Table 2. Articles selected by title and abstract no Article Database J

Table 2. Articles selected by title and abstract
J Fernandez-Cornejo, S Jans, M Smith (1998). Issues in the economics of pesticide
use in agriculture: A review of the empirical evidence. Applied Economic
Perspectives and Policy 20(2): 462-488.
J Huang, R Hu, S Rozelle, C Pray (2005). Insect-resistant GM rice in farmers' fields:
Assessing productivity and health effects in China. Science 308(5722): 688-690.
AM Mannion, S Morse (2012). Biotechnology in agriculture: Agronomic and
environmental considerations and reflections based on 15 years of GM crops.
Progress in Physical Geography 36: 747-763.
S Morse, AM Mannion (2009). Can genetically modified cotton contribute to
sustainable development in Africa? Progress in Development Studies 9: 225-247.
K Anderson, LA Jackson (2005). Some implications of GM food technology policies
for sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of African Economies 14(3): 385-410.
J Piesse, C Thirtle (2010). Agricultural R & D, technology and productivity.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365: 3035–3047.
MA Garcia, MA Altieri (2005). Transgenic crops: Implications for biodiversity and
sustainable agriculture. Bulletin of Science Technology Society 25: 335-353.
G Brookes, P Barfoot (2006). Global impact of biotech crops: Socio-economic and
environmental effects in the first ten years of commercial use. AgBioForum 9(3):
J Huesing, L English (2004). The impact of Bt crops on the developing world.
AgBioForum 7(1&2): 84-95.
G Brookes, P Barfoot (2009). Global impact of biotech crops: Income and production
effects, 1996-2007. AgBioForum 12(2): 184-208.
J Huang, R Hu, C Fan, CE Pray, S Rozelle (2002). Bt cotton benefits, costs, and impacts
in China. AgBioForum 5(4): 153-166.
M-L Flannery, FS Thorne, PW Kelly, E Mullins (2004). An economic cost-benefit
analysis of GM crop cultivation: An Irish case study. AgBioForum 7(4): 149-157.
MC Marra, PG Pardey, JM Alston (2002). The payoffs to transgenic field crops: An
assessment of the evidence. AgBioForum 5(2): 43-50.
M Smale (2012). Rough terrain for research: Studying early adopters of biotech
crops. AgBioForum 15(2): 114-124.
J Vitale, T Boyer, R Uaiene, JH Sanders (2007). The economic impacts of introducing
Bt technology in smallholder cotton production systems of West Africa: A case study
from Mali. AgBioForum 10(2): 71-84.
P Mal, AR Anik, S Bauer, PM Schmitz (2012). Bt cotton adoption: A double-hurdle
approach for North Indian farmers. AgBioForum 15(3): 294-302.
EJ Trigo, EJ Cap (2003). The impact of the introduction of transgenic crops in
Argentinean agriculture. AgBioForum 6(3): 87-94.
J Falck-Zepeda, A Sanders, CR Trabanino, R Batallas-Huacon (2012). Caught between
Scylla and Charybdis: Impact estimation issues from the early adoption of GM maize
in Honduras. AgBioForum 15(2): 138-151.
S Morse, R Bennett, Y Ismael (2007). Inequality and GM crops: A case–study of Bt
cotton in India. AgBioForum 10(1): 44-50.
JD Vitale, G Vognan, M Ouattarra, O Traore (2010). The commercial application of
GMO crops in Africa: Burkina Faso’s decade of experience with Bt cotton.
AgBioForum 13(4): 320-332.
Y Ismael, R Bennett, S Morse (2002). Benefits from Bt cotton use by smallholder
farmers in South Africa. AgBioForum 5(1): 1-5.
MC Marra, NE Piggott, BK Goodwin (2012). The impact of corn rootworm protected
biotechnology traits in the United States. AgBioForum 15(2): 217-230.
GB Frisvold, JM Reeves, R Tronstad (2006). Bt Cotton adoption in the United States
and China: International trade and welfare effects. AgBioForum 9(2): 69-78.
