Reading One: Writing formal emails

Unit Eight
Reading I: Writing formal emails
In the business world, it is often necessary to write formal emails requesting
things from other people. In such cases your email is likely to be more effective if you
follow a few simple rules.
First, use the correct form of address. Write “Dear Mr. X” or “Dear Ms. Y.” If
you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, “To Whom It May
Concern” is the standard form used.
Second, identify yourself by giving your name and perhaps some information
that may help your addressee remember who you are. “My name is John Wu. I called
your office on Sept. 1, 2011.” or “My name is Elizabeth Wang. I am a sales
representative with XYZ Company. We met at the trade show last week.”
Third, state your request clearly. Your request will vary depending on your
situation; but you should always adopt a polite tone. “I was wondering if I could make
an appointment with you sometime next week?” or “Is it possible to move our
meeting from Wednesday to Friday?”
Fourth, you should end your email with a note of thanks. “Thank you very much
for your help in this matter” or “Thank you for considering my request” is acceptable
in most cases.
Finally, end your letter by wishing your addressee well and giving your name
once again: “Sincerely yours, Andrew Smith.”
Comprehension Check
1. What is this article mainly about?
(A) The differences between formal emails and informal emails.
(B) The importance of writing emails.
(C) The people who often write emails.
(D) Rules of writing formal emails.
2. If you are about to write a formal email to Michael Jackson, which of the
following forms of address is correct?
(A) My dear Michael
(B) Dear Mr. Jackson
(C) Michael Jackson
(D) Dear Ms. Jackson
3. According to this article, why is identifying oneself important when writing
formal emails?
(A) So that the person you are writing to can remember your more easily.
(B) Because the person you are writing to is forgetful.
(C) Because the person you are writing to is not a friend of yours.
(D) Because the person you are writing to earns more money than you do.
4. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Do not state your request when writing formal emails.
(B) Your request is always the same when writing formal emails.
(C) Use a polite tone when stating your request.
(D) Do not give your name at the end of your email.
5. Which of the following rules is not mentioned in this article?
(A) Finish your email with a note of thanks.
(B) Finish your email by wishing your addressee well.
(C) Ask your addressee to reply your email.
(D) State your request clearly.
Key: 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (C)
1. formal adj.
Our boss knows a great deal, even though he never had a formal education.
2. request
Jack requested that his boss give him a pay raise.
3. effective adj.
This management strategy has been regarded as very effective.
4. concern
The news is mainly concerned with the high unemployment rate.
5. standard adj.
This new product comes in five standard sizes.
6. form n.
Shaking hands is a common form of greeting others on business occasions.
7. identify v.
Are you able to identify the businessman we met last week?
8. information
They can provide you some useful information on finding a good job.
9. vary v.
Business practices vary from country to country.
10. depend v.
Whether the price of milk will drop or not depends on a number of things.
11. situation
The economic situation has changed a lot during the past ten years.
12. tone n.
The sales manager spoke to the sales representative in an angry tone of voice.
13. wonder v.
I wonder whether our company is making money or not.
14. appointment n.
I have a six o’clock appointment with Mr. Smith.
15. consider v.
We need to consider his suggestion carefully.
16. addressee n. 收信人;收件人
I’m still waiting for a reply from my addressee.
17. sincerely adv.
We sincerely hope that this will be a profitable year for our company.
Fill in each blank with a word from the box below to complete the sentence.
1. I really look forward to the _____ with the chief executive officer.
2. Almost every company establishes its own _____ dress code.
3. She was _____ why there was a calculation error in the sales figure.
4. A good boss should be decisive whenever the company is faced with a difficult
5. Whether I will get a promotion _____ on my job performance.
6. Peter managed to get some first-hand _____ from the secretary.
7. This sales strategy has proved to be not _____ at all.
8. We formally _____ the general manager to attend the opening ceremony.
9. Job letters are normally written in _____ English.
10. Jessica could not bear the sarcastic ____ of her colleagues anymore.
1. appointment, 2. formal, 3. wondering, 4. situation, 5. depends,
6. information, 7. effective, 8. requested, 9. standard, 10. tone
Reading II: An email request
To Whom It May Concern:
Hello. My name is Eric Lin. I am a third-year student of XYZ University majoring in
Tourism and Hospitality. I am writing to see if your hotel has any internship
opportunities for students like me.
