Solid Waste Website Recommendations

Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
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Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Sarasota County collects, processes and disposes of different types of
waste with a focus on recycling and sustainability. Our long-range goal is to
reduce the amount and toxicity of waste going into the landfill. Waste
education is emphasized through citizen involvement and focus on
increasing customer satisfaction. Stewardship of resources and controlling
operating costs are key priorities.
Services Provided
Residential & Commercial Solid Waste:
Garbage is collected from more than 146,000 residential units and from
6,496 commercial customers through a franchise agreement with Waste
Management. This contract includes the curbside collection of residential
garbage, recyclable materials and yard waste. In addition, tires, motor oil
and filters, bulk items, white goods and old electronics are collected
Curbside recycling processing in Sarasota County is managed under a
contract with ReCommunity. Mandatory recycling in Sarasota County was
initially driven by a citizen’s charter referendum which became a County
ordinance in 1993. Sarasota County’s recycling program has historically
been amongst the leading programs in Florida. The rate of recycling has
steadily increased from 32% in 2005 to our current 2013 rate of 46%
(340,000 tons recycled of the 739,000 tons of waste generated). The 46%
rate places Sarasota County third in “traditional recycling” (i.e. excluding
waste-to-energy contributions) in Florida. Recycling is environmentally
sound, and in recent years, has generated more than $1 million in revenue
annually for the County.
The residential collection program in the unincorporated county is
supported by non ad-valorem assessments on all real properties while
businesses pay for service directly to the franchise hauler depending on
level of service needed.
Hazardous Waste:
While certain Florida Statutes and Operating Permits mandate the
collection of certain waste streams, the ultimate purpose of the household
hazardous waste programs are to provide a safe solution for household
hazardous waste disposal; to protect our neighborhoods and environment
from illicit discharges; to protect the landfill from chemical disposals; and
to extend the life of the landfill by diverting materials from landfill
disposal. These programs have diverted over 2.4 million pounds of
material from landfill disposal and serviced over 24,000 customers through
three permanent collection facilities, special event collections, and
curbside collection programs since YEAR.
Hours of Operation
Chemical Collection Center – North
8750 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. (Admin)
Wednesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Central County Solid Waste Disposal
4010 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Admin)
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Disposal)
Chemical Collection Center – South
250 S. Jackson Road, Venice
Wednesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
All facilities closed on New Year’s Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day. North and South facilities
also closed on government holidays.
For more information, please contact the
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-8615000.
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
The Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex (CCSWDC) is centrally
located within Sarasota County in Nokomis and accepts residential,
municipal and commercial garbage from the unincorporated areas of
Sarasota, and from the three municipalities (City of North Port, City of
Sarasota and City of Venice). The CCSWDC includes a County-staffed
scalehouse, a Citizens Convenience Center, a Construction and Demolition
Debris recycling facility, a yard waste processing area, and other landfill
operations support facilities. Landfill operations are supported by tipping
fees for each load of materials entering the facility.
Keep Sarasota County Beautiful:
Keep Sarasota County Beautiful (KSCB) was established in 1987 as an
affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, a national non-profit organization
dedicated to the eradication of litter. Sarasota County’s program has an
impressive volunteer participation rate, with more than 3,000 volunteers
typically taking part in the Great American Cleanup and the International
Coastal Cleanup. For each event, volunteers dedicate a few hours of their
time to help keep our parks and coastal waters litter free.
KSCB also manages the Adoption Program for roads, ponds and spots.
Adoption partners agree to clean their adopted area a minimum of four
times per year. The program continues to improve the community through
socially responsible efforts geared at protecting the unique natural
resources of Sarasota County.
Green Business Partnership:
The Green Business Partnership (GBP) is open to all businesses in Sarasota
County, regardless of type or size. Certified Green Business Partners make
an extra effort to operate in an environmentally responsible manner by
implementing verified core and elective GBP program standards in waste,
energy and water reduction measures, while increasing recycling and
conservation practices.
Re-Uze-It Shop:
Education outreach:
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Curbside garbage and recycling collection services are provided to
residents in unincorporated parts of Sarasota County by Waste
Management. Garbage, yard waste and recyclable items are all collected
on the same day.
Items may be placed at the curb beginning at 5 p.m. the day before
collection, and should be curbside by 6 a.m. on your collection day.
