C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Contract Number C311545 Call-Off Contracts for Construction Work DOCUMENT C-9 HSE Specifications SECTION Документ1 Page 1 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 1. Contractor’s HSE Management System & Contract HSE Management Plan 2. Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP) 3. HSE Training 4. Commencement Certificate 5. Performance Monitoring and Reporting 6. HSE Incidents 7. Site Restoration 8. HSE Non-Compliance Penalties 9. Behaviour and Assurance 10. Applicable Documents 11. PDO HSE Specific Details Attachment 1 - Applicable Documents Attachment 2: HSE Training Requirements SECTION Документ1 Page 2 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 1. Contractor’s HSE Management System & Contract HSE Management Plan 1.1. The Contractor shall have a developed HSE Management System covering all activities under the Contract that is compatible with Company’s HSE Management System as described in CP-122 HSE Management System Manual Rev. 5. 1.2. The Contractor shall submit a Contract HSE Management Plan (HSE plan) describing the specific actions, programs and procedures that will be implemented by the Contractor to manage hazards associated with the execution of the Work and Services under the Contract. 1.3. The HSE Management Plan will include a completed HEMP review incorporating all activities in the scope of the contract (see 2 below). 1.4. The HSE Management Plan shall be developed in accordance with the Contract HSE Management Procedure PR-1171, Part II section 2.6. 1.5. The Contract HSE Management Plan shall cover all Contract Phases from mobilisation through execution, demobilisation and site restoration. 1.6. The requirements specified in this section C-9 apply regardless of the status of an activity (e.g. standing by or demobilised). 1.7. Contractor shall ensure that any person, admitted to site by the Contractor or Sub Contractor shall comply with the relevant HSE specification herein. 2. Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP) 2.1. The Company has reviewed the content of the Work/Services to be provided under the Contract and has identified activities/tasks and hazards that, as a minimum, should be considered by the Contractor when developing the contract HSE Management Plan (refer to Section 1 above). The format for the HEMP records is available in PR1171 Part II Appendix 6. The activities and hazards identified shall include but not be limited to the following: Activity Hazard Potential undesirable Events Potential Causes (Threats) Road transport Driving Vehicle in Motion Collision with objects, people, other vehicles Working @ Height People at height, objects at height absence of oxygen, presence of toxic gases (H2S) Manual Lifting of heavy and awkward object Heat Dropped objects, falls Poor visibility, speeding, road poor road conditions, mechanical failure, fatigue Tools not secure, scaffold collapse Unauthorised entry, workers without training Person and equipment @ Height Fall of person or equipment Using small Electrical tools Handling of HCL (chemicals) Catering Electrical Energy Electrocution of a person Hazardous chemical Chemical burns to the persons eyes or skin Salmonella or other sickness due to bacteria or foreign object Trenching Deep and difficult access to work area Confined Space Working Changing Vehicle Wheels Working in Hot and Humid Conditions Scaffold Erection SECTION Документ1 Bacteria or foreign object in the food Worker asphyxiated Personnel injury, Damage to equipment Heat Stress, Heat Stroke collapse of the trench walls Heavy weight coming free, Hydraulic Jack collapse Lack of hydration, poor health conditions Untrained scaffold team, absence of control measures Poor maintenance of the tools, cables damaged, Lack of training, Break in the management of the hygiene chain, HACCP not maintained, Unsupported loose side walls, heavy vehicles moving close to side of the trench, use of mechanical digging equipment with personnel working nearby Page 3 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK in the trench, live cables hidden in the trench i.e. not on the ‘As Built’ information, Plant and equipment tests Pneumatic air under pressure Personal Injury No roads available Existing facilities Injury to work party Heat stroke Road construction Road used by 3rd Party Underground facilities Electrical shock Covered under transport above Tyre Changing (Inflating lifting ) Pneumatic air undwer pressure Transportation and storing of explosives Explosion, Fire Bucket truck operation Working in an outside environment Person working at height in a hydraulic mobile extending working platform (MEWP) Hot and Humid Conditions Personal Injury, Tyre Explosion Fatality, Property Damage Improper transportations of the explosive property, Improper storing of explosive property Personnel injury Death Equipment Damage Unavailability of a banks man Improper maintenance of the Bucket Truck Poor hydraulics and failures Unstable ground support toppling of plant Insufficient clearance from line and electrocution In experienced Operator Personnel suffering possible heat stress/sun stroke and dehydration whilst working in hot environment. Working in a noisy environment NOISE Working in site where H2S release may occur. Exposure to H2S and other gases Unconsciousness and even death Electrical Energy Electric Shock, Injury, Fatality Add to above threats Cover in working at height Working nearby Electrical Equipment