Lake Forest Estates Board of Directors Meeting April 9th, 2015 website: Next Board Meeting May 14th, 2015 Call to order 7:02 pm Jim Donze, Don Kuehn, Anne Davis, Bob Palmer, Dave Evelsizer and Harry Davis were in attendance Greg Stephenson was absent. Announcements: None Open Forum: None Business session Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the March minutes made by Anne D. Seconded by Dave E. Motion passed with all in favor. Treasurers Report- Bob Palmer Year to date income from assessments is approximately $290,000 with total income of $299,500. Total expenses for the year are $51,600 for a surplus of $247,900. We have $406,500 in checking accounts and $335,000 in certificates of deposit. The balance on our USDA loan is approximately $640,000. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Don K. Seconded by Harry Davis. Motion passed with all in favor. Community Managers Report: - Tom Duro Water usage for March - Well #1 pumped 730,000 gallons, well #2 pumped 728,900 gallons for a total of 1,458,900 gallons. Wells are still working properly. Lagoon – Both air systems running normal. Excess water in the old lagoon cell system due to heavy rains. Pool – Chemicals ordered, turned all restroom water back on and opened outer restrooms jon the 3 rd of April. Replaced exhaust fan in pool pump room for $215.37. Grounds – We are still cutting brush back from roadsides and opening line of site views at intersections and around sharp corners. Still a lot left to do on that. Mowed most of the parks and common areas. Went thru with Citizens Electric and marked a few leaning and dead trees to be cut down. Looking for volunteers for flower beds and to paint flush valves. Bills needing approved to be paid: No bills to be paid at this time. Motion made to accept the Community Managers report by Harry D. and seconded by Bob P. Motion passed with all in favor. Committees: Public Works: Discussion on sewer lines to determine if influx of water and infiltration into the sewer system could be addressed. Waters Engineers suggested that with the lake at full pool that the sewer will generally also run at full pool. There is no reason to run a camera up the sewer system as we have no real site of infiltration. We are not leaving out the option to run cameras if need be. Additional testing is underway and Public works is continuing to look into other possible areas of infiltration. Public Works ran a check on culverts and ditches to explore water runoff. A question was raised by a homeowner on Forest View, if possibly riprap rock could be placed in culvert on their street to deter water erosion. Public works will look into issue with Community Manager. Planning and Finance: Contacted USDA to see about Annual Audit to review if needed based on loan balance being under a Million dollars and it was shown that we would not need an annual audit. The board decided to stick to the review and not pay for the full audit. ACC: Todd Donze Approval for a deck permit was given. Homeowner asking for approval to place Solar Panels on home. The committee is looking into the Blue Book rules and board approval. Lakes: Fish Order has been placed with the Country Fish Farm total delivered cost not to exceed $1200.00 o Fish ordered are a mixture of bluegill/ crappie/ and grass carp for all three lakes o Country Fish Farm would prefer payment upon delivery if possible o Still waiting for the invoice and actual delivery dates All three buoys have been successfully repaired with 16 gauge-galvanized sleeves, silicone and further attached with SS banding clamps. New cables have been put on the 4 th buoy being placed up by the marina. All buoys have been set in lake. One additional buoy was requested for marina end of the lake. It broke loose during the recent flash flood and will be re-set back into the area this upcoming weekend. All crappie structure buckets and PVC have been received. We plan to get started within the week or two. o Plan is to construct a total of 6 new crappie structures o Four will be placed on large lake in a minimum of 15’ of water. o Two will be placed (one on each smaller lake) in a minimum of 15’ of water No costs for the repairs of the buoys or crappie structures…Compliments of the Lakes Committee Please note all boats are to be registered and tagged with a current Lake Forest Estates sticker for the 2015 boating season, violators who do not register will not be allowed access to the Lakes. Stickers may be obtained at the Lake Forest Community office M-W-F 8:00 – 12:00 pm. Curb Appeal: - Anne Davis The Curb Appeal has been sprucing up, cleaning the flowerbeds and adding mulch to the beds in the neighborhood! A big shout out to Toni Stephenson, Kristin Nelke and other volunteers who are helping with this project. If you would like to help with spring planting please contact Tom Duro our Community Manager at 573-883-0224 and either Tom or Toni will give you an assignment. Come out and join us and get your hands dirty and help beautify the neighborhood! Thank you! Security - Dave Evelsizer Good time to remind all ATV, Four wheeler riders to slow down and obey speed limits and observe all rules and regulations. Please make sure that you are wearing helmets and have flags on your ATV’s, Scooters, Golf Carts, etc. Please also obey speed limits in Lake Forest Estates. All ATV’s, Scooters, Golf Carts must have proper registration and a Lake Forest Estates Sticker displayed on the vehicle at all times. 2015 Registration stickers may be obtained at Lake Forest Estates office M-W-F 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Hall- Toni Stephenson If you use the Frontenac Room you are required per your contract to sweep and mop the floor. The check out list is posted in the room if you need refreshed on the rules. Failure to clean up properly may result in a clean up fee. Entertainment: See report Boatsheds Nothing to report Pool Getting ready for pool season and looking into baby changer table with new families in the community. Looking for volunteers to join the Pool Committee. We have a full group of lifeguards ready to serve the community! Old Business Discussion on Tennis/Basketball Courts: Bob Palmer explained the past and brought folks up to date as to where we are in the plans to move forward. See improvement cost layout Floor discussion on proposed layout and final vote by the board will take place at Annual Meeting. New Business: Discussion on homeowner asking if they could build a wood burning stove for heat. Board agreed to table till next meeting to discuss issues of new stove and if it falls under new guidelines for burning with a 90% better burn rate, etc. Looking into possible crack in valve on the Lake Marian that will be evaluated by CE. Homeowner addressed issue of influx of debris from Schweiss Creek and if anything could be done to prevent it. Board response is that we are really at the mercy of the outflow of the creek and when we receive four inches in a short period of time we are going to have flash flooding from the creek and any debris that is associated with the flash flood. Unfortunately we have to pick up the large timber and clean up after the first real heavy storm as it washes into the lake. We are not in control of Schweiss Creek and have no authorization to go up stream and remove any large timber in the creek. Motion to Adjourn Don K. made a motion to adjourn at 8:55 with 2nd by Dave E. Voted and approved.