Diploma of Environmental Monitoring & Technology Study module 2 Types and sources of pollutants MSS025009A Air pollution monitoring Completion Record Student name Type your name here Available marks 36 Final mark Marker to enter final mark Completion date Marker to enter date. www.cffet.net/env Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM TYPES OF AIR POLLUTANTS 2 Primary and Secondary Air Pollutants Particulate Pollutants Particle size & behaviour 2 2 3 GASEOUS POLLUTANTS 5 Carbon Oxides (CO and CO2) Sulfur Compounds Nitrogen Compounds Hydrocarbons 5 7 8 11 OZONE AND PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG 14 Photochemical Smog Minor Gaseous Pollutants 15 20 ASSESSMENT & SUBMISSION 21 Knowledge questions Submission Problems Resources & references Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 21 23 23 24 Page | 1 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM Types of Air Pollutants Essentially there are four types of air pollutants; ◗ particulate pollutants ◗ gaseous pollutants ◗ odour ◗ noise Only the first three of these are addressed in this module. Noise is such a large area that it is addressed in its own module, but you should be aware that the great majority of noise pollution occurs through the atmosphere. Primary and Secondary Air Pollutants Not all of the pollutants found in the atmosphere are the direct result of emissions. Many of the substances found in the atmospheres that are regarded as pollutants arise from chemical reactions in the atmosphere with other substances or light. Chemical reactions that require light in order to proceed are referred to as photochemical reactions. Pollutant substances that are directly emitted into the atmosphere are sometimes referred to as primary pollutants. These substances that are not directly emitted into the atmosphere, but rather are formed by chemical reactions in the atmosphere are referred to as secondary pollutants. Particulate Pollutants The term particulate refers to very small solid or liquid particles. Individual particles may vary in size, geometry, chemical composition and physical properties. They may be of natural origin (such as pollen or sea spray) or manmade (dust, fume and soot). They provide a reactive surface for gases and vapours in the formation of secondary pollutants. Particles also diffuse light reducing visibility. Atmospheric particles come from stack emissions, dusty processes, unsealed roads, construction work and many other sources. Particulate matter may be classified under the following headings. Dusts Large solid particles (>100um) carried into the air. Fume Solid particles (frequently metallic oxides) formed by condensation of vapours from a chemical reaction process or physical separation process. These particles are quite small, typically between 0.03 - 0.3um in diameter. Mist Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 2 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM Liquid particles formed by condensation of vapours or chemical reaction. For example, SO3 + H2O ⇌ H2SO4 Typically they are 0.5 - 3.0um in diameter. Figure 2.1 – the size ranges of common atmospheric particles Smoke Solid particles formed as a result of incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials. Typical diameter is between 0.5 - 1.0um. Spray A liquid particle formed by the atomisation of a parent liquid. Particulate matter makes up the most visible form of air pollution. Pollutant particles in the 0.001 to 10 um range are commonly suspended as aerosols near sources of pollution in urban atmospheres such as industrial plants, highways and power plants. Particle size & behaviour Atmospheric particles range in size from 0.005 - 500µm. The smallest of these are clusters of molecules whilst the largest are easily visible with the naked eye. Note that sizes given are not the physical size, but rather the Aerodynamic Equivalent Diameter (EAD) – which relates the particle to the behaviour of an equivalent spherical particle. Particles less than 1µm in diameter behave much like gases (remain suspended, may Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 3 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM coalesce, move in fluid streams), whilst larger particles are more like solids (affected by gravity, don’t stay suspended long, don’t coalesce). There is a marked variation of particle composition with size. The smaller particles generally derive from chemical reactions and are frequently acidic, whereas the larger particles (10µm or greater) are usually generated mechanically by bulk materials and have a tendency to be basic. It is the former which, irrespective of chemical composition, are the most dangerous to health, since they are not readily filtered out in the nose and throat and penetrate into the lungs. In urban areas there is an approximately even distribution between fine and coarse particles, but this is weather dependent. Under calm conditions there are more fine particles than coarse, as the coarser particles tend to settle if there is no turbulence. Fine particulate matter also tends to be transported and spread over much greater distances as it has a much longer residence time in the atmosphere. Particle Behaviour in the Atmosphere Particles in the atmosphere undergo many changes, both physical and chemical. They may grow in size, absorb or desorb gases from their surfaces, change their electrical charge, collide or adhere with other particles, or absorb water. These may change the particle size and affect its atmospheric lifetime. One of the major factors in particulate behaviour is the uptake and release of water. This process not only dramatically changes the specific gravity of the particle, but also them to form sulfate and nitrate aerosols. This in turn may dramatically change their pH, chemical always positively charged. These electrical charges have a substantial effect on the coagulation and rates of deposition of the particles. Total Suspended Particulates (PM10, PM2.5) The size