River Web Water lab Report 2010 River Web Tour Questions Q1. Are the graphs related? What is your evidence? Q2. Describe the relationship between Nitrogen Concentration and Precipitation. Q3. Why are they related? Q4. Describe the relationship between precipitation, run-off and nitrogen. Q5. Why do you think this station is so high in nitrogen? Q6. Which land-use area upstream from station 7 do you think might be most responsible for the high nitrogen levels? Q7. Describe how nitrogen levels have been affected by the improvement. Q8. Describe how D.O. and Water Temperature are related. Q9. Which season of the year and which days (from graph) would you expect fish to be most stressed? Why? Q10. Describe how D.O. has been improved Q11. How does D.O. at Station 0 compare to Station 3? Why do they differ? Water Cycle Review 1. The _______heats the water in the _______ (or other large body of water). 2. Water _______rise, _______and form _______. 3. Water vapor emitted from plant leaves is called _______. 4. Water vapor cools and _______on tiny dust particles in the air. 5. _______are made up of condensed _______. 6. _______comes from clouds in the form of rain, hail or snow (depending on the temperature). 7. _______is due to excessive rain or melting snow. 8. Runoff can be seen flowing over the _______, eventually entering a _______. 9. Some of the _______ _______or infiltrates the soil. 10. Water that has reached the _______is called_______ . 11. Groundwater _______streams. 12. _______ eventually reaches the _______ (or other large body of water) due to gravity. River Web Water lab Report 2010 Jigsaw 1 (Answer questions 1 & 2, fill in the chart for YOUR land use area then write your own answer for 3 & 4.) 1. The graph of air temperature demonstrates seasonal variation. Describe the evidence that supports this claim. 2. What is the relationship between water temperature and air temperature? Describe the evidence that supports your claim. Table of Averages of Indictors/Data Analysis Station Land use Urban Area 0 Pristine Difference % Change Order 6 Run Off M3 Sediments Mg/L Water Temp ̊C D.O. Mg/L 21938.77 35.47 11.29 8.75 4.57 1797.54 20141.23 1120.49 5 2.63 32.84 1248.67 6 9.04 2.26 25 2 10.41 1.66 15.95 1 0.79 3.78 478.48 3 Heavy Metals Mg/L Toxins Mg/L 0.09 0.05 2.02 0.01 0.08 839.22 4 0.00 0.05 0.00 2.02 Nitrogen Phosphorus Mg/L Mg/L 3. Hypothesize why you see these changes. Predict where these changes might be coming from. Sediment and Run Off may be higher in Urban areas due to an increase in surfaces that drain water quickly (sidewalks and asphalt) and a lack of plants that secure soil and hold moisture. Phosphorus may be increased due to fertilizers, pesticides, cleaning compounds, and wastes. 4. In a few sentences describe the quality of water at your station vs. the water quality at the pristine forest. DO and water temp are slightly off. Nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment are more markedly increased. Water quality in Urban areas is poor compared to the pristine forest. Jigsaw 2 Individual Charts: % Change (Fill in the charts for the two indicators that were assigned to you. You may delete the others. Give your individual response and write your own paragraph.) Nitrogen Station % Change Order (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial (6) Urban 478.48% River Web Water lab Report 2010 Phosphorus Station (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial % Change Order (6) Urban 839.22% Heavy Metals Station (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial % Change Order (6) Urban 0.05% Toxins Station (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial % Change Order (6) Urban 2.02% Water Temperature Station (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial % Change Order (6) Urban 25% Dissolved Oxygen Station (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial % Change Order (6) Urban 15.95% Run Off Station (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial % Change Order (6) Urban 1120.49% Sediments Station % Change Order (1) Logged Forest (2) Mixed Agriculture (3) Residential (4) Commercial Industrial (6) Urban 1248.67% Individual Response: Write a paragraph in which you describe how land use impacts water quality as demonstrated by these two indicators. River Web Water lab Report 2010 Jigsaw 3 (Please complete all charts with the help of your partners) Chart 1: Indicator relationships using scatter plots Sub Group 1: Sediment, Run Off, Heavy Metals and Toxins Station 6 Water Temp vs. Air Temp Sediments vs. Run Off Nitrogen vs. Sediments (+,-) (S,W, NC) +S +W +S Phosphorus Sediments vs. vs. Sediments Precipitation +W +W Sediments vs. Air Temp Heavy Metals vs. Sediments Toxins vs. Sediments NC +S +W Sub Group 2: Water Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus Station 6 DO vs. Water Temp Phosphorus vs. Water Temp Sediments vs. Run Off Nitrogen vs. Sediments Phosphorus vs. Sediments Run Off vs. Precipitation Nitrogen vs. DO Phosphorus vs. DO (+,-) (S,W, NC) -W NC +W +S +W +S -W -W Chart 2: Indicator relationship Comparison Strong Relationship/Sign (+,-) Weak Relationship/Sign (+,-) No Relationship Water Temp vs. Air Temp(+) Nitrogen vs. Sediments(+) Heavy metals vs. Sediments(+) Run Off vs. Precipitation(+) Sediments vs. Run Off(+) Phosphorus vs. Sediments(+) Sediments vs. Precipitation(+) Toxins vs. Sediments(-) DO vs. Water Temp(-) Nitrogen vs. DO(-) Phosphorus vs. DO(+) Sediments vs. Air Temp Phosphorus vs. Water Temp Land Use Concept Map: How Does Your Land Use Impact Water Quality? Use Smart Draw to create your concept map – Go to http://www.smartdraw.com/downloads/ for a free download River Web Water lab Report 2010 Buy SmartDraw!- purchased copies print this document without a watermark . Visit www.smartdraw.com or call 1-800-768-3729.