 29166 LAWJ 054 09 29367 LAWJ 1354 05 Aviation Law 13819 LAWJ 058 13820 LAWJ 060 07 01 Bankruptcy & Creditors' Rights Best Practices for Justice: Prosecutors Working to Improve the Criminal Justice System Business Planning Seminar Civil Litigation Practice 27657 LAWJ 060 07 Civil Litigation Practice 29212 LAWJ 088 13936 LAWJ 309 05 07 Class Action Law & Practice Congressional Investigations Seminar 18136 LAWJ 215 05 Constitutional Law II: Individual Rights and Liberties Contemporary Bias and Law Seminar Corporate Income Tax Law II 29388 LAWJ 1355 05 17819 LAWJ 850 10 29269 LAWJ 1267 05 13848 29131 25836 29237 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 121 126 128 348 09 01 08 08 18444 LAWJ 014 08 25845 LAWJ 1127 08 29241 LAWJ 3004 10 29243 LAWJ 3003 10 29244 LAWJ 3005 10 13865 LAWJ 150 13860 LAWJ 142 07 09 13862 LAWJ 146 19729 LAWJ 833 08 08 Corporate Legal Department Practicum Corporations Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Current Issues in National Security and Civil Liberties Seminar Current Issues in Transnational (Private International) Law Seminar Cyber and National Security: Current Issues Seminar Employee Benefits: Executive Compensation Employee Benefits: Health & Welfare Plans Employee Benefits: Qualified Retirement Plans Employment Discrimination Energy Problems Seminar: Climate Change and Other Energy Issues Environmental Law Estate and Gift Tax 2 Foglia, Jonathon H./Irvine, Peter D. Fleming, Anne Hamann, Kristine/Riley, Patricia Laro, David Bird, Coleman/RussellHunter, Peregrine Rock, Jimmy/Yong, Esther C. Perry, Mark Levy, Joshua A./Muse, Robert F./Weinberg, Robert M. Cole, David Williams, Jamillah Bowman Eisenberg, Andrew M./Schneider, Mark A. Bauman, Jeffrey D. Regan, Milton C. Katyal, Neal K. Newton, Brent E. Cole, David Stewart, David P. DeRosa, Mary B. Kroh, Jeffrey W./Tackney, Stephen Scott, Vanessa A./Sheaks, Chantel Cohen, Adam B./Klepper, Gordon Simmons, David C. Huffman, Robert/Weisgall, Jonathan M. Buzbee, William Beckwith, Edward J./Sega, A. C. 25252 13876 24056 29118 23211 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 165 165 178 213 193 05 09 05 05 97 27335 29092 23984 23873 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 455 3000 089 1071 05 08 10 05 14017 LAWJ 493 08 18414 LAWJ 068 08 24218 LAWJ 2037 08 Evidence Evidence Federal Courts & the Federal System Federal Indian Law Seminar Federal Regulation of Financial Institutions Federal White Collar Crime Financial Holding Companies Foreign Relations Law Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health and International Human Rights Law Global Health Law Global Revolutions, Social Change, and NGOs Health Information Technology and the Law Housing Today: Lawyering Affordable Housing Seminar Human Rights Fact-Finding 29341 LAWJ 209 05 27779 LAWJ 034 08 19723 LAWJ 868 10 Income Taxation of Trusts, Estates and Beneficiaries 29287 LAWJ 295 05 13932 LAWJ 293 07 Information Technology Transactions: Strategy, Negotiations and Drafting Intellectual Property Litigation: Pretrial Skills 20264 LAWJ 905 08 15197 LAWJ 230 08 27750 29150 14141 29362 240 876 882 076 09 05 08 08 14163 LAWJ 958 08 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 27695 LAWJ 1283 08 Intelligence Reform and the Modern Intelligence Community International and Comparative Law on Women's Human Rights International Business Negotiations International Business Transactions International Commercial Arbitration International Migration and Development International Negotiations Seminar Gottesman, Michael Rostain, Tanina Gornstein, Irving L. Chambers, Reid P. Navarrete, Andres L./Whiting, Richard