RM Bennett, Y Ismael, U Kambhampati, S Morse (2004). Economic impact of
genetically modified cotton in India. AgBioForum 7(3): 96-100.
M Ivanic, W Martin (2010). Poverty impacts of improved agricultural productivity:
Opportunities for genetically modified crops. AgBioForum 13(4): 308-313.
J Wesseler (2009). The Santaniello theorem of irreversible benefits. AgBioForum
12(1): 8-13.
DJ Spielman, J Cohen, P Zambrano (2006). Will agbiotech applications reach
marginalized farmers? Evidence from developing countries. AgBioForum 9(1): 2330.
M Gouse, C Pray, D Schimmelpfennig (2004). The distribution of benefits from Bt
cotton adoption in South Africa. AgBioForum 7(4): 187-194.
M Qaim, EJ Cap, A de Janvry (2003). Agronomics and sustainability of transgenic
cotton in Argentina. AgBioForum 6(1&2): 41-47.
M Qaim, I Matuschke (2005). Impacts of genetically modified crops in developing
countries: A survey. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 44(3):207-227.
J Fernandez-Cornejo, WD McBride (2002). Genetically engineered crops: US
adoption & impacts. Agricultural Outlook 294: 24-27.
D Zilberman, SE Sexton, M Marra, J Fernandez-Cornejo (2010). The economic impact
of genetically engineered crops. Choices. The Magazine of Food, Farm, and
Resources Issues 25(2): unpaginated.
G Brookes (2008). The impact of using GM insect resistant maize in Europe since
1998. International Journal of Biotechnology 10(2/3): 148-166.
J Carpenter, L Gianessi (2001). Why US farmers have adopted genetically modified
crops and the impact on US agriculture. AgBiotechNet 3: 1-4.
M Qaim (2009). The economics of genetically modified crops. Annual Review of
Resource Economics 1: 665-694.
M Qaim (2011). Genetically modified crops and global food security. In: Genetically
modified food and global welfare (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization). C
Carter, G Moschini, I Sheldon (eds), Volume 10, p. 29-54.
N Stocks, K Chandrasekaran, C Oxborrow, H Holder, B Freese, J Lopez Villar (2008).
Who benefits from GM crops? - The rise in pesticide use. Agriculture and Food 1112,
pp 45.
ISAAA (2009). The dawn of a new era: Biotech crops in India. ISAAA Brief No.39. The
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) South
Asia office, New Delhi, India, pp 34.
K Anderson (2010). Economic impacts of policies affecting crop biotechnology and
trade. New Biotechnology 27(5): 558-564.
S Mayer (2002). Genetically modified cotton: Implications for small-scale farmers.
Pesticide Action Network UK, London, UK. pp 35.
S Kouser, M Qaim (2011). Impact of Bt cotton on pesticide poisoning in smallholder
agriculture: A panel data analysis. Ecological Economics 70(11): 2105-2113.
J Park, I McFarlane, R Phipps, G Ceddia (2011). The impact of the EU regulatory
constraint of transgenic crops on farm income. New Biotechnology 28(4): 396-406.
C Benbrook (2010). Genetically engineered crops increase pesticide use in United
States. Pesticides News 87: 12-14.
AR Schwember (2008). An update on genetically modified crops. Ciencia e
Investigacion Agraria 35(3): 185-204.
GP Gruère, A Bouët, S Mevel (2011). International trade and welfare effects of
biotechnology innovations: GM food crops in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and the
Philippines. In: Genetically Modified Food and Global Welfare (Frontiers of
Economics and Globalization). CA Carter, G Moschini, I Sheldon (eds), Emerald
Group Publishing Limited, Volume 10, pp 283 – 308.
Y Zhou, WE Kastenberg (2006). Quantification of changes in chemical pesticide
human health risk following the introduction of Bt cotton and herbicide-tolerant
soybean: A case study. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 12(5): 871-887.
GK Regier, TJ Dalton (2013). Labor-savings of Roundup Ready Maize: Impact on Cost
and Input Substitution for South African Smallholders. Fourth International
Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists, 22-25 September
2013, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia.
