Columbia University NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital New York State Psychiatric Institute Version 5 October 2012 Joint Radiation Safety Committee JRSC APPLICATION FOR THE USE OF RADIATION IN RESEARCH STUDIES INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS Note: All research activities involving the use of ionizing radiation in human subjects must be approved by the Columbia University or New York State Psychiatric Institute Institutional Review Board. Please refer to the Radiation Safety Program website ( for helpful information in completing this Application, including: Radiation Dose Estimates for Human Research Protocols Using Nuclear Medicine Scans, CT Scans and/or General Radiographic Examinations: Guidelines for the Use of Radiation in Studies Involving Human Subjects: Contact the Columbia University Medical Center Radiation Safety Program office at (212) 305-0303 for additional information. Please check one of the following boxes: □ □ New Application Amendment If this Application is submitted as an Amendment to a previously approved Application, it must be submitted with a cover letter indicating what information in this Application has been changed and the rationale for each change. I. STUDY Study Title [Please use same study title used on the related IRB protocol]: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ IRB Protocol Number [Please attach copy of the related IRB protocol or IRB protocol modification (if applicable)]: _______________________ Brief Description of Intent of Study: Justification of the Use of Radiation and Description of Proposed Use: II. PERSONNEL PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Name: ____________________________________________ CU Title:__________________ First MI Last Office Address: ________________________________________________________________ Department or Service Tel No.(__)_____________________ Building Room No. Cell No. (__)______________________ E-mail Address _______________________ Provide C.V. CLINICAL AUTHORIZED USER [A physician authorized by the JRSC to administer radioactive materials to humans, if the Principal Investigator is not a Clinical Authorized User and the study involves the administration of radioactive materials] Name: ____________________________________________ CU Title:__________________ First MI Last Office Address: ________________________________________________________________ Department or Service Tel No.(__)______________________ Building Room No. Cell No. (___) ____________________________ E-mail Address ________________________ PHYSICIAN LIAISON [A licensed physician, if the Principal Investigator is not a physician and the study involves the use of only radiographic procedures] Name: ____________________________________________ CU Title:__________________ First MI Last Office Address: ________________________________________________________________ Department or Service Tel No.(__)_____________________ Building Room No. Cell No. (__)______________________ E-mail Address _______________________ 2 Provide C.V. CO-INVESTIGATORS [list all] Name: ______________________________________ CU Title:_________________________ Name: ______________________________________ CU Title: ________________________ Provide C.V. for each Co-Investigator III. STUDIES USING RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS FOR RESEARCH [IF YOUR STUDY DOES NOT USE RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS, SKIP TO SECTION IV. COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF YOUR STUDY USES RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS FOR RESEARCH. DO NOT INCLUDE PROCEDURES ORDERED AS ROUTINE STANDARD OF CARE. HOWEVER, STANDARD OF CARE PROCEDURES THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ORDERED EXCEPT AS A REQUIREMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROTOCOL SHOULD BE INCLUDED.] A. RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS TO BE USED IN THIS STUDY If any subject is to receive radiopharmaceuticals in your study, complete the following information for each radiopharmaceutical to be used: Radiopharmaceutical Chemical Form Minimum Pharmacological Dose (µg) Supplier Location where radiopharmaceutical will be administered: ______________________________ What supporting documentation are you using to provide information on the preparation and evaluation of each radiopharmaceutical? □ □ □ Drug master file IND Manufacturer insert Please attach such documentation to this Application. B. RADIATION DOSE TO SUBJECTS FROM RESEARCH STUDY PROCEDURES Complete the following table for each radiopharmaceutical identified in the table in Section A above, assuming that each dose will be received by a representative subject in your study. List 3 sources from the published literature or other valid studies to support the dosimetry. Add a table for each additional radiopharmaceutical. Radiopharmaceutical Name: Organ/Tissue Absorbed Dose per Administration (mGy) Total No. of Administrations per Study Total Dose for Study (mGy) Effective Dose Per Study (mSv) Critical Organs/Tissues1 Active Blood-forming Organs (red marrow) Lens of the Eye Gonads Whole Body 1 List three organs or tissues receiving the highest doses for which dosimetry data is available. Indicate the specific reference for each dose (e.g., ICRP Publication 80 Table 3.2.1): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ IV. STUDIES USING RADIOGRAPHIC OR THERAPEUTIC RADIATION FOR RESEARCH [THIS SECTION SHOULD BE COMPLETED FOR ALL STUDIES USING DIAGNOSTIC OR THERAPEUTIC RADIATION FOR RESEARCH. DO NOT INCLUDE STUDIES ORDERED AS ROUTINE STANDARD OF CARE. HOWEVER, STANDARD OF CARE PROCEDURES THAT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ORDERED