History 6 Project Badges (Figi) Directions: Each quarter, you need to earn two badges of your choice. Your badge options are listed below. Your progress will be charted online using classbadges.com. You can login to this web site using your first name.lastname (all lowercase) as your username and history as your password. You may work on these badges during designated class time, resource, homeroom, or at home. Quarter Achievement Levels Bronze: Earn 2 badges in a quarter (THIS IS REQUIRED) Silver: Earn 3 badges in a quarter Gold: Earn 4 badges in a quarter Platinum: Earn 5 or more badges in a quarter Badge Title Badge Description Task Family History Detective Research your family history and present this to the class using a list of preapproved formats. History Interviewer Interview someone older than you about an important historical event they lived through. Document Detective Identify a primary source from the time period we are studying. Read and analyze it using a provided form. Political Cartoon Creator Make a political cartoon that demonstrates different historical perspectives. Create Your Own Badge Submit a short written proposal for a new badge and if accepted, you will earn this badge. Badge Title Badge Description Task Historical Site Visitor Take a field trip to a place with historical significance and take pictures or bring a brochure back. Children's Book Author Write a children's book on a topic we are studying. Histo-Reader Read a historical fiction book or graphic novel about a time period we study. Letter to the Editor Write and send a letter to the editor of a local or national paper about an issue you have researched or care about. Letter to an Elected Leader Write a letter to an elected leader (President, Mayor, Governor, Congressman) asking a question or sharing an opinion. History of Food Locate and prepare a recipe from a time period we study and share it with your family. Bring in a picture to share. History of Games Learn about a game played during one of our time periods and teach it to the class. Badge Title Badge Description Task Pow Toon Creator Use the free software from Pow Toon to create a comic about one of the topics we are studying. www.powtoon.com Histor-aBlogger Use the class approved Blogging site to complete a blog entry on a topic we are studying. Children's Book Publisher This badge can only be earned AFTER you earn the Children's Book Author Badge. Arrange to have your children's book read some place with an audience of younger children. News Reporter Bring in a current event article to discuss and make sure you know the arguments on both sides. Histor-a-App Locator Find an app that we can use to support our learning and that can be used on the laptops or iPads. History of Art Complete an art project that uses a technique or type of art from a time period we study. History of Music Bring in music from a time period we are studying or learn to play a popular song from the time. Name: __________________________ Block:____________________ History Quest Progress Sheet Quarter One Badges Earned Date Badge Approved * * Quarter One Achievement Level: (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) Quarter Two Badges Earned * * Quarter Two Achievement Level: (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) Quarter Three Badges Earned * * Quarter Three Achievement Level: (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) Quarter Four Badges Earned * * Quarter Four Achievement Level: (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) *Two badges required per quarter. If not completed, a required alternative assignment will be given that allows you to practice the material for the quarter.