I have always found the industry of tourism and hospitality fascinating. When I was a
child, I traveled extensively with my family in Taiwan and also visited a few foreign
countries. I understand from personal experience the important role that hotels play in
a tourist’s overall travel experience. As one happy customer brings another, it is
crucial for hotels to set high standards and provide quality service at all times. The
positive feedback from a satisfied tourist is not only beneficial to the hotel, but also
good for boosting Taiwan’s image internationally. I am passionate about being a
member of the hospitality industry and I want to put what I have learned at school to
good use.
The XYZ Hotel is the top hotel in Central Taiwan. An internship opportunity with you
would be an invaluable experience for someone like me. Besides being passionate
about the hotel industry, I am also a dedicated student with a strong academic record.
Finally, I am open-minded and a good team player.
Attached please find my resume. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my
letter. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Eric Lin
Comprehension Check
1. What is Eric’s purpose in writing this letter?
(A) To explain the reason why he is majoring in Tourism and Hospitality.
(B) To find internship opportunities.
(C) To describe his travel experiences.
(D) To ask for information about the XYZ Hotel.
2. Why does Eric know that hotels are an important part of the travel experience?
(A) His father runs a hotel.
(B) A friend told him.
(C) He travelled extensively during his childhood.
(D) He read about it.
3. According to this letter, what do hotels do in order to attract more customers?
(A) Lower their prices.
(B) Give customers small gifts.
(C) Ask customers for suggestions.
(D) Set high standards and provide quality service.
4. Which of the following statements is not a reason why Eric wants to be an intern at
the XYZ Hotel?
(A) He wants to make lots of money by working at the XYZ Hotel.
(B) He wants to be a member of the hospitality industry.
(C) He wants to put what he has learned at school to good use.
(D) The XYZ Hotel is one of the best hotels in Central Taiwan.
5. Which of the following descriptions of Eric is not true?
(A) A college student with a passion for the industry of tourism and hospitality.
(B) An open-minded student with a strong academic record.
(C) A college student who is good at working with a group of people.
(D) A college student who is in his first year at XYZ University.
Key: 1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (D)
1. major v. 主修
Jenny majored in Finance in college.
2. tourism
n. 觀光業
She worked for one of the biggest companies in the tourism industry.
3. internship n. 實習
An internship can be an invaluable experience for young students.
4. opportunity n. 機會
You really have to seize every opportunity to work in a foreign country.
5. industry n. 工業;企業
The government enacted a new policy in order to build up the high-tech industry.
6. fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的
The report given by the sales representative was fascinating.
7. extensively adv. 廣泛地
Mr. Smith has written extensively on business management.
8. foreign adj. 外國的
About a quarter of all workers at our company are foreign immigrants.
9. personal
adj. 個人的;私人的
Our boss recently hired a new personal assistant.
10. overall
adj. 全部的;全面的
It is reported that the overall economic situation is getting better.
11. crucial adj. 極為重要的
My parents think it is crucial for me to find a good job.
12. quality adj. 優良的;優質的
Hotels that provide quality service are more likely to be successful.
13. passionate adj. 熱烈的;熱情的
We hope that all our employees feel passionate about their jobs.
14. member n. 成員;會員
Next Friday we will throw a party to welcome the new members of our company.
15. invaluable adj. 無價的;非常貴重的
She is an invaluable asset to her company.
16. dedicated
adj. 專心的;專注的
My brother is very dedicated to his job.
17. attach v. 加…於…; 附上
Mark sent me an e-mail with some photos attached.