Yard waste should be placed separately from garbage and recyclables at
the curb for collection. It should be bundled into groups and secured with
string. Each bundle should not exceed 40 pounds or four feet in length.
Household hazardous wastes should also be placed separately from the
garbage and recyclables. Please use clear bags as needed.
For more information on how to properly prepare both garbage and
recyclable items for curbside pickup, please view the How-To Guide.
Items Accepted
Bulk waste
Construction wastes (limited to four, 32-gallon containers, each weighing
40 lbs or less)
Oversized waste
Used Motor Oil
For a complete list, and preparation instructions, please view the How-To
Additional Information
Rear door pickup allows collection personnel to pick up garbage containers
from a location next to your home. Disabled residents who supply the
County with a physician's note may have rear door garbage and recycling
service provided at no charge. The physician's note must be renewed
Non-disabled residents may also take advantage of rear door pick-up for a
fee. Please note this service only applies to garbage. Recyclables, yard
waste and any large or special pickup items must still be placed curbside.
To schedule rear door garbage service, please contact Waste Management
at 941-493-4100.
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-completion
No collection service provided on New
Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving
Day and Christmas Day. Service will be
delayed one day for the remainder of the
holiday week. Any regular Friday collection
delayed by a holiday will occur on Saturday.
*How-To Guide
*Collection Schedule Map
*Holiday Collection Ad
*Pharmaceutical Disposal Guidelines
Sarasota County Sherriff office (pharma)
Waste Management??
For more information, please contact the
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-8615000.
To schedule a curbside pickup for appliances
or oversized items, please contact Waste
Management at 941-493-4100.
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
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Solid Waste Website Recommendations
All businesses in Sarasota County are required to use the county’s
franchised waste hauler, Waste Management, for garbage collection
services. The staff at Waste Management will be able to assist businesses
in determining the appropriate service levels for number of containers, size
of containers and pick-up frequency.
While garbage service is franchised, businesses may contract with the
recycling service provider of their choice. Sarasota County Ordinance 2006001 outlines the mandatory recycling requirements in unincorporated
portions of Sarasota County as well as the municipalities of Sarasota, North
Port, Longboat Key and Venice. By recycling and taking materials out of the
waste stream, businesses may be able to reduce the size of their garbage
container and/or the number of collection pick-ups.
Most businesses in Sarasota County are required to keep solid waste and
recycling containers in an enclosure. Sarasota County Ordinance 2003-092
requires all new commercial construction to have an enclosure for garbage
and recycling containers, unless there is a permanent storage area for the
containers inside a walled and roofed building. This ordinance applies to all
commercial buildings constructed after December 7, 1993 (the date the
original Ordinance 92-102 was adopted).
Florida businesses dealing with more than 600 tons of recovered materials
(paper, glass, plastic, metals/aluminum, textiles and/or non-tire rubber)
per year are required by law to apply for annual certification and to report
their recovered materials. The goal of this program is to record the
amount of Florida’s waste stream that is reused or recycled, and to
properly credit each county for its recycled materials.
Additional information about Commercial Collection and Recycling can be
found in the Commercial Solid Waste Guide.
Items Accepted
Additional Information
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection recognizes
businesses, institutions, schools, public organizations and citizens who
recycle over 40% of their waste. Additional details about the program may
be found on the FDEP website.
Sarasota County’s Project Green Sweep program offers qualified Sarasota
County businesses a responsible, cost effective method to properly dispose
of small quantities of hazardous and regulated wastes that are banned
from landfill disposal.
Hours of Operation
Commercial Recycling Vendors
Commercial Solid Waste Guide
Garbage and Recycling Enclosures
Ordinance 93-102
Ordinance 2006-001
Ordinance 2003-092
Project Green Sweep Overview
Project Green Sweep Application
Project Green Sweep Price List
Recovered Materials Report
FDEP – Recycling Recognition Program
FDEP – Recovered Materials Report
For general questions about commercial
garbage and recycling in Sarasota County,
please contact the Sarasota County Call
Center at 941-861-5000.
To set up commercial garbage collection,
please contact Waste Management at 941493-4100.
For questions about the FDEP Recovered
Materials Report, please contact the FDEP at
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
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Solid Waste Website Recommendations
In order to help protect the integrity of the environmental systems within
Sarasota County, it is vital that we prevent illicit discharges and improper
disposal of household hazardous wastes. Due to safety and cost, most
household hazardous wastes are not collected curbside. Sarasota County
operates three facilities where these materials may be delivered.