distribution of particles suspended in the atmosphere shows that most particles are concentrated into three main size groups. Larger particles are most often around 10µm in size, whilst the smaller particles occur in size groups centred around 0.2 and 0.02µm. Only particles of <10µm can penetrate into the human lung, so it is common practice to analyse air for only this fraction to estimate its potential danger to human health. This is called PM10 sampling. Particles <2.5µm in size can penetrate deep into the lung tissue and are especially dangerous. For this reason a new standard has been developed which allows testing of this very fine particulate matter. It is referred to as PM 2.5 sampling. Both PM10 and PM2.5 are discussed in the following chapter in more detail. Organic Particulates Organic particulate matter occurs in a vast array of compounds. When collected, they can be fractionated into various chemical groups. Of these, the polycyclic aromatic Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 4 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM hydrocarbons (PAH) have received most attention. They tend to be found adsorbed on soot and dust particles, and are formed from smaller hydrocarbons at high temperatures. Effluent from a coal furnace may contain over 1 mg/m3 of PAH compounds, and cigarette smoke almost 0.1 mg/m3. As a result, urban atmospheres have shown PAH levels approaching 20 µg/m3. Gaseous Pollutants These include substances that are gases at normal temperature and pressure as well as vapours of substances that are liquid or solid at normal temperature and pressure. The gaseous pollutants of greatest importance include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, ozone and other oxidants, and sulfur oxides. Carbon dioxide could be added to this list as it has potential to dramatically alter our climate. Pollutant concentrations are measured in micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m 3) or parts per million (ppm). 1𝑝𝑝𝑚 = 1 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 106 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 (𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 + 𝑎𝑖𝑟) At 25°C and 101.3 kPa the relationship between ppm and µg/m3 is; 𝜇𝑔 𝑝𝑝𝑚 × 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 1000 = 3 𝑚 24.5 Carbon Oxides (CO and CO2) Significant quantities of the carbon oxides, carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO 2), are produced by natural and anthropogenic sources. Because of its health implications, CO is considered to be a major atmospheric pollutant. Carbon dioxide is relatively non-toxic, but its significant potential for causing global climatic change makes direct and indirect emissions to the atmosphere a serious pollution problem. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. The Earth's atmosphere has an average burden of around 530 million tonnes (about 0.00001%), with an average residence time of 36 to 100 days. Much of the CO in the atmosphere occurs naturally as it is emitted from volcanic eruptions, photolysis of methane and terpenes, decomposition of chlorophyll, forest fires and microbial action in oceans. Anthropogenic sources include transportation, solid waste disposal, agricultural burning, steel production, etc. It is also emitted directly into the atmosphere through the inefficient combustion of fossil fuels. It is removed by reactions in the atmosphere which change it to CO2 and by absorption by plants and soil micro-organisms. In combustion, carbon is oxidised to CO2 in a two-step process. Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 5 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM 2C + O2 ⇌ 2CO 2CO + O2 ⇌ 2CO2 Annual global emissions are estimated to be 3 x 109 to 6.4 x 1011 tons per year for natural and 2.75 x 108 tons per year for man-made sources. Carbon monoxide is emitted if insufficient oxygen is present for the second step to proceed. Background levels of CO tend to vary greatly depending on location. Average global levels are about 0.2ppm. Peak concentrations tend to occur during autumn months when large volumes are generated by the decomposition of chlorophyll in leaves. Because the internal combustion engine contributes much of the man generated CO (the EPA estimates 90% in the Sydney region), maximum levels of this gas tend to occur in congested urban areas at times when the maximum number of people are exposed, such as during rush hours. At such times, CO levels in the atmosphere may become as high as 50100ppm. CO is removed from the air mostly by conversion to CO2. This may occur through aerial oxidation or through the action of soil microorganisms. Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide is produced when organic matter is combusted, weathered, or biologically decomposed. It is removed from the atmosphere by plants in photosynthesis and released by biological reactions. Over hundreds of millions of years CO2 has been withdrawn from the atmosphere and stored in coal, oil and natural gas. The intensive use of these fuels in the past century, however, has resulted in significant CO2 emissions and an increase of atmospheric concentrations. Base values of CO2 have reportedly increased about 25% since 1850. Since 1958, CO2 values measured at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii have increased from 310 to more than 380ppm. Significant seasonal variations are also observed to occur in CO2 levels, which reach a maximum in the northern hemispheric spring and a minimum in autumn. This seasonal variability appears to be associated with growing season photosynthetic needs and metabolic releases of CO2 in excess of plant uptake at the end of the growing season. Not all CO2 emitted to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources contributes to increased atmospheric levels. Because of its solubility in water, the oceans are a major sink for CO 2, absorbing 50% of all man-made emissions. The world's forests, particularly tropical