Covered in catering above SEE Trenching aabobe and add the threats Repeat Loss of hearing Unavailability of shaded area Lack of Drinking water Long working hours Excessive Noise level more than 85 dBA No suitable PPE No breaks in between Personnel not wearing hearing protection in high noise areas No H2S monitor available No warning signs No prober Hazards Identification Flying Objects At least 2 activities here to be split i.e. Rebar cutting, bending shuttering SECTION Документ1 Sharp Objects Personnel Injuries Page 4 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Electrical Energy Electrical and Instrument installation Equipment Improper Isolation Loose connection Live lines, Working on heights, Pulling cable, PPE Contact with live Terminals Working Near Live Pipelines (underground and above ground) and containing hydrocarbons under pressure Mechanical Lifting of pipe loads Above ground Hydrocarbon under pressure Below Ground Hydrocarbon under pressure Suspended Heavy and awkward objects Electrical Shock Damage to Equipment Fire Fatality Power Interruption Oil Deferment Personnel Injury / Death Fire ,Explosion Personnel Injury Incompetent electrical technician Unavailability of Electrical Drawing Unauthorized electrical isolation Unavailability of the first aider Electrical & Instrument Tie-ins Electrical Current, Electrical Sparks Incorrect Voltage, Power overload Live Electrical Hydrocarbon leaks Pipeline damage Using of unauthorized plants, machines Working without authorization Availability of fire ignition sources Leakage of hydrocarbons Release of stored mechanical energy (pressurized) Damage to pipeline and other services by excavation equipment H2S gas, Ignition source Hydrocarbon spillage, Explosion Unauthorised loading of pipes, unauthorised storage of pipelines Stacking, Access, Dust & debris Pests, Heat, Dust, Wind, Hitting Falling, Unqualified banks man Covered in Excavation High Pressure cylinders containing flammable gas Personnel Injury, Electrical Shock, Fatality GAS Welding Toxic and harmful chemical Internal FBE coating touch-up and inspection SECTION Документ1 Personnel Injury Flashback, Working without authorization Flying objects Qualification / procedures PPE, Electric shock Toxic fumes, Welding arc Flammable materials Fumes, Arcing, UV light Electrical condition, Open flame, Spark and chips, Heat stress, lifting Gas cylinder, Weather condition Fire, Trips/slips, Lack of competence Excessive work load Toxic fumes, Confined space Communication, Lack of oxygen/ventilation, Health Hazard Heat stress, Grid blasting Grit debris, PPE High pressure fluid hose/ air hose Ignition source, Static electricity Page 5 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Hydraulic - Pressurised water Personnel Injury, Failure of Pipeline Hydrotesting Radio-Isotope Radiography Gamma Radiation overdose leafing to biological damage to human High Pressure liquid or gas Tie-in and commissioning Installation of mechanical equipment HDPE lining installation and testing Personnel Injury, Explosion, Fire Transport & handling,H2S Area access control ,Existing live facilities, Noise, Lifting and Handling Falling, Defective lifting equipment Failure of Lifting bars/Lifting Hooks Failure of Slings, Procedure Defective Equipment, Overloaded crane, Hydraulic Pressure, Overhead Power line, Cutter blades Grit blasting Blasting Abrasive, Painting and coating Toxic and flammable chemical Paint Fumes, Flammable Material Use of hand tools SECTION Документ1 Wrong tools, incorrect procedureUsing non calibrated gauge Testing are not cordoned or no warning sign placed Tighting of stud/bolts while pressurising the pipeline under test to attend the leakage. Water in pipe, Pigging Condition of testing equipment Disposal of testing water Use of corrosion inhibitor Release of stored mechanical energy (pressurized),Spill Radiation leaks? Using of unauthorized plants, machines Working without authorization Unproved procedure Transport & disposal, Qualification Radio active source Loss of source due to damage of shield/vehicle accident No Radiation, Procedure Defective Plants Improper Inspections Defective equipment Depressurisation & isolation Communication, Commissioning procedures H2S covered above Equipment failure Flying objects, Hydrocarbon spill Procedure, Unqualified personnel Wrong tools, incorrect procedure Lack of inspections to the mechanical equipment Damage , Injury Wrong tools, incorrect procedure Personnel Injury, Electrocution Damage to Equipment, In halation of Dust causing respiratory problem, Eye Injury, Damage to property In halation of fumes causing respiratory problem, Skin eyes and throat irritation , Fire , Explosion No prober Hazards Identification Pressure inside Hose, Noise Lack of chemical awareness Lack of SHOC cards Long working hours Personnel injury Tools are not calibrated Wrong hand tools Personnel injury Injury to others Incorrect or damaged hand tools Page 6 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Damage to buildings / equipment Use of chemicals (antitermite solutions / paints and cleaners) Electrical Welding/MIG/TIG Cutting / grinding / welding activities Use of bench mounted machinery e.g. bench grinder Toxic and flammable substance Electrical energy High speed Rotating equipment Personnel injury Personnel injury from molten particles or flying fragments Personnel injury Danger to other personnel/damage to other buildings and equipmentInhalation/spillages/sp lashes Flying objects Unavailability