G Brookes, P Barfoot (2013). The global income and production effects of genetically
modified (GM) crops 1996–2011. GM Crops and Food 4(2): 74-83.
J Popp, Z Lakner (2013). Global socio-economic and environmental dimensions of
GM maize cultivation. Food and Nutrition Sciences 4: 8-20.
M Qaim, S Kouser (2013). Genetically modified crops and food security. PLoS ONE
8(6): e64879.
NM Laibuni, LC Miriti, CN Waturu, W Wessels, SM Njinju (2012). Cost benefit
analysis of transgenic cotton containing cry1ac and cry2ab2 genes and HART 89M:
Evidence from confined field trials in Kenya. African Journal of Horticultural Science
6: 27-34.
J Fernandez-Cornejo, S Wechsler (2012). Revisiting the impact of Bt corn adoption
by US farmers. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 41(3): 377-390.
J Berman, C Zhu, E Perez-Massot, G Arjo, U Zorrilla-Lopez, G Masip, R Banakar, G
Sanahuja, G Farre, B Miralpeix, C Bai, E Vamvaka, M Sabalza, RM Twyman, L Bassie,
T Capell, P Christou (2013). Can the world afford to ignore biotechnology solutions
that address food insecurity? Plant Molecular Biology 83(1-2): 5-19.
Céleres (2012). The Commercial Benefits from Crop Biotechnology in Brazil: 1996/97
– 2011/12. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
H Nazli, R Sarker, KD Meilke, D Orden (2010). Economic performance of Bt cotton
varieties in Pakistan. Agricultural and Applied Economics
Association (AAEA), CAES & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, 25-27 July 2010, Denver,
Colorado, USA.
T Tan, J Zhan, C Chen (2011). The impact of commercialization of GM rice in China.
American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 10(3): 296-299.
VR Kiresur, M Ichangi (2011). Socio-economic impact of Bt cotton – A case study of
Karnataka. Agricultural Economics Research Review 24(1): 67-82.
S Kouser, M Qaim (2012). Valuing financial, health and environmental benefits of Bt
cotton in Pakistan. International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
Triennial Conference, 18-24 August 2012, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
FJ Areal, L Riesgo, E Rodriguez-Cerezo (2012). Economic and agronomic impact of
commercialized GM crops: A meta-analysis. The Journal of Agricultural Science
151(01): 7-33.
I Balaj, G Nedelea, EM Badea (2012). Assessing the environmental impact of changes
in pesticide use on transgenic soybean. Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and
Biotechnology 16(1): 57-63.
A Ali, A Abdulai (2010). The adoption of genetically modified cotton and poverty
reduction in Pakistan. Journal of Agricultural Economics 61(1): 175-192.
JM Yorobe, M Smale (2012). Impacts of Bt maize on smallholder income in the
Philippines. AgBioForum 15(2): 152-162.
J Kathage, M Qaim (2012). Economic impacts and impact dynamics of Bt (Bacillus
thuringiensis) cotton in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America 109: 11652–11656.
EuropaBio (2011). GM crops: Reaping the benefits, but not in Europe – Socioeconomic impacts of agricultural biotechnology. EuropBio, Brussels, Belgium, pp.
Committee of Council of Social Development (2012). Study on the Socio-Economic
Impact Assessment of Bt Cotton in India, Council of Social Development.
G Brookes, P Barfoot (2012). GM crops: Global socio-economic and environmental
impacts 1996-2010. PG Economics Ltd, UK.
International http://croplife
i) 81.
A Balakrishna (2012). Economics of Bt cotton in India. Journal of Development and
Agricultural Economics 4(5): 119-124.
CE Pray, L Nagarajan, J Huang, R Hu, B Ramaswami (2011). Impact of Bt cotton, the
potential future benefits from biotechnology in China and India. In: Genetically
modified food and global welfare (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization). C
Carter, G Moschini, I Sheldon (eds), Volume 10, p. 83–114.
VV Krishna, M Qaim (2012). Bt cotton and sustainability of pesticide reductions in
India. Agricultural Systems 107: 47-55.
