Initial Protocol for a Systematic Literature Review of Governance Innovation for Security and Development Adapted from Table of Contents Change Record Background Search Strategy Five steps: 1. Broad Sampling 2. PDS Framework 3. Study Eligibility 4. Source Evaluation 5. Validity, reliability and applicability of the studies (VRA) Time period covered by this review How the search process will be evaluated Study Quality Assessment Data Extraction Synthesis Study Limitations Reporting Schedule Change Record dates and changes embodied in each version of the protocol and (where appropriate), the reasons for these, in this Please be aware that the document history is open to all, to verify changes and authorship: Change Section Reason Author Affiliation Time Stamp Example: Modified the Change Record descriptions 1.1. Table format works better than a list Mark Nelson Stanford 21/6/2013 Removed “with initial focus on 38-G” Title Too narrow focus KG NPS 10/21/2013 Struck sections of protocol; throughout first pass at simplifying protocol document; see Google doc revisions history MSQ Stanford 10/24/2013 Updated table table KG NPS 10/29/2013 Clarify content Background NPS/IMSG/Stanford’s Governance Innovation for Security and Development project’s preliminary needs, in order Specifically, we need a fast initial survey of literature on Civil Affairs/Military Governance broadly speaking, the ule of law, safe and secure environment, sustainable economy, social well-being) and homeland integration. rvey--and update-- the current state of civil affairs and military governance in the various sectors? addressed CA/MG? urnal articles, case studies, manuscripts)? ous stakeholders and ourselves for scholarly work? f military operations is well-known to be vital to mission success in locales as diverse as Afghanistan, the Balkans, remains little understood. Military support to governance in particular has suffered from years of neglect due to military communities – despite specific responsibilities under international law and US DoD polcy - are skittish upation” and wary of “military government” responsibilities that stem from it; the literature on governance is largely ttention to or understanding of military norms and rules; the literature on military operations is generally focused ttention to or understanding of civil domain factors. In short, the literatures that are available do not effectively ver, the subject area is extremely complex, as state-society relations and expectations vary from place to place, and cluding new roles for social media in civic participation and empowerment, and new ways of monitoring political ng developed and/or refined. e, a significant knowledge gap in civil affairs, is as complex as it is essential. The need for understanding military cularly acute today, given the number of missions and organizations now concerned with civil-military planning and omain has become much more diverse with the advent of new technologies – hardware and software – that enable ize, and share information. Civil Information is a core task for Civil Affairs. Today, civil affairs are at the forefront of ssion of the United States military and its relationship to civilian agencies. Search Strategy Five steps: 1. Broad Sampling The first stage is broad sampling from search engines such as ProQuest, Lexis, JSTOR, Google Scholar, NPS Bosun, to define an initial corpus of published articles, working papers, and reports. Automated search terms used (initial proposed) 1. civil affairs; military governance. 2. security, stability, etc. 3. governance, etc. 4. social well being, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, social capital, etc. 5. rule of law, justice, etc. 6. economy, infrastructure, reconstruction, etc. 7. human behavior, etc. 8. civil information management, technological enablers, etc. As researchers extend the review with ancillary searches and interviews, they should also add search terms Compound automated search terms used (initial proposed) Compound terms here are key words that are not relevant in and of themselves but serve as useful modifiers and constraints: civil society, capacity building Please record results of any prototyping of the search strings in the table below: Search String Variants Search Engine or Library Results 2. PDS Framework Then, we focus consideration on the population, dimension, and study design (PDS Framework). Specifically, to pass to the next stage the articles need to meet three criteria: 2.1 Is the study relevant for understanding the GISD topic of interest? 2.2 Is the topic (military government/social well-being, etc.) independent or outcome variable in the study? 2.3 Is the study original and not a review of original studies? 3. Study Eligibility The studies that pass the second stage are then reviewed full text to establish the eligibility. In this stage we take into consideration the following characteristics: 3.1 3.2 3.3 Does the study use data including civil affairs or its synonyms? Does the study use a documented/recognised data/evidence source for civil affairs? Is CA/MG (or synonyms) independent or outcome variable in the study? 4. Source Evaluation Then, we evaluate the sources as follows: 4.1 Does the study have a clearly set out theoretical framework linked to qualitative evidence? (For case studies) 4.2 Does the study have a clearly set out empirical framework tested with quantitative evidence? (For empirical studies) 5. Validity, reliability and applicability of the studies (VRA) The final stage assesses the validity, reliability and applicability of the studies (VRA). The validity aims to assess the methodological rigour; reliability assesses the extent to which the findings of the study are robust and reproducible; and applicability captures whether the findings can be generalised to other countries. Five questions guide the process: 5.1 Validity of construct: Is the role of civil affairs theorised/modelled coherently and in the light of existing literature? 5.2 Validity of method: Is the method of analysis informed by existing theory/theories? 5.3.1 Reliability of data/evidence (1): Is data/evidence documented and its reliability discussed? 5.3.2 Reliability of data/evidence (2): Is the evidence related to causal mechanisms postulated in the analysis? 5.3.3 Reliability of findings: Are the findings related to relevant methodological or theoretical/analytical literature? The studies that passed the final stage are included in the review. Time period covered by this review The CA/MG general review will cover historical documents from 1776 to the present Topical reviews will cover the period from 2000 to the present, exceptions will be noted Synthesis on 1 - Cross-tabulation Initially we propose to apply a cross-tabulation survey structure as follows, extensible at all levels and allowing for both additional detail and additional category types as needed. We will then regularly review and optimize the current analysis, structure, and methodology, as part of each future iteration of the survey. Missions SCA/TSC/TA What is MSG Gov Sec Econ SOC RoL HI Maritime ity Stakeholders 38G skills and certifications Gaps Tech/Beh Metrics y Study Limitations Reporting studies in other domains Schedule Work Period Time estimates for each major step By 31 October Search Strategy Selection Criteria By 10 December Study Quality Assessment By 13 January Summary review