EXCEPT AS A REQUIREMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROTOCOL SHOULD BE INCLUDED.] RADIATION DOSES FROM RESEARCH STUDY PROCEDURES If any subject is to receive ionizing radiation (other than from radiopharmaceuticals) from any procedure in this study, including those procedures that constitute standard clinical practice and are specifically required by the research protocol, complete the following table for each procedure and list sources from the published literature or other valid studies to support the dosimetry. What procedures will the subject undergo as part of this study? □ □ □ □ X-ray, including mammograms, DEXA scans and dental scans CT Scan Radiotherapy, including brachytherapy Fluoroscopy, including cardiac catheterization 4 X-rays, CT Scans, Radiotherapy If any procedure involves the use of x-rays, CT scans or radiotherapy for research, complete the following table for each procedure, assuming that each dose will be received by a representative subject in your study. If your study involves more than one procedure, complete an additional table for each. Procedure Name: Organ /Tissue Absorbed Dose per Procedure (mGy) No. of Exposures per Study Total Absorbed Dose per Study (mGy) Effective Dose per Study (mSv) Critical Organs/Tissue1: Active Blood-Forming Organs (red marrow) Lens of the Eye Gonads Whole Body 1 List three organs or tissues receiving the highest doses for which dosimetry data is available. Indicate the specific reference for each dose (e.g., ICRP Publication 80 Table 3.2.1): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Fluoroscopy If any procedure involves the use of fluoroscopy for research, complete the following table, assuming that each dose will be received by a representative subject in your study. Procedure Name: Organ /Tissue Maximum Dose per Procedure (mGy) Number of Procedures per Study Critical Organs/Tissues1 Skin Active Blood-Forming Organs (red marrow) Lens of the Eye Gonads Whole Body 5 Total Maximum Dose for Study (mGy) Total Maximum Effective Dose for Study (mSv) 1 List three organs or tissues receiving the highest doses for which dosimetry data is available. Indicate the specific reference for each dose (e.g., ICRP Publication 80 Table 3.2.1): _________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ V. SUMMARY DOSIMETRY TABLES Please provide the total radiation dose for this study (i.e, the sum of doses from all procedures listed in Sections III(B) and IV above), assuming that each dose will be received by a representative subject in your study. Organ /Tissue Total Dose for Study (mGy) Total Effective Dose for Study (mSv) Critical Organs/Tissues1 Active Blood-Forming Organs (red marrow) Lens of the Eye Gonads Whole Body 1 List three organs or tissues receiving the highest doses for which dosimetry data is available. If the sum of doses from the research study procedures and from clinical standard of care used in conjunction with such procedures could result in injury to the subject, describe here: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ If any subject has received or will receive radiation doses, within 12 months of the subject’s participation in this study, from additional studies that you have conducted or intend to conduct or of which you have knowledge, complete the following table with respect to all radiation doses administered within such 12-month period, assuming that each dose will be received by a representative subject in your study. Replicate this table for each study. Study Name Organ /Tissue Total Dose for Study (mGy) Critical Organs/Tissues1 6 Total Effective Dose for Study (mSv) Active Blood-Forming Organs (red marrow) Lens of the Eye Gonads Whole Body 1 List three organs or tissues receiving the highest doses for which dosimetry data is available. If the sum of doses from the research study procedures and from clinical standard of care used in conjunction with such procedures could result in injury to the subject, describe here: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ VI. SUBJECT INFORMATION A. ADULT SUBJECTS How many adult subjects do you propose using in this study? _____________ Age range of subjects: From ______________ to _______________ How do you propose to establish and document the non-pregnant status of subjects of child-bearing potential? ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ B. MINOR SUBJECTS [Minor subjects are those under the age of 18.] How many minor subjects do you propose using in this study? Age range of subjects: From __________________ to _________________ Please provide the justification for using minor subjects in this study. _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7 VIII. SIGNATURES Each of the Principal Investigator and, if applicable, the Clinical Authorized User or Physician Liaison certifies that the information provided in this Application is complete and correct and agrees that he/she will: A. Comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and Columbia University policies regarding the safe use of radiopharmaceuticals and the protection of human subjects in research. B. Perform the study in accordance with the Application and the related IRB Protocol. C. Implement no changes in this Application or the IRB Protocol without prior IRB and JRSC approval. D. Promptly report any adverse effects from the use of the radiopharmaceuticals in the study to the JRSC. Principal Investigator: _____________________________ Print Name ____________________________ Signature __________ Date ____________________________ Signature __________ Date ____________________________ Signature __________ Date Clinical Authorized User: _____________________________ Print Name Physician Liaison: _____________________________ Print Name 8