Humanities and Social Sciences: Important Dates and Deadlines Updated 4/3/2015 Fall Semester Beinecke Scholarship – Miami Sponsored Campus Deadline: 12/5/2014, Application Deadline: 2/20/2015 Selection Criteria: Superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement and personal promise during his or her undergraduate career. Be a college junior pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Plan to enter a master’s or doctoral program in the arts, humanities or social sciences. Students in the social sciences who plan to pursue graduate study in neuroscience or mathematics should not apply. Be a United States citizen or a United States national from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Have a documented history of receiving need‐based financial aid during his or her undergraduate years. Carnegie Junior Fellows Program – Miami Sponsored Campus Deadline: 12/5/2015, National Deadline: 1/15/2016 Selection Criteria: Applicants must be graduating seniors or students who have graduated during the last academic year Must not have started graduate studies (except in cases where applicant has completed a joint bachelor’s/master’s degree program) Applicants are judged based on the quality of their written essay, related academic study and/or work experience, grades, recommendations, and personal interviews Programs available are Asia, Democracy and Rule of Law, Energy and Climate, Europe, Middle East, Nuclear Policy, Russia and Eurasia, and South Asia Students must have interest in economics, political science and law, environmental science, nuclear policy, and international studies Coro Fellows Program – Independent process National Deadline: Not current, Likely Jan 2016 (Last Year’s National: 1/23/2015) Selection Criteria: Outstanding leadership in the academic arena or within a community Commitment to public affairs and service Ability to work within diverse group Intellectual curiosity Flexibility Willing to take risks and handle conflict Committed to the democratic process May have recently completed undergraduate studies or have several years work experience Critical Language Scholarship Program Campus Deadline: 10/15/2015, National Deadline: Early November Selection Criteria: Applicants must be in their sophomore, junior, senior, or in their graduate studies Be a citizen of the United States and at least 18 years old Open to all majors with an interest in study of critical languages Areas of intensive language study are: Azerbaijani, Bangla, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, Urdu (No previous experience required); Arabic, Persian (One year of prior study required); Chinese, Japanese, Russian (Two years of prior study required) Ford Diversity Fellowships: Predoctoral – Independent process National Deadline: Not current; likely November 2015 (Last Year’s National: 11/19/2014) Selection Criteria: Be a citizen of the United States. Evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designations). Extensive research record. Be committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level. Degree of promise of continuing achievement as scholars and teachers. Capacity to respond in pedagogically productive ways to the learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Sustained personal engagement with communities that are underrepresented in the academy and an ability to bring this asset to learning, teaching, and scholarship at the college and university level. Likelihood of using the diversity of human experience as an educational resource in teaching and scholarship. Membership in one or more of the following groups whose underrepresentation in the American professoriate has been severe and longstanding: Alaska Natives (Eskimo/Aleut), Black/African‐Americans, Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, Native American Indians, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian/Micronesian), Puerto Ricans. Individuals enrolled in or planning to enroll in an eligible research‐based program leading to a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree at a U.S. educational institution. Individuals who have not earned a doctoral degree at any time, in any field. Fulbright US Student Program – Miami Sponsored Campus Deadline: Last Year’s 9/14/2014, mid-September; National Deadline: 10/13/2015 Selection Criteria: Applicants must be U.S. citizens at the time of application. Permanent residents are not eligible. Applicants must have a conferred bachelor’s degree or the equivalent before the start of the grant. Applicants must be in good health. Grantees will be required to submit a satisfactory Medical Certificate from a physician. While there is no GPA requirement, applicants must have a strong academic record to be successful. Applicants must have sufficient proficiency in the written and spoken language of the host country sufficient to communicate with the people and to carry out the proposed study/research. This is especially important for projects in the social sciences and the humanities. Language proficiency requirements vary by country. Preference will be given to applicants whose higher education was undertaken primarily at educational institutions in the United States. Foreign study during the junior year or other periods of undergraduate study that are integral parts of the curricula of American institutions will not be considered a disadvantage. Candidates who have not resided or studied in the country to which they are applying for more than six months, not counting undergraduate study abroad are preferred. Duty abroad in the Armed Forces of the United States is not considered disqualifying within the meaning of this section. Gates Cambridge Scholarship at the University of Cambridge – Independent process Application opens Sept 2015 (Last Year’s Campus: 9/15/2014 National: 10/15/2014) Selection Criteria: Be a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom Must apply to study any subject available at the University of Cambridge Must apply to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study: - Research leading to the PhD degree - One-year post-graduate courses (MPhil, LLM, Diploma, MBA, etc.) - 2 year MSc degree - MBBChir Clinical Studies Must be admitted to Cambridge through the University’s normal academic procedures. The Trust cannot admit students. Must have a first class or high second class honors degree, or its equivalent, from a recognized university. For universities which work according to the North American pattern, candidates will be expected to have excellent transcripts with high