T Kaphengst, N El Benni, C Evans, R Finger, S Herbert, S Morse, N Stupak (2011).
Assessment of the economic performance of GM crops worldwide.
ENV.B.3/ETU/2009/0010, Final Report, Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany.
EJ Trigo (2011). 15 Years of Genetically Modified Crops in Argentine Agriculture.
Consejo Argentino para la Información y el Desarrollo de la Biotecnología
(ArgenBio), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
G Brookes, P Barfoot (2011). The income and production effects of biotech crops
globally 1996-2009. International Journal of Biotechnology 12(1/2): 1 – 49.
V Krishna, M Qaim (2011). Pesticide Reduction Sustainability of Bt Technology in
India. XIIIth European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Congress, 30
August - 2 September 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
M Gouse, JF Kirsten, WJ Van der Walt (2008). Bt cotton and Bt maize: An Evaluation
of direct and indirect impact on the cotton and maize farming sectors in South Africa.
RES-167-25-0187, Final Report. National Department of Agriculture, Pretoria, South
K Chakraborty (2010). The economics of BT cotton production in India – A meta
analysis. Indian Journal of Economics and Business 9(4): 647.
R Finger, N El Benni, T Kaphengst, C Evans, S Herbert, B Lehmann, S Morse, N Stupak
(2011). A meta-analysis on farm-level costs and benefits of GM crops. Sustainability
3: 743-762.
AM Mannion, S Morse (2013). GM crops 1996-2012: A review of agronomic,
environmental and socio-economic impacts. Working Paper 04/13, Centre for
Environmental Strategy (CES), University of Surrey, UK.
National Research Council (2010). Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm
Sustainability in the United States. The National Academies Press, Washington DC,
USA. pp. 270.
RM Bennet, R Phipps, A Strange, P Grey (2004). Environmental and human health
impacts of growing genetically modified herbicide-tolerant sugar beet: A life-cycle
assessment. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2: 273-278.
J Huang, R Hu, C Fan, CE Pray, S Rozelle (2003). Bt cotton benefits, costs and impacts
in China. IDS Working Paper 202. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
IJ Mauro, S McLachlan (2008). Farmer knowledge and risk analysis: postrelease
evaluation of herbicide-tolerant canola in Western Canada. Risk Analysis 28(2): 463476.
LP Gianessi (2005). Economic and herbicide use impacts of glyphosate-resistant
crops. Pest Management Science 61(3): 241-245.
MA Pedlowskia, MC Canelab, MA da Costa Terraa, RM Ramos de Faria (2012).
Modes of pesticides utilization by Brazilian smallholders and their implications for
human health and the environment. Crop Protection 31(1): 113–118.
S Morse, R Bennett (2008). Impact of Bt cotton on farmer livelihoods in South Africa.
International Journal of Biotechnology 10(2-3): 224 – 239.
F Hossain, CE Pray, Y Lu, J Huang, C Fan, R Hu (2004). Genetically modified cotton
and farmers' health in China. International Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Health 10(3): 296-303.
K Schmidt, R Wilhelm, J Schmidtke, L Beissner, W Mönkemeyer, P Böttinger, J Sweet,
J Schiemann (2008). Farm questionnaires for monitoring genetically modified crops:
A case study using GM maize. Environmental Biosafety Research 7(3): 163-179.
M Gouse, CE Pray, J Kirsten, D Schimmelpfennig (2005). A GM subsistence crop in
Africa: The case of Bt white maize in South Africa. International Journal of
Biotechnology 7(1-3): 84–94.
K Méndez, A Chaparro Giraldo, G Moreno, C Castro (2011). Production cost analysis
and use of pesticides in the transgenic and conventional corn crop [Zea mays (L.)]
in the valley of San Juan, Tolima. GM Crops 2(3): 163-168.
A Wossink, ZS Denaux (2006). Environmental and cost efficiency of pesticide use in
transgenic and conventional cotton production. Agricultural Systems 90(1-3): 312–
JDG Jones (2011). Why genetically modified crops? Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society A 369(1942): 1807-1816.
