Project Managers’ Monthly Reporting; Virtual Catch Up – 15th October By phone, 9.30-11am Present: Sally (SCVO) Gail (COL) Kenne (AS) David (Age) Deborah (AN) Kathy (DU) Chair and Notes: Emma (DU/OD) Agenda 1. Partner 2 partner debrief: each partner to speak for up to 3 minutes about ONE thing in their Milestones they feel of particular note, for whatever reason – because it seems to be very worth sharing for collective learning, because it is something that has exceeded expectations in a good way. May be because it went wrong or is a new risk. Other PMs to ask questions of the partner with the microphone with regard to his/her Milestones. PLEASE can you all think of one question for each other, as much as anything so we can show each other we have considered each other. 2. Partner specific content development – EW to update PMs about this process and how it will work 3. Platform/ tech related update – EW to update group 4. BLF convened meeting for 11th Dec – initial thoughts about how we might prepare for this, what we want to contribute and what we want out of it. 5. Needs and wants – anything PMs would like at this stage that they are not getting or not getting enough of. 6. Discussion about future agendas/ running of this virtual PM meeting. 7. AOB Minutes These are not technically Minutes so much as to the point Notes (I hope). Everyone said hello and particular hello to Deborah from AbilityNet who was our new face. Gail kicked off the session, choosing the base lining process as her favourite thing to highlight in terms of COL work. She described a three stage process using data from multiple sources including open source, Experian, local strategies. She described a very intense and nuanced process and COL will be sharing this information with OD partners as it gets built up. 1 Emma asked what this baseline looked like – was it a sort of ‘tool’ – Gail said it had a range of manifestations which she would share as the work progressed. There as an exchange about various data sources – I am sorry I did not take a great note about exactly what! David then spoke about what he called ‘set up humdrum’ or some such I think he used the word dull but nothing about OD is dull. Recruitment had been the main focus of the Age UK work this first month, with a Project Manager and Project Support Officer recruited. The two hubs in Leicester and Rutland are busy doing local recruitment also. Kit has been bought for DC work; training toolkit work is being initiated; planning for national and local promotion also. The delivery hubs are also developing local engagement plans. Emma asked with regard to the local engagement plans with Age UK led that process with a template or some such, David said no, Age UK would feed into and support that process but it was for the local delivery teams to construct and own. Kenne commented that Affinity Sutton has assets in Leicster and there links at local level should be explored between AS and Age UK. Kenne talked about the set up work she and Andrew had been doing to engage with young people. Kenne has engaged other AS colleagues with One Digital and has achieved very good and positive feedback. She is planning to run young people’s engagement sessions to kick off action on the ground, but already they are having to think about how and when to run these sessions – for example evenings and weekends may be better for young people than week days. Kenne also commented on branding and on how the branding of their project and the key messaging really needed to be carefully adapted to a younger audience as this would be critical to generate take up. Gail flagged the Plymouth potential; COL recruiting DCs in Plymouth and there was an opportunity for AS to advertise/ promote those employment opportunities through their networks in Plymouth. She also flagged the COL Signposting Tool, which is updated every two weeks, and which can link people on to other learning opportunities (ESOL, literacy etc) as well as to other related DI resources and support. Emma asked whether Kenne knew even anecdotally of any other HAs developing or running young people’s DC programmes. Kenne said yes possibly Amicus Horizon and Hyde; in the set up phase she and Andrew would do a bit more exploration of this. Deborah introduced herself and also that she was very new to both AbilityNet in general and OD specifically. She reported that for AN the month’s main activity had been recruitment to the project (hers) and assimilation of it and in relation to other AN priorities and work streams. Deborah talked about the volunteer programmes across AN and how she plans to link OD into those processes and activities. AN aspiration is not only to serve more end learners using the OD programme infrastructure and training to boost volunteers as DCs, but also to boost the appeal and reputation of the volunteer network too. Sally asked about AN representation in Scotland and the scale and extent of the volunteer network there. Deborah reported that there were AN volunteers in 2 Scotland but not a massive number. Gail said COL had also tried to link up with them in Scotland previously. All three agreed to take that on as something to look at more carefully – where are the potentials and the crossovers. Kathy updated the group at large about Project Initiation Meetings led by DU now having dates attached to them for all partners – Sally’s may change as linked to recruitment of new post. Kathy then said her chosen topic was Content update. She reported that DU had now appointed an e-learning provider to work with it to refresh the existing DC baseline course, as well as work with DU to build up new content assets for partners. DU has been particularly impressed with this supplier’s understanding of the DC journey and of learning outcomes . In relation to the creation of new, bespoke partner content – and DU now calling these ‘content assets’ not ‘courses’ because it may be this new content is better delivered through a range of other formats (subject to budget etc) such as dynamic templates – for learning or for learning engagement - quizzes or games or toolkits than a more traditional linear course. Kathy emphasized the fact that content creation would have a process, bounded by dates, and would require partners to be available to review and sign work off to get it completed. She wanted partners to start thinking – even ahead of the Project Initiation Meetings – about