State of the Church Sermon

January 4, 2015
INTRO- Tell the curtain story > Churches are "evaluated" (or criticized) weekly
-Music too loud, don't like carpet color, bulletins don't list the songs, etc.
-We can be consumers & we can be cynical (often keeps us from enjoying things!)
-We often treat the church as if it's an organization external to us - it's Y'ALL!
TRANS: Revelation shows us that Jesus evaluates His churches (commends & critiques)
-His concerns are a LOT different than most complaints today (not concerned w/ drums/organ)
-But, He does evaluate - he commends, critiques & then challenges local churches to press on!
-May Xst’s evaluation of churches in 1st century Asia Minor cause us to be better in 21st century
-READ Revelation 2:1-7
*Revelation 2-3 gives 7 letters to 7 literal, historical churches in the 1st century (modern day Turkey)
-BUT, the #7 also means complete
-So, these churches are representative of local churches throughout history
-Thus, Jesus' message to them is relevant for all churches everywhere, incl us!
-Each letter basically follows the same 5-part pattern (w/ few exceptions)
A characterization of Christ from the vision of chapter 1 (1:9-20)
A word of commendation
A word of correction
A word of challenge
A word of promise
-2 churches have no critique – Smyrna & Philadelphia (May that be Fairview)
-2 churches have no commendation – Sardis & Laodicea (May that NEVER be Fairview)
-We'll focus our attention specifically on the letter to the Church at Ephesus
-But, this pattern applies to all churches > Let's see what we can learn about Fairview
1. A characterization of Christ: He is our Authority (2:1)
*The glorified vision of 1:9-20 as well as the letters show that Jesus has authority over local churches
-So, he can evaluate them, encourage them, even remove them if He sees fit
-What Jesus thinks about our church is the most important thing!
*The 1st letter is written to "the angel of the church in Ephesus." > Who does this refer to?
-The word "angel" simply means "messenger,"
-3 basic options have been given about who this is: 1) a literal angel over that specific church, 2)
the pastor of the church, 3) a messenger to the church
-We can't be 100%, but option 2 seems to be out b/c every NT church had more than 1 pastor
-Ea church had multiple pastors/elders who led them (we've talked bout this - need to get there)
-I think option 3 is best (letter was written & given to a messenger to deliver to the church)
*After addressing the letter, there is a characterization of Christ from the vision in chapter 1
-Specifically here that He holds the 7 stars & walks among the 7 lampstands.
-Rev 1:20 tells us that the stars are the messengers & the lampstands are the churches.
-What does this mean that Christ holds the messengers & walks among the churches?
-There are many implications, but primarily that Jesus is the authority over the churches
-He rules the churches authoritatively thru His Word that He inspires Apostles like John to write
-Revelation is the Word of God to the churches directing them in how to act
-So, He loves churches enough to communicate w/ them, but also warns that he observes us!
-He sees what we do everyday as a church. Is He pleased?
*This means that Jesus is ultimately the One who is in charge of Fairview Church
-It means that His Word is the authority by which Fairview Church should be governed.
-Whatever His Word says about how to operate the church, what the church's mission is, what
we should do, what we should repent of & stop doing, is what we need to abide by!
2. A word of commendation: You believe and behave rightly (2:2-3, 6)
*Jesus commends the church for their good deeds, right doctrine & perseverance in midst of suffering
-They didn't fall for false teaching like the Nicolaitans
-Important that we have the right belief & behavior! (one leads to other)
-That's why our mission statement is gospel-centered community who serves on mission
-Rightly believing the gospel leads to loving each other & the world around us
-So, they do the right things, believe the right things & keep the faith in tough times
3. A word of correction: You left your first love (2:4)
*Ephesus looked like a healthy church – right deeds & doctrine, but lost love for Jesus
-What they once did out of love, they now did out of routine
-They were doing the right things but not for the right reason
-Are there things you used to do out of love for Jesus that you do out of routine?
4. A word of challenge: Repent (2:5)
*Jesus challenges the church to remember where they were before & REPENT & return to 1st love!
-They are to do the works they did at first & do them for right reason (love of Jesus)
-Gospel-centered obedience: Christian life is 1 of constant repentance & faith (i.e. forgiveness)
*What will happen if the church does not respond? He will remove their lampstand
-He will shut the church down (He's done that before & will do it again)
-Jesus is the authority over the church & we answer to Him ultimately (I will!)