18. resume n. 履歷
Your resume should be rewritten to increase your chances of getting a good job.
19. play an important role in… 在…有著重要的影響力
Marketing plays an important role in every company.
20. at all times:
Employees working at the front desk are required to smile at all times.
21. look forward to:
Linda looked forward to working at a multinational company.
Fill in each blank with a word from the box below to complete the sentence.
1. Try to spend more time on your _____ before you start looking for a job.
2. Once you lose the _____ of getting promoted, it will never come back.
3. Employers prefer employees who are always _____ to their jobs.
4. New _____ of our company may find it difficult at first to adapt themselves to
the new working environment.
5. The general manager made several _________decisions last year.
6. Kevin has worked ________in the hotel and travel industry.
7. An ____ is of great importance for students majoring in tourism.
8. The government encourages local businesses to trade with _____ companies
from different countries.
9. A boss should not judge the performance of his workers by his _____ taste.
10. Being ____ about food is one of the job requirements.
Key: 1. resume, 2. opportunity, 3. dedicated, 4.members, 5. crucial, 6. extensively, 7.
internship, 8. foreign, 9. personal, 10. passionate
Extended Vocabulary
1. attachment 附加檔案, 配件
2. copy 抄本, 副本; 複製品
3. download 下載
4. enclose (隨函)附上
5. file 檔案, 卷宗
6. highlight 最突出(或最精彩)的部份; 強調
7. memo 備忘錄
8. paperwork 日常文書工作
9. photocopy 影印本
10. print 印刷
11. priority 優先權; 優先考慮的事
12. proceed 進行; 開始; (沿特定路線)前進
13. process 過程; 加工; 用電腦處理
14. report 報告; 報導
15. scan 細看; 掃描
16. software 軟體
17. statement 陳述; (正式)聲明
18. subject 主題; 科目
19. system 系統; 制度
20. text 正文; 文本
21. topic 主題
22. update 更新; 為…提供最新信息
23. document 文件
24. draft 草稿
25. data 資料, 數據
26. database 資料庫
27. organize 組織; 籌劃
28. handle 操作; 對待, 處理
29. fax 傳真; 傳真機
30. password 密碼
31. accommodation 住處
32. belongings 財產; 攜帶物品
33. front desk; information 旅客訽問臺
34. hostel 青年旅社
35. lobby (旅館等的)大廳
36. suitcase 小型旅行箱; 手提箱
37. reservation 預約; 預訂的房間
38. identification 身份證明
39. double room 一大床的雙人房
40. safety deposit box 旅館保險箱
41. voucher 團體餐券
42. single room 單人房
43. twin room 兩小床的雙人房
44. baby cot 幼童床
45. vacancy 有空房
46. no vacancy 客滿
47. banquet hall 宴會廳
48. high-season charge 旺季的費用
49. receptionist 櫃檯接待員
50.refund 退款
Sentence Patterns
1. Be worth + V-ing / N
That school is worth a visit because of its beautiful gardens.
The employer was wondering whether his dream was worth pursuing or not.
Steve’s plan is worth a try.
2. S + feel / hear / see / watch + O + V-ing / V
 The manager heard someone knock on the door.
 We saw Jason talking with the client in the park yesterday.
 The security guard watched the strange old man walk up to the company.
3. S + get / have + + O + p.p.
 The employee had his computer fixed last week.
 You have to get the work done by next Sunday.
 You had better get this letter mailed right away.
4. Make / Keep + O + adj.
 The hotel owner wants to keep his guests happy.
 The sales manager’s talk made all of us encouraged.
 The workers were asked to keep the office tidy.
Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.
1. Getting a promotion is a goal worth _____. (pursue)
2. This brand-new laptop computer is surely worth _____. (buy)
3. Jerry is an experienced employee in our company who is worth _____. (consult)
4. Sandra showed her potential recently, so I think she is worth _____. (train)
5. This news article about advertising is worth _____. (read)
6. I _____ (hear) someone crying in our company last night.
7. Everyone was so quiet in the meeting room that I could even hear a needle _____
(fall) on the ground.