JE Carpenter (2011). Impact of GM crops on biodiversity. GM Crops 2(1): 7-23.
FS Betz, BG Hammond, RL Fuchs (2000). Safety and advantages of Bacillus
thuringiensis-protected plants to control insect pests. Regulatory Toxicology and
Pharmacology 32(2): 156-173.
VV Velkov, AB Medvinsky, M Sokolov, AI Marchenko (2005). Will transgenic plants
adversely affect the environment? Journal of Biosciences 30(4): 515-548.
S Morse, RM Bennett, Y Ismael (2005). Genetically modified insect resistance in
cotton: Some farm level economic impacts in India. Crop Protection 24(5): 433–440.
DE Kolady, W Lesser (2008). Is genetically engineered technology a good alternative
to pesticide use: The case of GE eggplant in India. International Journal of
Biotechnology 10(2-3): 132–147.
J Vitale, H Glick, J Greenplate, O Traore (2008). The economic impacts of second
generation Bt cotton in West Africa: Empirical evidence from Burkina Faso.
International Journal of Biotechnology 10(2-3): 167- 167-183.
S Morse, R Bennett, Y Ismael (2005). Bt-cotton boosts the gross margin of smallscale cotton producers in South Africa. International Journal of Biotechnology 7(13): 72 – 83.
A Adenle (2011). Response to issues on GM agriculture in Africa: Are transgenic
crops safe? BMC Research Notes 4(1): 388-394.
TA Wilson, ME Rice, JJ Tollefson, CD Pilcher (2005). Transgenic corn for control of
the European corn borer and corn rootworms: A survey of Midwestern farmers'
practices and perceptions. Journal of Economic Entomology 98(2): 237-247.
O Sanvido, J Romeis, F Bigler (2007). Ecological impacts of genetically modified
crops: ten years of field research and commercial cultivation.
Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 107: 235-78.
S Kumar, A Chandra, KC Pandey (2008). Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic crop:
An environment friendly insect-pest management strategy. Journal of
Environmental Biology 29(5):641-653.
BM Maghari, AM Ardekani (2011). Genetically modified foods and social concerns.
Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology 3(3): 109–117.
CD Osteen, J Fernandez-Cornejo (2013). Economic and policy issues of U.S.
agricultural pesticide use trends. Pest Management Science 69(9): 1001-1025.
G Brookes, P Barfoot (2012). The income and production effects of biotech crops
globally 1996-2010. GM Crops & Food 3(4): 265-272.
MH Ward, J Lubin, J Giglierano, JS Colt, C Wolter, N Bekiroglu, D Camann, P Hartge,
JR Nuckols (2006). Proximity to crops and residential exposure to agricultural
herbicides in Iowa. Environmental Health Perspectives 114(6): 893-897.
B Bakke, AJ De Roos, DB Barr, PA Stewart, A Blair, LB Freeman, CF Lynch, RH Allen,
MC Alavanja, R Vermeulen (2008). Exposure to atrazine and selected non-persistent
pesticides among corn farmers during a growing season. Journal of Exposure Science
& Environmental Epidemiology 19(6): 544-554.
A Blair, DP Sandler, R Tarone, J Lubin, K Thomas, JA Hoppin, C Samanic, J Coble, F
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Mortality among participants in the agricultural health study. Annals of
Epidemiology 15(4): 279-285.
108. MR Bonner, WJ Lee, DP Sandler, JA Hoppin, M Dosemeci, MC Alavanja (2005).
Occupational exposure to carbofuran and the incidence of cancer in the Agricultural
Health Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(3):285-289.
109. JA Rusiecki, A De Roos, WJ Lee, M Dosemeci, JH Lubin, JA Hoppin, A Blair, MC
Alavanja (2004). Cancer incidence among pesticide applicators exposed to atrazine
in the Agricultural Health Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 96(18):
110. ED Wagner, MS Marengo, MJ Plewa (2003). Modulation of the mutagenicity of
heterocyclic amines by organophosphate insecticides and their metabolites.
Mutation Research 536(1-2): 103-115.