forests, also serve as a sink. As a thermal absorber (read greenhouse gas), CO2 prevents some infrared emissions from the Earth being radiated back to space. It is though that in time this may greatly change the Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 6 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM planet’s global heat balance – leading to global warming – the so-called Greenhouse Effect. Sulfur Compounds A variety of sulfur compounds are released to the atmosphere from both natural and anthropogenic sources. The most important of these are the sulfur oxides (SOx) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Although significant SOx emissions may occur from volcanic eruptions and other natural sources, man-made emissions are responsible for much of the atmospheric emissions. Sulfur Oxides These are produced by roasting metal sulfide ores and by combustion of fossil fuels containing appreciable inorganic sulfides and organic sulfur. Of the four known sulfur oxides, only SO2 is found at appreciable levels in the atmosphere. Sulfur trioxide (SO3) is emitted directly into the atmosphere in ore smelting and fossil fuel combustion and is produced by the oxidation of SO2. Because it has a high affinity for water, it is rapidly converted to sulfuric acid. The formation of SO2, SO3, and sulfuric acid in the atmosphere is summarised in the following equations. S + O2 ⇌ SO2 2 SO2 + O2 ⇌ 2SO3 SO3 + H2O ⇌ H2SO4 Sulfur dioxide may be directly absorbed by water bodies such as the oceans to form sulfurous acid. This is one of the sources of acid rain, which has dramatically affected the environment in Europe and North America. Sulfur Dioxide SO2 is an acidic colourless gas which may remain in the atmosphere for periods up to several weeks. It can be detected by taste and odour in the concentration range of 0.38 - 1.15ppm. Above 3 ppm, it has a pungent, irritating odour. It is estimated that 65 million tonnes of SO2 per year enter the atmosphere as a result of man's activities, primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels. Of these, coal is by far the greatest contributor. In the United States, it is estimated that almost 60% of SO 2 emission are the result of coal-fired power stations. Background levels of SO2 are very low, about 1ppb. In urban areas maximum hourly concentrations vary from less than 0.1 to more than 0.5ppm. Since the implementation of significant SO2 control measures in the early 1970s, many urban areas in the United States Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 7 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM report markedly reduced ambient SO2 levels (<0.10 ppm). SO2 is removed from the atmosphere by both dry and wet deposition processes. It is believed that plants are responsible for most SO2 removal that occurs by dry deposition. SO2 can also dissolve in water to form a dilute solution of sulfurous acid (H2SO3). This water can be in clouds, in rain droplets, or at the surface. A major sink process for SO2 is its gas-phase oxidation to H2SO4 and subsequent aerosol formation by nucleation or condensation. Sulfuric acid will react with ammonia (NH 3) to form salts including ammonium hydrogen sulfate (NH4HSO4), ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] or mixed salts with ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). About 30% of atmospheric SO2 is converted to sulfate aerosol. Sulfate aerosols are removed from the atmosphere by dry and wet deposition processes. In dry deposition, aerosol particles settle out or impact on surfaces. In wet deposition, sulfate aerosol is removed from the atmosphere by forming rain droplets (in cloud) or being captured by falling rain droplets (below cloud). These removal processes are called rainout and washout. Hydrogen Sulfide H2S is a very toxic gas with a characteristic rotten egg odour. This odour can be detected at concentrations as low as 0.5ppb. Although H2S is quite toxic, H2S levels in the atmosphere appear to be too low to pose a threat to human health. The principal concerns associated with H2S are its smell and its effects causing deterioration of lead-based paints. Background levels of HS are approximately 0.05ppb. Natural sources, which include anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, natural hot springs and volcanoes, produce approximately 100 x 106 tonnes per year worldwide. Anthropogenic sources, which include oil and gas extraction, petroleum refining, paper mills, rayon manufacture, and coke ovens, account for global emissions of 3 x 106 tonnes per year. The major sink process for H2S is its atmospheric conversion to SO2. This SO2 is then removed from the atmosphere in the gas phase or as an aerosol by wet or dry deposition processes. Nitrogen Compounds There are five major gaseous forms of nitrogen in the atmosphere. These include molecular nitrogen (N2), ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). N2 is the major gas in the atmosphere. N2O is present in unpolluted air as a result of microbial action, whilst NO and NO2 are significant air pollutants. NH3 is not considered a significant man-made pollutant, but enormous quantities are generated through natural emissions. Nitrous Oxide Nitrous oxide is a colourless, slightly sweet, nontoxic gas. It is a natural constituent of the Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 8 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM atmosphere at an average concentration of 0.30ppm. It is widely used as an anaesthetic in medicine and dentistry. It is called laughing gas because it induces a kind of hysteria. It is a product of natural processes in the soil, produced by anaerobic bacteria. It can photolytically dissociate in the stratosphere to produce NO. Nitric Oxide Nitric oxide is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, relatively nontoxic gas. It is produced naturally by anaerobic biological processes in soil and water, by combustion processes and by photochemical destruction of nitrogen compounds in the stratosphere. On a global basis, natural emissions of NO are estimated to be approximately 5 x 108 tonnes per year. Major anthropogenic sources include automobile exhaust and stationary sources, such as fossil fuel-fired electric generating stations, industrial boilers, incinerators, and home space heaters. Nitric oxide is a product of high-temperature combustion. N2 + O2 ⇌ 2NO As this reaction is endothermic, the equilibrium moves to the right at high temperatures. At lower temperatures, it shifts completely to the left. If the cooling rate is rapid, the equilibrium is not maintained and high NO emissions result. High combustion temperatures and rapid cooling promote high NO emissions. In 1970 combined worldwide emissions of NO and NO2 were estimated to be about 5.3 x 107 tonnes per year - about 10% of that estimated to have been produced by natural sources. Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen dioxide is a coloured gas, which is light yellowish orange at low concentrations and brown high concentrations. It has a pungent, irritating odour, and is extremely corrosive especially in wet environments. It is also toxic, as it can cause anoxia. Some of the nitrogen dioxide in the air is produced by the direct oxidation of NO. 2NO + O2 ⇌ 2NO2 At low atmospheric NO levels, this occurs slow, accounting for less than 25% of all NO conversion. Photochemical reactions involving O3, peroxy radical (RO2) and reactive hydrogen species such as OH•, HO2, H2O2, are the primary means by which NO is converted to NO2 in the atmosphere. Some of the more important reactions are shown below. NO + O3 ⇌ NO2 + O2 RO2 + NO ⇌ NO2 + RO HO2 + NO ⇌ NO2 + OH Background concentrations of NO and NO2 are approximately 0.5 and 1ppb respectively. In Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 9 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM urban areas, 1 hour average concentrations of NO may reach 1-2ppm, with maximum NO2 levels of approximately 0.5ppm. The decay rate of NO is rapid as polluted air moves away from urban to rural areas, with concentrations dropping to near background levels. Atmospheric levels of NO are related to the transportation/work cycle. Peak concentrations are observed in the early morning hours, with a second smaller peak late in the day (See Figure 2.8). Peak morning NO concentrations are followed several hours later by peak levels of NO2 produced by the chemical and photochemical oxidation of NO. Figure 2.2 – Levels of NO, NO2, and ozone on a typical smoggy day in a large city Atmospheric levels of NO and NO2 also show seasonal trends because emissions of NO are typically greater during winter months when there is an increased use of heating fuels. Since the conversion of NO to NO2 is related to solar intensity, higher NO2 levels occur on warm sunny days. Nitrogen oxides in motor vehicles exhausts have been controlled by legislation as with CO. In this case, the catalytic converter included in the exhaust system encourages the reduction of NOx to N2. These catalysts include rhodium and CuO. Australian Design Rules limit the emission of NOx from vehicle exhausts to 1.9g/km, and authorities expect that this will continue to maintain the levels in Sydney below the recommended standard of 0.16ppm (over a 1 hour average). The most significant sink for NO is its conversion by both direct oxidation and photochemical processes to NO2. A major sink process for NO2 is its conversion to nitric acid as is shown below. OH• + NO2 + M ⇌ HNO3 + M In this reaction, M is an energy-absorbing species (generally O2 or N2). NO2 is also converted to nitric acid by night-time chemical reactions involving O3. NO2 + O3 ⇌ NO3• + O2 Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 10 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM NO2+ NO3• ⇌ N2O5 N2O5 + H2O ⇌ 2HNO3 NO3• is the nitrate free radical. It is the key factor in night-time chemistry. The reaction product of NO2 and NO3 is di-nitrogen pentoxide (N2O5). This reacts with water rapidly to produce HNO3. A portion of the HNO3 in the atmosphere will react with ammonia (NH3) or other alkaline species to form salts such as NH4NO3. Nitrate aerosol is generally removed by the dry and wet deposition processes in much the same way as sulfate aerosol. Ammonia This is considered a relatively unimportant man-made pollutant. Approximately 4 x 106 tons are emitted per year on a worldwide basis. This may be compared to natural emissions, with a worldwide annual emission rate estimated to be 1.2 x 109 tonnes per year. Most of this is comes from biological decomposition. Background concentrations vary from 1 to 20ppb. The average atmospheric residence time is approximately 7 days. Ammonia has a significant effect on atmospheric sink processes of strong acids. Reactions with sulfuric and nitric acid in the atmosphere produce ammonium salts. Ammonium sulfate is the principal sulfate species collected on particulate sampling devices. Ammonia itself may also be oxidised in the atmosphere in a series of chemical reactions to produce nitrates. Organic Nitrates These are produced in the atmosphere by the reaction of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. Examples are the peroxyacyl nitrates (PAN’s) and peroxybutylnitrates (PBN’s). These are discussed in more detail in the section on photochemical smog. Hydrocarbons These are just simple organic materials in the atmosphere. The definition is used more broadly here than in organic chemistry where it refers simply to substances made from carbon and hydrogen. In the atmosphere simple hydrocarbons react with substances containing oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine bromine and even some metals to form hydrocarbon derivatives. Atmospheric hydrocarbons exist in gas, liquid and solid phases. Of these the gases and volatile liquids are the most significant pollutants. Solid hydrocarbons are generally of higher molecular weight and exist as condensed particles in atmospheric aerosols. Methane (CH4) is the most common hydrocarbon in the atmosphere and it is formed from many natural sources such as termites, cows and general decomposition of organic matter. Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 11 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM It and the other alkanes found in the atmosphere are fairly unreactive. The atmospheric hydrocarbons that are the most significant in terms of chemical reactivity are the alkenes. Many highly reactive alkene hydrocarbons are formed naturally by plants (such as terpenes from citrus plants and eucalyptus haze). The greatest source of these nonmethane hydrocarbons are motor vehicles. Significant quantities are also emitted from petroleum processing. Alkenes are the major air pollutant responsible for photochemical smog and other gross oxidants in the atmosphere. Once in the atmosphere they combine with O2 to form many different oxygenated hydrocarbons including alkanones, alkanals, alkanoic acids, alkanols and ethers. Some dicarboxylic acids are also formed by photochemical reactions, and are present in the atmosphere as aerosols. Some oxygenated hydrocarbons are emitted into the atmosphere directly. For example methanal (old name formaldehyde), acrolein and some other simple alkanals are major byproducts of combustion processes and are present in significant amounts in motor vehicle exhausts – especially those running on diesel fuel. Aromatic hydrocarbons are not very reactive, but are important in urban atmospheric chemistry as they undergo reactions with other very reactive chemical oxidants to form toxic substances. Some toxic atmospheric aromatic hydrocarbons are produced directly by combustion such as benzo[]pyrene and other polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s). Figure 2.3 Benzo [α] pyrene Hydrocarbons are emitted from a variety of natural and man-made sources. They are important pollutants because of their role in atmospheric photochemistry. Both biological and geological processes release hydrocarbon compounds naturally. Sources include plant and animal metabolism, vaporisation of volatile oils from plant surfaces, biological decomposition, and emission of volatiles from fossil fuel deposits. U.S. emissions of natural hydrocarbons including methane are estimated to be more than 7 x 10 7 tons/year, with some estimates of biogenic non-methane hydrocarbons (especially natural alkenes such as isoprene and pinene) ranging from 3.3 to 6.6 x 10 7 tons/year. Man-made emissions of hydrocarbons in the United States have been estimated to be about 3 x 10' tons/year, with worldwide emissions estimated at 9 x 107 tons/year. Hence it can be seen that one country provides 33% of the worlds man-made hydrocarbon emissions. Globally, anthropogenic emissions represent only about 5% of total hydrocarbons emissions. In the United States, man-made emissions may contribute 23-40% of the total Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 12 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM atmospheric load. The impact of man-made emissions is particularly significant in urban areas. Hydrocarbons are released to the atmosphere from a variety of human activities. Sources include transportation, petroleum refining, oil and gas production and distribution, chemical manufacturing, industrial and commercial organic solvent use, and food processing. Significant portions of hydrocarbons released to the atmosphere are from mobile sources, with light-duty motor vehicles accounting for approximately 75%. Hydrocarbon emissions from motor vehicles result from both evaporative losses and incomplete combustion. Controls on individual vehicles have reduced hydrocarbon emissions in exhaust gases by about 85% since their introduction in Australia in 1985. In the past most efforts to control hydrocarbons have focused on motor vehicles. Stationary facilities have received less attention from regulatory authorities, although their importance is now being recognised. Identification of hydrocarbons species in urban atmospheres involves the use of GC/MS techniques. Studies of atmospheric samples and emission sources, identify hundreds of hydrocarbons and their derivatives as being present in polluted urban air. Identification of hydrocarbons in urban atmospheres is complicated, as many individual compounds are present in only sub-trace amounts. As a result, the likely presence of many compounds is inferred from smog chamber studies and from analyses of motor vehicle exhaust. Over 400 hydrocarbons and oxy-hydrocarbon derivatives have been found in vehicle exhaust gases. Many oxygenated hydrocarbons are found with methanal being the most significant. Polluted ambient atmospheres contain a variety of alkane (e.g. propane, butane), alkene (e.g. ethene, propene), polyunsaturated (e.g. ethyne, propadiene), aromatic (e.g. benzene), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., benzo--pyrene). Individual hydrocarbon concentrations are not routinely monitored by control agencies. Quantitative data is based on the measurement of total non-methane hydrocarbons. This is usually averaged over the 6-9 a.m. period. The problem with this is that the 6-9 a.m. measurement period reflects motor vehicle emissions and gives little indications of other sources. Total non-methane hydrocarbon measurements show a diurnal pattern in most cities with two peaks, one from 6-9 a.m. and another broader peak in the late afternoon. These peaks reflect motor vehicle traffic and local meteorological dispersion characteristics. Total nonmethane hydrocarbon concentrations in urban areas range from 1 - 10ppm. There is a very large number of hydrocarbons, oxy-hydrocarbons, and other derivatives in polluted atmospheres. Information on sink mechanisms for specific compounds is relatively limited. The most important sink processes are photochemical conversion of hydrocarbons to CO2 and H2O or to soluble or condensable products such as dicarboxylic acids - a major Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 