GPA scores showing evidence of sustained achievement in study, together with the type of academic references which speak of the candidate’s leadership potential, social commitment, intellectual ability and why further study at Cambridge is particularly appropriate. Must be well prepared for the Cambridge course for which they are applying and must meet the academic criteria for admission specified by the University. Some courses may have particular requirements for admission. Must have outstanding intellectual ability, leadership potential, and a commitment to improving the lives of others Note: The Gates Cambridge Trust does not require candidates to take a GRE test, although some Departments in Cambridge may do so; candidates should check the relevant section of the graduate studies prospectus. Joanna Jackson Goldman Memorial Prize – Honors Program Sponsored Application Deadline: 11/9/2015 Selection Criteria: Senior status with graduation date set at Miami University Compiled an outstanding academic record Demonstrated a capacity of independent work Sustained scholarly or creative initiative in some field of study or the arts Marshall Scholarship – Miami Sponsored Campus Deadline: 2016 Application released late spring 2015 (Last Year’s Campus: 9/2/2014 National: 10/1/2014) (Students should submit drafts for feedback in June and July) Selection Criteria: Be a US citizen Must have an undergraduate degree from an accredited four‐year college or university in the United States at end of May Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7. Not have studied for, or hold a degree or degree-equivalent qualification from a British University Outstanding academic performance (rigorous coursework, exceptional promise) Outstanding leadership in your field (research, major projects, publications) Potential to excel as a scholar, leader, and contributor to improved UK-US understanding Mitchell Scholar Class of 2017 – Miami Sponsored Campus Deadline: 10/1/15 National Deadline: 10/1/15 (Students should submit drafts for feedback in June and July) Academic Excellence and intellectual distinction (significant research experience, rigorous coursework, publications, and presentations) Selection Criteria: Outstanding record of leadership (self‐initiated project or endeavor) Sustained commitment to service and community Be a citizen of the United States of America. Be 18 years of age or over but NOT yet 30 on October 1 of the year he or she is applying. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university before beginning study under the Mitchell Scholarship. Rhodes Scholarship – Miami Sponsored Campus Deadline: 9/2/2015, Application Deadline: 10/7/2015 (Students should submit drafts for feedback in June and July) Selection Criteria: Be a representative of one of the fifty states: either in the state in which they will have received at least two years of college training and a bachelor’s degree before October 1, 2016, or in the state where they were legally resident on April 15, 2016. (Applicants are warned that selection committees are instructed to verify legal residence.) Simultaneous application to more than one District Committee will be disqualified Be a citizen of the United States; pending application for citizenship does not qualify a person to apply Be at least 18 but not yet 24 years of age Attain a bachelor’s degree before October 1, 2016 Proven intellectual and academic achievement of a high standard Integrity of character, interest in and respect for their fellow beings, the ability to lead, and the energy to use their talents to the full. Energy to use one’s talents to the full, as exemplified by fondness for and success in sports; Truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship; Moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one’s fellow beings. Mr. Rhodes clearly expected that Rhodes Scholars would come to “esteem the performance of public duties as [their] highest aim.” From this statement one may infer that he expected his Scholars to play an influential part in the betterment of society, wherever their careers might take them. It does not necessarily presuppose a career in the public sector. Mr. Rhodes desired that his Scholars be intellectually, morally, and physically capable of leadership in any field. Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship – Independent process Application Deadline: Spring 2016 deadline is Oct 1st, 2015; Fall 2016 deadline is Jan 4th, 2016 Selection Criteria: Excellent academic accomplishments Strong interest in issues of peace and security. Graduate study, a college major, course work, or substantial independent reading that reflects the substantive focus of the fellowships. Prior experience with public‐interest activism or advocacy, preferably related to peace and security issues. Experience with public‐interest activism or advocacy can include the following: o o o o o Organizing a campus forum, letter‐writing campaign, meeting with decision‐makers, or rallies Working with or joining a campus, local, or national organization Active participation in conferences Writing and publication of opinion pieces Candidates are required to have completed a baccalaureate degree by the time the Fellowship commences. Preference is given to United States citizens, although a Fellowship to a foreign national residing in the U.S. is awarded periodically based on availability of funding. The Scoville Fellowship is not intended for students or scholars interested in pursuing independent research in Washington, DC. Preference will be given to individuals who have not had substantial prior public‐interest or government experience in the Washington, DC area. Truman Scholarship – Miami Sponsored Not Current, Likely in Feb 2016 with Campus Deadline in November (Last Year’s Campus 11/1/2014 National: 2/3/2015) Selection Criteria: Be a citizen of the United States At the time of application, be a full time student pursuing a bachelor’s degree with junior-level academic standing, or have senior-level standing in third year of college enrollment EXTENSIVE and SUSTAINED record of public or community service Commitment to a career in the public sector Demonstrated record of leadership and communication skills Stellar academic performance (ambitious courses, outstanding GPA) Heart, compassion and a desire to influence public policy or education Udall Scholarship – Miami Sponsored Not current; likely in March 2016 (Last Year: Campus Deadline: 12/5/2014, Application Deadline: 3/4/2015) Selection Criteria: Be a matriculated and full‐time sophomore or