
Unit 3- Patterns, Problem Solving Strategies, Hands-On Equations
Unit Essential Question(s):
How do you use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems?
How do you recognize, describe, extend, create and replicate patterns?
Vocabulary: variable, equation, expression, add, subtract, multiply, divide,
symbol, multi-step, greater than, pattern, rule, function table, less than
Big Ideas/Understanding:
Students will understand that using rounding is an appropriate estimation
strategy for solving problems and estimating.
Students will understand that how the remainder is explained depends on
the problem situation.
Students will understand that the properties of multiplication and division
help us solve computation problems easily and provide reasoning for choices
we make in problem solving.
Students will understand that we use clues and reasoning to find unknown
Students will understand that we can use patterns to solve problems.
Students will understand that patterns can be described using rules.
Lesson #1:
Description: Identify the missing symbol (+, -, x, ÷, =, <, >) that makes a number
sentence true (single digit divisor only).
Essential Question(s):
1. What symbol makes the number sentence true?
Lesson #2:
Description: Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule.
Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule
itself. Example 1: Given the rule "Add 3" and the starting number 1, generate
terms in the resulting sequence and observe that the terms appear to alternate
between odd and even numbers. Example 2: Given the rule "Increase the
number of sides by 1" and starting with a triangle, observe that the tops of the
shapes alternate between a side and a vertex.
Essential Question(s):
1. What is the pattern?
2. What is the rule?
Lesson #3:
Description: Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative
comparison, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive
comparison. Example: Know that 3 x 4 can be used to represent that Student A has 4
objects and Student B has 3 times as many objects, and not just 3 more objects.
Essential Question(s):
1. How do you use multiplication and division to solve word problems?
Lesson #4:
Description: Determine the rule for a function given a table "Limit to +, -, x; whole
Essential Question(s):
1. What is the rule for the function table?
Lesson #5:
Description: Determine the missing elements in a function table "Limit to +, -, or
x; and to whole numbers or money."
Essential Question(s):
1. What is the missing number?
Lesson #6:
Description: Represent word problems using equations with a symbol or letter
standing for the unknown quanitity.
Essential Question(s):
1. How would you use an equation with a variable to solve the word problem?
Lesson #7:
Description: Solve multi-step word problems posed with whole numbers using
the four operations. Answers will be either whole numbers or have remainders that
must be interpreted yielding a final answer that is a whole number. Represent these
problems using equations with a symbol or letter standing for the unknown
Essential Question(s):
1. Using the four operations, what strategies would you use to solve multi-step
word problems?
Web Based Resources:
 http://learnzillion.com