13 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM component of photochemical aerosol. These aerosols are removed from the atmosphere by both dry and wet deposition processes. Methane When air pollution regulatory control first commenced, CH4 was considered to be an unimportant hydrocarbon in polluted atmospheres. Measurements of total hydrocarbons subtracted the concentration of CH4. Hence the ambient air quality standard for hydrocarbons is a non-methane hydrocarbons standard. Relative to alkenes, aromatics, and even other alkanes, CH4 is relatively unreactive and therefore of little significance in urban photochemical reactions that produce elevated O3 levels. The significance of CH4 is that relatively unreactive hydrocarbons play an important role in O3 formation as polluted air masses travel long distances downwind of urban sources. Methane has also been recognised as one of the trace gases that may have a significant effect on global climate through the greenhouse effect. Methane is by far the most abundant hydrocarbon in the atmosphere, with a 1980 concentration of 1.65ppm. It has been increasing at a rate of 1.2-1.9% per year. The rate itself is also increasing. Increases of CH4 over the last 300 years, as determined from measurements of air bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice, can be seen in Figure 2.4. Note the significant inflection of the curve in this century. The increase of CH4 is due to both increased emissions and to CO-caused depletion of OH•, which is the most important sink for CH4 in the atmosphere Figure 2.4 – Historical global levels of methane in the atmosphere Ozone and Photochemical Smog Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 14 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM Ozone is a normal component of the Earth’s atmosphere, but most of it is found in the middle stratosphere where it plays an important role in the controlling the amount of UV light reaching the planet’s surface (see the Ozone Hole). This is one case where depletion of the substance results in air pollution – as the loss of ozone is causing deterioration in quality of life. Ozone is not listed as a major primary air pollutant in the lower atmosphere either, but due to its high toxicity and its involvement in the production of other pollutants it is a very important source of atmospheric pollution. Over 90% of what is broadly referred to as photochemical smog is ozone. Sources are electrical discharge both natural (such as lightning) and man-made (such as electric trains), and upper atmospheric chemical reactions such as the reaction of molecular oxygen with oxygen atoms. O2 + O + M ⇌ O3 + M In this reaction M is any third substance (usually O2 or N2) that removes the energy of the reaction and stabilises O. In the lower atmosphere (troposphere) the only significant source of atomic oxygen is the photolysis of NO2. NO2 + h⇌ NO + O* The reaction of O* with O2 produces O3, which reacts immediately with NO to regenerate NO2. NO + O3 ⇌ NO2 + O2 All these reactions proceed rapidly with approximate concentration of 20ppb under solar noon conditions in mid latitudes at atmospheric NO2/NO concentration ratios equal to 1. Hence concentrations of ozone remain low unless imbalances in the levels of NO 2 or other alternate chemical reactants are available. Photochemical Smog This term refers to an atmosphere laden with secondary pollutants that form in the presence of sunlight as a result of chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Photochemical smog arises in urban areas, where there is a heavy build-up of vehicle exhausts. It is greatly exacerbated by weather conditions. Under normal conditions, the primary air pollutants are dispersed over a large region or to the upper atmosphere. A good prevailing wind is important for cities and large urban areas to help reduce smog. At certain times of the year, when the wind is very still, the primary pollutants build up over cities. Autumn tends to be worse for photochemical smog than other times of the year. Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 15 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM Figure 2.5 – Normal dispersion pattern of pollutants from a large urban area2 In autumn, the days are sunny and warm, with cool nights. Under still conditions, a warm inversion layer forms under a layer of higher cooler air. Large urban areas store heat, which provides the warmth for the inversion layer. The inversion layer limits air mixing and dispersal trapping primary pollutants at lower altitudes over urban areas. Figure 2.6 – Conditions which favour smog formation in a large urban area2 When primary pollutants such as NOx, and hydrocarbons are trapped in the lower atmosphere and subjected to UV radiation from the sun – photochemical smog forms. These ingredients produce the pollutants that characterise photochemical smog. These products are termed gross photochemical oxidants, and are defined by their ability to oxidise iodide ion to elemental iodine. They include ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), organic peroxides (ROOR'), organic hydroperoxides (ROOH) and by far the most serious to health, peroxyacyl nitrates (RCO3NO2), known as PAN's. The latter are formed by the irradiation of mixtures of alkanals, ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Reactions Occurring in the Formation of Photochemical Smog The key chemical reactants in the formation of photochemical smog are NO2 and hydrocarbons. The reactions undergone by these substances in the atmosphere are many and varied. Many of the reaction mechanisms are not well understood. This lack of knowledge has caused several control schemes to fail, but several reactions have major roles in elevating the levels of O3. In the lower atmosphere O3 concentrations are often much higher than those that occur from NO2 photolysis alone. This is because there are chemical reactions that convert NO to Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 