Effective Individual Leadership, Team and Organizational Development; Based on the “Reflective Leaders and High-Performing Organization” model Organizations exist to achieve their mission and vision; this is their task. Effective organizations are able to build relationships with key stakeholders that create a culture of energy, innovation, creativity and sustainability. Leadership development is a process of understanding self and understanding others and how our unique personalities can impact our effectiveness as a leader. The goal of leadership is to create effective engagement with others to enable competitive advantage in the execution of task. EduVision uses four unique models to help clients in this development journey. First the development and deployment of organizational values that are foundational to leadership behaviour; second the development of leaders and leadership teams; third the understanding of leadership as a foundation for effective management, and finally application of effective planning that combines both task and relationship. VALUES & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODEL© STEP 7 PERSONAL ACTION PLAN STEP 1 DEFINE / REVIEW VALUES STEP 6 ASSESS ACTUAL RESULTS STEP 2 UNDERSTAND IS / IS NOT STEP 5 EMBED IN OPERATIONS STEP 3 GAIN LEADER COMMITMENT STEP 4 DEVELOP LEADER AWARENESS Organizational values create a foundation for behaviour among and between all people internally and externally. They form the basis of leadership activity because they determine “how” organizational activity will be conducted. Values form the basis of Codes of Conduct and equivalent expectations. The 7 step process involved defining behavioural expectations, including operational application; integrating these values into the selection and development of leaders, and finally building a feedback system that ensures expected behaviour is being applied in day-to-day reality. Our Mission: Providing Managers with education, tools and training to solve today’s problems and prepare for tomorrows challenges. LEADER AND TEAM DEVELOPMENT MODEL© Once values have been defined and leader “buy-in” has been agreed, the focus shifts away from individual development to collaborative development. This is defined as an ongoing continual process of forming, developing, and renewing. Team members may change; team involvement may be across multiple teams, so that members must be able to work collaboratively within a variety of team and group environments. This approach develops teams on a sustaining basis rather than focusing on a “one time single purpose” approach. RP5 MODEL FOR LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT© CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT PERFORMANCE We believe that there are five foundational principles that drive organizational performance – Purpose, Passion, Process, Partners and Performance. Mission and Vision define the purpose, and Values define the expected behaviour – together these create organizational culture. PEOPLE AND PROCESS MANAGEMENT PARTNERS “Process” is about task while “partners” (internal and external) are about relationships – one is what we do the other is how we do it. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Finally performance is about the continuous PASSION drive for improvement. A reflective leader (R) supports a culture that enables this – reflecting FOUNDATIONAL PURPOSE AND BELIEFS on their own performance as well as that of the MISSION / VISION AND VALUES organization – constantly seeking improvement. Finally we need to return to step 5 of the leadership model and embed our values into the culture. Our Mission: Providing Managers with education, tools and training to solve today’s problems and prepare for tomorrows challenges. There are several individual initiatives that must be addressed to effectively align intended behavior, as outlined by the values, with the reality of day-to-day operations. The high-level model that we use to achieve this builds on the excellent work of Dr. Deming in the 1950's who created the foundation for effective “process” in both his 14 points for effective quality as well as the PDCA model that he made famous but referred to as the “Shewhart Cycle.” BUILDING THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATION WITH EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP© Enhanced Relationship management improves planning and increases competitive advantage through effective engagement of stakeholders including clients, supply and distribution chains, employees and others, resulting in improved focus and align mission, vision and values. Enhanced relationship management leads to more effective collaboration internally and externally in learning from actual performance results, creating a climate of continual improvement – creating a proactive rather than reactive organization. PLAN DO ACT CHECK Enhanced relationship management engages those critical to effective execution including partners, suppliers and employees. Results include more agility, innovation, effective problem resolution and responsiveness, plus consistency of behavior. Enhanced relationships result in the development, application and use of performance metrics aligned to strategy and activity that are embraced and applied to improve performance and create a learning organization, assessing results in both activity, outcome and behavior. To be fully “high-performance” organization, behavior and task must be integrated and aligned. The tools and methodologies that we have developed assist us to help clients improve their corporate governance and oversight, including strategic and business planning (PLAN). This then translates into action (DO) where the task takes place their systems and processes, led by managers and supervisors whose actions must reinforce the values. We focus in areas such as policy and process alignment, partnering methodology with suppliers and customers and team development. Monitoring and measuring must also be aligned (CHECK). This requires building a scorecard or dashboard that contains both task and relationship KPI’s. Information from these then becomes the basis of improvement plans (ACT) that are then embedded into the next round of planning updates to form a basis of continual improvement and organizational advance. Our Mission: Providing Managers with education, tools and training to solve today’s problems and prepare for tomorrows challenges.