Hours of Operation
Chemical Collection Center – North
8750 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. (Admin)
Wednesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Residents of Sarasota County may take accepted items generated from
non-business related activities to one of the County's Chemical Collection
Centers for safe disposal free of charge. Proof of residency (driver’s
license, tax bill, utility bill, etc.) may be required.
Central County Solid Waste Disposal
4010 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Admin)
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Disposal)
Items Accepted
Automotive batteries
Automotive products
Batteries (button, nickel-cadmium, lithium-ion, rechargeable)
Cell phones
Electronics (televisions, computer systems, monitors, printers, etc.)
Fire extinguishers
Fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps
Hazardous waste
Lawn and garden chemicals
Paint thinner
Pool chemicals
Rechargeable batteries
Sharps (needles, lancets) in proper container ONLY
Toxic waste
Used motor oil
For items not listed above, please contact the Hazardous Waste office to
confirm disposal options and requirements.
Additional Information
Alkaline batteries may be placed in the garbage for disposal.
Electronics such as stereos, speakers, telephones (remove batteries and
dispose of properly) and vacuum cleaners may be placed in the garbage for
Chemical Collection Center – South
250 S. Jackson Road, Venice
Wednesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
All facilities closed on New Year’s Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day. North and South facilities
also closed on government holidays.
*Disposing of Paint Waste
*Disposing of Used Motor Oil and Tires
*How-To Guide
*Collection Schedule Map
*Pharmaceutical Disposal Guidelines
Project Green Sweep
Sarasota County Sherriff office (pharma)
Waste Management??
For more information, please contact the
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-8615000.
To schedule a curbside pickup for electronics
disposal, please contact Waste Management
at 941-493-4100.
Local law enforcement agencies:
City of North Port 941-426-3111
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Flares, fireworks, ammunition, guns and bullets should be taken to your
local law enforcement agency for disposal. Please contact your local
agency for details.
Pharmaceuticals are no longer accepted at the Sarasota County Chemical
Collection Centers. Please refer to the Sarasota County Sheriff website
for pharmaceutical disposal information.
Recycling bins are available at each location.
City of Venice 941-486-2444
City of Sarasota 941-954-7025
Sarasota County Sheriff's Office 941-9518000 or 941-316-1201
Town of Longboat Key 941-316-1977
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
In order to help protect the integrity of the environmental systems within
Sarasota County, it is vital that we prevent illicit discharges and improper
disposal of commercial hazardous wastes. If your company generates
waste as part of a manufacturing or industrial process, you might be
subject to hazardous waste regulations. “Hazardous waste” is a legal term
that describes certain toxic, ignitable, corrosive, or reactive wastes
generated in manufacturing, industrial or other processes.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers simple guides to
explain hazardous wastes and help you determine whether you generate
hazardous wastes and are subject to regulation. Your company is
responsible for making hazardous waste determinations correctly.
The Sarasota County Hazardous Waste Management Office works in
tandem with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Hazardous Waste Regulation Section for inspections of commercial
enterprises within the county. The Project Green Sweep program offers a
responsible, cost effective method to properly dispose of small quantities
of hazardous and regulated wastes that are banned from landfill disposal
to qualified businesses in Sarasota County. For more information, please
view the Project Green Sweep links under the Documents section of this
Hours of Operation
Chemical Collection Center – North
8750 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. (Admin)
Wednesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Central County Solid Waste Disposal
4010 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Admin)
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Disposal)
Chemical Collection Center – South
250 S. Jackson Road, Venice
Wednesday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
All facilities closed on New Year’s Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day. North and South facilities
also closed on government holidays.
*Project Green Sweep Overview
*Project Green Sweep Application
*Project Green Sweep Price List
Additional Information
FDEP Hazardous Waste Regulation
For more information, please contact the
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-8615000.