16 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM NO2 without consuming O3. In polluted and even weakly polluted atmospheres, these changes in O3 chemistry can be attributed to peroxy radicals (RO2) and other species produced by the oxidation of hydrocarbons as shown in the reactions below. M is any species that will stabilise the molecule (generally N2). RO2+ NO ⇌ NO2 + RO NO2 + h ⇌ NO + O* O* + O2 + M ⇌ O3 + M Net reaction: RO2 + O2 + h ⇌ RO + O3 The rate of O3 formation is closely related to the concentration of RO2. Peroxy radicals are produced when hydroxy radicals OH• and HOx react with hydrocarbons. Hydroxy radicals are produced by reactions involving the photolysis of O3, carbonyl compounds (mostly alkanals), and nitrous acid. In polluted atmospheres, O3 concentrations are directly related to the intensity of sunlight, NO2/NO ratios, the hydrocarbon type and concentrations, and other pollutants, such as alkanals and CO, which react photochemically to produce RO2. The increase in NO2/NO ratios caused by atmospheric reactions involving RO2 results in significant increases in lower atmosphere O3 levels. Figure 2.7 – Important reactions in the formation of photochemical smog1 Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 17 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM A quick summary of the reactions involved in smog formation can be compressed into four stages. This also explains the time variations in levels of hydrocarbons, ozone, NO2 and NO. 1. Primary photochemical reaction producing oxygen atoms: NO2 + h ⇌ NO + O* 2. Reactions involving oxygen species (M is an energy-absorbing third body): O* + O2 + M ⇌ O3 + M NO + O3 ⇌ NO2 + O2 Because the latter reaction is rapid, the concentration of O3 remains low until that of NO falls to a low value. Automotive emissions of NO tend to keep O3 concentrations low along freeways. 3. Production of organic free radicals from hydrocarbons, RH: O + RH ⇌ R• + other products O3 + RH ⇌ R• + and/or other products (R• is a free radical that may or may not contain oxygen.) 4. Chain propagation, branching, and termination by a variety of reactions such as the following: NO + ROO• ⇌ NO2 + and/or other products NO2 + R• ⇌ products (e.g. PAN) Some of the many other reactions which are known to occur in photochemical smog formation are listed below. O + hydrocarbons ⇌ HO• HO• + O2 ⇌ HO3• HO3• + H ⇌ alkanals, alkanones HO3• + NO ⇌ HO2• + NO2 HO3• + O2 ⇌ O3 + HO2• HOx• + NO2 ⇌ PAN's While all hydrocarbons can become involved in the formation of smog, there are considerable differences in their reactivities. The simplest, methane, is very slow to react, Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 18 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM having an approximate atmospheric lifetime of more than 10 days. In general, branched alkenes and alkyl aromatic compounds are the most reactive. It is interesting to note that experiments to date have shown certain naturally-occurring alkenes (such as d-limonene from citrus fruits) are the most reactive compounds. Figure 2.8 – Variations in smog pollutants with time of day Given the complex series of reactions involved and the changing levels of vehicle emissions during a day, it is perhaps not surprising that the concentrations of the major components vary considerably over a 24-hour period. A typical pattern of variations is shown in the figure 2.8. As the morning rush hour begins, NO begins to rise rapidly, followed by NO 2. As the latter reacts with sunlight, ozone and other oxidants are produced. The hydrocarbon level increases in the morning, and then decreases as the compounds are oxidised to form PAN's and other species. As an air mass moves toward an urban center, it picks up NO, and hydrocarbons. Within a time scale of an hour, OH• begins to degrade hydrocarbons, producing RO2. As the air mass moves over the urban center, O3 precursors peak and then decline with increasing downwind distance. Ozone concentrations increase and are sustained over a period of 1-5 hours as the more reactive alkene and aromatic hydrocarbons are depleted by photochemical reactions. After a 5-10 hours travel time downwind, moderately reactive hydrocarbons increasingly play a more important role in net O3 production. Ozone levels in the air mass subsequently decrease due to dilution, conversion of NO2 to HNO3, and surface adsorption. Under nighttime conditions, O3 production ceases. Protected by the inversion layer, O3 may persist aloft with a half-life of as much as 80 hours. This allows O3 to be transported over long distances giving rise to higher concentrations at remote sites, which occur away from the normal noon maximum. At sunrise, the inversion breaks up, bringing O3 and other products isolated aloft during the Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 19 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM nighttime hours to the ground, where they mix with the pollutants held in by the inversion layer, and begin the cycle all over again. Ozone Concentrations In unpolluted atmospheres O3 concentrations near the ground are in the range of 10-20ppb (0.01-0.02ppm) during the warm months of the year. O3 concentrations over landmasses with large motor vehicle numbers are often elevated well above this even at remote sites. In urban areas, peak 1-hour summertime O3 concentrations are usually higher than those reported for remote non-urban sites. Concentrations near or above the 0.3 standard of 0.12ppm have been reported for numerous cities throughout the United States during the 1980’s, despite two decades of efforts to control O3 precursors. It is in the precursor- and sunlight-rich Los Angeles basin that O3 concentrations reach their highest levels. One-hour concentrations in the range of 0.20-0.40ppm are not uncommon during the summer months. The warm, sunny summer weather of the central coast of New South Wales has meant that the Sydney Basin has been subject to severe photochemical smog production, particularly before the advent of motor vehicle emission controls. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has set an ozone standard of 0.12ppm (1-hour average), which should not be exceeded on more than one day per year. Ozone can be removed from the atmosphere in a number of ways. These include reactions with surfaces including plants, soil, and a variety of man-made materials such as rubber. Most O3 produced in the atmosphere is removed by chemical processes, typically involving NOx. One of the principal scavengers of O3 is NO. Night-time reactions with NO2 destroy O3. Minor Gaseous Pollutants These include hydrogen sulfide, odours and noise. They emanate from many different sources. A major source of H2S is swamps. It is extremely dangerous if inhaled in large quantities, but this is unlikely unless you live in a swamp or sewage treatment works. Aluminium smelters are a major source of both gaseous and particulate fluorides, as are brick and glass works, some smelters, steel plants and coal fired power stations. Fluoride is very much a localised problem, of little significance outside the Hunter region in Australia. Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 20 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM Assessment & submission Knowledge questions This section provides formative assessment of the theory. Answer all questions by typing the answer in the boxes provided. Speak to your teacher if you are having technical problems with this document. ◗ Type brief answers to each of the questions posed below. ◗ All answers should come from the theory found in this document only unless the question specifies other. ◗ Marks shown next to the question should act as a guide as to the relative length or complexity of your answer. 1. Carbon monoxide is an important air pollutant. Describe the factors that influence its seasonal and diurnal variation in urban and non-urban areas. 4mk Click here to enter text. Assessor feedback 2. Explain how disruption to the carbon cycle is leading to the increase in average global temperatures during the latter half of the twentieth century. 4mk Click here to enter text. Assessor feedback 3. For any four major pollutant gases give the main source, typical ambient levels and likely sinks. 16mk Pollutant gas Main source Type answer. Type answer. Typical ambient levels Type answer. Likely sinks Type answer. Type answer. Type answer. Type answer. Type answer. Type answer. Type answer. Type answer. Type answer. Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 21 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants Type answer. Type answer. APM Type answer. Type answer. 4. Explain why hydrocarbons are normally assess without the contribution of methane. 2mk Click here to enter text. Assessor feedback 5. Describe the typical atmospheric conditions that lead to the formation of photochemical smog. 3mk Click here to enter text. Assessor feedback 6. Describe the important elements that contribute to the formation of photochemical smog. 7 mk Click here to enter text. Assessor feedback Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 22 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM Submission Answers ◗ Attempt all questions and tasks ◗ Write answers in the text-fields provided Submission ◗ Use the documents ‘Save As…’ function to save the document to your computer using the file name format of; First-surname-APM-SM2 ◗ email the document back to your teacher Penalties ◗ If this assessment task is received greater than seven (7) days after the due date, it may not be considered for marking without justification. Results ◗ Your submitted work will be returned to you within 3 weeks of submission by email fully graded with feedback. ◗ You have the right to appeal your results within 3 weeks of receipt of the marked work. Problems If you are having study related or technical problems with this document, make sure you contact your assessor at the earliest convenience to get the problem resolved. The contact details can be found at; ◗ www.cffet.net/env/contacts Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 23 Study module 2 – Types & sources of pollutants APM Resources & references Unless specified otherwise, the references and resources listed below are for interest only. You are not expected to purchase, download or otherwise read these resources unless the question you are answering specifically requests that you do so. Most of the resources here are either available from your campus library, or directly from the teacher. References Australian-Standards. (Various dates). AS/NZS 3580 Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air (entire series). Canberra: Standards Australia. Bates, G. (2010). Environmental Law in Australia. Australia: LexisNexis-Butterworths. Baukal Jr, C. (2004). Industrial Combustion Pollution and Control. New York, USA: Marcel Dekker. Burden, F. E. (2002). Environmental Monitoring Handbook. McGraw-Hill Professional. Colls, J. (2002). Air Pollution. England: Talyor & Francis. Manahan, S. (2000). Environmental Chemistry. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers. Manly, B. (2009). Statistics for environmental science and management. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group. Schuenemeyer, J. E. (2011). Statistics for Earth and Environmental Scientists. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Seinfeld, J. P. (2006). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change, 2nd Ed. Hoboken, USA: John Wiley & Sons. Vallero, D. (2008). Fundamentals of Air Pollution, 4th Ed. Burlington, USA: Academic Press. vanLoon, G. W. (2011). Environmental Chemistry: a global perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011. (n.d.). Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2011. (n.d.). Resources 1. http://www.environment.gov.au/resource/national-standards-criteria-air-pollutants-1-australia Chemical, Forensic, Food & Environmental Technology [cffet.net/env] Version 1.0 7/02/2016 Page | 24