of contingency plan Incorrect PPEs Fire or explosion if hydrocarbons present. Flying Objects Hydraulic leaks Lack of inspection Unguarded rotating machinery Coming into contact with rotating parts by inadvertently switching on or slipping into Working at height? Generator air filter systems Generator exciter checks Electrical shock, trapping of limbs, falling of heavy covers, fumes from cleaning agents Megger testing Electrical Energy Checking / changing rotor earth brushings Primary / secondary injection testing Whats the Hazard? Personnel injury Personnel injury Electrical shock, burns Personnel injury Electric shock, entrapment of fingers or hands Personnel injury Electric shock, burns, back strain, damages to plant. Air /Oil leaks Lack of inspection or inappropriate 3rd party Inspection Fire improper calibration Incompetent Skills Incompetent Skills Same as electrical work? Batteries, chargers Working at remote locations Crossing under an overhead line Servicing of electrical equipment Lub / seal oil in engines, SECTION Документ1 Electric shock, burns. Spillage of electrolyte, Flammable Materials Toxic Substance, Acids Delays in emergency response from local area /lack of clear communication of route to reach location Insufficient clearance / Hitting O.H by high vehicles In experienced and incompetent personnel ,Electricity in Equipment Noise Spills Fire Personnel injury Death Man lost & exposure to severe weather conditions Electrocution / Injury / Death Incompetent Electrician skills Prober approval Incompetent Electrician skills Prober approval Prober Communication Prober approval Goal post Electrocution, Personnel Injury, Using unproved tools Using wrong tools Using wrong PTW Slipping Using wrong PPEs Page 7 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK rotating equipment Maintenance of fire extinguishers, rechargnig dry powder, foam, CO2 gas Handling batteries Handling chemicals Working adjacent to live equipment Handling materials Pollution Working with gas under pressure, Working with chemical, Toxic gas, fumes Acid, Short circuit, Lifting objects Fumes, Fire, Trip, falls, Spills Improper ventilation Flammable materials, Toxic substances, Acids, Fumes, Fire Lack of PPE Incompetent personnel Musculoskeletal Improper storage Live overhead line (OHL) Hitting OHL by high vehicles Possible contact of equipment with live OHL Electrical wiring (induced current) High electromagnetic field Spills, pipe leaks / ruptures Lifting [see (2) above] Load falling, Equipment falling Slings, Trips, slips, Musculoskeletal Chemical spill, Contact with chemical Wrong storage, Lack of personnel competence, Sharp objects Explosive, Pressure release, Environmental, damage, Injury, Fatality, Eye Irritation Allergy, Burn Fire ,Explosion, Personnel Injury, Respiratory disease, Fatal Injury, Skin irritation, Burns Fatality, Property Damage, Electrocution, fire, Equipment damage, Oil deferment Crane mounted truck operations / material / equipment lifting, loading and uploading SECTION Документ1 No Safe distance Using Wrong procedure No Approval from the area authority Expanding crude pool with potential to ignite, LTI or death, Material/Equipment Property Damage, Personnel injury and asset damage due to fall of loads. Personnel injury due to incorrect lifting techniques Heavy hydraulic equipment in work area Chemical spill Heavy load Wrong PPEs Incorrect slings Unproved procedure Suspended Heavy and awkward equipment at height Lifting operations Using incorrect procedure Using incorrect approved gage pressure Explosion Wrong PPEs Chemical spill Heavy load Personnel injury and asset damage due to fall of loads. Personnel injury due to incorrect lifting techniques Incorrect Procedure Uninspected lifting shekels Incompetent banks man Lack of loading plan Improper lifting equipment Inappropriate lifting gear Improper sling, Uneven/soft ground Incompetent operators/banksman Bad attitude/behavior Load falling, Hook slipping Failure of Crane/Equipment Personnel tripping/slipping 3rd party interference Lack of PPE, Complacency Musculoskeletal Exceed lifting capacity of equipment Adverse weather, Heat exhaustion Poor communication, Lack of personnel competence and experience, Poor fitness Spills (e.g. chemical) Incorrect Procedure Unproved authorisation Unapproved Crane Crane not inspectedOutriggers on soft soil / loose ground Outriggers not extended Page 8 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK fully/notlocked, Side loading/dragging of load, Overload, Swinging load, improper guidance, Abrupt operation of control levers, Persons standing below loads Damaged hooks/slings Failure of equipment Operator incompetence Manual lifting MATERIAL DISPOSAL heavy and awkward loads Sharp objects Permanent disability, Partial disability Back injury, Cuts, Injury Fire Clean up oil spillage Toxic, harmful or flammable Chemical Respiratory Problem, Soil Contamination, Asphyxiation, Fire, Injury DESIGN Fire, Theft, Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol abuse, Interior Driving, Electrical Accident, Site Hazard/ Toxic gas and Construction work, Occupational Injury(Stress , back ache), Infection, Transport to and from PDO Offices Property Damage, Personnel loss, Injury, Sickness Internal FBE coating touch-up and inspection Hydrostatic testing Tie-ins QA/QC INSPECTION Toxic fumes, Confined space cation, Lack of oxygen/ventilation Heat stress, Grit blasting, Grit debris Pressure, Pigging Condition of testing equipment Disposal of testing