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
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Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Disposal Rates
Solid Waste
$7.50 minimum (up to 240lbs)
Construction & Demolition Debris $48/ton
$16/cubic yard for all vehicles
(lesser of the two)
Waste Tire
$2/each for individual tires (up to 5)
Yard Waste
$5 minimum (up to 240lbs)
Vehicle Weighing
$5/each (documentation)
$57.56/ton (non-friable)
$75/ton (friable)
$10 minimum for all vehicles
*For each load of asbestos brought to the Sarasota County landfill, haulers
must complete a Waste Shipment Record form and schedule the drop-off
at least 24 hours in advance. NOTE: Asbestos will ONLY be accepted
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Hours of Operation
Central County Solid Waste Disposal
4000 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Admin)
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday,
8 a.m.-2 p.m.(Construction & Demolition
Debris Disposal)
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Landfill &
Citizens Convenience Center)
Citizens Convenience Center
4010 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
All facilities closed on New Year’s Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day.
*Disposing of Paint Waste
*Disposing of Used Motor Oil and Tires
*FEDP – Notice of Asbestos Renovation or
*How-To Guide
*Collection Schedule Map
*Pharmaceutical Disposal Guidelines
*Preparing Storm Debris for Landfill Disposal
*Special Waste Disposal Request Form
*Waste Shipment Record Form
*What’s Accepted at the Landfill
Payment for disposal rates must be made with cash, credit card (Visa,
MasterCard, American Express and Discover) or a debit card with a bank
logo on it. Business or personal checks are not accepted.
FDEP – Asbestos
Project Green Sweep
Sarasota County Sherriff office (pharma)
Waste Management??
Soils, dredge materials, car wash and street sweeping grit, fill dirt,
wastewater cake/sludge and other similar special wastes require prior
approval for disposal. Please complete and submit the Special Waste
Disposal Request form for approval before bringing the material to the
Sarasota County landfill.
For more information, please contact the
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-8615000.
Storm debris may be brought to the landfill for disposal and will be subject
to the applicable disposal rates/tipping fees. Please note that properly
prepared storm debris will be collected curbside. For more information,
To schedule a curbside pickup for electronics
disposal, please contact Waste Management
at 941-493-4100.
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
see the document Preparing Storm Debris for Landfill Disposal.
Local law enforcement agencies:
City of North Port 941-426-3111
City of Venice 941-486-2444
City of Sarasota 941-954-7025
Sarasota County Sheriff's Office 941-9518000 or 941-316-1201
Town of Longboat Key 941-316-1977
Items Accepted
Air Conditioners
Asbestos (friable & non-friable)
Automotive parts
Boats and boat motors*
Campers and trailers*
Cement mixers*
Construction & demolition debris
Garbage and trash
Household appliances*
Lawnmowers (riding or push)*
Oil drums*
Tires (on or off the rim)
Trailers and Campers*
Yard Waste
*See document titled What’s Accepted at the Landfill for specific disposal
requirements. For items not listed above, please contact the Landfill to
confirm disposal options and requirements.
Additional Information
Alkaline batteries may be placed in the garbage for disposal.
Electronics such as stereos, speakers, telephones (remove batteries and
dispose of properly) and vacuum cleaners may be placed in the garbage for
Flares, fireworks, ammunition, guns and bullets should be taken to your
local law enforcement agency for disposal. Please contact your local
agency for details.
Mulch and compost are available complimentary to Sarasota County
residents for use at their homes. Quantities may be limited and are subject
to availability. Residents will need to load the materials themselves and
should bring appropriate shovels and containers. Please remember the
load needs to be covered upon departure from the landfill. For locations
and availability, please contact the Sarasota County Call Center.
Pharmaceuticals are no longer accepted at the Sarasota County Chemical
Collection Centers. Please refer to the Sarasota County Sheriff website
for pharmaceutical disposal information.
Recycling bins are available at this location.
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Disposal Rates
Solid Waste
$7.50 minimum (up to 240lbs)
Construction & Demolition Debris $48/ton
$16/cubic yard for all vehicles
(lesser of the two)
Waste Tire
$2/each for individual tires (up to 5)
Yard Waste
$5 minimum (up to 240lbs)
Vehicle Weighing
$5/each (documentation)
$57.56/ton (non-friable)
$75/ton (friable)
$10 minimum for all vehicles
*For each load of asbestos brought to the Sarasota County landfill, haulers
must complete a Waste Shipment Record form and schedule the drop-off
at least 24 hours in advance. NOTE: Asbestos will ONLY be accepted
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Payment for disposal rates must be made with cash, credit card (Visa,
MasterCard, American Express and Discover) or a debit card with a bank
logo on it. Business or personal checks are not accepted.
