2013 Marine & Coastal Eionet Workshop 24/25 September 2013, Copenhagen Workshop summary Background, objective and expected outcomes of the Workshop: The 2013 marine and coastal Eionet workshop concentrated on the core business of the data and information flows between EEA and the Eionet member countries. During 2010-2012, the EEA reinforced and restructured its marine area and work programme to better meet the growing EU marine environmental policy needs. Marine maps and indicators using Eionet data and supporting data flows were revised to make them better fit this new policy context mainly set by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and policies related to the Integrated Maritime Policy. In 2013, we consolidated this revision work and started setting the way forward with the Eionet in this new policy context. To do this, we needed to first address and improve where possible the basis of our marine assessments – the access to data and information. Therefore the objective of this year´s workshop was to present and discuss our current marine and coastal Eionet datasets - WISE SoE TCM and Biology in TC waters, with regard to identifying and agreeing on actions to improve them. By doing this, we hope to expand their current use in EEA products, but also to better define their role and potential in the context of WISE-Marine as part of the MSFD implementation. The expected outcomes, confirmed at the end of the workshop, were: To have gained clarity on the WISE SoE TCM reporting process, and its supporting services (web, guidance, “helpdesk”); To be ready for a full 2013 reporting. If not, to have a process for clarifying pending issues by end of October; To have strenghtened the partnership element to the network: between EEA/ETC – Eionet, and Eionet – Eionet; To feel the time at the workshop was well spent in terms of learning & sharing, but also of having fun! Participants The workshop was attended by 22 persons from the Eionet, 7 from ETC/ICM and 3 from EEA. In addition 1 representative of the regional sea conventions (UNEP-MAP) was present. The workshop was led by EEA& ETC/ICM (see participants list at the end). Workshop preparation and discussions: The workshop was set-up in a collaborative way to allow us to properly identify and assess the marine and coastal Eionet challenges and expectations with regard to the reporting and use of the datasets. It built on the results of a preparatory questionnaire sent out to better understand 1) the collation process of the national TCM data that feed into the WISE SoE TCM reporting process, and 2) to get feedback on specific elements of the data reporting and handling process. The questionnaire was answered by 14 member countries (see the presentation on the summary of the replies uploaded to the meeting website). The identified issues where then discussed over 2 interactive sessions. The main aim of Session 1 was to allow a better knowledge and sharing of the national data governance and management processes for reporting the WISE SoE TCM dataset. Session 2 built on that knowledge and discussed some of the main issues identified during the QA/QC processes of the dataset. At the end of both these sessions, the 2 groups chaired by the ETC and supported by EEA identified the main recommendations for actions to make the reporting process more efficient (both for EEA and the EIONET) but also to improve the dataset quality. The workshop then ended by looking into the main elements of the 2013 reporting process and the changes made to it, while setting the scene for the years to come in terms of marine data access and exchange in the context of the MSFD and WISEMarine. Main conclusions & recommendations for actions EEA - ETC/ICM actions (for 2014 and beyond) • Provide more tailored reporting feedback to each country, with specifics on reasons for questions and/or changes. Feedback should be clear on issues: related to getting smiley criteria; indicator production; other QA/QC. Also make a link to end-products (e.g.indicators) in the request letter to motivate data submission. • Define tracking system to follow-up on issues for