water Use of corrosion inhibitor Unproved procedure Coating damage. Cable cut / damage. Personnel injury Personnel injury Over pressurizing of the pipe section under test. Inadequate communication facility. Depressurisation & isolation Communication causing injury to personnel Unproved procedure Working at height Personnel may fall leading to injuries or death. Tools and materials may fall causing injury to personnel Tools not secure, scaffold collapse Working in confined spaces Asphyxiation Driving Heat Exhaustion SECTION Документ1 Heavy Loads Incorrect procedure Excessive working hours Broken glass, Kitchen waste (tins, scraps, bones, fish bones),Insects Animals, Spills, Fax & printer cartridges, Batteries, Chemicals, Tyres, Woods, Construction waste Waste transportation Incorrect procedure Hydro Carbon Gas, Hydro carbon Liquid, H2S , Source of Ignition, Pollution from Oil Spillage Road Accidents Roll over Man lost situation Collapse, possible fatality Unauthorised entry, workers without training Poor visibility, speeding, road poor road conditions, mechanical failure, fatigue Unproved procedure Page 9 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Welding High Pressure testing Trench collapse Hazardous Chemicals X-ray exposure Heavy Lifting Explosion, burns. Explosion Entrapment, possibly fatal. Burns, Asphyxiation, Radiation burns and sickness Strains, equipment collapse. Unauthorised entry Wrong tools, incorrect procedure Unproved procedure Unauthorised entry Radiation leaks Unproved procedure 2.2. The Contractor shall prepare and implement comprehensive HEMP as part of the HSE Management Plan prior to Commencement of the Work or Services as per PR 1171 Part II Appendix 6. 3. HSE Training 3.1. The Contractor shall provide, as a minimum, HSE training for Contractor Personnel in accordance with the minimum HSE training requirements as listed in Attachment 2 of this C9 document. 3.2. Training Matrix – Contractor shall at all times maintain an up to date list of all personnel employed under the contract, and details of the training courses they have attended, including the attendance date. Appendix PR1171 Part II. 3.3. The Contractor shall bear all costs of meeting the HSE training requirements of the contract. 4. Commencement Certificate 4.1. The Contractor shall not commence the Work or Services until the Company has issued the HSE Commencement Certificate (as per PR 1171 Contract HSE Management Part II, Appendix 1). 4.2. The Contractor is reminded of the obligations under the General Conditions (Section C3). In addition, all activities, regardless of location and status, undertaken as part of the Work or Services provided under the contract, whether provided directly or by a Subcontractor (including, but not limited to, material and equipment suppliers), are considered the responsibility of the Contractor. Compliance to the HSE requirements will apply equally to all activities related to the contract. 4.3. As a point of clarification the contract makes no differentiation as to the status of an activity whether being mobilised or demobilised or standing idle the HSE and any other contract requirements apply equally in all cases unless specifically stated otherwise. 5. Performance Monitoring and Reporting 5.1. The Contractor shall regularly monitor HSE performance as per the agreed Contract HSE Management Plan and shall complete and submit the ‘Health and Safety SECTION Документ1 Page 10 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Statistics - Monthly Return’ (Appendix 4 of PR 1171 Contract HSE Management Part II) to the Contract Holder. This should be submitted not later than 1600 hrs on the last day of the calendar month. 6. HSE Incidents 6.1. The Contractor shall report to Company and shall investigate all work-related HSE incidents, and comply with the requirements as outlined in the latest version of Company’s Incident Notification, Analysis, Reporting and Follow-up Procedure (PR 1418). 7. Site Restoration 7.1. Upon Completion of the Work or Services, the Contractor shall satisfactorily restore the Site, including any areas of the Company concession area and any premises thereon, used by the Contractor to perform the Work or Services. 7.2. The Company shall certify satisfactory completion by issuing a Site Restoration Certificate (Appendix 5 of PR 1171 Contract HSE Management Part II). SECTION Документ1 Page 11 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 8. HSE Non-Compliance Penalties 8.1. Repeated failure by the Contractor to comply with contract HSE obligations may result in the removal from site of the relevant Contractor’s supervisory and/or managerial personnel. 8.2. In the event that the Company considers that the Contractor has failed to comply with the latest approved Contract HSE Management Plan, or other HSE Specifications, then Company shall issue the Contractor with an HSE Default Notice. 8.3. An HSE Default Notice is any written notification issued by the Company detailing specific aspects of the Works or Services that do not comply with either the latest approved Contract HSE Management Plan or other Contract HSE Specifications. 