Dr.Murty P.Bhavaraju

Biography – Dr. Murty P. Bhavaraju
After receiving BE (Hons) (1961) from Andhra University Engineering College and ME (1963) from Indian
Institute of Science, M.Sc. (1967) and Ph.D. (1969) from University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Murty
Bhavaraju joined an electric power company PSE&G in New Jersey where he worked in various engineering
and managerial positions. He worked in the areas of system reliability, generation planning, and Integrated
Resource Planning. He represented PSE&G on reliability and planning related committees of PJM power pool.
Murty was on loan to Electric Power Research Institute in California during 1978-79 where he set up goals for
EPRI research in power system reliability and planning. He initiated a number of EPRI funded research
projects that resulted in practical methods and software.
After retiring from PSE&G in 2004, Murty joined PJM, a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) as a
Senior Consultant. He was a key member of the team that developed the PJM forward capacity market
popularly known as Reliability Pricing Model.
Murty is an IEEE Life Fellow and a Member of United States National Academy of Engineering. He served
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) in various positions: Chaired Application of Probability Methods
Subcommittee (198-84); Chaired Working Group that developed Standard 762-1987 on power plant
productivity definitions; Chaired Power System Engineering Committee (1989-90); Chaired PES Fellow
Committee; Member of IEEE Fellow Committee; Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Murty is involved in two recent initiatives of IEEE Foundation: One to provide scholarships to encourage
engineering students to elect power systems major; Second the IEEE Smart Village.
Murty contributed to two CIGRE reports: Power System Reliability Analysis-Application Guide and Composite
Power System Reliability Evaluation. Murty served as a member of the North American Electric Reliability
Council (NERC) Reliability Criteria Subcommittee.
Murty published over 40 technical papers in the area of power system reliability and analysis.