O'Sullivan, Julie R. Lybecker, Martin E. Feldman, Mark B. Cabrera, Oscar A./GomezLugo, Fanny Monahan, John T./Phelan, Alexandra L. Rutzen, Douglas B. Geetter, Jennifer Gutierrez, Tatiana E./Wallace, Stephen J. Brane, Michelle/Podkul, Jennifer Beckwith, Edward J./Hood, H. C./Kirk, David H. Harris, Todd Altherr, Robert F./Chang, Steve S./McKee, Christopher L./Roth, Christopher B. Cordero, Carrie F. Ross, Susan D. Starling, Kenneth Faulhaber, Lilian Brennan, Lorraine M. Martin, Susan F. Bleicher, Samuel A./Greenberg, Eldon V. Introduction to Military and Veterans Greenberg, Law, 1636-2016 William/Kasold, Bruce E. 3 14897 LAWJ 394 05 25627 LAWJ 1188 07 Jury Trials in America: Understanding and Practicing Before a Pure Form Democracy Law & Entrepreneurship Practicum Law and Foreign Investment in China Law in a New Media World 27716 LAWJ 1289 08 27432 LAWJ 936 08 24952 LAWJ 936 11 Law of Robots Law of War Law of War Seminar 23680 LAWJ 885 08 27761 13947 25833 13942 29204 24943 27769 13944 13951 05 05 05 07 08 11 17 97 07 Litigation Practice in International Arbitration Maritime Law Mediation Seminar Negotiating a Joint Venture in China Negotiations Seminar Negotiations Seminar Negotiations Seminar Negotiations Seminar Negotiations Seminar Patent Law 25251 LAWJ 1087 05 14137 LAWJ 852 08 LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 324 322 1207 317 317 317 317 317 332 27714 LAWJ 1288 08 14124 LAWJ 741 08 13965 LAWJ 358 05 29132 LAWJ 1021 05 23992 LAWJ 1038 08 22429 LAWJ 1019 05 27787 LAWJ 386 05 15354 LAWJ 403 08 19732 LAWJ 825 08 Politics of Litigation and Litigation of Politics: The Affordable Care Act and Other Political Cases Pre-Negotiation Strategies for CrossBorder Transactions Presentation Skills for Lawyers Seminar Race, Gender & Criminal Law Seminar Religion & the Work of a Lawyer Seminar Renewable Energy, Internet, Uber: Bringing Competition to Historically Monopolistic Industries Role of the Federal Prosecutor Rule of Law and the Administration of Justice Special Topics in Transfer Tax 4 Mize, Gregory E. Cook, Anthony E. Barale Ceurvorst, Lucille Clare, Thomas A./Yannucci, Thomas D. Walters, Edward J. Solis, Gary D. Jackson, Richard B./Schoettler, James A. Kalicki, Jean/Silberman, Mallory Lewis, Jeffrey H. Sellers, Sandra Gounaris, Nestor A. Altman, Stephen D. Altman, Stephen D. Costantino, Cathy A. Linkins, Julie R. Costantino, Cathy A. Freed, Joel M./Micallef, Joseph Weiner, Robert N. Turkmani, Chang O. Wolvin, Andrew D. Butler, Paul Uelmen, Amelia J. Hempling, Scott Creighton, Andrew L./Wheatley, Joseph K. Bhansali, Lisa L. Beckwith, Edward J./Smiley, Stafford 21331 LAWJ 944 10 State and Local Taxation: Income & Franchise Taxes 18150 29242 13996 22466 13957 13960 27764 418 421 421 351 351 351 351 09 01 05 01 05 07 08 Supreme Court Seminar Tax I Tax I Trial Practice Trial Practice Trial Practice Trial Practice 13959 LAWJ 351 09 Trial Practice 27737 LAWJ 756 08 14140 LAWJ 881 08 U.S. Taxation of Domestic Persons With Activities Outside of the U.S. U.S. Taxation of International Transactions Writing for Practice: Antitrust Economics and Law Writing for Practice: Corporations Writing for Practice: Federal White Collar Crime LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ LAWJ 28142 LAWJ 1312 05 29358 LAWJ 1350 05 28033 LAWJ 1311 05 5 Evans, Marianne/Friedman, Jeffrey A. Bloch, Susan L. Galle, Brian D. Gustafson, Charles H. Coffey, John P. Gersch, David P. Hayes, John C. Arterberry, John D./Michelich, John Vasquez, Francis A./Vasquez, Mary T. Bowers, Christopher P./Leyva, Natan J. Gustafson, Charles H. Holt, Benjamin F. Gayer, Judith S. Cooper, Aaron R.