8.4. For each HSE Default notification the following amounts will become due to the Company: HSE Default Single default Penalty OMR 500/USD 1300 per day per HSE Safety Default notice [determine based on Contract Currency] 8.5. For the purposes of this penalty clause: a) Where an HSE Default Notice contains several incidences of default, each incident shall be considered as a separate HSE Default Notice. b) Where HSE default persists for a period longer than 24 hours, then the applicable penalty shall be repeated for each subsequent 24-hour period that the default continues. Where the repeated incidences of HSE default occur throughout the duration of the Contract then the following remedies are available to the Company: HSE Default Repeated Recurrence (Two or more default notices for the same default) Persistent nonconformance (More than 5 default notices for the same default) SECTION Документ1 Penalty Increased supervision by the Company of the Contractor at the cost of the Contractor Suspension of Contractor and suspension of Contractor's registration for the relevant Service Group of the Contract Page 12 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 9. Behaviour and Assurance 9.1. STOP The Contractor shall fully implement a Safety Training Observation Programme, or Company approved equivalent, in accordance with the Company’s Specification SP 1259 STOP. 9.2. Life Saving Rules Life Saving Rules (LSRs) In addition to the chosen behavioural programme, the Contractor shall fully implement the Company Life Saving Rules. The Life-Saving Rules set out clear and simple “dos” and “don’ts” covering activities with the highest potential safety risk. They help to make sure that rules are followed and people are protected. Contractors MUST adopt and ensure that the rules are embedded in their company. There are serious consequences associated with breaking a Life-Saving Rule. If a rulebreaker is aware of the Life-Saving Rules or a required procedure and does not comply, the maximum appropriate disciplinary action will be applied: up to and including termination of employment for PDO employees; or removal from site and disqualification from future PDO work for employees of contractors or subcontractors. 9.3. Letter of Assurance The Contractor Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall submit an HSE Letter of Assurance (LoA) every year before 1st March to Company. The LoA is a confirmation from the CEO, with or without qualifications, that the current implementation status and integrity of the Contractor HSE management system meets the Contract requirements. Only one LoA per Contractor is required covering all contracts with Company that are operational on 1 January of that year. Company will issue the format and submission details for the LoA annually. 10. Applicable Documents 10.1. The Contractor shall comply with, the requirements of Company’s Health, Safety and Environment Management System Manual (CP 122) Rev.5 and other documentation as listed in the tables in Appendix 1 and any documents referenced therein. 10.2. The Contractor may download Company’s HSE Management System and other documents via the World Wide Web (WWW). The site can be accessed through the following URL, username and password: URL: http://www.pdo.co.om/hseforcontractors/ Username: pdohse01 Password: contractor01 SECTION Документ1 Page 13 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 11. PDO HSE Specific Details Attachment 1 - Applicable Documents Document title 1 2 3 4 CP-122 - Health, Safety and Environment Mgmt System - CoP 5 6 7 GU140 C-09 Requirements and guidance for preparation CP-123 - Emergency Response Documents Part I - CoP PL-04 - HSE Policy PL10 - Security policy and Emergency response Policy GU273 PTW Job Safety Plan GU288 Emergency Response Document Part IV Guidelines GU363 Guidance Working at Height and Access 8 9 10 11 GU432 - Road Transport HSE CASE 12 13 PR1065 Emergency Response Documents Part II Company Procedure 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 GU432 A - Appendix - Road Transport HSE CASE GU264 - Permit to Work Licensing GU-673 - Guidelines for HSE Training PR-1148 - Entry into a Confined Space Procedure PR-1171 - I - Contract HSE Management Part I - Mandatory for PDO Personnel involved in Contract Management PR-1171 - II - Contract HSE Management Part II - Mandatory for Contractors & Contract Holders PR1171 Permit to Work Procedure PR1708 Lifting and Hoisting Procedure Part 1 Framework Part 2 Inspection, Testing and certification PR1709 Lifting and Hoisting Procedure Lift Planning Execution PR1710 Lifting Equipment Numbering Procedure PR1947 Electrical Safety Rules PR1948 Electrical Safety Operating Procedures PR-1970 - HSE-MS Review PR-1997 - Contractor HSE Technical Evaluation (Banding) PR-2010 I - HSE Training Procedure PR-2010 II - HSE Training Provision Approvals and Quality Assurance PR2018 Laboratory Chemicals Management Emergency Procedure SP-1005 - HSE Specification - Emissions to Atmosphere SP-1006 - HSE Specification - Aqueous Effluents SP-1007 - HSE Specification - Accidental Releases to Land and Water SP-1009 - HSE Specification - Waste Management SP-1010 - HSE Specification - Environmental Noise and Vibration SP-1011 - HSE Specification - Flora and Fauna Protection SP-1012 - HSE Specification - Land Management SP1103 Electrical Engineering |Guidelines SP1111 Temporary Electrical Supplies for Construction & Maintenance Work SP-1157 - HSE Specification - HSE Training SP-1170 - HSE Specification - Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) SECTION Документ1 Page 14 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 SP-1194 - HSE Specification - Chemical Management SP-1230 - HSE Specification - Medical Examination, Treatment and Facilities SP-1231 - HSE Specification - Occupational Health SP-1232 - HSE Specification - Public Health SP-1233 - HSE Specification - Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol SP-1234 - HSE Specification - Personal Protective Equipment SP-1237 - HSE Specification - Ionising Radiation SP1251 Training Requirements for lifting Operations Personnel SP-1256 - HSE Specification - Camps, Offices, Labs, Workshops and Industrial Safety SP-1259 - HSE Specification - Safety Training Observation Programme (STOP) SP1275 Specification and Criteria for design of civil and Building Works update 03 96 (ERD-17-04) SP-2000 - HSE Specification - Road Transport SP-2001 - HSE Specification - Load Safety and Restraining SP-1257 - Working at Height and Access SECTION Документ1 Page 15 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK A/E/H Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend Language 16 Course in Hours Maximum Delegates 3 Target Population Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Minimum Delegates Objectives (refer SP1157) Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. Course Code Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. AIM (refer SP1157) Attachment 2: HSE Training Requirements 3 C Courses from 1st September 2012 Appendix A – Specifications: Level 1 HSE Training Courses and Assessments. (CHA) Chemical Hazard Awareness Course SECTION Документ1 CHA 4 Page 1 of 32 Non-supervisory PDO & Contractor Drivers & Operational staff who are required to handle or transport hazardous chemicals as part of their work. C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Language Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 1 16 A/E/H Previously CHA trained nonsupervisory PDO & Contractor Drivers & Operational staff who are required to handle or transport hazardous chemicals as part of their work 1 C (DHR) Dealing with Hazards & Risks Course DHR 4 3 16 A/E/H Newly hired, seconded or transferred staff into PDO & newly hired contractor personnel 8 C (DHRR) Dealing with Hazards & Risks scheduled Reassessment DHRR 4 1 16 A/E/H Previously DHR trained, nonsupervisory PDO & Contractor staff 1 C (EA) Environmental Awareness Course EA 4 3 12 E Operations, drilling, well services and project team staff. 8 R SECTION Документ1 Page 2 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Maximum Delegates 4 Objectives (refer SP1157) CHAR Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (CHAR) Chemical Hazard Awareness scheduled Reassessment Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 12 E Operations, drilling, well services and project team staff. 1 R (H2S) H2S Awareness and Escape Course H2S 3 3 12 E/A/H ALL PDO and Contractor Personnel who may need to enter PDO facilities (including Well Sites) classified as Low or High Risk Sour as part of their work. PDO and Contractor Staff who trained on H2S prior to January 2012, and whose 'old' H2s Course permit is due for recertification. 8 C SECTION Документ1 Page 3 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) 1 Language Maximum Delegates 4 Objectives (refer SP1157) EAR Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (EAR) Environmental Awareness scheduled Reassessment Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Language Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 1 12 E/A/H All PDO and Contractor personnel who trained on H2S Courses after January 2012 and who may need to enter PDO facilities (including well sites) classified as Low Risk or High Risk Sour as part of their work.. 1 C (HRA) Health Risk Assessment Course HRA 5 3 12 E Industrial Hygienists, HSE Advisors, PTW Signatories, Permit Applicants 12 (HRAR) Health Risk Assessment scheduled Reassessment HRAR 5 1 12 E Previously HRA trained Industrial Hygienists, HSE Advisors, PTW Signatories &, Permit Applicants 2 SECTION Документ1 Page 4 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Maximum Delegates 3 Objectives (refer SP1157) H2SR Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (H2SR) H2S Awareness and Escape scheduled Recertification Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. R C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Language Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 3 12 E/A/H PDO and Contractor personnel who work in areas in which portable firefighting equipment has been provided. 3 C (IFRR) Initial Fire Response scheduled Reassessment IFRR 3 1 12 E/A/H PDO and Contractor personnel who work in areas in which portable firefighting equipment has been provided. 1 C (IND) HSE Induction Course IND 3 16 E/A/H Newly hired, seconded or transferred staff into PDO & newly hired contractor personnel 5 C SECTION Документ1 Page 5 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Maximum Delegates 3 Objectives (refer SP1157) IFR Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (IFR) Initial Fire Response Course Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. (SCBA) Self-contained Breathing Apparatus & Confined Space Rescue Course SCBA 3 3 (SCBAR) SCBA & Confined Space Rescue scheduled Recertification SCBAR 3 1 SECTION Документ1 PDO Staff New to site. Visitors (less than 24hrs) new to site. PDO appointed contractors working at site for less than 8 days. PDO Contractor staff new to site. 5 C 12 A/E/H PDO & Contractor staff who are required to use SCBA for gas testing or other operational activities, or in operational emergencies. 8 C 12 A/E/H PDO & Contractor staff who are required to use SCBA for gas testing or other operational activities, or in operational emergencies. 