8. I could feel someone _____ (touch) me when I was working.
9. You can see a lot of salesmen _____ (talk) to their clients.
10. Frank _____ (see) someone break into the building few hours ago.
11. The manager had his car _____ (repair) three days ago.
12. I will get the whole office______ (clean) by the cleaner.
13. Terry is a lazy student. He always has his homework _____ (do) by Tina.
14. The chief executive officer had the door of his office _____. (lock)
15. Jeff looked different today when he went in the office for he had his hair _____
(cut) yesterday.
16. The businessman managed to _____ (keep) his private life out of the media.
17. My colleagues _____ (keep) their eyes fixed on me few minutes ago.
18. Jason _____ (keep) the window open yesterday to let in fresh air.
19. What Carl said really _____ (make) me angry.
20. The news that he didn’t get the promotion _____ (made) him upset.
Key: 1. pursuing, 2. buying, 3. consulting, 4. training, 5. reading, 6. heard,
7. fall/falling, 8. touch/touching, 9. talk/talking, 10. saw, 11. repaired, 12. cleaned,
13. done, 14. locked, 15. cut, 16. keep, 17. kept, 18. kept, 19. made, 20. made
A: How is your job search coming along?
Great! XYZ Company just offered me a job at NT$35,000 per month. I feel very
A: That’s wonderful news. I’m so happy for you! Congratulations! By the way, I’m
looking for a summer job. Do you have any advice?
B: Well, I think you should definitely spend some time on the cover letter you’ll be
sending to potential employers. You should also pay attention to your application
form and your resume.
A: Do I need to mail these documents at a post office or should I just email them?
B: Most companies now prefer receiving email applications, I believe.
A: What should I write in the letter?
B: You should first introduce yourself and state your reason for writing. Then you
should tell them why you are suitable for the job. Finally, don’t forget to thank
them and say something like you hope to hear from them soon.
A: Thanks! That’s very helpful information. I’ll buy you lunch when I find a job!
B: Glad to help! Good luck!
offer 提供
per 每
congratulations 恭喜
advice 忠告
potential 可能的;潛在的
employer 雇主
Comprehension Check
1. What is the salary of B’s new job?
(A) NT$30,000 per month
(B) NT$35,000 per month
(C) NT$40,000 per month
(D) NT$45,000 per month
2. What is A looking for?
(A) An ideal husband.
(B) A lost cell phone.
(C) A cute pet.
(D) A summer job.
3. Which of the following statements is not advice given by B?
(A) Email the application form and resume instead of mailing them.
(B) Find jobs on the Internet.
(C) Pay attention to the application form and resume.
(D) Spend time on the cover letter sent to potential employers.
4. Which of the following parts of the job letter is not suggested by B?
(A) The reason for writing this letter.
(B) Self-introduction.
(C) The reason why B is suitable for the job.
(D) The reason why the woman does not have a job now.
5. What will A do after finding a job?
(A) Go on a vacation.
(B) Buy a new cell phone.
(C) Treat B to lunch.
(D) Buy a lot of clothes.
Key: 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (C)
Listening Comprehension
1. What are these people doing?
(A) Attending a meeting.
(B) Listening to a joke.
(C) Writing letters.
(D) Looking outside.
2. How does the man in the picture feel?
(A) sad
(B) tired
(C) happy
(D) angry
3. What are these people doing?
(A) They are looking at each other.
(B) They are drinking coffee.
(C) They are planning a trip.
(D) They are having a job interview.
4. Where are the man and the woman?
(A) A restaurant.
(B) At home.
(C) An office.
(D) An airport.
5. What is this man doing?
(A) He is making an oral presentation.
(B) He is making a business call.
(C) He is typing an email.
(D) He is reading the newspaper.
Key: 1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B)