Living Wall - Students` Society of McGill University

A badass list of fun things
Living Wall
Clare Paller (Environment Commissioner):
Amara Possian (Arts Senator):
Upon the Environment Committee’s recommendation, SSMU is looking into putting a living wall into the cafeteria in order to
improve its atmosphere while adding to the building’s potential for LEED certification. Council will need to approve renovations
before we apply for funding through the Sustainability Projects Fund. Before the motion can be presented, help is needed in
getting quotes, and drafting a budget and a proposal.
House or College System
Randall Blom (Law Senator):
McGill was designed as a much smaller university (<10,000 students in the 1950s). Over the years, the university has grown
without adequate attention paid to how to best maintain the sense of community that was once its strength. Several senators are
looking into a developing a house or college system in order to foster a stronger sense of community at McGill. The proposal is
still in its developing stages and Randall is keen to hear suggestions regarding how students would like to see this opportunity
take shape.
A new MyCourses (WebCT)
Andrew Doyle (Engineering Senator):
Want to have a say in what will replace WebCT? Come to the demos of different bidding vendors: January 31st, February 2nd, 8th,
and 11th from 9:00am to 1:00pm in the James McKee Lounge (Bronfman). More info at
Preferred List of Suppliers
Nick Drew:
Nick, the FERC, and the Operations Committee are working on a preferred list of local and ethical suppliers for SSMU and its
clubs and services. FERC is researching the practices of the companies SSMU normally works with and the Operations
Committee will create a list of preferred suppliers then work negotiate discounted rates. Help is needed in a number of areas.
Purchasing Policy
Nick Drew (VP Finance and Operations):
Nick is working with the FERC to develop an ethical purchasing policy. The idea is to create a procedure that all SSMU clubs and
services would follow when buying products over x amount of dollars. The policy would encourage purchasing local and ethical
brands, specifically those on the preferred list of suppliers. Nick and the FERC need help developing evaluation criteria and need
help with research.
Forum on Undergraduate Education
Devon Willis (Academic Research Commissioner):
Andrew Doyle (Engineering Senator):
The Academic Research Commissioner and a few senators are working on creating a Forum on Undergraduate Education in
March. The idea is to have a “reverse townhall” where the admin and faculty listen to and understand what students want. It
would include a high profile guest speaker, a presentation of the SSMU Survey, and a presentation of The McGill We Want
reports. Help is especially needed with budget, communications, tech and finance.
Room 302 and MK
Nick Drew (VP Finance and Operations):
Mairead Johnson (Operations Committee member):
Tyler Lawson (Arts Senator):
Midnight Kitchen is seeking to increase their funding and they have increased space with the acquisition of Room 302. There is
great potential to make MK the new student-run food service on campus by improving space within the SSMU bldg to better
accommodate this SSMU service. Volunteer, help Nick figure out the Friday serving situation, help them improve the space
without compromising their values – put up art, buy furniture.
LEED Certification
Clare Paller and Toby Davine:
Ari Jaffe:
LEED Certification is a process that takes years and we should start now. The first step is an energy audit, which would cost
between $20,000 and $30,000… talk to the environment commissioners and Ari about next steps.
Developing mechanisms for student consultation within SSMU
Josh Abaki (VP University Affairs):
SSMU (and especially the student senators) are looking into how to consult members on important decisions – this includes
sending out surveys in listservs, potential GA reform etc. Speak to Josh or any senator if you have ideas or proposals.
Drafting Environment By-Laws
Toby Davine (Environment Commissioner):
Clare Paller (Environment Commissioner):
Interested in making SSMU more sustainable? The environment commissioners need help drafting by-laws to do a number of
things like: implementing the Five Year Plan, creating an environmental audit for clubs when they are financially audited at the
end of the year, changing the ban on Styrofoam to include a ban on Polystyrene (which includes Plastic 6), writing environmental
guidelines into club contracts, and institutionalizing consultation with the environment commissioners on decisions that relate to
building renovations and policies.
Student staff pay scale and support
Maggie Knight (Clubs and Services):
Pauline and Maggie have almost finished the SSMU student staff pay scale but Maggie needs help consulting with student staff
to see if they are getting enough support and to understand the main barriers they face.
Supporting student group leadership transitions
Maggie Knight (Clubs and Services):
Maggie is working on providing support for formal leadership transitions within clubs and services. Contact her if you’re
interested in being involved.
Reevaluation and Drafting Room bookings by-laws
Anushay Khan (VP Clubs and Services):
Maggie Knight (Clubs and Services Rep):
The advanced room booking system is changing and the by-laws in book 3 need to change too. Contact Anushay and Maggie if
you like writing by-laws.
B29 and B30 Renovations
Anushay Khan (VP Clubs and Services):
Anushay wants to come up with a plan of action to improve the appearance and functionality of B29 and B30 (in the SSMU
basement). Contact her if you have ideas and would like to be involved.
Building Management Committee
Anushay Khan (VP Clubs and Services):
The building management committee, which discusses building projects, no longer exists but Anushay wants to bring it back.
She needs help writing its by-laws and re-including it in the committee terms of reference.
Financial Position of Services
Anushay Khan (VP Clubs and Services):
There is currently no framework for how money within services should be spent. While they should have autonomy, it is
important to develop rules and regulations which will ensure fair and proper spending. Anushay needs help developing
regulations and an auditing system.
Fun note: if someone really likes scanning things, please talk to Anushay.