5. A word of promise: Persevere and inherit eternal life (2:7)
*Finally, Jesus makes the church a promise – if church, the people NOT an org, will hear & overcome
-Then, He will give them the tree of life to eat (cf. Gen 3; eternal life)
-We are called to a life of repentance & perseverance – then rec eternal life
-Each promise looks to the end time blessings of Chps 19-22 (tree of life; Rev 22)
Transition: State of the Church
-Good for us to pause & evaluate (beginning of New Year is a good time)
-This is the pt where I say with my presidential voice "The State of the Church is Strong"
-Now,let’s be clear:we are certainly NOT Jesus&can't say w/ authority how He would evaluate us
-But, as we look at Scripture & at our church, what MIGHT He say in commendation & critique?
A. Things to celebrate! (Reasons to LOVE YOUR CHURCH)- take time to stop & REJOICE
We are serving ON MISSION together!
*Locally we have done much
-Successful outreach event to families in Mixteco trailer park
-They always ask Paige when her church is coming back b/c they loved it!
-Men's ministry serves together at Joseph's Storehouse once a month (counseling, etc)
-Compassionate hands where we give homeless people a place to sleep & eat
-YOU give out food boxes to help people who are hungry & hurting (read email)
*Nationally: Summit church is growing & reaching Denver & World Changers again (more next week)
*Globally: Helped Pastor Agustin reach out to villages & plant more churches among Mixteco
-Continued to share the gospel among the K in central Asia
-More next week on our plans!
*Let me tell you about two more things when it comes to missions that really excite me
-YOU have increased missions-giving & sent more missionaries to the unreached!
-CP giving has increased every year for the last 5 years (from $3900 to $56,000)
-5,000 missionaries, thousands of church plants, 16,000 seminary students, etc.
-Annie: 2014 the HIGHEST EVER ($13,000)
-Lottie: 2014 the HIGHEST EVER ($30,000) – that’s AWESOME! (let me tell you why!)
-Add to that: Bransfords (highest ever), Children’s home, local missions, etc.
-Culture: youth girl saving up & gave $100 to VBS offering for missions!
*Even More Wonderful: So many of you are GOING & SERVING
-So many youth going on WC & going to Mexico
-Children packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child (you sent 260 boxes)
-Seeing our young people & adults get a heart for missions has been AWESOME!
We are growing in COMMUNITY
*We've seen growth in the number of people in CG's (grown by 15% last 2 years)
-What's even more important is that a higher % of worship attenders going to small groups now
-This shows growth in commitment
-In the last 3 years we have moved from 55% to almost 70% (goal is 75-80%)
*Add to that: the way people take care of one another in CG's (Meals, visits, etc)!
-the blessing of CG leaders, some who have been faithful for decades
-Groups who develop relationships outside the walls of the building (Sid's class on Star)
-Young at Heart: New Leadership and a fresh burst of energy (trips together)
Children's Ministry: New leadership of Mary Wiley has brought excitement!
*We didn't have AWANA 4yrs ago.
-NOW: more than 90 in AWANA
-So cool to know that many kids are memorizing & internalizing Scripture.
-We are hoping to top out at more than 100 before summer (NEED your help!)
-Grew by 29% in the last 2 years!
Increased Baptisms: we almost doubled our baptisms this calendar year over last.
*But, we still need to be vigilant about sharing our faith. Let's double it this year!
We paid off nearly a quarter of a million dollars in principal
*Strong financially (took in just over a million $ & spent about $900,000), but not time for complacency
Equip- We have a SEMINARY-level training school right here at Fairview!
TRANS > there are some challenges we need to meet!
B. Challenges to meet! What might Jesus say as correction to us?
*Again, we aren't Jesus but let's meditate on this...what are some challenges we need to meet head on?
-We don't want to be complainers, but we do want to meditate on how Jesus might evaluate us
-Reminder: The church is NOT external to IS YOU - it's the people
-So, what are some challenges to meet head on this year?
Stagnant worship attendance
*We have declined slightly over the last year
-Lot's of factors: we are adding members (31) & growing in CG's
-But, we also have lots of people who are casual attenders & only come 1-2x a month
-If a church has 100 people but 20 show up only 2x a month, then avg = 90!
-Means we need to INVITE friends! Means we need to see gathering as a priority!
Inactive Members
*We have at least 600 "inactive" members - we need to go after them (Back to Church Sunday)
Every CG needs to adopt a local mission project- Kim "One hugely powerful thing I took away
from our time in Denver was the Summit's love for their city. They truly love it and the people in
it. If we could cultivate even a small amount of their enthusiasm for our own city, we would get
out there & make a huge difference."
Increased commitment to service- We need more people engaged in service.
*I was really encouraged by several of our new members who jumped right in & served
*Encouraged by New Members who jumped right in, BUT, we need more people engaged in serving
Transition to plurality
Conclusion: gospel, join, etc. (God make us a great church!)