AVMA core competence 7: Health promotion, disease prevention/biosecurity, zoonosis, and food safety Intended overall program outcomes of the MSc-program supporting Competence 1 Describe production practices and systems significance in relation to welfare, disease/health, breeding, disease prevention, disease control and quality assurance programs, and relate these to consumer demands and attitudes. Explain the cause, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of common medical and surgical diseases in domestic animals, as well as malignant contagious diseases and zoonoses, including the relationship between etiology and pathological changes. Describe health examinations, prophylaxis programs, health programs and nutrition and feeding counseling in relation to clinical practice and Veterinary Public Health, including food safety and food hygiene. Perform basic practical meat inspection and hygienic supervision and identify conditions that pose a risk to food quality and safety. Apply clinical, clinical pathological and paraclinical methods, principles, analyses and terms in diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and prevention of medical, surgical, reproductive and obstetric disorders, as well as notifiable diseases and zoonoses, on domestic animals under normal Danish conditions for clinical and practical work. Carry out and maintain work as professional licensed veterinarian according to current legislation. MSc-courses supporting competence 1 SVEK13008 General clinical practice, Large Animals SVEK13001 Veterinary Paraclinics SVEK13006 Practical herd health consultancy & meat inspection SVEK13009 Veterinary Intended course outcomes Minimize the risk of contamination and infection. Safety related to euthanasia, as well as guidance in disposal of carcasses. Correctly follow procedures for handling of zoonotic infections. Explain the principles of use of serological tests in surveillance of disease. Explain the mechanisms by which bacteria become resistant to different antimicrobial classes. Explain the societal relevance of antimicrobial resistance, including implications to public health, animal welfare and healthcare costs. Behave in a safe way in a laboratory. Perform clear case reports. (Jeg forstår stadig ikke hvad de mener??) Choose appropriate samples and methods for laboratory analysis. Perform clear case reports. Choose appropriate samples and methods for laboratory analysis. (Gentagelse af læringsmålene ovenfor??) Asses reports from meat inspection and monitoring of diseases and zoonotic agents. Asses herd health problems. Utilize principles and methods for meat inspection and monitoring of hygiene and cleaning. Account for and understand legislation of the veterinary profession, domestic animal diseases, animal welfare and Formative assessment (participation and/or portfolios, observation of practical skills, presentations etc.) Active course Approv partici- al pation x x x x Summa - tive exam x x x X X X X X X X X X X x x x x x x X x X X X x X x x x jurisprudence and animal welfare assessment MSc-elective courses supporting competence 1 SVEK13013 Advanced companion animals SVEK13020 Equine Clinic SVEK13113 Herd Health Consultancy & Public Health animal welfare assessment, and writing of professional documents to be used in legal matters. Furthermore, one must be able to identify if behavioral and physiological needs are met. Master procedures for handling cases of commerce, animal protection, insurance and for giving expert opinion to the court. x x x x To explain especially relevant zoonotic diseases in a specialized companion animal practice setting. x x At seminars, health promotion and biosecurity are presented by students and teachers. Zoonotic diseases, such as salmonella, mycosis are handled in the hospital and also in the field practice. Food safety is addressed by the legislation for medicine used in horses on a daily basis both in the hospital and field practice. Must be able to describe the general framework and conditions/context for livestock production, which are necessary to know in order for the veterinarian to solve problems concerning health, welfare and fertility through treatment and prevention in herds, as well as for foodproducing animals in general. Must be able to explain the principles and concepts of key public and private management, advisory and control programs, including exhibit knowledge of: production management, population medicine, preventive veterinary medicine, veterinary public health, health concepts, animal welfare assessment and disease prevention. Must be able explain the background, goals and instructions for herd and official veterinarians' roles and tasks in primary production according to current legislation, as well as knowledge of the specific problems of producing evidence for interventions in herds and large populations. Must be able to explain how veterinarians play an essential role in the One Health approach to the health promotion of animals and humans. Must be able to describe the problem complexes and know the general possibilities of evidence-based interventions in populations. Must know the functions of the official veterinarian in relation to the prevention and control of animal diseases (including exotic diseases), zoonotic infections and foodborne infections, according to current Danish and international legislation in prototypical situations. Must be able to grasp the principles of the industry code and food production control, including various forms of organization relevant to veterinarians employed by the state, agro-industries or trade associations. (JEg er i tvivlom hvordan man oversætter branchekoder. Jeg har oversat det til industry code) Must be able to suggest proposals for comprehensive and relevant solutions of complex problems related to health, welfare and fertility in a herd, while taking into account values and attitudes of the herd owner including economic considerations, personnel, governmental regulations, consideration of food safety in primary production and the student's own values and attitudes. Must be able to contribute to the planning of relevant proposals for a holistic solution of complex problems X x X x x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x x SVEK13020 Herd Health SVEK13112 One Health SVEK13010 Biomedicine related to the control of exotic and endemic livestock diseases, zoonotic infections and food-borne diseases, while taking into account national and international legislation in prototypical situations. To apply knowledge and skills described above to develop, propose or evaluate proposals for comprehensive solution of complex problems related to health, welfare and fertility, in a herd of sows or cows while taking into account values and attitudes of the herd owner (including economics), personnel, governmental regulations (including consideration of food safety in primary production) as well as the student's own values and attitudes. Achieved by deduction from the prototypical situations. Understand the One Health concept and interdisciplinary aspects. Know and be able to describe characteristics and challenges of different One Health cases and topics with a focus on zoonoses. Know about methods to analyze the impact on human and animal health issues related to microbial contamination of food and the environment. Understand the principles for prioritizing and choosing between intervention strategies for diseases control. Know the principles for identifying optimal methods for prevention and control of infectious diseases, food safety threats and antimicrobial resistance. Be able to take part in the work in an interdisciplinary group aiming to solve a complex health challenge in a constructive manner drawing on own core competences (i.e. veterinary sciences for veterinary student). Be able to identify infectious disease challenges that need One Health approaches to be solved or mitigated, and be able to contribute critically to the implementation of the One Health approach when needed. Be able to identify health problems that would not benefit from use of the One Health approaches. Analyze, evaluate and present results from simple diagnostic tests in mammals. Design a quality assurance program for diagnostic procedures. Be able to identify virulence factors of microorganisms and parasites. Use knowledge on virulence factors in development of methods to control infections, e.g. in the form of active and passive immunizations and new drugs. x x x x x x x x X X X X X