111. CE Pray, J Huang, R Hu, S Rozelle (2002). Five years of Bt cotton in China - The
benefits continue. Plant Journal 31(4): 423-430.
112. J Huang, S Rozelle, C Pray, Q Wang (2002). Plant biotechnology in China. Science
295(5555): 674-676.
113. MH Ward, JR Nuckols, SJ Weigel, SK Maxwell, KP Cantor, RS Miller (2000).
Identifying populations potentially exposed to agricultural pesticides using remote
sensing and a Geographic Information System. Environmental Health Perspectives
108(1): 5-12.
114. B Gao, C Tao, J Ye, J Ning, X Mei, Z Jiang, S Chen, D She (2013). Measurement of
operator exposure to chlorpyrifos. Pest Management Science 70(4): 636–641.
115. M Buiatti, P Christou, G Pastore (2013). The application of GMOs in agriculture and
in food production for a better nutrition: Two different scientific points of view.
Genes & Nutrition 8(3): 255-70
116. AJ Trewavas, CJ Leaver (2001). Is opposition to GM crops science or politics? An
investigation into the arguments that GM crops pose a particular threat to the
environment. EMBO Reports 2(6): 455–459.
117. MG Cattaneo, C Yafuso, C Schmidt, C Huang, M Rahman, C Olson, C Ellers-Kirk, BJ
Orr, SE Marsh, L Antilla, P Dutilleul, Y Carrière (2006). Farm-scale evaluation of the
impacts of transgenic cotton on biodiversity, pesticide use, and yield. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103(20): 7571–
118. S Key, JK-C Ma, PMW Drake (2008). Genetically modified plants and human health.
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 101(6): 290–298.
119. E Pérez-Massot, R Banakar, S Gómez-Galera, U Zorrilla-López, G Sanahuja, G Arjó, B
Miralpeix, E Vamvaka, G Farré, S Maiam Rivera, S Dashevskaya, J Berman, M
Sabalza, D Yuan, C Bai, L Bassie, RM Twyman, T Capell, P Christou, C Zhu (2013). The
contribution of transgenic plants to better health through improved nutrition:
Opportunities and constraints. Genes & Nutrition 8(1): 29–41.
120. JD Pidgeon, MJ May, JN Perry, GM Poppy (2007). Mitigation of indirect
environmental effects of GM crops. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 274(1617):
121. T Fagerström, C Dixelius, U Magnusson, JF Sundström (2012). Stop worrying; Start
growing: Risk research on GM crops is a dead parrot: It is time to start reaping the
benefits of GM. EMBO Reports 13(6): 493–497.
122. MA Schnurr (2012). Inventing Makhathini: Creating a prototype for the
dissemination of genetically modified crops into Africa. Geoforum 43(4): 784-792.
123. C Pray, D Ma, J Huang, F Qiao (2001). Impact of Bt Cotton in China World
Development 29(5): 813-825.
124. JC Zadoks, H Waibel (2000). From pesticides to genetically modified plants: History,
economics and politics. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 48(2): 125–149.
125. J Thomson (2003). Genetically modified food crops for improving agricultural
practice and their effects on human health. Trends in Food Science & Technology
14(5–8): 210-228.
126. M Qaim, CE Pray, D Zilberman (2008). Economic and social considerations in the
adoption of Bt crops. In: Integration of Insect-Resistant Genetically Modified Crops
within IPM Programs. J Romeis, AM Shelton, GG Kennedy (eds), Series: Progress in
Biological Control. Springer Netherlands, Volume 5, pp. 329-356.
127. JK Huang, RF Hu, C Pray, F Qiao, S Rozelle (2003). Biotechnology as an alternative to
chemical pesticides: a case study of Bt cotton in China. Agricultural Economics 29:
128. O Sydorovych, MC Marra (2007). A genetically engineered crop's impact on
pesticide use: A revealed-preference index approach Journal of Agricultural and
Resource Economics 32(3): 476-491.