Soils, dredge materials, car wash and street sweeping grit, fill dirt,
wastewater cake/sludge and other similar special wastes require prior
approval for disposal. Please complete and submit the Special Waste
Disposal Request form for approval before bringing the material to the
Sarasota County landfill.
Hours of Operation
Central County Solid Waste Disposal
4000 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Admin)
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday,
8 a.m.-2 p.m.(Construction & Demolition
Debris Disposal)
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Landfill &
Citizens Convenience Center)
Citizens Convenience Center
4010 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
All facilities closed on New Year’s Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day.
*C&D Hazardous Waste
*C&D Service Providers List
*Commercial Solid Waste Guide
*Contractors Guide to C&D Recycling
*Disposing of Paint Waste
*Disposing of Used Motor Oil and Tires
*FEDP – Notice of Asbestos Renovation or
*Hazardous Waste Business Directory
*How-To Guide
*Collection Schedule Map
*Pharmaceutical Disposal Guidelines
*Preparing Storm Debris for Landfill Disposal
*Recycling Service Providers
*Special Waste Disposal Request Form
*SQ Spill Cleanup Form
*Waste Management Plan (simple)
*Waste Management Plan (complete)
*Waste Shipment Record Form
*What’s Accepted at the Landfill
FDEP – Asbestos
Project Green Sweep
Sarasota County Sherriff office (pharma)
Waste Management??
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Storm debris may be brought to the landfill for disposal and will be subject
to the applicable disposal rates/tipping fees. Please note that properly
prepared storm debris will be collected curbside. For more information,
see the document Preparing Storm Debris for Landfill Disposal.
Items Accepted
Air Conditioners
Asbestos (friable & non-friable)
Automotive parts
Boats and boat motors*
Campers and trailers*
Cement mixers*
Construction & demolition debris
Garbage and trash
Household appliances*
Lawnmowers (riding or push)*
Oil drums*
Tires (on or off the rim)
Trailers and Campers*
Yard Waste
For more information, please contact the
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-8615000.
To schedule a curbside pickup for electronics
disposal, please contact Waste Management
at 941-493-4100.
Local law enforcement agencies:
City of North Port 941-426-3111
City of Venice 941-486-2444
City of Sarasota 941-954-7025
Sarasota County Sheriff's Office 941-9518000 or 941-316-1201
Town of Longboat Key 941-316-1977
*See document titled What’s Accepted at the Landfill for specific disposal
requirements. For items not listed above, please contact the Landfill to
confirm disposal options and requirements.
Additional Information
Alkaline batteries may be placed in the garbage for disposal.
Electronics such as stereos, speakers, telephones (remove batteries and
dispose of properly) and vacuum cleaners may be placed in the garbage for
Flares, fireworks, ammunition, guns and bullets should be taken to your
local law enforcement agency for disposal. Please contact your local
agency for details.
Mulch and compost are available complimentary to Sarasota County
residents for use at their homes. Quantities may be limited and are subject
to availability. Residents will need to load the materials themselves and
should bring appropriate shovels and containers. Please remember the
load needs to be covered upon departure from the landfill. For locations
and availability, please contact the Sarasota County Call Center.
Pharmaceuticals are no longer accepted at the Sarasota County Chemical
Collection Centers. Please refer to the Sarasota County Sheriff website
for pharmaceutical disposal information.
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Recycling bins are available at this location.
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
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Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Recycling and reuse of materials have long been associated with wise
construction practices. Communities and experienced contractors are now
reaping the environmental and possible economic advantages of
Construction Waste Management practices that include the reuse and
recycling of Construction and Demolition (C&D) debris. Sarasota County
encourages the responsible separation and recycling of construction and
demolition debris to support the County’s sustainability goals and to help
save on costly disposal fees.
In August 2010, Sarasota County Solid Waste Program completed a 3-year
study of the construction and demolition industry. The purpose of the
project was to determine what barriers exist that inhibits the recycling of
C&D material and what can be done to overcome those barriers. The guide
for builders and contractors developed from the lessons learned during
this project is located under the documents section and is entitled
Contractors Guide to C&D Recycling.
It is important to know what is acceptable and not acceptable for
Construction and Demolition (C&D) recycling. It is also important to know
the definitions designated by the State to define certain materials and how
they are handled and in what type of facility they can be handled. For
example, did you know that garbage (food waste and wrappers, fast food
bags, beverage containers, etc.) cannot go into C&D debris containers
destined for either recycling or disposal?
