Pre 2006 and other outputs: Journal papers: Smith, D.N. and Whitehouse, N. J. 2005. Beetle faunas, woodland history and palaeoenvironment. Landscape Archaeology and Ecology 5, 82-85. *Plunkett, G.M.; Whitehouse, N.J.; Hall, V.A.; Brown, D.M. & Baillie, M.G.L. 2004. Diatomite formation marked by Hekla 4 tephra in NE Ireland lake catchment. Journal of Quaternary Science 19 (1), 3-7. *Whitehouse N. J. 2004. Mire ontogeny, environmental and climate change inferred from fossil beetle successions from Hatfield Moors, eastern England. The Holocene 14, 79-93. Whitehouse, N.J.; Murphy, E.; Plunkett, G. 2004. Human settlement and biota of islands. Environmental Archaeology 9(2) 113-115. *Whitehouse, N.J. and Smith, D.N. 2004. “Islands” in Holocene forests: implications for forest openness, landscape clearance and “culture-steppe” species. Environmental Archaeology 9(2), 203-212. Whitehouse, N.J. 2003. Peatland Archaeology and Palaeoecology: an archive worth rescuing? Thorne and Hatfield Moors Papers 6, 66-72. * Boswijk, G. & Whitehouse, N.J. 2002. Pinus and Prostomis: a dendrochronological and palaeoentomological study of a study of a mid-Holocene woodland in Eastern England. The Holocene 12 (5) 12(5), 585-596. *Whitehouse, N.J. and Eversham, B.C. 2002. A fossil specimen of Pterostichus angustatus (Duftschmid) (Carabidae): implications for the importance of pine and fire habitats. The Coleopterist, 11(3) 107-114. *Whitehouse, N.J. 2000. Forest fires and insects: palaeoentomological research from a sub-fossil burnt forest. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 164, 231-246. Dinnin, M.H.; Whitehouse, N.J. & Lindsay, R.A. 1998. A wetland battleground: palaeoecology, archaeology and nature conservation in the Humberhead SSSI Peatlands. Assemblage Internet Journal 3 ( Roper, T. & Whitehouse, N.J. 1997. Beetle remains. In: M. Parker-Pearson and R.E. Sydes. Iron Age enclosures and prehistoric landscape of Sutton Common, south Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 63, 238-245. Whitehouse, N.J. 1997a. Silent witnesses: an "Urwald" fossil insect assemblage from Thorne Moors. Thorne and Hatfield Moors Papers 4, 19-54. *Whitehouse, N.J. 1997b. Insect faunas associated with Pinus sylvestris L. from the midHolocene of the Humberhead Levels, Yorkshire, U.K. Quaternary Proceedings 5, 293-303. Books Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) 2001. The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London. Contributions to books/conference proceedings: Plunkett, G.; Hall, V. A.; Whitehouse, N.J.; Charman, D. and Blaaw, M. accepted. Overview and conclusion of palaeoenvironmental research. In: Kelly, E.P. and Mulhall, I. (eds) Bog Bodies Research Project. National Museum of Ireland Monograph, Dublin. Whitehouse, N.J. accepted. Coleoptera analysis. In: Kelly, E.P. and Mulhall, I. (eds) Bog Bodies Research Project. National Museum of Ireland Monograph, Dublin. Murphy, E. M. and Whitehouse, N.J. 2007. Introduction. In Murphy, E. and Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) Environmental Archaeology in Ireland. Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. xixxii. *Whitehouse, N.J. 2006. What can forest managers learn from research on fossil insects? Linking ecological forest history, biodiversity and management. In Hanula, J. and Grove, S. (eds) Insect Biodiversity and Dead Wood: Proceedings of a symposium for the 22nd International Congress on Entomology. United States Department of Agriculture Reports. Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 30-41. Palmer, C. and Whitehouse, N. J., 2006. Plant macrofossil and insect evidence from the Water Hole. In Millet, M. (ed.) Shiptonthorpe, East Yorkshire: Archaeological Studies of a Romano-British Roadside Settlement. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Reports, 280-281. Whitehouse, N.J. 2006. The insect fauna from the water hole In, Millett, M. (ed.) Shiptonthorpe, East Yorkshire: Archaeological Studies of a Romano-British Roadside Settlement. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Reports, 287-291. Smith, D. & Whitehouse, N.J. 2005. Not seeing the woods for the trees; a palaeoentomological perspective on woodland decline. In Brickley, M. & Smith, D. “The fertile ground”; Papers in Honour of Susan Limbrey. Oxbow Books: Oxford, 136-161. Whitehouse, N.J.; Dinnin, M.H.; & Lindsay, R.A. 1998. Conflicts between palaeoecology, archaeology and nature conservation: the Humberhead Peatlands SSSI. In: M. Jones & I. D. Rotherham (eds.) Landscapes, perceptions, recognition and management: reconciling the impossible? Conference Proceedings, Landscape, Archaeology & Ecology Vol. 3, Landscape Conservation Forum and Wildtrack Publishing, 70-78. *Whitehouse, N.J.; Boswijk, G & Buckland, P.C 1997. Peatlands, past, present and future; some comments from the fossil record. In, Parkyn, L.; Stoneman, R. & Ingram, H.A.P. (eds.) Conserving Peatlands. CAB International, Wallingford, 54-64 Whitehouse, N.J. 1996. A palaeoenvironmental analysis of samples from Lindholme Bank Road, Hatfield Moors. In: A Review of Archaeology in South Yorkshire, 19941995. South Yorkshire Archaeology Service, 75. Contributions to Field Guides: Plunkett, G.; Carroll, F; Whitehouse, N.J. and Reimer, P.J. 2008. Ballynahatty Bog. In Whitehouse, N.J.; Roe, H.; McCarron, S. and Knight, J. (eds) North of Ireland; field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 174-178. Pilcher, J.; Plunkett, G. and Whitehouse, N.J. 2008. Palaeoecology of the North of Ireland – history and overview. In Whitehouse, N.J.; Roe, H.; McCarron, S. and Knight, J. (eds) North of Ireland; field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 29-40. Whitehouse, N.J.; Roe, H.; McCarron, S. and Knight, J. 2008a. Preface: Introduction to the North of Ireland. In Whitehouse, N.J.; Roe, H.; McCarron, S. and Knight, J. (eds) North of Ireland; field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. iii-xi. Whitehouse, N.J. and Rodgers, K. 2008. Strangford Lough. In Whitehouse, N.J.; Roe, H.; McCarron, S. and Knight, J. (eds) 2008. North of Ireland; field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 137-138. Whitehouse, N.J. and Rodgers, K. 2008a. Greyabbey Bay, Strangford Lough: Palaeoentomology. In Whitehouse, N.J.; Roe, H.; McCarron, S. and Knight, J. (eds) 2008. North of Ireland; field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 147-154. Whitehouse, Watson, J. and Turney, C.S.M. 2008b. Roddans Port Late glacial site. In Whitehouse, N.J.; Roe, H.; McCarron, S. and Knight, J. (eds) North of Ireland; field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, pp. 168-173. Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) 2001. The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London. Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Carpenter, R.; Davies, S.; Frederick, C.D.; Gearey, B.R. & Whitehouse, N.J. 2001a. Cove Farm Quarry, Westwoodside. In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 141-160. Bateman, M.D.; Davies, S.; Gearey, B. & Whitehouse, N.J. 2001b. Chronology: Cove Farm Quarry. In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 157- 159. Boswijk, G.; Whitehouse, N.J.; Smith, B.M. & Buckland, P.C. 2001. Thorne Moors. In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 169-178. Whitehouse, N.J. 2001. Preliminary sub-fossil insect analysis: Cove Farm Quarry. In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 147 - 152. Whitehouse, N.J.; Boswijk, G. & Buckland, P.C. 2001a. The Humberhead Peatlands. In, In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 167-168. Whitehouse, N.J.; Buckland, P.C. Boswijk, G. & Smith, B.M. 2001b. Hatfield Moors. In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 179-184. Whitehouse, N.J.; Buckland, P.C.; Wagner, P. & Smith, B.M. 2001c. Lindholme Island. In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 185-194. Whitehouse, N.J.; Buckland, P.C.; Boswijk, G. & Smith, B.M. 2001d. The ontogeny of Thorne and Hatfield Moors. In, Bateman, M.D.; Buckland, P.C.; Frederick, C.D. & Whitehouse, N.J. (eds.) The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Field guide. Quaternary Research Association, London, 195-198.