Who are Snook Snook are an award winning Service Design agency based in Glasgow who specialise in designing exceptional customer experience and brands. Our services include designing innovative brands and customer experiences, building digital products from websites to apps and full blended social marketing campaigns utilising a range of social media platforms. We have a distinct focus on social good and innovation in the public domain. We’ve worked across the world in Australia, America, Africa, Europe and are often sought after to showcase and talk about our design process and innovative projects. Our process is underpinned by closely co-creating solutions and concepts with the people who will use them. We lay a strong emphasis on ethnographic research to understand user behaviour and the context in which we are designing for. A core principle of Snook is to prototype and our processes include an ongoing testing period of the products we design to ensure the final solution delivered is functional and will work for the people who use it. We’ve taken this iterative approach and integrated it into how we design and deliver our campaigns and have a trained team who respond to ongoing popular stories and media to influence our campaign and brand messages. We’re best known for our projects, and we take pride in pushing boundaries in what is possible. We both consult for our clients and build our own ventures where we see a need to address a wicked problem or social issue. We’ve built digital products and services like MyPolice, the UK’s first online feedback platform for the police to create new dialogue around service improvement, a world first for the criminal justice sector. Featured in the BBC, this product had an impact on how the police communicate with the public online, influencing the National Policing Improvement Agency’s social media policy and touring UK police forces to share the platform. We developed our own service, The Matter in collaboration with the UK Design Council to tackle youth unemployment for 16-25 year olds. The Matter is a programme that teaches young people how to research, design and publish their own newspaper in response to a question set by a corporate partner. We’ve so far released 6 issues that tackle the planning process and young people’s voices, the learner journey, sexual health and well being and related to this project, codesigning what an alcohol awareness campaign should look like in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. We developed CycleHack, a global hack event that brings together people from multiple disciplines to discuss and explore barriers to cycling and prototype solutions over an intense weekend to present them back to local authorities and the public. We built an online open source catalogue so all the CycleHacks can be viewed online across the globe. Since 2014 we created a successful kickstarter campaign and we have had 35 cities sign up for next year from Vancouver, Mexico City, Sydney, Cape Town, Bangalore and cities in Europe and UK. The initiative has been featured on BBC Worldwide to an audience of 360 million and one of our hacks, Penny in Your Pants, a life hack for woman cycling on bikes has had over 3.2 million hits online and was featured in Cosmopolitan, Slate, 9 Gag, The Telegraph, STV and The Huffington Post. We recently completed work with Future Cities Glasgow, Open Glasgow and Glasgow City Council, designing future city services and a fully integrated service proposition for the council that brings services into the hands of the public digitally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n0wX3_QLrc We care about what we do, and our team is hired on the capacity that they want to make change in the world. Short Snook Copy Snook are an award winning Service Design agency who specialise in customer experience & service design. We design innovative brands, building digital products & full blended social marketing campaigns. Our process is underpinned by co-creating solutions & concepts with the public. We lay a strong emphasis on ethnographic research to understand user behaviour & the context in which we are designing for. Snook take pride in pushing boundaries in what is possible where we see a need to address a wicked problem or a social issue from client collaborations to our own startup ventures. We care about what we do & our team is hired on the capacity that they want to make change in the world. PRESENTATION, 5th November 2014 Sarah Drummond of Snook will discuss co-designing services, products and social enterprises with communities. She will talk through projects from engaging the public to crowd source letters to the future of Scotland to developing a social enterprise to increase intergenerational activity in an area in Glasgow that has a high crime rate. Sarah will focus on how design can be utilised by the public and the role of designers moving towards the design of eco systems, closed feedback loops and platform design that opens up the design process for the public to build with our institutions. SARAH DRUMMOND Sarah is the co-founder and managing director at Snook. Sarah focuses on making social change happen by re-thinking public services