junior‐level student. Be committed to a career related to the environment, OR committed to a career in tribal public policy OR Native American health care (only Native Americans and Alaska Natives* are eligible to apply in tribal public policy or Native American health care). Native American students studying tribal public policy or native health do not need to demonstrate commitment to the environment. Likewise, students pursuing environmentally related careers do not need to be Native American, nor do they need to demonstrate commitment to tribal public policy or Native health. Have a college grade‐point average of at least a “B” or the equivalent. Demonstrated commitment to environmental or natural resource issues; OR Demonstrated commitment to tribal public policy*; OR Demonstrated commitment to Native American health care* through substantial contributions to and participation in one or more of the following: campus activities, research, tribal involvement, community or public service. (Note: Nominees in the categories of tribal public policy OR Native American health care must be Native American or Alaska Native.) Course of study and proposed career likely to lead to position where nominee can make significant contributions to the shaping of either environmental, or tribal public policy, or Native American health care issues, whether through scientific advances, public or political service, or community action. Leadership, character, desire to make a difference, general well-roundedness. William Jefferson Clinton Scholars Program – Independent process Application Deadline: Fall Semester Deadline is May 15, Spring Semester is Nov 15, and Summer Term is March 15 Last Year’s National Deadline: 11/15/2014 Selection Criteria: Be a fulltime undergraduate degree candidate at an accredited four‐year college/university in the United States. Exemplary academic achievement. 3.0 cumulative GPA Preference given to students who show interest in being exposed to the Middle Eastern and Islamic cultures for the first time. US Citizen Leadership experience Spring Semester ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship – Independent process Not current, likely March 2016 (Last year: National Deadline: 3/2/2015) Selection Criteria: An entering, first‐year law student. Law students who have completed one or more semesters or years of law school are not eligible. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 (on a 4.0 grading scale) at his or her undergraduate institution. If the applicant has not completed his or her undergraduate degree at the time the application is submitted, he or she must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 (on a 4.0 grading scale) as of the most recent completed semester. Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America. Member of an ethnic and/or racial minority that has been underrepresented in the legal profession Academic excellence Financial need and family hardship Participation in community service activities Boren Award (undergrad & grad) – Miami Sponsored Application Deadline: Not current, Likely Campus Deadline in Jan 2016 and regular Feb 2016 (Last Year’s Campus Deadline: 1/26/2015 Graduate National: 1/27/2015 Undergraduate National: 2/4/2015) Selection Criteria: U.S. citizen at the time of application High school graduate, or have earned a GED, and are matriculated in an undergraduate degree program in a U.S. post‐secondary institution Applying to a study abroad program approved by Miami University in a country outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. Demonstrated interest in studying a less commonly taught language, such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Swahili Interest in pursuing a career that will contribute to US national security, broadly defined (e.g., may include sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger, population growth and migration, and economic competitiveness) Hispanic Scholarship Fund/ McNamara Family Creative Arts Grant – Independent process National Deadline: 3/1/2015 Selection Criteria: Be of Hispanic heritage Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident with a permanent resident card or passport stamped Be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled full‐time at an accredited institution in the United States Be pursuing a degree in the arts Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale Must apply for a FAFSA Pi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship – Miami Chapter Sponsored Application Deadline: Campus: 2/1/2014 Check with your chapter officers National Deadline: 4/15/2015 Selection Criteria: Be an active member of Phi Kappa Phi (annual dues paid by March 31, 2012) or have accepted membership by June 30, 2012. Have applied to enroll as a full‐time student in a post‐baccalaureate program of study for the academic year, preferably at an accredited American Institution of higher learning. Accredited international institutions are acceptable. Students registering in all professional and graduate fields are eligible. Applicants who have earned graduate credit before the academic year are not eligible. Excellent Academic achievement, including transcripts, honors and awards, relevant research experience, standardized test scores, and samples of creative work Superb service and leadership experience, on and off campus Gain acceptance into a graduate or professional program of study Samuel Huntington Public Service Award – Independent process National Deadline: Not current, Likely Jan 2016 (Last Year’s National Deadline: 1/19/2015) Selection Criteria: Be a graduating college senior Outstanding academic record Personal achievements Commitment to and sustained record of community or public service Quality of project proposal Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship – Independent process National Deadline: Not current, Likely Jan 2016 (Last Year’s National Deadline: 1/16/2015) Applicants must be expecting to receive their bachelor’s degree in spring 2016. Winners are expected to enroll in a two-year, full-time master’s degree program in an academic field relevant to the work of the Foreign Service. The Fellowship does not fund law or joint law degree programs. Only U.S. institutions based in the U.S. are eligible. Applicants must be available to fulfill the summer internship obligations (summer 2016 & 2017) Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale at the time of application. A cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale must be maintained throughout participation in the program.