what sort of content assets they might want to create and for whom. And also what sort of priority that held for partners: for example, if partners are happy to get underway with the basic underpinning DC courses, and do not immediately need any new bespoke assets – and/or want to get going and see down the line where the gaps are and think about creation at that point - then DU can adjust the prioritization of content creation to best serve everyone. DU will need to get a good handle on this across all partners quickly so as to manage the e-learning provider in this first quarter in particular. Content creation that falls into Q2 and beyond is far less urgent to timetable with total accuracy now. Sally said she had just spent time at the Voluntary Action Scotland conference, which was full of what she refers to as her ‘Anchor Organisations’ her aim is to recruit as many of the 32 of them as possible. She said they are a tricky bunch. However, she had been really thrilled at the level of support and enthusiasm for OD and reckons to have 16 of them on board at this stage, which has exceeded her expectations. Sally said main SCVO activity had been to recruit the team, and that long notice periods were causing some grit. She has also been getting together a content/ training group and had a Content Development Officer to support that activity with an initial meeting on 27th October of that group. Gail asked about the Basic Skills Questionnaire referenced on Sally’s milestone reporting. Sally said she would re-share but that SCVO were now embedding this in all their work to gather and then track baseline ((NB this file is on Slack in the evaluation channel and I have also saved into DB)) . End of partner to partner comments. A comment from Emma as I write this all up: we did not get everyone asking everyone a question. This is OK insofar as perhaps you could not think of a question 3 or someone asked you question anyway, or the information you received was quite adequate and there was no need for a question. However, it does mean that we have no idea if we are really thinking about and engaged with each others’ work, or we are just eating walnuts and making tea. You can do both! I would like to say, this was our first chat and we are all warming up to everything including how we communicate and report and we are also al getting to know each other. BUT can we try next month to get a bit more partner to partner questioning going? I think the presentation focus worked quite well – tell us about one thing that’s a biggie for you this month – though not everyone spoke about one thing I think these set up months may be slightly atypical just because as David says lots is rather ‘humdrum’. Your comments and thoughts welcome, as ever. Other agenda items 2. Partner specific content development – EW to update PMs about this process and how it will work This was done superbly by the mellifluous Kathy Valdes previously. 3. Platform/ tech related update – EW to update group This was also done by the mellifluous KV from DU. She reported that the project management/ reporting functionality should be in place in DCN by the end of the month. She reported that integrating evaluation requirements/ functions into DCN would need to happen sequentially as obviously this could not be done until the evaluator was appointed and that work was done with them. There is no real cause for concern here, a watching brief with an understanding that work arounds will probably have to be devised to stitch new requirements in as they are evolved. 4. Recruitment This was tabled by Sally who wanted to know how everyone else’s recruitment processes had been and what learning there was there. Everyone agreed that not being able to recruit earlier had been a great disadvantage and that teams were not really going to be in place much before end November across the Programme. Gail commented she thinks it takes 4-5 month to recruit a senior post. Everyone felt that BLF needed to be better aware of the issues around recruitment and we agreed that when in the New Year we put together our (charming but insightful) critique of the ‘process so far’ for BLF we will flag this item. 4 All partners also said how pleased they had been with the quality and diversity of applications and that they took this to be a very good sign that there was real interest in the OD and in working on it. 5. BLF convened meeting for 11th Dec – initial thoughts about how we might prepare for this, what we want to contribute and what we want out of it. This was tabled by Sally and we had a bit of fun discussing. The upshot is, we are not really collectively super happy that BLF are very focussed on what this meeting is about and who it is for and what the benefit to anyone is. Particular head scratching about Stakeholders – who and why and what value do they serve – to whom. What we mostly all wanted was an Xmas themed Show and Tell with RNIB and Tinder so we really could all get to grips with the link ups, the differentiators etc Emma to write to BLF in a very positive way just saying as much, and pressing for a bit more general usefulness. Gail is sending John and he will be well behaved. Kenne said that Steph would attend for AS. 6. Needs and wants – anything PMs would like at this stage that they are not getting or not getting enough of. We thought not. We thought this was our first call and we anticipated that as we move forwards and new recruits are in post the make up of the calls will change; no point calling that now, but to see how it all flows out. 7. Discussion about future agendas/ running of this virtual PM meeting. As above: we may find we also want different sub groupings in calls also. Emma commented that once we were all able to use and contribute to one shared online programme platform inter partner communication would be enhanced again. Gail said she liked the idea of getting Martina (governance) back to check up on us, report back to us on our governance. Gail also said we should also remember our idea to have themed monthly calls also – not just updates – so we could all focus on a particular item. Emma to pick that up/ review ready for November call. 8. AOB Gail would like a Word A Month to be introduced into these calls for the general education, well being, even titillation of all. Mellifluous is our first. We all agreed we had had a good and productive call. Thanks to us all and well done. 5