each country, which would benefit both the country and EEA/ETC. • Better streamline Eionet reporting and handling processes with ICES (OSPAR & HELCOM reporting) • Follow-up with BSC & UNEP/MAP to streamline, where possible, reporting processes and avoid duplications • Provide more customised support for “newcomers” • Introduce small operational changes to system processes notifications) to flag issues on a more visible and timely manner (e.g. alerts, • Introduce more dynamic visualization of data on maps, linking back to stations & assessment results • Provide better guidance to navigate information on website (data, indicators) EEA-ETC/ICM – Eionet actions (for 2013 and 2014) • • Stations ID and cleaning-up: ETC to identify problematic stations, by country and send to Eionet ASAP Eionet to map Eionet, ICES, WFD national stations (and others if relevant) and clean-up lists to deliver to ETC/EEA – by end of 2013 EEA/ETC to add field(s) in the stations DD to allow keeping track of mapping – for next reporting 2014 Clearer communication on issues & tasks: Eionet - update of NRC/contact list clarifying contact’s profile (e.g. RSC/EIONET reporting; Transitional, Coastal, Marine data). Link this to new Eionet profile with different hierarchies of contact, which EEA will circulate shortly to Eionet – by end of 2013 EEA – having one centralised contact mail for enquiries on the content of the data requested Meeting website: http://forum.eionet.europa.eu/nrc-marine/library/2013-nrc-marine-coastal-eionetworkshop-24-25-sep/marine-and-coastal-eionet-workshop-2013 Participants list 2013 Eionet Marine and Coastal Workshop Name Nailia Bairamova Hans-Peter Damian Email Organisation n.bairamova@aaa.am.lt Environmental Department Hans-Peter.Damian@uba.de Country Protection Agency Marine Research Lithuania UBA German y Sven-Henrik Kleber kleber@bafg.de Federal Institute of Hydrology German y Vasile Patrascu vpatrascu@alpha.rmri.ro NIMRD "Grigore Antipa" Romania Savvas Michaelides smichaelides@dfmr.moa.gov.cy Department of Fisheries and Marine Research Cyprus Guillaume MALFAIT guillaume.malfait@developpementdurable.gouv.fr MEDDTL/CGDD France Jouko Rissanen jouko.rissanen@ymparisto.fi Finnish Environment Institute Finland Mia Devolder mia.devolder@mumm.ac.be Belgium Jan Hendrik Voet voet@irceline.be Belgium Vanela Gjeci vanelagjeci2006@yahoo.com Albania Juris Aigars juris.aigars@lhei.lv Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology Latvia Sylvia Frantzen sfr@nifes.no NIFES Norway Marianne Olsen marianne.olsen@miljodir.no Norwegian Environment Agency Norway Dag Rosland dag.rosland@sft.no Gaynor Evans gaev@bodc.ac.uk MEDIN UK Eileen Joyce eileen.joyce@marine.ie Marine Institute Ireland Ireland Elisabete Dias edias@dgrm.mamaot.pt DGRM - Direcção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos Portugal Mateja Poje mateja.poje@gov.si Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Slovenia Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection Poland Malgorzata MarciniewiczMykieta m.marciniewicz@gios.gov.pl Norway Gunilla Ejdung gunilla.ejdung@havochvatten.se Sweden Kristi Altoja kristi.altoja@envir.ee Damir Ivanokovic ivankovic@izor.hr Tatjana Hema tatjana.hema@unepmap.gr UNEP MAP Barcelona Convention MEDPOL Programme Constança Belchior constanca.belchior@eea.europa.eu EEA (Project manager marine and maritime data) Marek Staron marek.staron@eea.europa.eu EEA (Eionet data manager) Estonian Environment Information Centre Estonia Croatia UNEP/M AP Trine Christiansen trine.christiansen@eea.europa.eu EEA (Head of Marine Group) Anita Künitzer anita.kuenitzer@cenia.cz ETC-ICM leader joergen@ices.dk ETC-ICM (Eionet/ICES data manager) Birger Bjerkeng birger.bjerkeng@niva.no ETC-ICM (Hazardous substances data expert) Dag Oystein Hjermann Dag.Hjermann@niva.no ETC-ICM (Hazardous substances data expert) Norman Green norman.green@niva.no ETC-ICM (Hazardous substances indicator expert) Claudette Spiteri Claudette.Spiteri@deltares.nl ETC-ICM (Nutrients indicator expert) Monika Peterlin monika.peterlin@izvrs.si ETC-ICM (Biology in TC waters data and content expert) Jorgen Jensen Norrevang