2 C Page 6 of 32 Target Population Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) E/A/H 1 Language Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend INDP Course in Hours (INDP) HSE Induction, site-specific Course Maximum Delegates Minimum Delegates Objectives (refer SP1157) Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. Course Code Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. AIM (refer SP1157) C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 12 A/E PDO & Contractor professional drivers, PDO & Contractor staff who are to be certified AHA Heartsaver first response first aiders. 14 C (AHAR) AHA Heartsaver First Aid, CPR & AED scheduled Recertification AHAR 2 3 12 A/E PDO & Contractor professional drivers, PDO & Contractor staff who are to certified AHA first response First Aiders 14 C Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) 3 Language Maximum Delegates 2 Objectives (refer SP1157) AHAF Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (AHAF) AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED Foundation Course Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. Appendix B – Level 1 (HSE) AHA 1st Aid Foundation and Recertification Courses Appendix C - Level 1 Defensive Driving (HSE) Courses and Assessments SECTION Документ1 Page 7 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 12 A/E PDO & all contractor personnel required to drive light vehicles in the performance of their work. 16 C (DD02) Defensive Driving, Heavy Vehicles, Blacktop Roads DD02 3 3 12 A/E/H PDO & all contractor personnel required to drive heavy vehicles in the performance of their work. 16 C (DD04) Defensive Driving, Bulk Tankers, Light & Heavy Course DD04 3 3 12 A/E/H All PDO & Contactor drivers required to drive tanker vehicles on blacktop or graded roads in Oman in the performance of their work. 4 C (DD05) Defensive Driving, Buses, Light & Heavy Course DD05 3 3 12 A/E/H PDO & all contractor personnel required to drive light or heavy bus vehicles in the performance of their work. 16 C SECTION Документ1 Page 8 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) 3 Language Maximum Delegates 2 Objectives (refer SP1157) DD01 Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (DD01) Defensive Driving, Light Vehicles, Blacktop Roads Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 1 12 A/E/H All PDO & Contractor staff holding DD permits of any kind, required to drive in performance of their work or services. 5.5 C (CHAS) Chemical Handling Awareness for Supervisors Course CHAS 4 3 12 A/E/H PDO & Contractor supervisors who are responsible for operations pr processes involving chemicals 8 C (CHASR) Chemical Handling Awareness for Supervisors scheduled Reassessment CHASR 4 1 6 A/E/H PDO & Contractor supervisors who are responsible for operations pr processes involving chemicals 2 C (DD06) Defensive Driving, Recertification Target Population Course in Hours Language Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Maximum Delegates 3 Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) DD06 Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Course Code Minimum Delegates Re-certification period years Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. Objectives (refer SP1157) C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Appendix E – Level 2 HSE Courses and Assessments SECTION Документ1 Page 9 of 32 C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Language Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 3 16 A/E/H PDO and contractor staff who must supervise or manage the work of at least one other staff member. 8 C (CMCR) Coaching, Mentoring & Performance Assessment scheduled Reassessment CMCR 4 3 12 A/E/H Previously CMC trained PDO and contractor supervisory and managerial staff. 1 C (HTS) HSE Tools and Skills Course HTS 4 3 16 A/E/H All PDO & PDO Contractor staff with supervisory roles, including PTW holders, signatories and SJMs. 16 C (HTSR) HSE Tools and Skills scheduled Reassessment HTSR 4 2 8 A/E/H All PDO & PDO Contractor staff with supervisory roles. 2 C SECTION Документ1 Page 10 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Maximum Delegates 4 Objectives (refer SP1157) CMC Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (CMC) Coaching, Mentoring & Performance Assessment Course Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 4 3 12 A/E/H PDO HSE Team Leads and Contractor HSE Advisers (M) PDO Contract Owners Contract Holders and Managers & Supervisors who may be required as part of their role to lead an incident R 16 MR (IAIR) Incident and Accident Investigation scheduled Reassessment IAIR 4 1 6 A/E/H PDO HSE Team Leads and Contractor HSE Advisers (M) PDO Contract Owners Contract Holders and Managers & Supervisors who may be required as part of their role to lead an incident R 2 MR SECTION Документ1 Page 11 of 32 Target Population Course in Hours Language Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Maximum Delegates IA Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (IAI) Incident and Accident Investigation Course Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Course Code Minimum Delegates Re-certification period years Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. Objectives (refer SP1157) C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK SECTION Документ1 Page 12 of 32 PDO & Contractor Production Supervisors / Operators, Maintenance Coordinators/Supervisors, Pigging contractor supervisors, tank/separator cleaning contractor supervisors, Well Service (Rig/Hoist) Managers/Drillers, EMC Contractor maintenance supervisors and ODC Contractor maintenance supervisors, NORM Yard and WTF Yard Supervisors, other supervisors working with potential NORM contaminated equipment or material Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend E Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) 12 Language 3 Target Population Course in Hours 4 Maximum Delegates NORMS Minimum Delegates (NORMS) Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material for Supervisors Course Objectives (refer SP1157) Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Course Code Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. Re-certification period years C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 5 C C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend E PDO & Contractor Production Supervisors / Operators, Maintenance Coordinators/Supervisors, Pigging contractor supervisors, tank/separator cleaning contractor supervisors, Well Service (Rig/Hoist) Managers/Drillers, EMC Contractor maintenance supervisors and ODC Contractor maintenance supervisors, NORM Yard and WTF Yard Supervisors, other supervisors working with potential NORM contaminated equipment or material 1 C (PTWH) Permit to Work Holders Course PTWH 3 3 16 E PDO and Contractor personnel who will directly supervise a work party (e.g. first-line supervisor, leading hand, charge hand or technician etc) 16 C SECTION Документ1 Page 13 of 32 Target Population Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) 6 Language Maximum Delegates 1 Objectives (refer SP1157) 4 AIM (refer SP1157) NORMSR Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. Re-certification period years (NORMSR) NORM for Supervisors scheduled Reassessment Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Course Code Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 6 E PDO and Contractor personnel who will directly supervise a work party (e.g. first line supervisor, leading hand, charge hand or technician etc) and are trained and currently licensed as a permit holder. 1 C (PTWS) Permit to Work Signatories Course PTWS 3 3 16 E PDO and Contractor personnel who will fulfill a role within the Permit to Work System as a permit applicant, area authority or responsible supervisor 16 C SECTION Документ1 Page 14 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) 1 Language Maximum Delegates 3 Objectives (refer SP1157) PTWHR Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (PTWHR) Permit to Work Holders scheduled Recertification Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 6 E PDO and Contractor personnel who have been trained and hold a valid, current PTW signatory license to fulfill a role within the Permit to Work System as a permit applicant, area authority or responsible supervisor 1 C (SLE) Safety Leadership for Executives SLE 4 5 30 E PDO and Contractor Executives and deputies having full executive authority. 8 C (SLM) Safety Leadership for Managers workshop SLM 4 5 30 A/E All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the supervision of work done or being done by at least one other supervisor or manager. 16 C SECTION Документ1 Page 15 of 32 Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) 1 Language Maximum Delegates 3 Objectives (refer SP1157) PTWSR Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (PTWSR) Permit to Work Signatories scheduled Recertification Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK Language Course in Hours Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend 10 50 A/E/H All PDO & Contractor supervisors, managers and executives. 24 C (SLR) Safety Leadership scheduled Reassessment workshop SLR 4 5 30 A/E/H All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the supervision of work done or being done by at least one other person 5 C 8 C Target Population Course Code Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Maximum Delegates 4 Objectives (refer SP1157) SLS Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. AIM (refer SP1157) (SLS) Safety Leadership for Supervisors workshop Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Minimum Delegates Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. Appendix F – Level 2 Defensive Driving (HSE) Courses and assessments (SJM) Safe Journey Manager Course SECTION Документ1 SJM 2 3 12 Page 16 of 32 A/E/H PDO and Contractor first line supervisors and/or managers responsible for the operational management of driving activities, and Contractor HSE Advisers. SECTION Документ1 3 Page 17 of 32 A/E/H Pre-Requisites (refer SP1157) Language Maximum Delegates Minimum Delegates 1 PDO and Contractor first line supervisors and/or managers responsible for the operational management of driving activities, and Contractor HSE Advisers. Compulsory/Mandatory/ Recommend SJMR Target Population Course in Hours (SJMR) Safe Journey Manager scheduled Reassessment Objectives (refer SP1157) Recommended means – a highly desirable event for the target population that develops their professional HSE capability, and offers potential organisational benefit. Course Code Mandatory means – must be attended within a maximum of 2 months of being given the designated role or responsibility for a specific task related activity. Re-certification period years Compulsory means – must be attended before being deployed to carry out the designated role, i.e. immediately. AIM (refer SP1157) C-311545 CALL-OFF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION W ORK 1 C