from a human perspective. With a Masters of Design Innovation from Glasgow School of Art, Sarah is a social entrepreneur, working on how the value of design on the inside and outside of government and defining a meaningful role for designers within the public sector. Her work challenges the role design can play within the public sector, and as the winner of the first Scottish Social Innovation Camp, Sarah is ambitiously challenging the way governments operate and make policies through initiatives such as MyPolice. As a fellow of Google, Sarah has a flair for using technology as an enabler and thrives leading processes of change, putting design at the heart of organisations and complex systems. In collaboration with Young Scot and an initiative of Snook, Sarah set up The Matter, a programme for young people that teaches them how to research, design and publish their own newspaper in response to a question set by an authority or organisation. Issues to date include Edinburgh Council’s ‘How can young people’s voices be heard in Forth Valley Partnership’ to later editions which include NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s paper on Sexual Health and relationship perceptions in Glasgow amongst young people to attitudes towards Alcohol and safety in the city. Prior to being the Director of Snook, as part of a Glasgow School of Art collaboration, Sarah won £20,000 for a community in Glasgow by giving local people the tools and confidence to build their own social enterprise. She also spent a year working inside Skills Development Scotland alongside their Service Design and Innovation Directorate to research how design could be embedded within the organisation. Sarah’s service design expertise and public sector innovation knowledge has recently taken her to keynote in Taiwan, Australia and America and given her the opportunity to work for Edinburgh Council, Glasgow future Cities, Stirling Council, NHS24, Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland, NHS Education Scotland, British Council, Architecture and Design Scotland and STV. She’s currently working on Cyclehack a global movement to make the world more sustainable by reducing the barriers to cycling and Dearest Scotland an apolitical initiative asking citizens to write a letter to the future of Scotland which will culminate in a published book in 2014/15 and exhibition inside Scottish Government. SNOOK We are Snook http://wearesnook.com @wearesnook BOOKS Open Design Now http://opendesignnow.org/ Editors Bas van Abel Roel Klaassen Lucas Evers Peter Troxler Co-Design (Stanley Kind) http://www.amazon.com/Co-Design-A-Process-DesignParticipation/dp/0442233337 The Big Disconnect WHY THE INTERNET HASN'T TRANSFORMED POLITICS (YET) (Sifry) http://www.orbooks.com/catalog/big-disconnect/ Tools for Conviviality (Illich) http://www.mom.arq.ufmg.br/mom/arq_interface/3a_aula/illich_tools_for_convi viality.pdf Ladder of Citizen Participation (Arnstein) http://lithgow-schmidt.dk/sherry-arnstein/ladder-of-citizen-participation.html PROJECTS DISCUSSED Get Go Glasgow Community Lovers Guide http://www.communityloversguide.org/#!getgo-glasgow/c1alz CycleHack http://cyclehack.com @cycle_hack #cyclehack Penny in Your Pants http://pennyinyourpants.co.uk @pennyinyopants #pennyinyopants Dearest Scotland http://dearestscotland.com @dearestscotland #dearestscotland MyPolice http://mypolice.org @mypolice The Matter http://thisisthematter.co.uk @thisisthematter Total Craigroyston http://www.totalcraigroyston.co.uk/ Project 99 http://wegot99.com @wegot99 GOVERNMENT 2.0 | CROWDSOURCING Christie Commission http://www.scotland.gov.uk/About/Review/publicservicescommission Community Empowerment Bill http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/People/engage Open Politics http://openpolitics.org.uk/ Blueberry Soup - Crowdsourcing Iceland's Policy http://www.wilmaswishes.com/ Bert Mulder – Design and Government http://opendesignnow.org/index.php/article/design-and-government-bertmulder/ Service Design Principles for the Public Sector issuu.com/wearesnook/docs/dma_article_v6 Beyond Consultancy – Mental health, young people and technology with NHS GGC http://wearesnook.com/snook/wpcontent/uploads/2014/09/DMI_movingbeyongtheconsultancymodel_draft1-11.docx CO-DESIGNING WITH CUSTOMERS Customise Jam Box http://www.fastcodesign.com/1670604/jambox-gets-personal-with-customcolors-to-order YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE COFFEE, GRANOLA, SUITS, AND SHOES—BUT DOES IT MEAN YOU SHOULD? http://www.fastcompany.com/3005416/you-can-customize-coffee-granolasuits-and-shoes-does-it-mean-you-should Creating Custom Made Success http://www.fastcompany.com/1778416/creating-custom-made-success Nike Free iD http://www.nike.com/gb/en_gb/c/nikeid Toyota Designer http://touch.toyota.com/ Customise Chocolate http://www.chocomize.com/#. Create your own Granola Bar http://www.elementbars.com/ Great Products Are Nice. But Great Businesses Add Services To Them http://www.fastcodesign.com/1665765/great-products-are-nice-but-greatbusinesses-add-services-to-them CONFIGURATOR 2.0 TURNS CUSTOMERS INTO COMMITTED, RAVING FANS http://www.fastcompany.com/1794099/configurator-20-turns-customerscommitted-raving-fans