A. Sentence Errors

Name: _________________________________________
6B- _____
Date: _________________________________
Grammar: Sentence Errors; Sentence Variety; Vivid Verbs #2
Directions: USE PENCIL. Complete each of the following questions according to the
directions that follow. If you need help, use your notes!
A. Sentence Errors
Directions: On the space provided, identify each of the following sentences as C
(complete sentence); CS (comma splice); F (fragment); or RO (run-on).
1. While Tommy and Pete were busy drawing pictures of motorcycles in Tommy’s
basement on a sunny day in July, just after school ended.
2. Jane, a skillful lacrosse player who was her team’s high-scorer, posed for a
yearbook picture, it would appear on the first page of the sports section, which
students were sure to enjoy!
3. Because he’d prepared for the hike, Tommy reached the summit of the mountain
it gave him a sense of pride to know he’d accomplished his goal!
4. Puzzled by the sound, Marty, our dog, sniffed the door to the cabinet, eventually,
he started howling because he recognized the scent, it was his food!
B. Adding Sentence Variety with Introductory Expressions
Directions: On the space provided, use at least one of the types of introductory
expressions (IE’s) indicated in bold to add sentence variety to the following
sentences. Remember: Introductory expressions appear at the beginning of a
sentence, and you usually need to put a comma after introductory expressions.
1. Transition Word: Sally hadn’t studied for the test. She aced it!
2. Transitional Phrase: John never gave up looking for a job. He was hired as a
3. Prepositional Phrase: I played basketball. I took a nap.
4. Participial Phrase or Pair of Adjectives: I played basketball. I took a nap.
5. Dependent Clause: I decided to become an English teacher.
C. Vivid Verbs
Directions: First, circle the verbs that appear in the original sentences. Then,
revise (re-write) the original sentences, using better verbs in your re-write. Choose
vivid, active, interesting, and precise verbs that add life to the writing. You will
probably need to change more than the original verb when you revise these
sentences. Try to preserve the basic idea of the original sentence, while animating it
with vivid verbs. Circle the vivid verbs you’ve added in your revised sentences.
Original Sentences: Joey thinks hiking is fun. He does it on the weekends. He tries
to get friends to go with him. Sometimes, they like to go to the mountains.