129. B Zhang, X Pan, Q Wang (2005). Development and commercial use of Bt cotton.
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131. S Kouser, M Qaim (2013). Valuing financial, health, and environmental benefits of
Bt cotton in Pakistan. Agricultural Economics 44 (3): 323-335.
132. R Bennett, TJ Buthelezi, Y Ismael, S Morse (2003). Bt cotton, pesticides, labour and
health - A case study of smallholder farmers in the Makhathini Flats, Republic of
South Africa. Outlook on Agriculture 32(2): 123-128.
133. A Subramanian, M Qaim (2010). The impact of Bt cotton on poor households in rural
India. Journal of Development Studies 46(2): 295-311.
134. AM Shelton (2012). Genetically engineered vegetables expressing proteins from
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135. D Zilberman, H Ameden, M Qaim (2007). The impact of agricultural biotechnology
on yields, risks, and biodiversity in low-income countries. Journal of Development
Studies 43(1): 63-78.
136. CD Mayee (2009). Bt cotton in India: Current status and impact on textile industry.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India B 79: 195-211.
137. R Bennett, Y Ismael, S Morse, B Shankar (2004). Reductions in insecticide use from
adoption of Bt cotton in South Africa: Impacts on economic performance and toxic
load to the environment. Journal of Agricultural Science 142: 665-674.
138. S Morse, R Bennett, Y Ismael (2006). Environmental impact of genetically modified
cotton in South Africa. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 117(4): 277-289.
139. M Mutuc, RM Rejesus, JM Yorobe Jr (2013). Which farmers benefit the most from
Bt corn adoption? Estimating heterogeneity effects in the Philippines. Agricultural
Economics 44(2): 231-239.
140. MS Sisterson, RW Biggs, NM Manhardt, Y Carrière, TJ Dennehy, BE Tabashnik (2007).
Effects of transgenic Bt cotton on insecticide use and abundance of two generalist
predators. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 124(3): 305-311.
141. OGG Knox, GA Constable, B Pyke, VVSR Gupta (2006). Environmental impact of
conventional and Bt insecticidal cotton expressing one and two Cry genes in
Australia. Australian Journal Of Agricultural Research 57(5): 501-509.
142. JH Zhao, P Ho, H Azadi (2011). Benefits of Bt cotton counterbalanced by secondary
pests? Perceptions of ecological change in China. Environmental Monitoring and
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143. S Naved, TP Trivedi, J Singh, HR Sardana, A Dhandapani, BB Bhosle, VR Garwas
(2008). Development and promotion of IPM package in rainfed Bt and non-Bt cotton
cropping system - A case study-II. Pesticide Research Journal 20(1): 43-47.
144. B Shankar, R Bennett, S Morse (2008). Production risk, pesticide use and GM crop
technology in South Africa. Applied Economics 40(19): 2489-2500.
145. S Banerjee, SW Martin (2008). An estimation of producer returns from Bt cotton
with varying refuge sizes. Crop Protection 27(6): 1003-1008.
146. J Huang, J Mi, H Lin, Z Wang, R Chen, R Hu, S Rozelle, C Pray (2010). A decade of Bt
cotton in Chinese fields: Assessing the direct effects and indirect externalities of Bt
cotton adoption in China. Science China-Life Sciences 53(8): 981-991.
147. JM Yorobe Jr, CB Quicoy (2006). Economic impact of Bt corn in the Philippines.
Philippine Agricultural Scientist 89(3): 258-267.
148. SM High, MB Cohen, QY Shu, I Altosaar (2004). Achieving successful deployment of
Bt rice. Trends in Plant Science 9(6): 286-292.
149. MG Paoletti, D Pimentel (2000). Environmental risks of pesticides versus genetic
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150. F Wu (2002). Bt or not Bt? Tools for regulatory decision making concerning
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151. C-HL Chen (2005). A tale of two agricultural biotechnologies: Case studies of rBGH
and genetically modified organism crops. PhD thesis, The University of WisconsinMadison, USA.
152. SG Dofonsou (2008). Ex ante economic impact of Bt cowpea in Nigeria, Niger and
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153. DE Kolady (2007). Genetically engineered eggplant in India: Three essays on
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