Sample Plan of Study

Sample Plan of Study
Master of Arts in Education in
Mathematics Education
High School Concentration
Sample Two-Year Plan: Fall 2013 – Summer 2015
Fall 2013
Spring 2014
MATE 6200
Mathematics Assessment for the
Classroom Teacher (3)
MATE 6211
MATH 5101
Advanced Calculus I (3)
MATE 6331
Summer 1 2014
MATH 5131
Deterministic Methods in Operations
Research (3)
Research in Mathematics Education
Reasoning with Number and Algebra
Summer 2 2014
MATH 5021
Fall 2014
Theory of Numbers (3)
Spring 2015
MATE 6206
Leadership in Mathematics Education
MATE 6400
Capstone Project in Mathematics
Education (3)
MATE 6341
Teaching and Learning of Geometry (3)
MATH 5031
Applied Statistical Analysis (3)
Summer 1 2015
Introduction to Differences in Human
Learning in Schools (3)
EDUC 6001
Summer 2 2015
MATE 6361
Measurement Across the Curriculum
Sample Three-Year Plan: Fall 2013 – Summer 2016
Fall 2013
MATE 6200
Mathematics Assessment for the
Classroom Teacher (3)
Spring 2014
MATH 5031
Summer 1 2014
MATH 5131
Deterministic Methods in Operations
Research (3)
Summer 2 2014
MATH 5021
Fall 2014
MATE 6206
Leadership in Mathematics Education
MATH 5101
Research in Mathematics Education
MATE 6361
Introduction to Differences in Human
Learning in Schools (3)
Measurement Across the Curriculum
Spring 2016
MATE 6400
Summer 1 2016
EDUC 6001
Advanced Calculus I (3)
Summer 2 2015
Fall 2015
MATE 6211
Theory of Numbers (3)
Spring 2015
Summer 1 2015
Mathematics Elective
Applied Statistical Analysis (3)
Capstone Project in Mathematics
Education (3)
Summer 2 2016
MATE 6371
Teaching and Learning of Algebra (3)
Course Catalog Descriptions
Education Core Courses
EDUC 6001. Introduction to Differences in Human Learning in Schools (3) Examines race, ethnicity, socioeconomic
class, gender, sexual preference, and exceptionality relative to historical, philosophical, social, cultural, political,
and legal issues in schools.
MATE 6200. Mathematics Assessment for the Classroom Teacher (3) Formerly MATH 6200 P: Consent of
instructor. Theory, methods, and techniques of assessment for improving mathematics learning. Requires
assessment and intervention project adapted to local classroom setting.
MATE 6206. Leadership in Mathematics Education (3) Formerly MATH 6206 P: Admission to MAEd program;
consent of instructor. Mathematics content and information necessary for service as leader in public school
mathematics education.
MATE 6211. Research in Mathematics Education (3) Formerly MATH 6211 Readings, reports, and syntheses of
research literature on teaching and learning K-12 mathematics. Projects based on this literature.
MATE 6400. Capstone Project in Mathematics Education (3) Research project, portfolio modeled on the National
Board Professional Teaching Standards, or equivalent project.
9-12 Mathematics Electives
MATH 5021. Theory of Numbers I (3) P: MATH 3263 or consent of instructor. Topics in elementary and algebraic
number theory such as properties of integers, Diophantine equations, congruences, quadratic and other residues,
and algebraic integers.
MATH 5031. Applied Statistical Analysis (3) (WI) May not count toward mathematics hours required for the
mathematics concentration of the MA. P: MATH 2228, 3584; or equivalent; or consent of instructor. Topics include
analysis of variance and covariance, experimental design, multiple and partial regression and correlation,
nonparametric statistics, and use of computer statistical package.
MATH 5101. Advanced Calculus I (3) P: MATH 2173 or consent of instructor. Axioms of real number system,
completeness, sequences, infinite series, power series, continuity, uniform continuity, differentiation, Riemann
integral, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
MATH 5102. Advanced Calculus II (3) P: MATH 3256, 5101; or consent of instructor. Mathematical analysis of
functions of several real variables. Limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration of multivariable functions.
MATH 5131. Deterministic Methods in Operations Research (3) P: MATH 2173; 3307 or 5801. Mathematical
models; linear programming; simplex method, with applications to optimization; duality theorem; project planning
and control problems; and elementary game theory.
MATH 5581. Theory of Equations (3) P: MATH 2173 or consent of instructor. Topics include operations with
complex numbers, De Moivre’s Theorem, properties of polynomial functions, roots of general cubic and quartic
equations, methods of determining roots of equations of higher degree, and methods of approximating roots.
MATH 5801. Probability Theory (3) P: MATH 2173 or 3307. Axioms of probability, random variables and
expectations, discrete and continuous distributions, moment generating functions, functions of random variables,
Central Limit Theorem, and applications.
MATH 6001. Matrix Algebra (3) P: MATH 3256 or consent of instructor. Properties of vectors and matrices and
their applications.
K-12 Mathematics Electives
MATE 6265. Technology in Mathematics Education (3) Technology applications in grades 6-12 based on national
recommendations, research, and issues pertaining to equity and access.
MATE 6331. Reasoning with Number and Algebra (3) Rational numbers, proportional reasoning, and linear
relations as tools to explore mathematical relationships in grades 6-8.
MATE 6341. Teaching and Learning of Geometry (3) Analysis of middle school student work using the van Hiele
model to examine relationships of shape, size, symmetry, and transformations in 2- and 3-dimensional space.
MATE 6351. Data Analysis and Probability in the Middle Grades (3) Data analysis, probability concepts, and
pedagogical issues for middle grade teachers.
MATE 6361. Measurement Across the Curriculum (3) Key issues in teaching and learning measurement as it
supports other mathematical strands.
MATE 6371. Teaching and Learning of Algebra (3) Current mathematical learning theory and research as it
pertains to algebra taught from a problem-solving, student-centered perspective.
MATE 6391. Teaching with Mathematical Modeling (3) Historical and contemporary models applied to real-world
situations to demonstrate the power and limitations of modeling.