Hours of Operation
Central County Solid Waste Disposal
4000 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Admin)
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday,
8 a.m.-2 p.m.(Construction & Demolition
Debris Disposal)
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Landfill &
Citizens Convenience Center)
Citizens Convenience Center
4010 Knights Trail Road, Nokomis
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
All facilities closed on New Year’s Day,
Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day.
*C&D Hazardous Waste
*C&D Service Providers List
*Commercial Solid Waste Guide
*Contractors Guide to C&D Recycling
*Disposing of Paint Waste
*Disposing of Used Motor Oil and Tires
*FEDP – Notice of Asbestos Renovation or
Note: Check with your service provider to check what material they will
accept based on the final point of disposition (disposal/recovery/recycling). Demo
*Hazardous Waste Business Directory
*How-To Guide
Fluorescent bulbs, mercury-containing devices, debris painted with lead*Collection Schedule Map
based paint, asbestos, oil based paints, and other C&D debris materials
*Pharmaceutical Disposal Guidelines
may have special requirements for handling and disposal.
*Preparing Storm Debris for Landfill Disposal
To learn more about what is Hazardous Waste and how to handle/dispose *Recycling Service Providers
*Special Waste Disposal Request Form
of waste, refer to the C&D Hazardous Waste document, or call the
*SQ Spill Cleanup Form
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-861-5000.
*Waste Management Plan (simple)
*Waste Management Plan (complete)
*Waste Shipment Record Form
*What’s Accepted at the Landfill
Disposal Rates
*Battery recycling
*Carpet America Recovery Effort
Solid Waste
*Drywall recycling
$7.50 minimum (up to 240lbs)
*Material that may be accepted as C&D,
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Construction & Demolition Debris $48/ton
$16/cubic yard for all vehicles
(lesser of the two)
Waste Tire
$2/each for individual tires (up to 5)
Yard Waste
$5 minimum (up to 240lbs)
Vehicle Weighing
$5/each (documentation)
$57.56/ton (non-friable)
$75/ton (friable)
$10 minimum for all vehicles
*For each load of asbestos brought to the Sarasota County landfill, haulers
must complete a Waste Shipment Record form and schedule the drop-off
at least 24 hours in advance. NOTE: Asbestos will ONLY be accepted
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Payment for disposal rates must be made with cash, credit card (Visa,
MasterCard, American Express and Discover) or a debit card with a bank
logo on it. Business or personal checks are not accepted.
Soils, dredge materials, car wash and street sweeping grit, fill dirt,
wastewater cake/sludge and other similar special wastes require prior
approval for disposal. Please complete and submit the Special Waste
Disposal Request form for approval before bringing the material to the
Sarasota County landfill.
Storm debris may be brought to the landfill for disposal and will be subject
to the applicable disposal rates/tipping fees. Please note that properly
prepared storm debris will be collected curbside. For more information,
see the document Preparing Storm Debris for Landfill Disposal.
Items Accepted
Bathroom Fixtures
Ceiling Tiles
recycled or salvaged
FDEP – Asbestos
*Mercury program
Project Green Sweep
Sarasota County Sherriff office (pharma)
*Shingle recycling
Waste Management??
*Waste accepted as C&D
*Waste generally not accepted as C&D
For more information, please contact the
Sarasota County Call Center at 941-8615000.
To schedule a curbside pickup for electronics
disposal, please contact Waste Management
at 941-493-4100.
Local law enforcement agencies:
City of North Port 941-426-3111
City of Venice 941-486-2444
City of Sarasota 941-954-7025
Sarasota County Sheriff's Office 941-9518000 or 941-316-1201
Town of Longboat Key 941-316-1977
Solid Waste Website Recommendations
Landscaping Materials
Lighting Fixtures
Trim/Antique Moldings
Wood Beams and Posts
For items not listed above, please contact the Landfill to confirm disposal
options and requirements.
Additional Information
Would you build a house without a blueprint? Use a Construction Waste
Management Plan (CWMP) to plan how you will manage your C&D
Learn about Construction Waste Management Plans
Samples of Construction Waste Management Plans
Debris containers' signage tip
Organize your job site by placing bilingual signage on your