Unit 12 Test Review What are the conducting cells in phloem tissue

Unit 12 Test Review
1) What are the conducting cells in phloem tissue?
2) A plant’s shoot system and root system interact through specialized tissues. The
transport of sugars down from the leaves is the main function of the ―
3) In dicot plants, which leaf tissue consists of column-shaped cells where most
photosynthesis occurs?
4) The interconnected tubes and vessels that interact for the purpose of transporting
water and nutrients in plants is ―
5) The vast majority of tissue that makes up leaves is called mesophyll. The cells that
make up mesophyll are responsible for photosynthesis and the storage of organic
products in the plant. These specialized cells are called ―
6) On the ventral (under) side of the leaf, what is the function of the stomata?
7) A plant’s shoot system and root system interact through specialized tissues. The
main function of the xylem is to ―
8) Complex transport tubes which move water, nutrients, and sugar throughout
some plants belong to what level of organization?
9) Organize the reproductive structures in angiosperms from simplest to most
10) Why is it important for organisms to respond to external environmental
11) The leaf of a Venus Flytrap is divided into two halves, each of which contains 3 hair cells.
These hair cells work as motion detectors to direct the leaf to snap shut when it detects
movement on its surface. The leaf’s response to external stimuli is an example of a —
Use the following information for the next four questions.
Students were instructed to design and implement a primary investigation to test for the
presence of starch in fruits and vegetables. The results of the investigation showed that
all of the tested fruits and vegetables contained starch. Students must now develop a
question to further their investigation based on the results of the starch test.
Material Safety Data for Iodine
Iodine is very hazardous (irritant) in case of skin contact, eye contact, ingestion, or
inhalation. It is hazardous (corrosive) in case of skin contact or eye contact. It is slightly
hazardous (permeator) in case of skin contact. Length of contact determines the amount
of tissue damage. Corneal damage or blindness may be a result of eye contact. Blistering
and inflammation can be produced by skin contact.
12) What question is best suited for furthering the primary investigation described
13) Given the primary investigation described above, what would be the best way to
organize the data collected?
14) The procedure for testing the fruits and vegetables for the presence of starch
includes the use of iodine solution. According to the material safety data above,
which safety equipment is required when performing the investigation?
15) How should students properly dispose of any leftover iodine solution from
the primary investigation?
16) Macronutrients such as phosphorus and potassium play an important role
in plant reproduction. Describe how the root and shoot systems of plants
interact to allow reproduction to occur.
17) Plant cells communicate with tissues by control chemicals known as hormones.
Auxin, a plant hormone is produced in the stem, buds, and root tips. Auxin moves
to the darker side of a plant shoot promoting the elongation of cells on that side.
This response to external stimuli is known as ―
Heterotrophic Autotrophic/
Archaebacteria Eubacteria
Heterotrophic Heterotrophic
Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction
Multicellular/ Unicellular/
18) Which characteristics of taxonomic groups will be used to complete the chart above
in X, Y, Z order?
19) A student is studying wildflowers of Texas. The table below lists the types and
number of wildflowers observed on a recent field trip.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Texas Toad-Flax - 13
Prairie Paintbrush - 21
Crimson Clover - 7
Bluebonnet - 17
Bluebonnet – 8
Purple Cone-Flower – 11
Yucca - 2
Which level of biological organization is represented on Day 2 of the student’s
20) In most plants, roots typically grow downward and shoots grow upward. The shoot
of a plant growing upward from the ground is an example of ―
21) Honeysuckle is a fragrant vine that is commonly seen growing on fences. The
honeysuckle vine uses specialized structures to cling to the fence. This response is
an example of ―
22) Celery stalks are made up of elongated cells arranged in tube-like strands with
unevenly thickened cell walls. The elongated cells provide support and strength for
surrounding tissues. These specialized cells are called ―
23) The main supporting cells in plants have very thick and rigid cell walls. They make up the
tissue that is used in many types of fabric such as jute, flax, and ramie. Additionally, these
types of cells are found in the tissues that make up apple cores. These specialized cells are
called ―